Chapter 25
Leisha pushed herself out of bed. “We need to dress,” she stated. “They’ll be returning any moment.”
Tafari leaned over and kissed her before complying. His lips left a pleasant aftertaste that she tried to ignore. She needed to think clearly, and had a very hard time doing that with Tafari’s musky scent and flavor lingering on her body.
After the others had left, they had stood awkwardly for a moment before Leisha had spoken up. “I do need to feed, Tafari. Please tell me you aren’t going to try to stop me.”
Glancing at the door, he murmured, “I think Samantha knows.”
“Knows what?”
After a slight hesitation he looked at her, his silvery blue eyes dancing with passion. “She knows how much I enjoy it when you drink from me.”
Whatever Leisha had expected him to say, it definitely had not been that. They stood, looking into each other’s eyes for what felt like several minutes. Then Tafari stepped forward until his stomach was against her belly. Leaning towards her, he tilted his head to the side, offering his neck.
The immortal blood called to her, beating its rhythm just under Tafari’s skin. The heat of his body relaxed Leisha as she inched her face forward. Both of their breathing was uneven, Leisha’s heart stuttering as well.
Slowly, she placed her lips on his neck, stroking her hands up his shoulders and resting them behind his back. Tafari’s arms closed around her and Leisha reveled in the feeling. Opening her mouth, she licked his skin, tasting his natural flavor mixed with a hint of saltiness.
Tafari groaned and tightened his hold on her. Feeling encouraged, Leisha bit down. Tafari’s sweet blood gushed into her mouth and she swallowed. It was ambrosia! As she drank, Tafari’s hands caressed their way down her back and low on her sides, making her hunger for far more than just blood. Fatigue flushed out of her body. Aches and little wounds she hadn’t even noticed healed instantly, leaving the vampire energetic and craving just one thing.
The immortal’s wound healed all too quickly. Leisha suckled the spot, remorseful for their embrace to end. Finally, she pulled back, but Tafari wouldn’t let go.
Looking up into his eyes, Leisha saw that he truly did enjoy the experience.
Her tongue circled her lips, rich blood flavoring them, and Tafari watched closely. Leaning her face upward, Tafari met her mouth in a consuming kiss. His lips encompassed her while his warm tongue grazed against hers, teasing her. Leisha moaned into him and felt her body melting into his embrace.
In the present, Leisha smiled and pulled on her ripped maternity pants. Sex had been a little awkward with her rotund belly, but it left her more satisfied than she had been in a long, long time.
Fully dressed, she headed back toward the main room. Tafari stopped her by putting his arms around her from behind and nuzzling her neck. Unable to help herself, she leaned into his chest and closed her eyes, smiling radiantly.
After a few seconds, Leisha shook her head and stepped away from him. As enjoyable as it was to be with him, she needed to address some issues. “Tafari, we can’t just pretend there aren’t problems between us.”
Sighing, Tafari went to the couch and sat down. He leaned his elbows on his knees and looked at her with barely concealed impatience. “And what, exactly, are these problems, Leisha?”
She felt fully restored and knew this was probably the best time to have this conversation. She only hoped the others didn’t interrupt. Lowering herself into a chair opposite the couch, she looked at him directly. “I need to know where your loyalties lie.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Do you really need to ask that?”
“Of course not.” She sat back. “It will always be with the immortals. I guess the real question is, what are you going to tell them about our son?”
Resting his cheek on one hand, he looked lost in thought. It was several minutes before he spoke up. “Yes, you did need to ask.”
Leisha angled her head. “What was that?”
“You are right to ask about my loyalties.” His voice was distant.
Brows drawing together, she waited for him to continue.
He sat up, appearing more focused as he looked at her. “The truth is that I am feeling . . . uncertain about the immortals right now.”
“How do you mean, uncertain?”
Heaving a deep sigh, he answered slowly. “Ever since I have found out about the baby,” he nodded to her stomach, “I have been feeling protective, and maybe a little possessive. I do not like the idea of the immortals taking our child for their gain.”
Leisha huffed out a breath. “That’s the point I was trying make from the very beginning!”
Tafari shook his head. “That was before you discovered your pregnancy. Before he was even conceived.”
“Tafari, it shouldn’t matter if the prophecy child is ours or not. The point I was trying to make is that you can’t stand idle while the society you serve exploits a helpless little boy.”
