The essays in this collection have been published previously or are forthcoming:

‘Driving As Metaphor’ (New York Times Magazine), ‘Coventry’ (Granta), ‘On Rudeness’ (New York Times Magazine), ‘Making Home’ (New York Times Magazine), ‘Lions on Leashes’ (New York Times Magazine, as ‘Raising Teenagers: The Mother of All Problems’), ‘Aftermath’ (Granta), ‘Louise Bourgeois: Suites on Fabric’ (Marlborough Fine Art Exhibition Catalogue essay), ‘I am nothing, I am everything’ (The Last Supper, Faber & Faber, 2010), ‘Shakespeare’s Sisters’ (Guardian), ‘How to Get There’ (Guardian), ‘Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence’ (Introduction, The Age of Innocence, The Folio Society, 2009, and Macmillan Collector’s Library, 2019), ‘D. H. Lawrence: The Rainbow’ (Introduction, The Rainbow, Vintage Classics, 2011, republished in the Guardian), ‘On Francoise Sagan’ (Introduction, Bonjour Tristesse, Penguin Modern Classics, 2013), ‘Olivia Manning: The Balkan Trilogy’ (Introduction, Fortunes of War: The Balkan Trilogy, Olivia Manning, New York Review of Books Classics, 2010), ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ (Guardian), ‘Never Let Me Go’ (Guardian), ‘On Natalia Ginzburg’ (Times Literary Supplement and Introduction, The Little Virtues, Daunt, 2018).