Wesley, Paul
Mild mental retardation
IQ: 68
Belial ask me to stay up late and take out the trash. He ask me to come up to the eluvatir number 3. when i get up ther Belial is wating for me and takes me in a dark room and I see 2 ladys in ther. Belial says its to bad the ladys had to die because they was on TV. i never seen no lady from TV for reel and i never seen no one that was ded ether. i start to get reel scard and Belial says dont be scard Paul thes lady aint just ded they are free. Belial says to be free is like saying to be ded. i dont understand that but i know Belial is always so nice to me and wants to make things good for me to.
Belial ask where Oscar and i open my jaket and show him Oscar sleeping in ther. Belial say never go any place without your pal huh Paul and i say no way me and Oscar been best frends for 6 years we look out for each other like brothers even tho hes a ferret not a person.
Belial says he sur hates to ask but he can only trust me to do the job. he says he dont want to make any of the gests scard when they dont need to be but he knows i can handle the job and i say of cors he can count on me cause Belial has always ben so good to me i was reel happy to help him for a change.
He zips the prety ladys up in big black bags. they was still prety I thot and had big tumys like when a lady is going to have a baby. i say man Belial it sure is sad thes ladys died huh and Belial says sure Paul it sure is but lets hury and get them out to the dumster before they start to smell bad. we put the bags on a great big thing like a tabel with weels and you can push it like a shoping cart. i ask Belial what hapind to thes ladys anyway and he says its a work in progris. i dont know what that meens but I say okay Belial. i get in the eluvatir thats reel big for when they push around sick peepel in beds and i ride back down to the bottom.
Most of the gests are sleep but sum are up talking and walking in the halway to. i push my big cart by the nice lady at the desk at the front and she says whats that and i say just some medisin waste cause Belial said to say that. the desk lady is reel nice even though she ask all the peepel if they retarded and i dont think thats nice. also she only wears her underpants and thats bad to look at so i don't look i just say plees have a good nite.
i push the big cart down the ramp that sum of my frends in my class use to get up and down with they weel chars. the dumster is around the corner and i go there and put the ladys in and its reel sad but they not so hevy. then a man talks to me and scares me caus i did not no there was any one out there in the dark. then the man says sory Paul I did not meen to scare you and i see him and it's the nice man i met when we burned the books up his name is Steven.
i say hey Steven why you stand around in the dark and he says he was just trying to get some suplys cause some of his frends got hurt and need medisins. i tell Steven he can come inside cause we got doctors and he says its okay he is a doctor. i say he can get medisins inside and he says thats okay he does not want to steel and he does not need to stay there so he just look in the trash and see if there is anything he can use in ther.
i dont no why Steven dont want to stay in the T.O.G. center so i ask him and tell him Belial is reel nice and is reel good to me and Oscar. steven pull some papers out of his jaket and ask if I want to heer a story and i say sure and then he reeds me a story about a man who works in the snow and wants to have a garden but he keeps geting in some warm water and wont do his work and he keeps trying to do the work but every time he just gets in the warm water.
I say thats a good story and Steven says he likes it to becaus he use to be like the man in the snow. i say i dont no what that meens and he says that rite now there are lots of peepel that think the best way to liv is to do what you want and that makes you happy. i say yeah thats what im lerning about in my class at the T.O.G. and steven says he use to think that but now he not so sure its rite. i ask how come and he says he was like the man in the snow cause his life was like a garden he needed to take care of but he wanted to get in the warm water insted of work in the snow. he sed for yeers he got in the warm water and he didnt have nothing to show for it and he didnt feel happy at all in fact he feel sad.
i say that dont sound rite cause in my class they say you can only be hapy when you do whatever you want to do and what is best for you and not wory about anything else. Steven say he trid that and it didnt work for him so he learned about a new way where you do whatever it takes to take care of other peepel insted. Steven say that way works much better for him. i tell Steven i like to help peepel to and like how i take care of Oscar and i like to help even though im not to smart and cant do much i like to help peepel. Steven say im better than him cause he had to lern how to do that but now he trys real hard.
i ask steven where he lerns and he give me a small book but with lots of pages and then anothr book he rite in that he say will help me to understand. i say thats good cause i cant reed to great but i can sum but still hard for me to understand. Steven says i tell you what paul he says he doesnt know much ether but he will help me to understand what he knows if I want cause he comes to the dumster a lot of times. i say man that sure is nice and Steven says well he alredy tryd taking everything he wanted so now he trys giving everything away and i say man that sure is nice. then he pet Oscar some and tell me to have a good nite and i say i hope his sick frend get better and he say yeah him to.
Steven walk away and i think i better go back insid and when i look up i can see Belial up in the window where we put the ladys in bags and he look down at me and i wave and hold up my books to show him my books I got and Belial give me a thums up.