Chapter Six

Best Valentine’s Day Ever

“Honey,” Rafe said sitting across from Annie at her kitchen table. He was shirtless, all those handsome, defined chest and arm muscles on display. “Best Valentine’s Day ever.” He twirled his fork in his fettucine Alfredo.

Annie wore her cat pajamas. Theodore enthusiastically noshed on a sample of Gussie Gunk’s Cat Grub from a festive dish on the floor. There were fresh flowers on the table and she’d already opened the funny card Rafe had given her.

“Do you like your Valentine’s Day gift?” she asked, and rested her feet on his lap.

“The red dress strip tease in the middle of the pet store?” He smiled.

“No, dork. The tickets to your favorite blast from the past ‘70s band.”

“I do,” he said. “I got you something too.”

“You didn’t have to. Today is perfect, just the way it is.”

“How so?” he asked.

“Well, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be only about spending it with a human that you love. Valentine’s Day can be about spreading the love,” Annie said. “Looking out for someone less fortunate than you. Someone who needs someone to just be their human for a day, or even a few hours.”

“That’s one of the reasons I love you,” he said, leaned in, and kissed her. He reached for a large gift bag under the table and put it in her lap. “Open it.”

“You didn’t have to.” She peeled back the tissue paper and pulled out the lime green carrier with the smiling cat on the side and blinked. “Thank you! I…love it! But, really you didn’t have to.”

“I did,” he said. “I could tell from the moment I walked in the pet shop that you had fallen in love with this thing. That it was the perfect present for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Raphael,” She leaned in and kissed him. “Best Valentine’s Day, ever.”