


Get through this meal and leave. That was all I had to do.

I was a pro at pretending. God knew I had pretended my way through every holiday at my dad and Cleo’s since they’d gotten married. Remembering when the holidays had been exciting and full of joy were hard. My memories of Mom were so few, but the ones I did have, I clung to.

Until Wilder had shown up, I had let myself enjoy this. The family, laughter, love that they had for one another. It was something I had always wanted. Even now, I was thankful that Sarah had this. Her dad might hate me, but he loved her. This was their family holiday, and I felt like I was in the way. Maybe I should leave before the meal. Make up an excuse.

“The charcuterie board was a hit. There is barely anything left,” Azalea told me, holding it up to show me the three crackers and handful of berries left on it.

Forcing a smile I didn’t feel—and doubted I was going to for the rest of the day or possibly week—I replied, “I’m glad. Sarah worked hard on that.”

Azalea gave me a knowing look. “As did you.”

I shrugged. Why was the fact that she was so nice to me making it harder for me to hold back tears? I had to get out of this house. I refused to embarrass myself and ruin their Thanksgiving by being a baby. Sure, it was not a surprise that Wilder hated me. So, why was I being so sensitive about it now? Ugh! I needed to get myself together. It wasn’t that time of the month.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I straightened and beamed as brightly as I could. “This has been so much fun, and thank you for having me, but I need to leave if I’m going to make it to my family’s Thanksgiving.” That was a lie. I hadn’t been invited to their house, and after being here, I didn’t want to go there.

However, I had told Hamilton I would try and get back in time to go with him to see the lighting of the trees downtown tonight. I couldn’t be back in time to eat with him, but perhaps I needed to do this. Give this thing with him a real chance.

“What? But we haven’t eaten yet. You’ve helped so much with everything. I’d hate for you to go without even getting to enjoy the meal.”

Azalea looked so upset that I almost changed my mind. I wanted to stick it out for her sake, but I couldn’t be sure that I wouldn’t burst into tears if Wilder made another negative comment about me. He might have invited me, but he did not want me here.

“I enjoyed being with all of you and getting to see Sarah so happy and loved. It did my heart good. Thank you for letting me tag along for a bit, but Wilder is back, and it’s time for family. I need to move on and go be with mine.”

Azalea took off the oven mitts she had been wearing and walked around the counter to pull me into an unexpected hug. I blinked back the tears and prayed I could keep it together. It had been a while since I’d had real affection from anyone other than Sarah. Having a mom figure do it was wonderful and painful, all at the same time. I liked Azalea. I liked Porter and Jojo. I even like Scott, although he needed to pay more attention to Delaney, his date. These people were what families should be like.

“I can’t tell you how thankful I am that Sarah has you. All I knew of you before today was what a beauty you were, but that beauty goes deep. You are a good soul, and I want that female influence in my granddaughter’s life. You’re welcome here anytime,” she said as she hugged me tightly, then stepped back. “Sure you can’t stay just for a small plate of food? My dressing is the best in town,” she urged.

I was about to break down. Any minute now.

I shook my head. “I can’t, but I wish I could,” I told her, and that was the truth. I did wish I could have this day to experience, but that would require everyone wanting me here. It was clear I wasn’t welcome by one person, and that one was painfully the one that mattered to me. At least a close second to Sarah.

She nodded, still frowning. “I understand. I know your family needs you. Especially this year.” She meant with Sylvia being gone. We weren’t that kind of family, but she need not know that.

“Thank you again for everything,” I told her just as Sarah rushed back into the room from the bathroom break she had taken.

She stopped, her eyes going from me to her Honey.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, walking slowly toward me.

I had to be strong for her sake. Make this easy on her and not leave here with her worried about me.

I bent down to her level. “I need to get going,” I told her, hating the way her face instantly fell. “Your dad is back, and I need to get to Georgia for Thanksgiving there.”

She shook her head. “Granmother’s Thanksgiving isn’t fun like this. You know that. Stay here,” she pleaded.

If only I could.

I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly. “I love you, Buttercup. I had the best time with you, and we will do it again soon. But I need to go back home. Enjoy your day and eat enough of your Honey’s dressing for me too. Okay?”

She clung to me as she nodded her head. “Okay,” she replied with a sniffle.

That one little sound was almost enough to make me suck it up. Stay. Forget that Wilder hated me and wanted me out of here. Overlook the fact that his stepdad and brother now thought I was some evil bitch, pretending to be nice. But if I left, Wilder would be happier, and that was the best for Sarah.

I released her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before straightening. It was time to exit. My emotional tidal wave was close to cresting.

I waved at Azalea and Jojo. “Thank you for having me. I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.”

“You too, sweetie,” Jojo replied.

“Drive carefully,” Azalea told me, still looking as if she might beg me again to stay.

It hurt my chest even more to think that once I was gone, she’d hear from Porter or Wilder about what a bad person I was. She’d think differently of me. I wouldn’t be returning here, and my heart felt broken from just that realization alone.

“I love you,” Sarah said, sniffling again.

“And I love you most,” I told her, smiling the best I could.

Belladonna sensed what was happening and came to give me some goodbye love. I hugged her tightly before heading for the door. I had to get out of this house—and quickly. My chest felt like it was about to explode.


Nine Years Ago

The moment Wilder’s truck pulled into the driveway, I rushed outside to greet him. I hadn’t seen him in person since the day I had left for Ole Miss. We talked daily and texted, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to see him. I needed to see him.

He wasn’t even out of his truck completely when I reached him. His gaze trailed down my body, then back to my face. The sexy smile of his that made me feel like a puddle of goo slid over his handsome face.

“You miss me?” he asked.

Laughing, I threw my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly. “YES!” I exclaimed.

His arms wrapped around me, holding on to me as if he was never going to let go. Every nerve in my body came alive. It felt as if they were waking up after a long sleep. I leaned back just enough to cover his mouth with mine.

Peppermint and Wilder made the world seem right again. I loved him. I hated being away from him. I wanted him with me all the time. Video calls weren’t enough. I needed more. So much more.

He broke the kiss too soon, pulling back and looking over my shoulder toward the house. “I don’t need your dad coming out here with a gun, ready to take my head off.”

My dad didn’t care who I kissed or what I did. He rarely paid any attention to me at all.

“We are just kissing,” I pointed out.

Wilder raised an eyebrow as he stared down at me. “Yeah, but you’re eighteen, and I’m twenty-five,” he replied. “Most dads would have met me at the door with a rifle.”

My dad would just be glad when I was gone again.

“Exactly. I am eighteen. A legal adult,” I informed him.

He chuckled then. “Adult, huh?”

Narrowing my gaze, I pointed a finger at his chest. “Are you saying I’m not an adult?”

He shrugged. “No. Not exactly. It’s just … there is a lot of life you haven’t lived yet.”

“You’re only seven years older than me, Wilder. Not twenty.”

Leaning down close to my ear, he whispered, “You look beautiful.”

I shivered from the brush of his warm breath against my skin.

“Thank you,” I replied.

“I missed you,” he said to me, still there at my ear, driving me crazy with want.

“I missed you.”

He pressed a kiss to my neck, then leaned back and nodded his head toward the house. “Your sister is standing at the window, watching us. We should go inside.”

With a groan, I released him and then reached to grab his hand and thread my fingers through his. If Sylvia wanted to watch, then I would make sure she knew Wilder Jones was mine.