Academy, the—famous school of magic in Alavel, Kirpis.

Aego (AI-goh)—a small boy living in a village on the largest of the Devors islands.

Aeyan’arric (EYE-ann-AR-ik)—ice dragon, also the daughter of S’arric and C’indrol.

Afterlife, the—a dark mirror of the Living World, souls go to the Afterlife after death, hopefully to move on to the Land of Peace.

agolé (a-GOAL-lay)—a piece of cloth worn draped around the shoulders and hips by both men and women in western Quur.

Alavel (a-la-VEL)—home city of the wizard’s school known as the Academy.

Anlyr (AHN-leer)—a guard in the employ of House D’Mon.

ara (AHR-ay)—a potent distilled alcohol made from grain, popular in Jorat.

Arena, the—a park in the center of the Capital City that serves as battleground for the choosing of the emperor.

Argas (AR-gas)—one of the Eight Immortals. Considered the god of invention and innovation.

Aryahal (AHR-ah-hal)—a priest of Caless.

Atrine (at-rin-EE)—capital of the dominion of Jorat, originally built by Emperor Atrin Kandor.


Baelosh (BAY-losh)—a dragon, best known for the size of his hoard of treasure.

Battle of the Well of Spirals, the—a large-scale battle involving gods, demons, dragons, and mortals that occurred when Thaena attempted to wipe out the Manol nation using ritual magic. Argas, Galava, Grizzst, Taja, and Thaena all died during the fighting.

Bikeinoh (beh-KEEN-oh)—Duke Kaen’s second wife, third in command of the Spurned mercenary company.

Black Brotherhood, the—a cult of assassins dedicated to Thaena, Goddess of Death.

Black Dolphin, the—an entertainment house in Da’utunse.

Black Gate of Thaena, the—the temple of Thaena in the Upper Circle of the Capital.

Blue Houses—generic name for any house of healing licensed by House D’Mon.

Blue Palace, the—the Upper Circle palace of House D’Mon.

Boji (BO-jhee)—a Zheriasian cad.


C’indrol (SIN-drohl)—a voras politician who conducted a prolonged love affair with S’arric, kept secret to avoid scandal. They were also one of Aeyan’arric’s parents and died in the destruction of Karolaen when S’arric was transformed into Vol Karoth. Later reincarnated as Elana Kandor and again as Janel Theranon.

Caerowan (KAER-o-wan)—a rare Devoran priest involved in politics, elected to be a Voice of the Council. Had a close relationship with Emperor Sandus and was evidently a Gryphon Man.

Caless (kal-LESS)—depending on who’s answering the question, either the Goddess of Sex, or the Goddess of Love.

caraba (ka-ra-BAE)—a small pastry made from layers of thinly rolled dough stuffed with nuts and honey.

Casar (KAZ-ar)—the alias used by Merit when he was pretending to be a member of House D’Erinwa.

Cherthog (cher-THOG)—a god of winter and ice, primarily worshipped in Yor.

Cimillion (seh-MIL-e-on) Emperor Sandus’s son, originally believed killed as an infant by Gadrith D’Lorus, but in fact adopted by him as Thurvishar D’Lorus.

Citadel, The—headquarters of the Quuran Imperial Military.

City, the, a.k.a. the Capital City—originally a city-state under the control of the god-king Qhuaras, its original name (Quur) now applies to the whole empire.

Clarea (KLAR-ee-ah)—a velvet girl working at the Shattered Veil Club.

Colarin’s (kol-AR-in’s)—a bakery in Eamithon.

Copper Quarter—the mercantile district of the Lower Circle of the Capital City.

Cornerstones—eight magical artifacts; the Stone of Shackles and Chainbreaker are two of these.

Court of Gems—slang for the royal families of the Upper Circle represented by twelve different kinds of gemstones.

Crown and the Scepter, the—famous artifacts that may only be wielded by the Emperor of Quur.

Cruel Mistress, the—the pirate ship infamously used by the Lash.

Culling Fields, the—a tavern and inn situation just outside the Imperial Arena.

Capital City Hellmarch, the—the last Hellmarch that occurred before the breaking of the Stone of Shackles freed all demons. It was in fact still in progress when this happened. Afterwards, demons were free to attack anywhere, at any time, indiscriminately.


Da’utunse (dah-uh-TOON-say)—an Ithlakor floating city that has become (or possibly was always intended to be) a pirate haven. One of the few cities they have that is not underwater.

dakerra (dah-keer-AYE)—a generic name for roasted meats, usually marinated or covered with a dried spice such as Nakari powder.

D’Aramarin, Havar (hav-AR), High Lord of House D’Aramarin.

