Chapter 10

Samantha and Nik were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. The teenager felt as if her nerves would smother her. As soon as she’d seen Nik, the vision of him bloody and dying came back to her. She’d almost blurted it to him, but couldn’t seem to form the words in her mouth.

It wasn’t merely her vision that made her feel on edge. When Nik had been sitting next to her in the cafeteria, her breathing had shallowed and she’d had to keep herself from touching him. It wasn’t the same sensation as when he’d used his luring power over her before, but it was similar. She couldn’t figure out when she’d become so attracted to him. Maybe she always had been and had simply blamed it on the luring. Thinking of Nik’s power brought back the time when he had saved her with it. The night Annette had used her psychic power on Samantha…

“I can make it go away Samantha. All you have to do is open your eyes and the muck will be gone,” said Nik.

He must have been insane. This scum was cemented to her memory. It was more than just the residue from the first time Annette raped her mind.

Annette had ruthlessly possessed Samanthas mind at any excuse the vampire could think of. Samantha was forced to memorize five cell phone numbers, three fax numbers, and ten email addressesmemorizing them wouldntt be a problem for her if she were given an hour. Instead, Annette had quizzed her immediately after Samantha was able to glance at the list only once.

Each time she got something wrong, Annette would fill her mind with the smut that only someone as evil as she could create. And each time that happened, Samantha found it harder to memorize the information. She had no idea how long the session had lasted; it seemed like it had been at least a week, possibly longer.

If she already had a weeks worth of slime coursing through her mind, how could Nik possibly think that she could be rid of it just by opening her eyes?

In answer to her thoughts, he said,You must trust me in this. You have nothing to lose by simply opening your eyes, do you?

Unable to fight with his logic, Samantha opened her eyes. All she saw were Niks hazel irises. Then, suddenly, the muck was gone. Nik was all that existed in that moment. She felt the compulsion to touch him, to be with him, encircled by his arms. She needed him more than she needed anything else in her life, and he needed her as well. She was his; she would give herself over to him completely. Nik was—

Samantha felt a tremor of loss surge through her whole body. Her vision blurred. She blinked in confusion for thirty seconds before she was able to see where she was...

Samantha didn’t think she could ever express the gratitude she felt for what Nik had done. The vampire had tried to brush it off by reminding her that he was a hired killer, but Samantha had seen then, as she did now, the softer side to the man.

When they’d first entered her hotel room, Nik seemed to know she was high strung. He steered the conversation toward light subjects. She hadn’t needed to talk a lot about her life since they had been emailing each other regularly for the past six months. After a few uncomfortable silences, he suggested that they watch a movie. He’d given her plenty of space. Nik had set up the English subtitles so she could follow it. The atmosphere was decidedly awkward.

When the show ended, they sat in the dim lighting for a few minutes until Nik turned toward her. “What’s the matter, Samantha?”

For a split second, she thought about telling him of her vision, but for some reason it felt wrong. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“I’m just worried about Leisha. She’s been gone a while. What do you think they could be doing?”

“I could think of a few things,” he muttered.

“What does that mean?”

He shook his head. “Forget about it. I’m sure Leisha is fine. It would be impractical for Victor to fly her out here just to kill her.”

Samantha’s brow drew down. “Actually, it does sound like something he’d do.”

Patting her on the knee, Nik shook his head. “If Victor wanted her dead, he would have just sent me.”

It came out so easily, like going out to buy milk. Samantha blinked at him. “And would you do that, if you were ordered to? After everything we’ve been through together?”

The ex-vampire sighed. “I’ve been ordered to do it before .”

“And you did? You went out and killed a fellow vampire?”

Nik looked at her. “Of course. I told you I was a hired killer. Did you think that drinking blood would turn me into a saint?”

It was Samantha’s turn to sigh. “Look, Nik, I know what you are and what you’ve done.” She chewed her lip for a second. “I can’t condone it. Taking innocent lives is against everything I believe in.”

Nik nodded as if he were expecting to hear this.

Without thinking, Samantha took his hand and squeezed it. “But I can’t help feeling that there’s more to you than killing. You have depth, Nik. I’ve seen your compassion and consider you a dear friend.” It was probably because of her vision, but Samantha felt her eyes tearing up when she spoke. Embarrassed, she turned away only to feel his arms on her shoulders, pulling her into his body.

They embraced for several minutes. Samantha cuddled into his warmth, and breathed in his natural scent. She had the urge to explore the hard contours of his chest, but refrained, not wanting to overstep boundaries. He stroked her hair. After a few minutes, she pulled her head back and softly smiled at him.

His usual passive expression had been replaced with tenderness. She couldn’t break his gaze, and couldn’t blame it on his luring ability this time. His hands moved to lightly caress her cheeks. Unconsciously, she leaned into him. His warm breath on her lips, an intoxicating smell of brandy and chocolate, he moved toward her mouth.

The door opened without warning, and Samantha and Nik sprang apart. Its like there was a fire between us, she thought to herself. An apt description. She licked her lips and breathed deep to collect herself before glancing in Leisha’s direction.