Staring at her face, Tafari’s mouth opened and closed several times before he was able to speak. “It seems so backwards that a vampire is telling me how to value life.” His voice held a small tremor of irony.
Looking away, Leisha shifted in her seat. “Tafari, we both know that I’m as far from sainthood as can be.” She pursed her lips, considering what she could tell him, what she should tell him. “Before I grew a backbone and finally stood up to Ptah, I did many horrible things that I’m not proud of. In fact, if there’s a hell, I have a first class ticket there when I die.” She met his eyes. “But I do have a conscience and I very much value human life. I like what humanity stands for and I will do what I can to help those around me when they’re in need.”
A moue tugged at his lips. “Would you not agree that a drug dealer needs help? What if a serial rapist were to change his ways? You take their lives before they have that chance.”
Squaring her shoulders, she held his gaze. “You’re exactly right, Tafari. I try to justify what I have to do, but in the end . . . It’s like I said: I’m going straight to hell.”
After a few silent minutes, Leisha raised her brow in challenge. Tafari appeared thrown by her confession. After blinking a few times, he changed the subject.
“We are getting off-track from what we really need to discuss. That I have made a decision to protect you and our child. My family takes priority over my service to the immortals.”
Leisha’s voice quavered when she asked, “What about your oath to them?”
Looking into her eyes to convey his grave sincerity, he answered. “I made an oath to you first. It has been too long since I have lived up to the promises I once made to you.”
Standing, Leisha turned away so that Tafari would not see the tears.
He was behind her in an instant and pulled her into his arms. She turned and buried her face in his shoulder, trying to control her soft crying.
It was at that moment that Rinwa opened the door and held it for Nikita, who was holding an unconscious Samantha. Quickly wiping her face, Leisha ignored Rinwa’s downturned mouth and rushed over to check on Samantha.
“What happened?”
Nikita looked at Rinwa. “Would you like to tell your mother what you did?” His tone was a combination of accusation and mockery.
After making sure that Samantha’s vitals were alright, Leisha turned to Rinwa.
The immortal waved a hand. “Don’t blame it on me. It was Samantha’s choice to get drunk. I simply made sure she was in a safe and controlled environment when she did it.”
“Excuse me?” Leisha glared at both Nikita and Rinwa. “She’s only sixteen! You can’t allow her to drink.”
Looking totally unapologetic, Rinwa shrugged and went over to the couch and sat. “I’m pretty sure that everyone in this room tried alcohol in their early teens.”
Tafari sat next to Rinwa. “Times were different in those days. In retrospect, it was very unhealthy for anyone to drink so young. In fact, drinking at all is bad for you.”
Rinwa huffed. “You have wine on a regular basis.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t damage our organs like it does a human’s. Immortals do not fall under the same health restrictions.”
“We’re getting way off topic here,” Leisha interjected. She turned to Nikita. “Is she okay?”
He nodded. “I think so. I’m pretty sure she had a vision while she’s been asleep.”
“How do you know?”
He shrugged. “I can tell by her breathing and heartbeat.” His lips pursed to the side. “The strange thing is that she usually wakes up after having a vision. This time, she’s still asleep.”
“It’s probably just the alcohol,” Leisha reasoned.
Tafari stood and focused a hostile expression towards Nikita. “And how would you know about her sleeping patterns?”
For the first time since she’d known him, Leisha saw Nikita bristle. “We haven’t had sex, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Keeping eye contact, Tafari said, “That is what I am asking. And now I am telling you that you better not. Understand?” It was the second time Leisha had seen him act like a father figure towards Samantha. It was that attitude, in fact, that had driven her to try and leave Samantha with the immortals last year to keep the girl safe.
Nikita curtly nodded and took Samantha into the bedroom and didn’t come back out.
Rinwa picked up the remote and turned on the television. “We’re going to have to get moving pretty soon here,” she said while flipping through channels. She tossed a brief glance at Leisha. “I’m assuming that Tafari’s blood did the trick?”
The room suddenly seemed devoid of oxygen. Leisha nodded, then changed the subject. “I’m not sure how Samantha will be feeling. She may be sick while we drive.”
Tafari rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “We could wait another day.”
Turning off the TV, Rinwa stood. “No good. We should leave now, while Samantha is still sleeping soundly.”
After a brief mental debate, Leisha agreed with her daughter. Walking over to the bedroom, she poked her head in.