Daughters of Laaka (lah-KAH), a.k.a. kraken—enormous immortal sea creatures that resemble cephalopods, quite possibly native to Ompher in spite of stories that claim that they’re the creations of a god-queen. Very difficult to hurt with magic.

demons—an alien race from another dimension that can, through effort, gain access to the material world. Famous for their cruelty and power. See: Hellmarch.

Dervala (der-VAHL-aye)—a teacher at the Ten Metals fighting school in Khorvesh.

Devoran Library, the (de-VORAN)—the largest library in the known world, dedicated primarily to the Devoran Prophecies, but containing a great many other books besides.

Devoran Prophecies, the—a many-book series of prophecies that are believed to foretell the end of the world.

Devors (de-VORS)—island chain south of the Capital City, most famous as the home of the Devoran priests and their prophecies.

Devors Monastery—the monastery where the Devoran priests live and study the prophecies.

dibis (dib-IZ)—sesame seed candies, often formed into cute shapes.

D’Jorax, Emeran (EM-er-an)—a member of House D’Jorax.

D’Kaje, Palnyr (PAL-neer)—High Lord of House D’Kaje.

D’Lorus (du-LOR-us)

Cedric (KED-rik)—executed by Empress Tyentso for treason (it should be noted that he was her grandfather).

Gadrith (GAD-rith)—Lord Heir of House D’Lorus, who was believed dead before contriving to switch bodies with Emperor Sandus, killing him in the process. He was finally slain (for good, this time) by Kihrin D’Mon, an event that also freed the demons.

Raverí (rav-ear-EE)—wife of Gadrith D’Lorus. Officially listed as mother of Thurvishar D’Lorus. She was not, in fact, executed (nor was she Thurvishar’s mother) but went into hiding, later re-emerging as Tyentso. While she was legally Gadrith’s wife, they never consummated the relationship, and it seems both parties were fully aware that she was his biological daughter.

Thurvishar (thur-vish-AR)—High Lord of House D’Lorus.

D’Mon (day-MON)

Alshena (al-shen-AY)—wife of Darzin D’Mon, originally from House D’Aramarin. Alshena was murdered and replaced by Talon.

Darzin (DAR-zin)—lord heir and conspirator with Gadrith D’Lorus. Darzin was slain by his younger brother, Kihrin D’Mon.

Galen (GAL-len)—firstborn son of Lord Heir Darzin D’Mon. As Kihrin D’Mon was not, in fact, Darzin’s son, the lord heir position would technically fall to Galen, not Kihrin, and under the assumption that Therin D’Mon was dead, Galen would legally be high lord. Galen was murdered by Khaeriel, but Returned at the behest of his wife, Sheloran.

Gerisea (ger-IS-ea)—Therin D’Mon’s second-oldest daughter. She married the second son of the Duke of Khorvesh.

Kihrin (KEAR-rin)—youngest child of High Lord Therin D’Mon and only child of Queen Khaeriel of the vané. Also, the reincarnation of S’arric, one of the Eight Immortals.

Saerá (SAY-ra)—eldest daughter of Darzin D’Mon.

Saric (SAHR-ik)—a D’Mon ancestor, long since dead.

Sheloran (SHEL-or-an)—Galen D’Mon’s wife, formerly of House D’Talus.

Therin (THER-rin)—technically still High Lord of House D’Mon, it seems likely that Therin is abdicating that position for good.

Tishenya (ti-SHEN-ya)—oldest daughter of Therin D’Mon. She married into House D’Kard, but had no children who survived the games of empire.

Doc—see: Terindel.

Doltar (dol-TAR)—a conglomeration of city-states to the south of Quur whom most Quuros believe are part of a single country (they are not). Ethnically tend to be much paler than their northern counterparts.

Dorna (DOR-na)—an elderly Joratese woman who served as Janel Theranon’s nanny in childhood and is now assisting her adopted daughter, Ninavis.

Dragonspires, the—a mountain range running north-south through Quur, dividing the dominions of Kirpis, Kazivar, Eamithon, and Khorvesh from Raenena, Jorat, Marakor, and Yor.

Drehemia (DRAY-hem-EE-ah)—the shadow dragon.

dreth (dreth)—see: vordreth.

Drift Town—the portion of Da’utunse that floats above the waves.

D’Talus (day-TAL-us)

Lessoral (les-SOR-al)—High Lady of House D’Talus. A somewhat mysterious figure who married into the house from more common (possibly even velvet) origins.

Varik (VAHR-ik)—High Lord of House D’Talus. Unusual from his counterparts in that he actively works at his house’s primary trade, which is possibly why House D’Talus has a significantly higher degree of loyalty than most royal houses enjoy.


