I have to thank my agent, Blair Taylor, and my manager, Casandra Franceschi, for taking a chance on me. Blair, your guidance has been invaluable, and you are a role model for what an agent should be. You always put my best interests first, and I am honored to have you represent me. Casandra, thank you for being there for me whenever I need you. Your expertise and honesty have contributed to my success, and I know how fortunate I am to have you as my manager. I look forward to making my career goals happen with you by my side.

Dad, you always pushed me to my fullest potential and told me, “Someday you will do great things.” Thank you for guiding me throughout my career and reminding me to never accept less than my worth. Mom, you taught me how to run a household, cook, host dinner parties, and be a strong woman who can handle anything. Thank you for your sacrifices throughout my life and for showing me what a mother should be. I love you both and hope I have made you proud.

This book would not have been possible without the support of my husband. Roy, you encouraged me while I chased my dream of becoming a television and media nutritionist. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to leave a full-time job to achieve my ultimate career goal. This is just the beginning—I love you! Last but not least, I dedicate this book to my son, Nicolas. You are my angel, and I am so grateful to be your mother. Thank you for your patience while I wrote this book. You have taught me what really matters in life. I am so proud of you and I love you.