When she did look, she knew something was wrong. Leisha was pale and shaking. Since there were no visible marks on her, Samantha thought that Annette had raped her mind. But then she remembered that none of the vampires had their abilities at the moment.

Samantha went to Leisha, who was leaning on her side against the kitchen counter. “What’s the matter?”

Leisha gave a wan smile. “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” She straightened and winced. “Although the healing process won’t be nearly as rapid this time.”

“Healing process? What did they do?” Samantha placed her hand on Leisha’s back to steer her to the couch. When Leisha flinched, she immediately retracted it.

“Did they whip you?” asked Nik with all casualness.

“Among other things,” she answered wryly.

Gasping, Samantha’s chest swelled with concern. Glancing between her two comrades, dumbfounded that they both acted like this situation was so ordinary.

“Why on earth did they do that? You haven’t been here long enough to piss Victor off!”

Nik approached Leisha and gently pulled her shirt off for her. Samantha grimaced at the intricate pattern of large red welts crisscrossing Leisha’s entire back.

“At least he only broke the skin in a few places,” commented Nik.

“It was a private punishment.” She looked at Samantha. “A warning to behave and not run off on my own again.”

“Did he use the steel tipped one?”

Leisha nodded at Nik’s question. “Pretty amazing that he left mostly welts, huh?”

Nik nodded, indeed looking impressed.

His expression caused Samantha to erupt. She pushed his chest as if trying to pick a fight. “How can you be so cold?” Her voice was shaking in rage.

With a soft look in his eyes, he stated, “I have the utmost sympathy for Leisha. But you cannot fault me for noticing a colleague’s work.”

Quickly clamping her mouth shut at his words, Samantha stormed into her bathroom for hand towels. When she came back into the main room, Nik was lightly touching Leisha’s ribs on her right side. “They’re definitely bruised, but I don’t think he broke them. They could be cracked a little.”

Samantha could see a strange pattern of broken blood vessels on her friend’s side. “That wasn’t from the whip, was it?”

Nik answered for the invalid. “A kitchen mallet.”

Her mouth fell open. “Did I hear that right?”

Nik nodded. “It doles out a lot of pain while not inflicting too much damage if the user knows how to wield it properly.”

Licking her lips, Samantha forced herself not to show her outrage.

Leisha rolled her eyes. “The ribs on my other side just barely finished healing, and now this.”

Walking out into the hall, Samantha found the ice machine. Filling her ice bucket, she returned to their room. Now Nik was helping Leisha lower herself onto her stomach on the couch.

“I know you guys are vampires and have lived with torture for centuries, but I still don’t get how you can accept this.” Samantha handed Nik the ice bucket. He took it without remark and filled the towels with ice, placing them one by one on Leisha’s back.

“Well, since I’m human now, the pain wasn’t nearly as intense as usual.” Leisha sucked in a breath when he touched the homemade ice pack to her injuries. “Don’t get mad at Nikita for his behavior, Samantha. It’s how we survive this place. If we became affronted every time something like this happened, we’d go crazy.”

“And would probably be killed for our insubordination,” Nik added.

Samantha put her hands in her pockets, feeling somewhat contrite while still upset. “You’re right Leisha.” She turned to Nik. “I’m sorry I got mad at you.”

He gave a half smile that made her want to capture it in a picture. “You were worried for your friend. No need to apologize.”

She nodded, not quite sure what to say. She regarded Leisha. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“Did you happen to pack any pain killers?”

She nodded and retrieved two pill bottles from her bathroom kit. She got a bottle of water along with six pills and handed them over to Leisha. “Four Ibuprofen and two Tylenol. That’s the strongest you can take without overdosing.”

Leisha raised her brows.

Shrugging, Samantha murmured, “My mom taught me.”

“Thanks.” With assistance she sat up so she could swallow the drugs, then was lowered back onto the couch.

They kept her company for over an hour. Samantha watched while Nik periodically switched the ice around on Leisha’s back. After a while, Samantha was having a hard time keeping her eyes open and began to yawn frequently.

Nik smiled. “Go on to sleep, Samantha. There’s not much more we can do anyway. I’ll help Leisha to bed.”

Leisha groaned. “I think I’ll conk out right here. I really don’t want to move right now.”

Samantha nodded and walked Nik to the door. “Thanks for your help,” she told him. “You’re actually quite sweet.” Waving her hand, she made her tone more teasing. “For an assassin, that is.”

Hazel eyes twinkling, Nik leaned in. “Well, how about we keep that between us.” He winked.

Samantha’s lips curved up and she nodded. Reaching out, she squeezed his arm before she let go. “Goodnight, Nik.”

“Sleep well, Samantha.”

She closed the door behind him. She saw that Leisha was already breathing deeply. The night had been intense, but Samantha was too exhausted to reflect on it. Hoping that sleep would help her to think things through better tomorrow, Samantha went into her room to get some rest.