Eamithon (AY-mith-ON)—a dominion just north of the Capital City, the oldest of the Quuros dominions and considered the most tranquil.

Eight Immortals, the—Eight beings of godlike power created by a ritual performed by Relos Var, who are now actively worshipped as gods throughout the world.

Empire of Quur (koor)—see: Quur.

En’dassin (END-ahs-in)—a lover taken by C’indrol in an attempt to deflect suspicion from their on-going love affair with S’arric.

Eshi (ESH-ee)—a nickname for Eshimavari.

Eshimavari (esh-EE-mah-var-EE)—the real name of the Goddess of Luck, Taja.

Everdark, the—the area below Da’utunse where surface light can’t reach.


Ferandis (fur-AND-is)

Morea (MOR-e-ah)—a slave girl murdered by Talon; Talea’s twin sister.

Talea (tal-E-ah)—a slave girl formerly owned by Baron Mataris, Talea was purchased by Darzin D’Mon and later bought (and freed) by Thurvishar D’Lorus, who helped apprentice her to swordmaster Xivan Kaen.

Festival of the Turning Leaves—a yearly celebration to the goddess Galava. Here petitioners may, after one year of service to the goddess, petition the goddess to change their biological sex.

Flotsam—a neighborhood in Da’utunse.

Four Races, the—four immortal, powerful races that once existed. Unfortunately this turned out to be a bit of propaganda, as there were in fact only three immortal races: the voras, the voramer, and the vordredd. None of them are still immortal.


gaesh (gaysh), pl. gaeshe (gaysh-ay)—an enchantment that forces the victim to follow all commands given by the person who physically possesses their totem focus, up to and including commands of suicide. Being unable or unwilling to perform a command results in death.

Galava (gal-a-VAY)—one of the Eight Immortals; goddess of life and nature.

gate, a.k.a. portal—the magical connection of two different geographic locations, allowing for quick travel across great distances. Only powerful wizards can typically create Gatestone-independent portals.

Gatekeepers, the—guild who controls and maintains gate travel. Ruled by House D’Aramarin.

Gatestone—a specially inscribed section of stone that somehow makes gate travel much less magically onerous. Exactly how this is accomplished is a proprietary, heavily protected House D’Aramarin secret.

Guarem (GOW-rem)—the primary language of Quur.

god-kings—wizards who have, through special rituals, given themselves the ability to collect tenyé offered through prayer and sacrifice. This typically allows them incredible power, up to and including immortality. Because the amount of tenyé sacrificed is not unlimited, competition for worshippers is fierce.

Godslayer—see: Urthaenriel.

god-touched—a gift or curse (depending on whom one asks) handed down by the Eight Immortals to the eight original, founding Royal Houses of Quur. Besides giving each house a distinctive eye color, the Royal Houses are forbidden from making laws.

Gorokai (GORE-o-kai)—a mercurial, shape-shifting dragon.

Grail of Thaena, the—one of the Great Talismans.

Great Talismans—seven talismans created by the Eight Immortals to help correct matters in the event that there would ever be a repeat of their deaths at the hands of Vol Karoth. Each of the Immortals has one, typically symbolic: a glass sword for Khored, a rainbow veil for Tya, a coin for Taja, etc.

Grimward—a Cornerstone. Grimward allows its wearer to control the dead and create undead, and makes the wearer extremely difficult to hurt. It cannot be held by anyone who is living (or rather, it will immediately correct that problem).

Grizzst (grizt)—falsely considered to being one of the Eight Immortals; famous wizard, sometimes considered a god of magic, particularly demonology. Believed to be responsible for binding demons as well as making the Crown and Scepter of Quur. Died at the Battle of the Well of Spirals.

Gryphon Men—a cabal created by Grizzst whose members have included at least two emperors (Gendal and Sandus) that seems to be dedicated to helping the Hellwarrior. Considering Grizzst was theoretically in league with Relos Var and the Hellwarrior in question is Kihrin, it seems likely that Grizzst was either playing both sides against each other or had intended some other kind of scheme.


Harbor District—the harbor of the Capital City of Quur.

Hell—distinct from the Land of Peace. Where demons come from.

Hellmarch—the result of a powerful demon gaining access to the physical world, freely summoning demons and possessing corpses. This usually results in a runaway path of death and devastation. It typically stems from a demon escaping a summoner’s control. Before the breaking of the Stone of Shackles, demons could only be summoned to the Living World by corporeal entities (such as humans or vané). But demons quickly discovered they could exploit a loophole by possessing a living body, and forcing that body to summon more of their kind. Demons can also possess corpses in the Joratese/Marakori area but cannot summon more demons in this manner.

