“For those who were eyewitnesses to the Jesus Movement, this book will be a welcome reminder of what made that time of our lives so special. For those who know nothing about it, this book will be an entertaining crash course on events that defined the Christian church in America for generations. For everyone, it will be a compelling testimony about the power of God to save.”
Dr. Jack Graham, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
“The Jesus Revolution has tuned my heart to a higher level of praise for a loving God who has the proven power to break through to a lost, godless, self-destructing generation and redeem it, one person at a time. If He could rescue and reset Greg Laurie—and He did—then there is no one and no generation beyond His reach. Reading this book will rekindle your prayer for revival.”
Anne Graham Lotz, speaker; author, The Daniel Prayer; www.annegrahamlotz.org
“Back in the ’60s, when I first came to Christ, you could sense a stirring out on the West Coast. God was on the move, and I was about to be swept up in the powerful flooding of the Holy Spirit that was spilling and splashing into the hearts of a million young people across America. I heard stories of how God was rescuing wayward wanderers through the Jesus Movement, sparking a revival that rocked our country and beyond. It’s why Greg and Ellen’s new book, Jesus Revolution, is so important, so needed—it documents the testimonies and events that made that period in time so unique. You, too, will be inspired and refreshed as you read the historic account of one of the most remarkable seasons of revival in the history of Christianity!”
Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“In the 1960s and ’70s, God moved in a unique way, sweeping across America and transforming the lives of countless people. In their new book, Jesus Revolution, Pastor Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn take a closer look at this incredible time of evangelism and revival. This fast-paced, grace-filled, Bible-centered book will show you how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.”
Craig Groeschel, pastor, Life.Church; New York Times bestselling author
“Revival is a mile-marker that is seen throughout the centuries, with the Jesus Movement being no exception. Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn have given us a riveting account of a time in our nation’s history where God uniquely captivated millions of hearts. This book will stir up a fresh gratitude for what God has done and a renewed hunger to see Him do even more in the years to come!”
Levi Lusko, bestselling author, Swipe Right: The Life-and-Death Power of Sex and Romance
“So few even realize today that many of the best things happening in our churches amount only to ripples from the 1970s revival wave called the Jesus Revolution. Greg Laurie was an eyewitness to what most have only heard about. His meaningful firsthand accounts flow through Ellen Vaughn’s gripping narrative, prompting every reader to cry out ‘Do it again, Lord.’ Read and join those already praying to see God move afresh in such powerful ways.”
Dr. James MacDonald, founder, Harvest Bible Chapel; author, Vertical Church
“If there was ever a time that a book like this was needed, it is now. The story of the Jesus Revolution is a compelling witness of God’s power to redeem and restore human souls in the most surprising of ways, in the most chaotic of times. Brilliant work, Greg and Ellen!”
Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas; teacher, Pathway to Victory
“Stories inspire people to believe God. This is why I am so excited about this powerful book about the Jesus Revolution, because I know it will create the spiritual appetite to experience the next great move of God in our generation. There is no greater need today than for the church to be revived spiritually and for the next great spiritual awakening to occur nationally. Now is the time for the next Jesus Revolution in America!”
Dr. Ronnie Floyd, senior pastor, Cross Church; president, National Day of Prayer; past president, Southern Baptist Convention