Abbas, Mahmoud
Abdul Hamid II
Abdulaziz, Abdullah ibn
Abdulaziz, Faisal ibn
Abdulaziz, Nayef bin
Abdullah, as-Sayyid
Abdullah, Crown Prince
Abdullah, King
Abdullah II, King
Abraham Lincoln, USS
Adenauer, Konrad
Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
Aflaq, Michel
Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror (Clarke)
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem
al-Askariya Mosque bombing
Albright, Madeleine
Ali, Ahmad Ismail
Allon, Yigael
al Qaeda; bin Laden, Osama and; Bush, George W. and; Clinton, Bill and; Saudi Arabia and; Syria and; as threat; Zarqawi, Abu Musab al- and
Amer, Abdel Hakim
America. See United States
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Angleton, James Jesus
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
Arab-Israeli conflict. See Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Arab League
Arab Legion
Arab nationalism
Arab Revolt (1936)
Arab Socialist Party
Arabic Political Memoirs (Kedourie)
Arafat: The Man and the Myth (Kiernan)
Arafat, Yasser; Assad, Hafez and; Camp David II peace conference and; Fatah organization and; Hussein, Saddam and; Husseini, Haj Amin al- and; Israeli-Arab wars and; Lebanonwar in and; Oslo Peace Accords and; PLO and; Saudi Arabia and
Arnett, Peter
Assad, Bashar
Assad, Hafez; Arafat, Yasser and; death of; Hussein, Saddam and; Israel and; Lebanon and; Palestine and; Rabin, Yitzhak and
Assad, Rifaat
The Assassins’ Gate (Packer)
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal; Gallipoli campaign and; World War I and; Young Turks and

The Ba’ath (Jundi)
Ba’ath Party: creation of; Hussein, Saddam and; in Iraq; socialist roots of
Babylonian Empire
Babylonian Exile
Baghdad, Iraq
Baker, James A.
Bakr, Ahmed Hassan al-
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Barak, Ehud
Bar-Lev, Chaim
Bar-Lev Line
Battle of the Somme
Begin, Menachem: Egypt-Israeli peace and; Israel, creation of and; Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975) and; Six-Day War and; Yom Kippur War and
Beirut and Belfast Rules
Bell, Gertrude
Ben-Gurion, David; Churchill, Winston and; Ho Chi Minh and; Israel and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Ottoman Empire and; war of 1947–1948 and; Wilson, Woodrow and
Berger, Sandy
Berlin, Sir Isaac
Bible; Israeli-Arab wars and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
Big Three summit (1943)
bin Laden, Osama; al Qaeda and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; radical Islam and; Saudi Arabia and; September 11 and
biological warfare
Bismarck, Otto von
Bitar, Salah ad-Din al-
Black September
Blair, Tony
Bolshevik Revolution
border control
Bosch, Carl
Bradley, Omar
Breakdown: How America’s Intelligence Failures Led to 9/11 (Gertz)
Bremer, L. Paul
Brezhnev, Leonid
Britain: Arab nationalism and; Balfour Declaration (1917) and; Cairo Conference (1921) and; democracy and; Gallipoli campaign and; Iran and; Iraq and; Israel, creation of and; Israel, withdrawal from of; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Kut, defeat at and; law and government in; Middle East rule of; naval power of; Ottoman Empire and; Ottoman Empire, fall of and; Palestinian Mandate of; Shiite revolt (1920) and; Suez crisis and; Triple Entente and; war of 1947–1948 and; World War I and; World War II and; Zionist movement in
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
British Colonial Office
British Petroleum (BP)
Burnett, Deena
Burnett, Tom
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.; al Qaeda and; Iran nuclear program and; Iraq war (2003) and; political correctness and; post-Saddam Iraq and; September 11 and; Zarqawi, Abu Musab aland