Hellwarrior—a prophesied villain who will rise up to destroy the Empire of Quur and possibly the world. Also a prophesied hero who will rise up to save the world.

Hivar (HIV-ar)—a soldier who served as Jarith Milligreest’s secretary while he was stationed at Stonegate Pass.


imchii (im-CHEY)—a distinctive Khorveshan sword with a thin, gently curving blade. Famous for being exceedingly sharp and good at slicing.

Irisia—see: Tya.

Ithlakor (ith-la-KOR)—an underwater nation composed primarily of Ithlané (a voramer offshoot).

Ithlané (ith-lan-AY)—a voramer offshoot race, probably the most like the original voramer of any of their cousin groups. Like most voramer-derived races, they are sequential hermaphrodites (meaning born male, and eventually becoming female as they age).

Ivory District, the—the temple district of the Upper Circle, in the Capital.


Jheshikah (jesh-eh-KAH)—one of the Spurned.

Jorat (jor-AT)—a dominion in the middle of Quur of varying climates and wide reaches of grassy plains; known for its horses.


Kaen (KANE)—the Yoran ducal line.

Azhen (AHJ-en)—Duke, or Hon, of Yor, grandson of the Joratese Quuros general who conquered the region. Murdered by Suless.

Exidhar (ex-ID-ar)—Azhen and Xivan Kaen’s son, murdered by Suless.

Xivan (JI-van)—Azhen Kaen’s first wife; her Khorveshan ancestry made her unpopular with the Yoran people, and she was eventually killed in an assassination attempt meant for her husband. Relos Var animated her using Grimward. Slayer of Argas, using Godslayer.

Kandor (KAN-dor),

Atrin (AT-rin)—an emperor of Quur who significantly expanded the borders of the Empire. Most famous for deciding to invade the Manol, which resulted in the destruction of virtually the entire Quuros army and himself, leaving Quur defenseless against the subsequent morgage invasion. Reincarnated as Teraeth.

Elana (eh-lan-AY)—Atrin Kandor’s wife, responsible for ending the morgage invasion of Khorvesh. After her husband’s death, she gave birth to his son and returned to using her maiden name, Milligreest. She later re-married a man named Terin (see: Terindel) but never had any other children.

Karolaen (KAR-o-lane)—former name of Kharas Gulgoth.

Kazivar (KAZ-eh-var)—one of the dominions of Quur, north of Eamithon.

kef (kef)—a style of trouser common in western Quur.

Kelanis (KEL-a-nis)—son of Khaevatz and Kelindel, younger brother of Khaeriel who attempted to have his sister assassinated and usurped her position. Murdered by Suless.

kevra (KEV-ray)—a tropical flower with a scent that is both fruity and rose-like. Often used to create kevra-water, which is popular for desserts and perfumes. Kevra hedges are popular in the Upper Circle.

Key—a specialist burglar working for the Shadowdancers trained at unlocking magical wards and enchantments.

Khaemezra (kay-MEZ-rah)—a.k.a. Mother—the High Priestess of Thaena, and leader of the Black Brotherhood; Teraeth’s mother; the true name of Thaena. See: Thaena.

Khaeriel (kay-RE-el)—queen of the vané, assassinated by her brother, Kelanis. Because Khaeriel was wearing the Stone of Shackles, she ended up in the body of her assassin, and was later gaeshed and sold into slavery to Therin D’Mon by her grandmother, Khaemezra. Kihrin D’Mon’s mother.

Khaevatz (KAY-vatz)—Manol vané queen, famous for resisting Atrin Kandor’s invasion. She later married Kirpis vané King Kelindel, uniting (in theory) the two nations.

Kharas Gulgoth (KAR-as GUL-goth)—a ruin in the middle of the Korthaen Blight; believed sacred (and cursed) by the morgage; prison of the corrupted god Vol Karoth.

Khored (KOR-ed)—one of the Eight Immortals. God of Destruction, a.k.a. Mithros, who is Teraeth’s grandfather.

Khorvesh (kor-VESH)—a dominion to the south of the Capital City, just north of the Manol Jungle.

Kirpis, the (KIR-pis)—a dominion to the north of Kazivar, primarily forest. Most famous for being the original home of one of the vané races, as well as the Academy. Also, home to a number of famous vineyards.

Kirpis vané (van-EH)—a fair-skinned, immortal race who once lived in the Kirpis forest. They were driven south to eventually relocate in the Manol Jungle.