Nikita was standing and lifting Samantha back into his arms. He’d obviously heard their conversation and was ready to leave. He nodded to Leisha as she made a sweep of the bathroom and bedroom to be sure they weren’t leaving anything behind. By the time she finished, everyone else was already situated in the car. Nikita was placing a blanket in the trunk.
Looking at the awkward space, Leisha couldn’t contain her guilt. “We could wait until dusk, Nikita. It looks awfully cramped in there.”
Nik gave her an amused grin and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I’ve done this plenty of times. Besides, we vampires should never get too accustomed to luxury. Not with our lifestyle.”
He climbed into the rectangular space and contorted his body until it fit. Sighing, Leisha closed the trunk on him. She knew he wouldn’t be permanently damaged back there, but it would certainly be uncomfortable.
Rinwa allowed Leisha to sit in the front. “Since I was the one who got her drunk, I should be back here when she has her hangover.”
Snorting, Leisha climbed in and relaxed while Tafari drove. He looked like he knew where they were going, so she let her mind drift and watched the scenery transform from bustling city to tropical savanna landscape. The sun was high in the sky when Samantha finally awakened. Leisha glanced back at her and watched as her face went from pale to green.
“Pull over,” she said to Tafari.
Samantha was out the door in an instant, Rinwa following and holding her hair out of the way.
Crinkling her nose, Leisha commented. “This would be one of those times when I wish I had regular human senses.”
Smirking, Tafari looked at her. “You are not going to throw up, too, are you?”
Rubbing her belly, she replied, “I hope not.”
There was a bottle of water in the front that Leisha handed to Samantha when the two girls climbed back into the car. After two long gulps, Samantha seemed a little better.
“I’m never going to drink again,” she muttered.
Rinwa laughed. “That’s what they all say.”
Sitting up, Samantha looked adamant. “I’m serious. I have more sense than most people.”
Leisha threw her a curious expression. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Samantha’s eyes suddenly looked haunted. “I had a vision while I slept.”
Lifting her brow, Leisha waited for the girl to explain. Visions didn’t usually upset Samantha, even the darker ones. The girl had witnessed death from the time she was a toddler. Samantha seemed to be searching for the right words.
“I could tell it was a vision, but it was… skewed. It turned into one big nightmare, and now I don’t know what’s real and what was just the alcohol.”
Brow crinkling in concern, Leisha said, “Why don’t you tell me what you saw and we can decipher it together.”
Crossing her arms across her body, Samantha shook her head. “It’s too fresh to discuss right now. I need to let it settle for a while first.”
Leisha nodded reluctantly. She just hoped the vision didn’t show anything too pressing. They drove in silence for about thirty minutes before Samantha began to heave. Tafari slammed on the breaks and the girl was back outside. The third time they pulled over to let Samantha vomit, it had been about twenty minutes from the previous incident. When she wasn’t vomiting, the girl was hunched over clutching her head.
“This is going to be some slow going,” Rinwa grumbled.
“Hey, you’re not allowed to complain about this,” Leisha admonished. Rinwa rolled her eyes and slipped on her sunglasses.
Leisha shook her head and settled into the seat. Her lower back cramped, but she shifted and it soon went away.
They’d driven a bit further when Samantha piped up. “Is there any more water?”
“We’ll stop when I find something,” Tafari responded. An hour later, he stopped at a cart by the side of the road and bought more water and fresh fruit for everyone.
Everyone snacked and stretched their legs a little, then they were back on the road.
“So,” a replenished looking Samantha asked, “where are we going?”
Rinwa answered in a bored tone. “San Cristobal.”
Pulling a map out of the glove compartment, Leisha calculated. “This is going to be an all-day drive, isn’t it?”
Tafari nodded.
Glad that their car had air conditioning, Leisha shifted into her seat and tried to sleep. It took a few tries before she found a spot comfortable enough. She ended up having to take off her seat belt, but she was finally able to drift off.
Leisha could hear the others talking now and then, but ignored the noise and forced herself to rest. It had been about two hours when the baby kicked, sending a searing pain plummeting to the bottom of her stomach.
Sitting up with a gasp, Leisha forced herself to breathe out slowly until the pain eased.
“Did you have a nightmare,” Samantha asked. Before the Leisha could respond, the girl pursed her lips. “Can vampires dream? I don’t know if we’ve ever discussed that.”