Cairo Conference (1921)
caliphate: abolition of; Ottoman Empire and
Camp David peace conference (1978)
Camp David II peace conference
Carter, Jimmy; CIA and; human rights and; Iran and; Iranian hostage crisis and; Islamic Revolution and; Middle East record of; Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza and
The Case for Democracy (Sharansky)
Casey, William
CBS Radio News
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): al Qaeda and; Arafat, Yasser and; Chalabi, Ahmed and; Mosaddeq, Mohammed and; Mossad and; post-Saddam Iraq and
Chalabi, Ahmed
Chamberlain, Neville
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv
The Chatham House Version and other Middle Eastern Studies (Kedourie)
Cheney, Dick; Iraq war (2003) and; Zarqawi, Abu Musab al- and
Chiang Kai-shek
Christopher, Warren
Churchill, Winston: Abdullah, as-Sayyid and; Ben-Gurion, David and; Big Three summit and; Britain’s Royal Navy and; Cairo Conference (1921) and; democracy and; Gallipoli campaign and; Iran, oil industry of and; Iraq and; Israel, creation of and; Kennedy, Joseph and; Lawrence, T. E. and; Middle East, map of and; Nazi Germany and; Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza and; Saud, Abdulaziz ibn and; Six-Day War and; Turkey and; Wingate, Orde and; World War I and; World War II and
Clarke, Richard
Clausewitz, Carl von
Cleveland, William L.
Clinton, Bill; al Qaeda and; Assad, Hafez and; Iran nuclear program and; Middle East record of; Oslo Peace Accords and; September 11 and
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
Cohn, Norman
Cole, USS bombing
Collins, Larry
Committee of Union and Progress
Constitution, U.S.
Cordesman, Anthony
Crane, Charles
Crossroads to Israel (Sykes)

da Gama, Vasco
Darius the Great
Dayan, Moshe; Golan Heights, Israel’s conquest of and; Israel, military in and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Six-Day War and; Yom Kippur War and
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
de Gaulle, Charles
de Mello, Sergio Vieira
democracy: England and; global; human rights and; Iraq and; Israel and; Japan and; Judeo-Christian foundations of; Middle East and; Ottoman Empire and; peace and; Turkey and; United States and
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Dowbiggin, Herbert
Dulles, John Foster

East Africa embassy bombings (1998)
Eban, Abba
Egypt; British rule over; Israeli-Arab wars and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Israeli peace treaty with; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; peace in; Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975) and; Suez crisis and; War of Attrition and
Eichmann, Adolf
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Iran and; Israel and; Middle East record of; Mosaddeq, Mohammed and
Elazar, David
Elkins, Michael
The Emergence of the Middle East, 1914–1924 (Sachar)
Enver Pasha; Germany and; Nasser, Gamal Abdel vs.; World War I and; Young Turks and
Erhard, Ludwig
Eshkol, Levi
European Union (EU)
Europe Leaves the Middle East, 1936–1954 (Sachar)

Fahd, King
Fahrenheit 9/11
Faisal, Prince Turki al- and
Faisal I, King
Faisal II, King
Farouq, King
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (Lehi)
Final Solution
First Intifada
Fisher, Lord John “Jackie,”
Ford, Gerald; Middle East record of
Foxbats over Dimona
France: Algerian war of independence and; Arab nationalism and; dominion over Middle East of; Israel and; Israeli-Arab wars and; Middle East rule of; naval power of; Ottoman Empire, fall of and; Suez crisis (1956) and
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
Franz Joseph, Emperor
Friedman, Thomas
Fromkin, David

Gallipoli campaign
Gaza Strip
Genesis 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War (Kurzman)
Geneva Convention
George, David Lloyd
Georges-Picot, François
Germany: containment of; democracy in; Enver Pasha and; Nazi; Triple Entente and; Young Turks alliance with
Gertz, Bill
Gibbon, Edward
Gillon, Philip
Glass, Charles
Glubb, John
Goebbels, Joseph
Golan Heights
Golden Mosque bombing
The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other (Pew Global Attitudes Project)
Guderian, Heinz
Gulf States
Gur, Mordechai

Haber, Fritz
Haber-Bosch process
Habsburg Empire
Hakim, Mohamed Baqir al-
Hamilton, Sir Ian
Harding, Warren G.
Heath, Edward
Herod the Great
Herut Party
Himmler, Heinrich
Hitler, Adolf; Husseini, Haj Amin al- and; Iraq and; Ottoman Empire vs.; The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and; Russia, invasion of by; Third Reich of; underestimating of
Hobbes, Thomas
Ho Chi Minh
Hoover, Herbert
human rights: democracy and; in Iran
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hussein, King of Jordan
Hussein, Saddam; Arafat, Yasser and; Assad, Hafez and; Ba’ath Party and; execution of; Iran and; Iran-Iraq War and; Iraq and; Kuwait and; Persian Gulf War (1991) and; September 11 and
Hussein, Sherif; Cairo Conference (1921) and; McMahon-Hussein letters and; radical Islam and; Saud, Abdulaziz ibn and
Husseini, Abd al-Qadir al-
Husseini, Haj Amin al-; Holocaust and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Palestinian Arabs and; World War II and

