This edition of The Deep Self, is respectfully dedicated to Dr. Albert Hofmann on the occasion of his 100th Birthday in 2006, and in honor of the long friendship he shared with Dr. Lilly, both pioneers in modern human consciousness research. It is also dedicated to Lee and Glenn Perry at Samadhi Tank, Grass Valley, California,, for designing and producing state of the art Isolation Tanks based on Dr. Lilly’s research, and their long enduring presence in his life, including their efforts to republish this edition. Faustin Bray at,, for her steadfast support of Dr. Lilly through her extensive video and audio archives, chronicling Dr. Lilly’s work, and her unwavering dedicated friendship to him in time of need. Brian Wallace for his music, poetry, art, and many contributions to Dr. Lilly in California and Maui, Hawaii. Ann and Jerry Moss for providing a safe haven for John to land in Hawaii during his retirement and all their many kind blessings. Craig and Aliya Inglis for their contributions to Isolation Research and Tanking technology. Dr. Larry and Char Raithaus, Roberta Goodman, Paradise Newland, Dr. Michael Hyson for providing a family and support to Dr. Lilly in Hawaii. Barbara Clarke Lilly, daughter and long-time travel and research companion.
Lisa Lyon Lilly, John’s confidant, daughter, and muse. Heartfelt thanks also to Cynthia Lilly Cantwell, as well as John and Colette Lilly. John Allen, Institute of Eco-Technics, London, Biosphere II Founder and trusted colleague. Napier Marten and Ian Middleton for continuing Dr. Lilly’s efforts in Cetacean conservation, Rudi Vogt for covering the cosmic waterfront in Switzerland. Thomas Welch, Esq. for his wise counsel. Dr. Beverly Potter at Ronin Books, Berkeley, California,, for her continued championing and publication of Dr. Lilly’s literary works in the United States, including The Scientist, Programming The Human Bio-Computer, The Quiet Center, and The Steersman. Dr. Lilly’s World Wide Web site, was designed by James Suhre, also known as BigTwin, who along with Patricia Sims, serves as a director for the John C. Lilly Research Institute, Inc. Both Jim and Patricia cared greatly for John, his love of the sea, dolphins, whales, and continue his work through their efforts. Finally, to the joyous memory of John’s family and friends that have gone on before us: Charles Richard Lilly, Dr. Timothy Francis Leary, Dr. Oscar Janiger, Allen Ginsberg, and Caroline Bentley Ely.
Philip Hansen Bailey
Executive Director, John C. Lilly Research Institute