
Sum-mer-TIME, and the li-ving is EA-SY

I think these mothers dream
headstones of the unborn.
Their mourning rises like a wall
no vine will cling to.
They will not tell you your suffering is white.
They will not say it is just as well.
They will not compete for ashes of infants.
I think they may say to you:
Come with us to the place of mothers.
We will stroke your flat, empty belly,
let you weep with us in the dark,
and arm you with one of our babies
to carry home on your back.

– Ingrid de Kok. “Small Passing”

I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black – (It’s hard to dance with the Devil on your back.) They buried my body and they thought I’d gone, But I am the Dance, and I still go on.

– Sydney Carter. “Lord of the Dance”

Of all the birds in the world commend me to the merry frogs whistling with might & main their midnight carols.

– David Livingstone. Letter to Margaret Sewell, 20 September 1847