Dear Reader:
I hope you enjoyed Trouble the cat’s story about what happens when he bumps into Annie Graceland—my ghost whispering, slightly psychic on-a-good-day, trouble magnet of a heroine—on Valentine’s Day in Venice Beach, California.
In grade school I labored over homemade Valentine’s day cards for friends and classmates hoping I’d get a few in return. In my twenties, I wished for a bouquet of flowers or something pretty from a beau. It wasn’t until I hit my thirties that I realized Valentine’s Day isn’t about cards, kisses, or flowers. Valentine’s Day is about sharing love and kindness with the people and fur babies who bless your life. I wrote Annie’s and Trouble’s adventures with this in mind.
Enjoy your Valentine’s Day with your sweetie. Tell your mom and dad that you love them (shout outs to Heaven count!). Give your auntie a call, hug your kid, take the dog for an extra-long walk, and sprinkle a little nip on your cat’s favorite scratchy pad.
Life can be a big roller coaster. Love and kindness keep the wheels on track.
I love hanging out with my readers on Pamela DuMond's Dirty Darlings on FB. I’d be thrilled if you joined us.
Pamela DuMond writing as ‘Pamela Sue DuMond’