Putting her seatbelt back on, Leisha glanced back at her friend. “No, I didn’t have a nightmare. And yes, vampires dream.”
“Then what happened?” Tafari’s deep timbre resonated through the car.
Waving a hand, Leisha explained. “It was just the baby. He probably did some damage to my stomach lining or something, but it’ll heal.”
Directly behind Leisha, Rinwa spoke up. “So you’ve been pregnant for how long, exactly?”
Counting back to when Rinwa and Tafari were in Ohio, she replied, “Three months, give or take.”
“Then why do you look like you’re six or seven months along?”
“It’s easy enough to guess, Rinwa,” Samantha piped up. “A baby conceived by an immortal and a vampire is going to have some special powers. Maybe that’s why he’s got speedy development, too.”
Leisha peered back to see Rinwa tossing Samantha a look through her sunglasses. “I realize that we’re in uncharted territory here,” the immortal responded. “But I still say this whole thing is just plain weird.” She glanced back to Leisha. “By the way, we have a ceremony we’d like to perform. Just to confirm this is actually the prophecy child. Are you amenable, oro do I have to hold you down for it?”
“As long as you don’t take the opportunity to kill me, I’m game” Leisha smiled. “I have to admit, I’m getting excited for him to arrive. Not only will it be nice to have my body back, but I can’t wait to see what he looks like.” Reaching back, she slid Rinwa’s sunglasses down the bridge of her nose. “He might look like you did as a baby.”
Appearing unimpressed, Rinwa put her glasses back into place and murmured, “Not likely.”
Lapsing into an easy silence, the rest of the drive went by rather quickly for Leisha. She was glad to be among friends and allies and to not worry about escaping a secret government compound.
It was late afternoon, with the sun still somewhat high in the sky when a pounding was heard from the trunk.
Samantha sat up straight. Crinkling her brow, she looked at Leisha. “Do you think he’s alright? The sun hasn’t set, so he can’t come out yet, can he?”
Leisha shrugged and waited until Tafari pulled over on the side of the road, then stepped out and made her way to the trunk. The lid made a distinct clicking sound when it unlatched and Leisha reached down to open it.
Before she could, it was thrown up and smoke rushed into her face. Coughing at the smoke and the smell of roasted skin, she waved her arm to clear the air and see into the trunk.
Nikita was there, and he didn’t look very good. Not only was he contorted in an awkward position, but his skin was smoking and looking slightly charred.
“How are you burning?” Leisha asked. “You haven’t been in the sun at all.”
“I believe it’s the heat,” Nikita choked through blistered lips. “I may not be burning in the sun, but I’m literally baking back here.”
Samantha came around and gasped when she saw the vampire. “Oh no, Nik! Are you okay?” She reached out to him, but Leisha grabbed her wrist.
“His skin is pretty tender right now,” she informed the teenager. “It’s probably not a good idea to touch him.”
Samantha’s skin paled several shades. “But he’ll be alright, won’t he?”
“Yes,” Nikita answered. “I just need some water.” He shifted until he sat up, his torso leaning far forward to avoid touching the top of the car. “In fact, I think I could get in the front of the car now.”
Glancing at the sun, Leisha saw that it was still above the horizon. “Are you sure? Maybe we should just wait here for a while so you can air out, and then continue our journey.”
Tafari and Rinwa exited the vehicle and joined them at the back.
Rinwa’s nose wrinkled. “The only time that stench is pleasant is when the vampire actually dies.”
Ignoring the comment, Nikita leaned up until he peeked over the trunk lid to see the sun. He settled down and met Leisha’s gaze. “It’s close enough to the horizon. I’ll be fine.”
“The sun is facing the left side of the car, so you should sit on the right. Maybe it will be shaded enough,” Samantha said. The concern in her eyes was plain for anyone to see.
“So the three of us are going to squeeze in the back now?” Rinwa asked. She slipped off her sunglasses. “That means we’ll all reek of charred vampire flesh by the time we get there.”
“I’ll sit in the middle, and you can have first dibs on the shower when we get there.” Samantha glared at Rinwa. “You could be a little more sensitive, you know. The poor guy was being slowly baked in a hot car while you sat comfortably with the A.C. on.”
