Mama takes me back to school Thursday morning.
We walk into Mr. Trimble's office. "Mrs. Krebs," he says, and puts out his hand.
"I'm sorry I took Mary Mae out of school," says Mama. "I acted too hastily. Last night we had a guest pastor at the church that says it's all right to dig up fossils."
"You can learn a lot from them," says Mr. Trimble. "We're pleased to have Mary Mae back." He says he'll gather my books for me and I can go on up to class.
Miss Sizemore's setting on the far side of the room beside a papier maché glacier. "You're back!" she shrieks. Everybody's cheering.
Herschel shows me some pebbles he's brought in for a glacial moraine.
Sunday at church, me and Granny sing a song we wrote together—"Holy Father Bring Me Joy." Everybody's a-clapping on the chorus. It's Granny's last Sunday here. Her blood's down, the doctor says, so she can go back home.
We set down, and Sister Coates asks who would like to give thanks.
Jonathan Safer says his uncle's helping him build a racer for the Soap Box Derby.
"Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!"
Wilma Tatters says, "Hallelujah, I got me a brand-new Exercycle."
I stand up. "I'm grateful my granny's been here with us for these last two months. And we've had so many good times."
"Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!"
Sister Coates preaches on the Beatitudes, all them "blesseds." Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. She runs through the whole list, explaining each one. It's like a list of playground rules, only you don't get just a rule, you get a blessing and a promise.
Now I ain't all them things, that's for sure. I ain't meek, because I'm always asking questions. But I am pure in heart. At least I try to be. And with Granny going next week, I hope to be comforted. I got my guitar and Granny's music. I got Mrs. Noah setting on my dressing table, and I got my fossils all lined up on a shelf Daddy made for me that's hanging on the wall. I'm always adding to it, and I keep it dusted because Mama wants it clean up there.