1. Faith feels pressure to do what she thinks a godly woman should do. Some of this is internal and some external. Do you feel the same thing, and do you think it comes from the Holy Spirit or our own minds? How do you feel when you hear sermons preached about the Proverbs 31 woman?
2. Throughout the book, Jonah is angry with God for the death of his brother. In Chapter 46 he is further distressed about his marital separation and the sexual harassment lawsuit. His mother talks to him about bad things happening to good people. How do you minister to people who are suffering from loss or trials in their lives?
3. Faith decides to keep a secret from Jonah because she believes he won’t understand her decision. She is also angry about the fact that he has not given all he should to the marriage. One of the greatest hindrances to a comfortable walk with God as a Christian is the tendency to give into our emotions. What are your thoughts about this? What are some tools you use to control your emotions?
4. Jonah’s mother chastises him about his estrangement from his father and the fact that he refers to his father by his first name. The Bible says in Exodus 20:12 “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which The Lord thy God giveth thee” (KJV). Do you think that Jonah has a lack of honor for his father? Is it right to ever be estranged from a parent the way Jonah was from his father?
5. In Chapter 7, Faith remembers a magazine article where she read “there are always signs a person is not ready for marriage, often little things we dismiss as nothing should be examined a lot more carefully before the exchange of vows.” Do you believe this is true? What about the idea that God brings people together? How does the idea of God’s divine plan contrast with the notion of choosing your spouse based on perceived readiness and/or a set of qualities you determine to be godly?
6. Faith lies in bed thinking she should get on her knees and pray. What do you think about how, when, and where prayer should be done?
7. Faith’s mother insists that Faith honors Jonah’s wishes and not return to the workforce. Consider the principle in scripture that places the man as the authority over his family. Do you think a spouse should have that much control over what another wants to do? How should these disagreements be handled in a marriage?
8. Jonah is concerned about Amadi’s prognosis. He grieves over the fact that people die every day and take their internal organs with them. Passages such as 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 are used to defend the idea that organs should not be harvested from a person’s body. Are you an organ donor? Why or why not? If not, do you think Amadi’s story has had any impact on the way you think about organ donation?
9. After years of marital strife, Faith decides leaving Jonah is the only way to get him to change. Do you think the Bible makes a provision for separation based on anything other than an extramarital affair?
10. In Chapter 49, Faith thinks she should resign from the women’s ministry because she and Jonah are separated, but Pastor Kent encourages her to continue. Do you agree with his position on why she should stay in leadership?
11. Faith’s mother warns her about talking to Yvette about her marriage. She tells her to talk to someone who’s been married that’s older and wiser than her. Do you agree with this position? Why or why not?
12. Jonah begins to pray to God over several chapters of the book before he’s reconciled to Christ. Do a study of the following scriptures: Exodus 2:23-25, Exodus 3:9-10, Exodus 22:22-23, Numbers 20:15-16, Psalm 9:12, Isaiah 30:19 and Isaiah 30:1-3; 9-11. What do you think about the prayers of the backslidden and/or unsaved?
13. April has decided to end her life. Some people believe suicide is an unforgivable sin because the dead do not have an opportunity to confess their sins and repent. What is your opinion about that? If a Christian commits suicide is he/she still forgiven?
14. God’s leadership and direction take many forms. God leads though His written Word, through wisdom, through godly counsel, through circumstance, and by direct communication from His Holy Spirit. What are some examples of this in the book?