
And now a sneak peek at:


Hey, Chicken Man by Susan Brown

A new edition of this best-selling book!

Tom Kirby is chicken and everybody knows it. Billy MacPherson has made sure of that.

Hidden in the thick woods of the Niagara Escarpment, the gang of boys has gathered for the final initiation. Any moment now, the runoff will come gushing through the Tunnel – and Andrew will be drowned!

“You save him! He’s your friend,” Billy taunts.

Blindly Tom runs into the Tunnel, fighting back his terror as the cold blackness closes around him...

A decent book about decent kids doing decent things.” – In Review

“A theme young readers relate to and should enjoy.” – Ottawa Journal



Sammy and the Devil Dog by Susan Brown

Everything has gone wrong in Sammy’s life. She’s in constant trouble at school and the local bully won’t leave her alone. When Sammy rescues an abused dog named Jack, her problems get even worse. Jack never learned to be a good dog – he’s wild and unpredictable. How can Sammy teach him how much they need each other?