Class Variables

A few other interesting things are going on in this program. Right at the top of the Thing class you will see this:

@@num_things = 0

The two @ characters at the start of this variable name, @@num_things, define this to be a class variable. The variables we’ve used inside classes up to now have been instance variables, preceded by a single @, like @name. Whereas each new object (or instance) of a class assigns its own values to its own instance variables, all objects derived from a specific class share the same class variables. I have assigned 0 to the @@num_things variable to ensure that it has a meaningful value at the outset.

Here, the @@num_things class variable is used to keep a running total of the number of Thing objects in the game. It does this simply by incrementing the class variable (by adding 1 to it: += 1) in its initialize method every time a new object is created:

@@num_things += 1

If you look later in the code, you will see that I have created a Map class to contain an array of rooms. This includes a version of the to_s method that prints information on each room in the array. Don’t worry about the implementation of the Map class right now; we’ll be looking at arrays and their methods in Chapter 4.

class Map

    def initialize( someRooms )
        @rooms = someRooms

    def to_s
        @rooms.each {


Scroll to the code at the bottom of the file, and run the program to see how I have created and initialized all the objects and used the class variable, @@num_things, to keep a tally of all the Thing objects that have been created.