Kishna-Farriga (kish-na-fair-eh-GA)—one of the Free States, independent city-states south of Quur, past the Manol Jungle; Kishna-Farriga is used as a trading entrepôt by many neighboring countries.

Korthaen Blight, the (kor-THANE)—also called the Wastelands, a cursed and unlivable land that is (somehow) home to the morgage.

kraken—see: Daughters of Laaka.

Kulma swamp (KUL-mah)—a lowland swamp area in southern Marakor.


Laaka (LAKE-ay)—goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and sea serpents.

laevos (LAY-vos)—a Joratese hairstyle consisting of a strip of hair down the center of the head and shaved sides, echoing a horse’s mane. Some Joratese grow their hair this way naturally; it’s considered a sign of nobility.

Lagan—a district in Da’utunse.

Land of Peace, the—Heaven, the place of reward souls go after they die and are judged worthy by Thaena.

Lash, the—an infamous pirate operating in the seas surrounding Zherias.

Lighthouse at Shadrag Gor, the—a highly magical lighthouse in Yor where time runs extremely fast.

Linyuwan (LIN-u-wan)—a Devoran priest.

Living World, the—the part of the Twin Worlds that living beings can see and interact with.

Lotus Court, the—a section of the Rose Palace famous for its man-made lake.

Lower Circle, the—area of the Capital City that exists outside of the safety of the table-top mesa of the Upper Circle, thus making it vulnerable to flooding.

Lyrilyn (LIR-il-in)—a slave girl owned by Pedron D’Mon, later transformed by the Stone of Shackles into the mimic Talon.

Lysian gas (LIS-e-an)—an extremely dangerous magical weapon of mass destruction capable of destroying the populations of entire towns. Looks like blue smoke.


Malkoessian (MAL-KOZ-ee-an),

Aroth (AIR-oth)—Markreev of Stavira, one of the four quadrants that politically divide Jorat. Count Janel Theranon’s canton, Tolamer, lies within Stavira’s borders.

Manol, the (MAN-ol)—an area of dense jungle in the equatorial region of the known world; home to the Manol vané.

Manol vané (MAN-ol van-AY)—one of the vané races, who broke away from the Kirpis as a political protest and changed their appearance to underscore their new allegiance. Manol vané are typically dark-colored, but like all vané, not predictably so.

Marakor (MARE-a-kor)—the Quuros dominion to the southeast of the empire. Politically important because Marakor is the only (relatively) easy entry point to the Manol Jungle. Consolidating the various rival city-state clans, which originally made up the region, has proved difficult.

Merit (MER-it)—a thief with the Shadowdancers who now helps run the the Shattered Veil Club velvet house.

Mezian, Vanaj (MEZ-e-an, vahn-AJ)—a Khorveshan swordsmith famous for the quality of his blades. Xivan Kaen’s father.

Milligreest (mill-eh-GREEST),

Elana (e-LAN-ay)—a musician from Khorvesh who married Atrin Kandor. After his death, she returned to using her maiden name and journeyed into the Korthaen Blight to negotiate a peace settlement with the invading morgage people; responsible for freeing S’arric. Past life of Janel Theranon. See: Elana Kandor.

Eledore (el-eh-DOR-ee)—Qoran Milligreest’s youngest daughter.

Jarith (JAR-ith)—only son of Qoran; like most Milligreests, served in the military; killed by Xaltorath during the Capital Hellmarch.

Kalindra (KAL-ind-rah)—a half-Khorveshan, half-Zheriasian member of the Black Brotherhood and angel of Thaena, who married Jarith Milligreest.

Nikali (ni-KAL-i)—1. Cousin of Qoran Milligreest, famous for his skill with a sword. See: Terindel. 2. Jarith and Kalindra Milligreest’s toddler son.

Qoran (KOR-an)—High General of the Quuros army. Biological father of Janel Theranon.

Taunna (TAWN-nay)—a member of the Milligreest family who was adopted by Nikali Milligreest after the death of her parents. She now runs the Culling Fields tavern.

mimics—a mysterious shape-changing race that hides amongst humanity, typically selling their services as spies and assassins. Infamous for their fondness for devouring brains.

misha (MEESH-ah)—a long-sleeved shirt worn by men in Quur.

Mithros (MEETH-ros)—leader of the Red Spears, a mercenary company selling their services to the highest bidder for tournaments in Jorat; a Manol vané. Also, the real name of Khored, God of Destruction.

