Having given in to the second person throughout these pages, you know the time has now come to give it up at last to claim back a sincere, indebted, and admiring “I,” if only the time to express my warmest thanks and gratitude to Mathieu DUPLAY, who patiently and generously conducted a first version of this text; to Noëlle BATT, Marc CHÉNETIER, Bruno MONFORT, and Françoise SAMMARCELLI, who some winter day back in 2007 cast a generous ear on its rehearsal; of course, to Robert COOVER, to whom I frequently turned to tune my readings, which he uncomplainingly and generously endured, even when proffered—often—at full blast; to the indefatigably generous Paul QUINN, Michael JOYCE, Richard ANKER and Antoine TRAISNEL, who all gave of their time to try and attenuate my sour notes; and to all, Jeremy M. DAVIES and Aaron KERNER in particular, at Dalkey Archive Press for having accepted and guided me through this project—a project that could not have seen the light of day were it not for the joint support of the University of Lille 3 and CECILLE, and the University of Cergy-Pontoise and the CICC . . .
. . . and, off course, there always, where it’s always best—there, again, where again we turn to, there and with our deux amours—this book, which now is one, is for you, queen of all kapoos.