Indian Army
Innocents Abroad (Twain)
Inonu, Ismet
Inside the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth (Kedourie)
Iran; Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud and; Carter, Jimmy and; CENTO and; Churchill, Winston and; human rights in; Hussein, Saddam and; Iran-Iraq War and; Islamic Republic in; Islamic Revolution in, ; Khatami, Mohammad and; Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhullah and; nuclear program of; oil in; Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza and; Persian Empire and; post-revolution; Saudi Arabia and; Syria and; U.S. vs. Britain and; World War II and
Iran-Iraq War
Iranian hostage crisis; Carter, Jimmy and; radical Islam and
Iraq; al-Askariya Mosque bombing in; Anglo-Jewish reconquest of; Arab League and; Axis and; Ba’ath Party in; British rule over; Cairo Conference (1921) and; CENTO and; Chalabi, Ahmed and; Churchill, Winston and; civil war in; democracy in; elections in; Iran-Iraq War and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; military coup of 1958 in; moderation in; Nazi Germany and; post-Saddam; Saudi Arabia and; Second Ba’ath Republic in; Shiite revolt (1920) in; Sunni insurgency in; Sunni control of; Syria and; war of 1947–1948 and; World War II and
Iraqi National Congress (INC)
Iraq war (2003); Bush, George W. and; democracy and; PC myths about; Sunni insurgency and
Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization)
Irish Republican Army
Islam: divorce and; Ottoman Empire and; as religion; Shia; Wahhabi. See also radical Islam
Islam in the Modern World (Kedourie)
Islamic Resistance Movement. See Hamas
Islamic Revolution
Israel: Assad, Hafez and; Ben-Gurion, David and; creation of; democracy and; destruction of; Egypt peace treaty with; Iraq, Nazi takeover of and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Jewish population of; Lebanon war in and; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; Rabin, Yitzhak and; Sadat, Anwar and; Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975) and; Soviet Union and; Syria and; United States and; U.S. arms deal with; war of 1947–1948 and. See also Israeli-Arab wars; Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Israel Defense Forces
Israeli-Arab wars: Arab nationalism and; Arafat, Yasser and; Egypt and; Fatah and; as national conflicts; Nixon, Richard and; Palestinian, meaning of and; PC myths about; PLO; Sinai Campaign; Six-Day War; Soviet Union and; war of 1947–1948; War of Attrition; Yom Kippur War
Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Abdullah, as-Sayyid and; al Qaeda and; anti-Semitism and; Ben-Gurion, David and; Bible and; bin Laden, Osama and; British imperialist weakness and; Cairo Conference (1921) and; Dowbiggin, Herbert and; Husseini, Haj Amin aland; Iran-Iraq War and; Iraq and; Israel, creation of and; Kissinger, Henry and; McMahon-Hussein letters and; media and; origins of; Arab Revolt (1936) and; PC myths about; radical Islam and; solving; Sykes-Picot Agreement and; UN and; United States and; war of 1947–1948 and

Jerusalem; 1929 riots in; Israel’s conquest of; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Jewish mysticism in; Meiji Restoration of 1869 and; war of 1947–1948 and
Jewish Agency
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jundi, Sami al-

Kedourie, Elie
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph
Khaled, King
Khan, Genghis
Khatami, Mohammad
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhullah; Hussein, Saddam and; Iran and; Islamic Revolution and; U.S. meddling in Iranian politics and
Kiernan, Thomas
The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Saud (Lacey)
Kissinger, Henry; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Middle East oil and; realpolitik of; Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975) and
Kitchener, Lord
Kollek, Teddy
Korean War
Krauthammer, Charles
Kurzman, Dan

Lacey, Ronald
Lapierre, Dominique
Latin America
Lawrence, T. E.
Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel)
Lenin, Vladimir
Lollobrigida, Gina
London suicide bombings (2005)
The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to September 11 (Wright)