Miya (MY-ah)—nickname for Miyathreall

Miyathreall (MY-ah-threel)—A handmaiden to Queen Khaerial, sister of Queen Khaeriel’s consort, Miyane. After she assassinated Khaeriel, they swapped places because of the Stone of Shackles, with the result that Khaeriel was now trapped in Miyathreall’s body.

morgage (mor-gah-GEE)—a belligerent, aggressive race that lives in the Korthaen Blight and makes constant war on its neighbors. These are mainly Quuros living in the dominion of Khorvesh, but the morgage hold a special hatred for the vané.

Morios (MORE-ee-os)—the dragon of swords, brother of Mithros.

Mouse—a Key in the Shadowdancers, deceased.

Name of All Things, the—one of the Cornerstones. The Name of All Things can answer any question asked while holding it, with the caveat that it cannot answer questions about events that predate its existence, nor can it answer questions about Urthaenriel or Vol Karoth. Since there is no way to stop answering a question once it’s asked, care must be taken not to ask a question so open-ended that one starves to death.


Nemesan (NEM-es-an)—a deceased god-king.

Nemesan gambit—any strategy so excellent that there is no way to lose, i.e. a mastermind play where every possible counterplay still results in a victory for the plotter.

Nightrunners—a Khorveshan mercenary company.

Nineawen (nin-e-AH-wen)—the name of the original voras settlement on Nythrawl, which had to be abandoned after the first demon invasion occurred.

Niyabe (NIGH-ah-bee)—Abbess of the Devors Monastery.

Nythrawl (NITH-rahl)—the original continent settled by the voras, now uninhabitable.


Octagon, the—the main slave auction house of the Capital City.

Ogenra (OH-jon-RAY)—an unrecognized bastard of one of the royal families. Far from being unwanted, Ogenra are considered an important part of the political process because of their ability to circumvent the god-touched curse.

Old Man, the—see: Sharanakal.

Oliyuan (OL-eh-wan)—a Devoran priest.

Ompher (OM-fur)—one of the Eight Immortals, god of the world.

ord—the main monetary unit of Kishna-Farriga.


Pajanya Cliffs (PAH-jan-ya)—the cliffs upon which the Devors Monastery and Library are built.

pepperleaf beer—a sweet alcoholic beverage made from the herb of the same name.

Pirate Queen of the Desolation—a famous and popular ribald play occasionally performed by House D’Jorax.

Pivilana Bay (piv-il-an-AY)—a harbor in Zherias.


Qown, Brother (kown)—an acolyte of the Vishai Mysteries, originally assigned to guide Count Janel Theranon, now assigned to Galen D’Mon.

Quur, the Great and Holy Empire of (koor)—a large empire originally expanded from a single city-state (also named Quur), which now serves as the empire’s capital.

Quuros High Council—the ruling body of Quur, elected from a pool of candidates who are themselves elected by the Royal Houses.


Raenena (RAY-nen-ah)—a dominion of Quur, nestled in the Dragonspires to the north.

Rainbow Lake—a large lake in Eamithon named because of its unusually clear waters and the rainbow sheen of the feldspar underneath. Home to Grizzst’s tower, which he has hidden using illusions.

raisigi (RAY-sig-eye)—a tight-fitting bodice worn by women.

Raorin (RAY-or-in)—a morgage-blooded bouncer at the Shattered Veil Club.

Return—to be resurrected from the Afterlife, always with the permission of the Goddess of Death, Thaena.

Rev’arric—see: Relos Var.

Rima, Latemé (REEM-ah, la-TEM-ay)—a Zheriasian pirate, captain of the Angel’s Spite.

Ritual of Night, the—a magical ritual designed to align an immortal race more fully with the universe, making them mortal and channeling the tenyé yield of that sacrifice into strengthening Vol Karoth’s prison. All involved in the ritual itself die.

Rol’amar (ROL-a-mar)—the bone dragon, also the son of Relos Var and Tya.

Rose Palace, the—the palace of House D’Talus.


S’arric, (sar-RIC)—one of the Eight Immortals, mostly unknown (and deceased); god of sun, stars, and sky; murdered by his older brother, Rev’arric. Past life of Kihrin D’Mon.

sag bread (SAHG)—a flat unleavened bread, used to eat meals with.

sallí (sal-LEE)—a hooded, cloak-like garment designed to protect the wearer from the intense heat of the sun.

Sandus (SAND-us)—a farmer from Marakor, later Emperor of Quur. Thurvishar’s biological father and Relos Var’s son.

sassibim brandy (sass-ah-BIM)—a style of brandy made from sassibim berries.

Scabbard—the day-to-day commander of the Shadowdancers, a criminal organization.

Scarlet Gull, the—a hospitality house in Da’utunse.

scorpion war machines—a Quuros military invention that uses magic to hurl casks of magical munitions at great velocity at a target (usually) with a high degree of accuracy.

