Thank you. Gracias . . .
To our first readers, Keith Robinson and Vicki Hastrich. Without your encouragement we might never have felt emboldened to proceed.
To Jane Palfreyman. Your ‘yes’ was a gift wrapped in red ribbon. We’ve been enriched by your insight, generosity, wisdom and laughter.
To the Allen & Unwin family, and in particular to Genevieve Buzo, whose close attention has supported us so beautifully. Also to Romina Panetta, whose visuals delighted us, and to Julia Cain, who made us look again!
To James Laurie. You’re the business!
Ailsa’s three-week residency at Bundanon was invaluable at a time when the idea of a book seemed impossible. An earlier week at Varuna gave us both the opportunity to advance our thinking.
From Ailsa
Thank you to my remarkable ‘village’ of friends for guiding me home through the dark. To my Sydney writing chums, for conversations that sustained my energy for work, and a huzzah to Caroline Baum for title inspiration.
From Tony
For a lifetime of friends—believers and unbelievers—who have shared their stories and their profound life experiences with me over many years, I am grateful. You have shaped me with your questions, your insights and your conversation, towards a richer understanding of myself and my ministry.