Machiavelli, Niccolo
Madison, James
Maginot Line
Mahdi Army
Maliki, Nouri al-
Marcus, Mickey
Marshall, George
Marx, Karl
McMahon, Sir Henry
McMahon-Hussein letters
media: Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Middle East and; religious fundamentalists and
Meiji Restoration of 1869
Meir, Golda; Israeli-Arab wars and; Nixon, Richard and; Yom Kippur War and
Middle East: Arab nationalism in; birth rates in; British rule over; capitalism and; democracy and; European rule over; French rule over; Iran and; Islam in; Israeli-Arab wars in; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; mortality rates in; Ottoman Empire and; PC myths about; peace and stability in; political instability in; population in; poverty in; radical Islam and; religion, freedom of in; tribal culture in; World War I and; World War II and
Milestones (Qutb)
Montgomery, Bernard
Moore, Michael
Mosaddeq, Mohammed
Mubarak, Hosni
Muslim Brotherhood

Nasser, Gamal Abdel; biological warfare and; death of; Enver Pasha vs.; Israel, war against and; Israeli-Arab wars and; military buildup and; Qutb, Sayyid, execution of and; religion, state suppression of and; Six-Day War and; Soviet Union and; Suez crisis and
National Liberation Front (Algeria)
National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi)
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Nazi Germany; Churchill, Winston and; Iraq and; Middle East oil wealth and; Soviet Union, invasion of by
New Zealand
“Night Stalkers,”
Nixon Doctrine
Nixon, Richard; Assad, Hafez and; Ford, Gerald pardon of; Israel and; Israeli-Arab wars and; Meir, Golda and; Middle East record of; Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza and; Rabin, Yitzhak and; Watergate and
Noel, Cleo
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea
nuclear weapons

Obaid, Nawaf
Occupied Enemy Territories Administration (OETA)
oil: alternatives to; China and; Iran and; in Middle East; OPEC and; Saudi Arabia and; world’s food supply and
O Jerusalem (Collins and Lapierre)
O’Neill, John
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Nickel Grass
Oren, Michael B.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Oslo Peace Accords
O’Toole, Peter
Ottoman Empire: as alien conquerors; Arab nationalism and; caliphate and; democracy and; downfall of; fall of; Islam and; locals and; Middle East and; Middle East, peace and stability in and; ruthlessness of; success of; World War I and; Young Turk Revolution of 1908 and

Pacepa, Ion Mihai
Packer, George
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza
Palestine; Arab immigration into; Assad, Hafez and; British evacuation from; British Mandate in; Cairo Conference (1921) and; Jewish communities in
Palestine Liberation Army
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); Arafat, Yasser and; Saudi Arabia and
Palestinian Arabs: Husseini, Haj Amin al- and; identity of
Palestinian Authority
Palestinian Mandate
Patton, George S.
A Peace to End All Peace (Fromkin)
Peres, Shimon
Persian Empire
Persian Gulf War (1991)
The Histories (Herodotus)
Petain, Philippe
Petraeus, David
Pew Global Attitudes Project
Philby, Harry St. John
Pitt, William, the Younger
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Powell, Colin
Princip, Gavrilo
Protestant Reformation
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Putin, Vladimir

Qasim, Abd al-Karim
Qutb, Sayyid

Rabin, Yitzhak; Assad, Hafez and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Nixon, Richard and; Oslo Peace Accords and; Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975) and; Six-Day War and; U.S.-Israeli arms deal and; war of 1947–1948 and
radical Islam: Arab history and; bin Laden, Osama and; cult psychology and; Faisal, Prince Turki aland; Iranian hostage crisis and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Saudi Arabia and; terrorism and; threat posed by; truth about; war on terrorism and. See also Islam
Reagan, Ronald; Israel and; Middle East record of
Red Army
Red Horizons (Pacepa)
religion: freedom of; Islamic extremism and; terrorism and
Rice, Condoleezza
Richmond, Sir Ernest
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ross, Dennis
Royal Institute for International Affairs
Rumsfeld, Donald; al Qaeda and; Iraq war (2003) and; post-Saddam Iraq and; September 11 and; Zarqawi, Abu Musab al- and
Russia; Bolshevik Revolution in; Hitler, Adolf invasion of; Israel, creation of and; Jewish immigration from; Triple Entente and; World War I and. See also Soviet Union
Russian Revolution

