Donna Andrews was born in Yorktown, Virginia, and now lives in Reston, Virginia. Gone Gull (Minotaur, August 2017) and How the Finch Stole Christmas (Minotaur, October 2017) are the twenty-first and twenty-second books in her Agatha, Anthony, and Lefty award-winning Meg Langslow series, to be followed by Toucan Keep a Secret in 2018. Fur, Feathers, and Felonies is her eighth outing as one of the editors of the Chesapeake Crimes anthology series. She is an active member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America, and she served as MWA’s executive vice president during the past three years. She blogs with the Femmes Fatales at femmesfatales.typepad.com. For more information: www.donnaandrews.com.

Brendan DuBois is an award-winning author of twenty novels and more than 150 short stories. He’s currently working on a series of works with bestselling novelist James Patterson. His short fiction has appeared in Playboy, Analog, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, and numerous anthologies, including Best American Mystery Stories of the Century, published in 2000, as well as Best American Noir of the Century. His stories have thrice won him the Shamus Award from Private Eye Writers of America, and have earned him three Edgar Award nominations from Mystery Writers of America. He is also a Jeopardy! game show champion. Visit his website: www.BrendanDuBois.com.

Barb Goffman’s bio appears with her story.

Lapsed librarian and former mystery bookseller Mary Jane Maffini is the author of the Camilla MacPhee, the Fiona Silk, and the Charlotte Adams mysteries and two dozen mystery shorts. As Victoria Abbott, Mary Jane collaborated on five book-collector mysteries with her daughter, Victoria. Mary Jane holds three Arthur Ellis awards and an Agatha for short stories. The Busy Woman’s Guide to Murder won the Romantic Times award for Best Amateur Sleuth in 2012 and Victoria Abbott snagged the 2016 Bony Blithe Award. Mary Jane lives in Manotick, Ontario, Canada, with two princessy miniature dachshunds and a husband who looks over his shoulder a lot. www.maryjanemaffini.com

Leigh Perry writes the Family Skeleton mysteries featuring adjunct English professor Georgia Thackery and her best friend, an ambulatory skeleton named Sid. The Skeleton Paints a Picture is the fourth and most recent. As Toni L.P. Kelner, she’s the coeditor of paranormal fiction anthologies with Charlaine Harris; the author of eleven mystery novels; and an Agatha Award winner and multiple award nominee for short fiction. No matter what you call her, she lives north of Boston with her husband, two daughters, one guinea pig, and an ever-increasing number of books. www.leighperryauthor.com

Marcia Talley is the author of Mile High Murder and fifteen previous novels featuring Maryland sleuth Hannah Ives. A winner of the Malice Domestic Grant and an Agatha Award nominee for Best First Novel, Marcia won an Agatha and an Anthony Award for her short story “Too Many Cooks” and an Agatha Award for her short story “Driven to Distraction.” She is the editor of two mystery collaborations, and her short stories have appeared in more than a dozen collections. She divides her time between Annapolis, Maryland, and a quaint Loyalist-style cottage in Hope Town, Bahamas. www.marciatalley.com