Selanol (SELL-an-al)—the solar deity worshipped as part of the Vishai Mysteries.

Shadowdancers, the—an illegal criminal organization operating in the Lower Circle of the Capital City.

shanathá (shan-NA-tha)—a light, hard metal used to make some kinds of armor and weapons.

Sharanakal (SHA-ran-a-KAL)—a dragon, associated with fire. Also known as the Old Man.

Shark’s Mouth, the—a dive bar in Da’utunse.

Shattered Veil Club, the—a velvet house and entertainment hall.

Simillion (SIM-i-le-on)—First Emperor of Quur. Famous for many things, not least of which is conforming to the classic “farm boy hero slays gods” trope, Simillion was promptly murdered by the very people he’d meant to save. Reincarnated as Thurvishar D’Lorus.

Simillion’s Crossing—a street named after the Emperor.

Skyfire—a Cornerstone with the ability to create intense bursts of heat and flame.

Soaring Halls—name of the Imperial Palace.

Solan’arric (SOL-an-AR-ic)—see: S’arric.

sorshi balls (SOR-shy)—dessert made of beaten rice flour with fruit stuffing.

Spurned, the—an all-female mercenary company consisting almost entirely of Yoran witches.

Stone of Shackles, the—one of the eight Cornerstones. The Stone of Shackles has power over souls, including the ability to exchange its wearer’s soul with that of their murderer.

Stonegate Pass—the fortress and town built up at the easiest entry point into the Korthaen Blight.

sugar apple—a large fruit that can be split open to reveal fluffy, sticky white flesh wrapped around black seeds (which are discarded). The fruit is very sweet but can be messy to eat.

Suless (SUE-less)—god-queen of Yor, associated with witchcraft, deception, treachery, and betrayal; also associated with hyenas.

sweet-glass grapes—a popular street fruit in which a variety of round fruit on a stick (usually some sort of sour berry) is dipped in hot molten sugar, which is allowed to harden.


Taja (TAJ-ah)—one of the Eight Immortals. Goddess of Luck.

Talisman—an otherwise normal object whose tenyé has been modified to vibrate in sympathy with the owner, thus reinforcing the tenyé against enemies who might use magic to change it. This also means it’s extremely dangerous to allow one’s talisman to fall into enemy hands. One’s ability to use magic, it’s possible to wear so many talismans that one is rendered incapable of using any magic at all.

Talon—a mimic assassin and spy working for Darzin D’Mon.

tamarane (tam-a-RAN-ee)—a system of Joratese cooking with eight specific styles of heating.

Tavris (TAV-ris)—god-king of merchants and profit.

Tel, Kavis (KAV-is TEL)—pseudonym used by Galen D’Mon for publishing his poetry.

Ten Metals fighting school—a Khorveshan fighting school in Stonegate Pass.

tenyé, (ten-AY)—the true essence of an object. Vital to all magic.

Teraeth (ter-WRATHE)—hunter of Thaena. A Manol vané assassin and member of the Black Brotherhood. Son of Terindel and Khaemezra. The reincarnation of Atrin Kandor. Currently, King of the Manol.

Terindel (TER-in-del)—an infamous Kirpis vané king who sparked a civil war when he refused to conduct the Ritual of Night. Teraeth’s father. Slain by Thaena after he revealed the truth about the Four Races.

Thaena (thane-AY)—one of the Eight Immortals. Goddess of Death.

Theranon (ther-a-NON)

Janel (jan-EL), a.k.a. Janel Danorak, a.k.a. the Black Knight—daughter of Qoran Milligreest and Tya. The reincarnation of Elana Kandor and C’indrol.

Ninavis (NIN-a-vis)—former outlaw turned duke.

Three Sisters, the—either Taja, Tya, and Thaena, or Galava, Tya, and Thaena; also, the three moons in the night sky.

thriss (thris)—a serpent-headed race created from humans by the god-king Ynis.

Tolamer (TOL-a-mear)—a canton in northeastern Jorat, ruled by the Theranon family for almost five hundred years.

tsali stone, (zal-e)—a crystal created from the condensed soul of a person.

Tumai (TU-mai)—Yoran word for knight.

Twin Worlds, the—name for the combination of the Living World and Afterlife, when referring to both realms as part of a larger whole.

Tya (tie-ah), a.k.a. Irisia (IR-is-EE-ah)—one of the Eight Immortals, the Goddess of Magic.

Tya’s Veil—an aurora borealis effect visible in the night sky.