Seemingly unrepentant, Rinwa shrugged and sidled over to the left side of the car and climbed back in. Cracking a half smile at Leisha, Tafari followed suit and got in the driver’s seat. Leisha and Samantha escorted Nikita to his door. While his face was utterly expressionless, Leisha could tell he was in a lot of pain by the way he carried himself.
Samantha climbed in and Leisha murmured to her vampire friend, “You need to feed soon. These kinds of injuries will be harder to recover from the less frequently you drink.”
“No need to worry about me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
A hint of amusement flicked through his hazel eyes.
Nikita sat, and Samantha helped cover him with the blanket, just in case. Leisha closed his door for him. She quickly got in and Tafari resumed their drive.
Pulling down her visor, Leisha could see through the little mirror that Samantha kept glancing at Nikita. His skin was already healing, taking on an angry pink color. Though Leisha wouldn’t admit it, Rinwa was right. The car already smelled of burned flesh.
Besides a pit stop for gas and food, the rest of the drive was uneventful. It was close to midnight by the time they arrived in San Cristobal. Leisha had never been here before. The city was large and densely populated. Samantha even forgot her sickness and Nikita’s injuries when they passed an area that housed four stadiums next to each other. Two separate games were in progress, the stadium lights blazing, and traffic was heavy.
Winding their way through the narrow streets, the cityscape eventually changed into more rural surroundings. Some of the homes looked quite old, while others were brand new. The house Tafari had arranged for was at the top of a steep incline. Parking on the street, Tafari turned off the car and gestured at the dwelling. “It may be a bit cramped with all of us in here, but I think we will be able to manage well enough.”
“How many bedrooms?” Leisha asked as she climbed out into the humid night air.
Looking at him from the corner of her eye, Leisha gave a suggestive smile. “We should share a room, to conserve the space.”
“Nik and I can share, too,” Samantha offered.
Answers resounding in the negative came from everyone, including Nikita. Staring at the vampire, Samantha looked hurt.
“It would not be wise in my current condition,” Nikita explained.
When Samantha’s eyebrows drew together, Leisha jumped in the conversation. “Remember when we were on Tafari’s yacht last year and we couldn’t share a room anymore because The Hunger had gotten too strong?”
Understanding dawned on the teenager’s face. “You need to feed?” She asked Nikita.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. He moved to the trunk and began unloading their meager belongings.
When Leisha stooped to pick up some bags, Tafari placed a hand on her arm. “I can get this.”
Leisha shrugged, hiding the smile that threatened. It had certainly been a while since anyone had given her the chivalrous treatment.
Samantha was standing next to Nikita as he closed the lid. “You can drink from me,” she offered.
Everyone stopped and stared at Samantha.
The girl took a defensive stance and a stubborn expression. “What? Leisha takes little snacks until she has to have the big feed. I can help Nik with that so he doesn’t need to go out and hunt as soon.”
Nikita threw Leisha a pointed look. Wordlessly, she shepherded Rinwa and Tafari toward the house so Nikita could have a private word with Samantha.
Pulling keys from her pocket, Rinwa unlocked the front door and led the way inside. As she walked into the foyer, Leisha could hear Nikita explaining that he didn’t want to use Samantha in that way. She thought he was doing a great job of making sure the teenager didn’t feel rejected.
Walking over the hardwood floors, she noted that, though the house was a bit small, it was lavish. The ceilings stood taller than the standard eight feet; delicate chandeliers hung in every room. Tasteful art lined the walls in symmetrical formations. Following Tafari into what she surmised was the master bedroom. The bed was standard queen size. Touching the pillow case, Leisha could tell the sheets were a high-thread count Egyptian cotton. The connecting bathroom had no shower, but a jetted tub beckoned.
Turning, she noticed Tafari studying her. “This is a really nice place,” she told him. “I wasn’t expecting something so extravagant.”
Before he could reply, Riwna walked past, talking over her shoulder. “Yeah, Tafari’s getting soft in his old age.”
Crinkling at the corner of his eyes, Tafari closed the door to the bedroom. “I think you and I should turn in.” He walked over and grabbed the hem of Leisha’s shirt.
Placing a hand over his, Leisha asked, “What about the others? Should we go out there and help get Samantha settled?”
Leaning close, his breath tickled over her lips. “They will be fine without us.”
Relaxing as he caressed the back of her neck, it was easy to relent. “Sounds good,” she mumbled. Though they stayed up for a few more hours, they didn’t talk for the rest of the night.