Wesley, Paul
Mild mental retardation
IQ: 68

Belial come into the room they keep me in and take the blak bag off my hed and hand me my jurnul. he say rite one last thing if you dont mind paul they will need it for the history books. I try reel hard not to cry and be scard but im so scard and all I can think abowt is Oscar and i miss him and im so sad.

they say they going to draw and corner me and I dont no what that meens but i think it meens kill me so im reel scard and maybe this my last time to rite in my jurnul.

Belial ripd up the book steven give me and the other ziz guys shot steven and his nice frends and this is all my falt cause i wanted to leev the T.O.G. center and go stay with steven and his frends and insted i got them shot and im so sorry. i try to be brave and not scard like steven tell me dont be scard paul but its reel hard and i just miss Oscar is all.

sum of the pages fall on the floor when Belial ripd my book up and he leeve them there so i fold them reel small and keep them in my poket to reed some more. pages fall out talk abowt a man who wanted to do good things but other peepel think hes bad so they throw rocks at him. he tell them a long story hard to understand abowt why he beleev in things and they get reel mad abowt that and then throw roks at him until he die.

when they throw roks at him he say he see the sky come open and see things in it and then he go to sleep and go some place else insted of dying so the roks not hurt him. if they thro roks at me tomorow i hope maybe the sky will come open like for him and maybe i can just go to sleep and then wake up again not ded.

when those ziz shoot steven he say he forgiv them. I heer him say that befor they shoot his hed. steven rite in his book even when peepel are bad you can forgiv them and then anything you do gets to be forgiv to. i think of who i need to forgiv. i will forgiv belial for trick me and lock me up to draw and corner me. he was nice to me befor so maybe this mistak. other man who did bad things to me is jude pendington. he killd my very best frend in the hole world Oscar the ferret.

i dont want to forgiv jude for that. it is the worst thing to ever happin to me. the man who got the roks throwd at him said he forgiv the peepel who throwd the rocks at him and killd him to. i try to think of him even though i cant understand it reel good. i forgiv jude pendington for what he has done.

if you reed this last jurnul then i hope peepel will try to love other peepel insted of hurt them and that peepel will try to do what other peepel want first and treet them better than themself. i think that is the best way to be. love, Paul