Tyentso (tie-EN-so)—formerly Raverí D’Lorus, now the emperor of Quur; the first woman to ever be emperor.


uisigi (YOU-sig-eye)—undergarments, specifically underpants or loincloths.

Upper Circle—the mesa plateau in the center of the Capital City that is home to the Royal Houses, temples, government, and Arena.

Urthaenriel (UR-thane-re-EL)—Godslayer, the Ruin of Kings, the Emperor’s Sword. A powerful artifact that is believed to make its wielder completely immune to magic and thus is capable of killing gods. The sword used to turn S’arric into Vol Karoth.


Valathea (val-a-THE-a)—Terindel’s wife, who cursed herself to become a harp following her fatal poisoning after having been sentenced to the Traitor’s Walk by her brother-in-law. Kihrin’s great-great-grandmother.

Valrashar (val-ra-SHAR)—vané princess, daughter of Kirpis vané King Terindel and Queen Valathea.

vané (van-EH), a.k.a. vorfelane—an offshoot of the voras who split over ideological differences in how to interact with the world’s native species. Essentially, the voras changed the world to suit their needs, and the vané changed themselves to suit the world.

vanoizi (vah-NWA-zi)—a style of Eamithonian cooking, also a region of Eamithon.

Var, Relos (VAR, REL-os)—a powerful wizard, believed responsible for the ritual that created the Eight Immortals, and also the ritual that created both the dragons and Vol Karoth.

Var, Senera (SEN-er-AY)—a former House D’Jorax slave who was freed and trained by Relos Var.

Veil—1. see: Tya’s Veil. 2. The state of perception separating seeing the “normal” world from seeing the true essence or tenyé of the world, necessary for magic.

velvet houses—Quuros slang term for brothels or bordellos.

Velvet Town—the red light district of the Lower Circle. Those who engage in the sex trade are commonly described as “velvet,” i.e. velvet boys or velvet girls.

Vishai Mysteries, the (vish-AY)—a religion popular in parts of Eamithon, Jorat, and Marakor; little is known about their inner workings, but their religion seems to principally center around a solar deity; usually pacifistic; members of the faith will often obtain licenses from House D’Mon to legally practice healing.

Vol Karoth (VOL ka-ROTH), a.k.a. War Child—a demon offspring crafted by demons to counter the Eight Immortals; alternately a corrupted remnant of the sacrificed god of the sun, S’arric; both.

voramer (vor-a-MEER), a.k.a. vormer—an extinct water-dwelling race believed to be the progenitors of the morgage and the Ithlané. Of the two, only the Ithlané still live in water.

voras (vor-AS), a.k.a. vorarras—extinct race believed to have been the progenitors of humanity, who lost their immortality when Karolaen was destroyed.

vordreth (vor-DRETH), a.k.a. vordredd, dreth, dredd, dwarves—an underground-dwelling race known for their strength and intelligence; despite their nickname, not short. Believed to have been wiped out when Atrin Kandor conquered Raenena, but the fact that Thurvishar D’Lorus’s mother was one suggests otherwise.


Warmonger—a Cornerstone that allows emotional control over large population groups.

Watchmen, the—guards tasked with policing the Capital City, under the auspices of House D’Kard.

Well of Spirals, the—a vané holy site where much of their biological magics are performed.

Wildheart—a Cornerstone that allows its owner to control plants.

witchgift—slang term for the first spell a sorcerer or wizard learns, which is usually wild and considered a sign of one’s potential.

Wixan (WIKS-an)—a Devoran priest.

Worldhearth—a Cornerstone that allows its owner to see clairvoyantly using heat sources.


Xaloma (ZAL-o-may)—a dragon, associated with souls.

Xaltorath (zal-tor-OTH)—a demon king/queen who is manipulating events. Responsible for the death of Galava. Self-associated with lust and war.


Ynis (y-NIS)—a god-king who once ruled the area now known as Khorvesh. Associated with death and snakes. Slain by Thaena.

Ynisthana (y-NIS-than-AY)—an island in the Desolation chain, used as a training grounds by the Black Brotherhood.

Yor (yor)—one of Quur’s dominions, the most recently added and the least acclimated to imperial rule.


Zaibur (ZAI-bur)—1. The major river running from Demon Falls and Lake Jorat all the way to the ocean, dividing Jorat from Marakor. 2. A strategy game.

Zajhera, Father (zah-JER-ah)—leader of the Vishai faith / Vishai Mysteries. Personally exorcised the demon Xaltorath, who possessed Janel Theranon when she was a child. An alternate identity used by Relos Var.

Zherias (ZER-e-as)—a large island to the southwest of Quur. Independent from Quur, and anxious to stay that way. Famous for their skill at piracy and trade.