Sachar, Howard M.
Sadat, Anwar; Abdulaziz, Faisal ibn and; Arafat, Yasser and; Israel and; Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty and
Sadr, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Sadiq al-
Sadr, Moqtada al-
Safavid dynasty
Salamé, Ghassan
Samuel, Sir Herbert
Saud, Abdulaziz ibn; Arab Revolt (1936) and; Hussein, Sherif and; Lawrence, T. E. and; oil and Iran and; Saudi Arabia and; World War I and
Saudi Arabia: Abdulaziz, Faisal ibn and; al Qaeda and; Arafat, Yasser and; bin Laden, Osama and; communism and; Iran and; Iran-Iraq War and; Iraq and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Middle East, peace and stability in and; Moore, Michael and; mujahedin and; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; oil and; peace in; PLO and; radical Islam and; Saud, Abdulaziz ibn and; September 11 and; terrorism and; threats to; understanding; Wahhabism in; wealthy middle class of; World War I and
Schlesinger, James
Scholem, Gershom
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Scimitar Hill, battle of
Scowcroft, Brent
Second Ba’ath Republic
Second Intifada (2000)
Sephardic Jews
September 11: bin Laden, Osama and; Bush, George W. and; Clinton, Bill and; heroes of; history of; Hussein, Saddam and; Saudi Arabia and
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence)
Shah, Reza
Shamir, Yitzhak
Sharansky, Natan
sharia (Islamic law)
Sharon, Ariel; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; security fence of
Shazli, Saad al-
Shiite revolt (1920)
Shultz, George
Sidqi, Bakr
Sinai Campaign
Sinai Peninsula
Sinai II disengagement agreement (1975)
Sistani, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-
Six-Day War
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East (Oren)
Smathers, John
Somme, Battle of the
Soviet Union; Afghanistan, invasion of by; collapse of; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; Nazi invasion of; Six-Day War and; Suez crisis and. See also Russia
Special Night Squads (SNS)
Sri Lanka
Stalin, Josef
Standard Oil of California
State Department, U.S.
Storrs, Sir Ronald
Strait of Messina
Suez crisis
Suvla Bay, battle of
Sykes, Christopher
Sykes, Sir Mark
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Syria; al Qaeda and; Ba’ath Party in; Iran and; Iraq and; Israel and; Lebanonwar in and; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; Six-Day War and

The Tanks of Tammuz (Teveth)
Tegart, Sir Charles
Tenet, George
Teresa, Mother
terrorism: radical Islam and; religion and; causes of; Saudi Arabia and
Teveth, Shabtai
Time magazine
Tlass, Mustafa
Townshend, Sir Charles
Trotsky, Leon
Troubridge, Ernest
Truman, Harry S
Turkey: CENTO and; Churchill, Winston and; democracy and; military state of
Twain, Mark

United Arab Republic
United Nations (UN); Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Six-Day War and
United Nations Relief and Works Agency
United Press International
United States: as bad; democracy and; Iran and; Israel, creation of and; Israeli-Arab wars and; Israeli arms deal with; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Middle East, peace and stability in and; Nasser, Gamal Abdel and; Saudi Arabia as ally of; Vietnam War and; Yom Kippur War and
U.S. National Archives
U.S. Special Operations Command

van Creveld, Martin
Versailles Peace Conference
Vietnam War
von Sanders, Otto Liman

War of Attrition
Washington Times
weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Weizman, Ezer
Weizmann, Chaim
West Bank
Wilhelm II, Kaiser
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Woodrow; Ben-Gurion, David and; Israel, creation of and; Israeli-Palestinian conflict and; Zionist movement and
Wingate, Orde
Wisliceny, Dieter
Wolfowitz, Paul
The World Crisis: 1911–1918 (Churchill)
World War I: Britain and; Churchill, Winston and; Gallipoli campaign and; Indian Army and; Middle East and; Ottoman Empire and; Russia and; Saudi Arabia and; Scimitar Hill, battle of and; Suvla Bay, battle of and; Young Turks and
World War II, ; Britain and; Churchill, Winston and; Husseini, Haj Amin al- and; Iran and; Iraq and; Middle East and
Wright, Lawrence
Wurmser, David


Yadin, Yigael
Yom Kippur War
Young Turk Revolution of 1908,
Young Turks; Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal and; German alliance with; World War I and

Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-: al-Askariya Mosque bombing and; death of; Sunni insurgency and
Zionist movement, Zionism; Bolshevik Revolution and; Britain and; Wilson, Woodrow and