40-hours strike 74-79

Aberdare, South Wales 15

Aberdeen 49

Agadir Crisis 28

The Aims of Labour (booklet) 58

Aircraft Shop Stewards’ National Council (ASSNC) 170

‘All Power to the General Council’ (slogan) 113

Allenby, General Edmund 72

Allison, George 143

Amalgamated Engineering Union (AEU) 170

Amalgamated Society of Dyers (USD) 30

Amalgamated Society of Engineers (ASE) 45, 53; and 40-hours strike 75, 76, 79; and Tweedales strike (1917) 57; condemns unofficial action 56

Amalgamated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF) 24, 65, 85; and miners (1920) 95

Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants (ASRS) 13, 24

Appleton, William 59

armed forces 65; and Great Revolt 12-13; deployed in rail strike (1911) 25, 26-27; deployed in police strike 84; deployed in rail strike (1919) 86; drafted to Belfast 151; ex-servicemen 73-74; in 40-hours strike 77; in General Strike 128; in miners’ strike (1910) 16-17; soldiers’ strike (1919) 69-72; see also Invergordon Mutiny and Soldiers’ Union

Armstrong Whitworth & Co Ltd 54

army see armed forces

Army Service Corps 71

Askwith, George 21, 37-38


Asquith, Herbert 24, 28, 38

Bagwell, Philip (historian) 22, 129

Baldwin, Stanley, PM 114-115, 116

Barbour, Mary 48

Barnes, George MP 28, 31

Barnsley, Tony (historian) 14

Barrow 52, 55, 56

Belfast 49, 75, 78, 151; dock strike (1907) 13

Belfast Protestant Association 78

Bell, Tom 77

Bevin, Ernest 121, 134, 172, 173

Bilston 73

Birkenhead 49, 84

Birmingham 49, 84

Black Friday 94-98

Bloody Sunday, Liverpool (1911) 22-23

Bolsheviks 68, 71, 90-91, 92, 99

Bower, Fred 22

Brighton 130

British Socialist Party (BSP) 39, 60, 89

British Union of Fascists (BUF) 158-162, 163, 164-165

Bromley, John 128

building trades lockout (1914) 36-37; strike (1915) 46

Building Workers’ Industrial Union (BWIU) 37

bus workers 171; solidarity with miners (1920) 96; strikes (1918) 65-6, (1937) 172-174

Busman’s Punch (rank and file paper) 171, 173

Cable Street, Battle of 163-165

Calais 71, 72

Calhoun, Daniel (historian) 118

Cambrian Combine strike 15, 18-19, 25

Cambrian Combine Strike Committee 18

Campbell, John 109-110

car workers 169

Cardiff 20

Central Bus Committee 172, 173

chainmakers 14-5

Chamberlain, Neville 115

Chelmsford, Lord Frederick John 102

Chesterfield 25

Churchill, Winston 16-7, 23, 87, 116, 121; and rail strike (1919) 25, 27, 29; and British intervention in Russia 90-1, 92; and soldiers’ strike (1919) 71-72; deploys troops in rail strike 86; on trade unionism 94; on use of troops in 40-hours strike 76;

Citrine, Walter 98, 122, 134

Clark, Mick 164

Cliff, Tony 112-113, 137

Clyde Workers’ Committee (CWC) 50-51, 75

Clydeside 48-50, 56, 75; see also Glasgow

Clynes, John 62, 93, 122, 128, 136, 168

Cole, G D H 168

Cole, Margaret 168

Communist International (Comintern) 99, 162, 166, 167

Communist Party 98-100; and Battle of Cable Street 163; and Invergordon Mutiny 143-144; and NUWM 146-147; and Spanish Civil War 166-167; during General Strike 130-1; industrial strategy 111-113, 118, 119, 121; influenced by Russia 162-163; leaders arrested 119-120, 131; organise against facists 160; Popular Front position 170-1, 172; role in Miners’ Lockout 133; under surveillance 109; see also Daily Worker

The Communist (newspaper) 97

company unions 130

The Condition of Britain (book) 168

Cook, Arthur 118, 132

cotton workers’ strike (1919) 79

Council of Action 93, 122

Coventry 14, 62, 73, 122

Cradley Heath 14-15

Crawford, Helen 48

Crooks, Will, MP 31

Croucher, Richard 153

Cumberland 157

Daily Express (newspaper) 60

Daily Herald (newspaper) 37, 40, 60, 83,103, 117, 137, 140; and ‘Hands off Russia’ campaign 89, 93; and 1920 miners’ strike 95; see also Herald

Daily Mail (newspaper) 60, 121, 146, 160

Daily Worker (newspaper) 143, 155

Dalton, Hugh 107, 140

Datum Line strike (1920) 95

Davidson, J C C 104, 107, 119

De Groot, Gerard (historian) 45

Defence Corps 127-128

demobilisation 67, 71, 72

Denikin, General Anton 91

Derby 25

Derby, Lord 57

Derbyshire 80

dilution 44, 46, 50, 55-56

Dock Labourers’ Union 24

dock workers protest (1920) 92; strikes (1907) 13, (1911) 20-21, (1912) 31-32, (1915) 46, (1924) 105, 107; support Dublin Lockout (1913) 35

Dublin Lockout 33-36

Dundee 49

Edwards, Ness (historian) 81, 82

Electrical Trades Union (ETU) 69

electricians walk out (1919) 75

Emergency Powers Act 95

engineering workers 40-hours strike 75-79; and dilution 44; called out (1926) 128; Clydeside unrest 45-48; strikes (1913) 33, (1916) 51-53, (1917) 55-58

Esher, Lord 33, 59

Evans, David (historian) 16

fascism, struggles against 159-167

Fisher, Admiral Sir John 65

Flanagan, Richard 145

Folkestone 69

Forward (newspaper) 30, 51

Gallacher, Willie 45, 51, 76-77, 78, 118

Geehan, Tommy 151

General Railway Workers’ Union (GRWU) 24

General Strike (1926) 122-30

George V, King 23, 33, 41, 42, 44, 59, 65, 67, 68, 75, 79, 102-104

George, Lloyd PM 27-28, and miners’ strike (1919) 80, 81; and British intervention in Russia 90-91, 92-93; and end of rail strike (1911) 29; and fear of revolution 88; and police strike 82, 84; and trade unions 94; and soldiers’ strike (1919) 70; on rail strike (1919) 85, 86; on miners’ strike (1920) 96; on J H Thomas 96; on police strike 64; negotiates with unions 46-47; visits Clydeside 50-51

Gibbs, Philip (journalist) 24

Glasgow 49, 75-78; see also Clydeside

Glasgow Trades Council 76

Gloucester 170

Gluckstein, Donny 112-113, 137

Goole 20

Granet, Sir Guy 25

Grant, Sir Arthur 108-109

Griffiths, Robert 85-86

The Guardian (newspaper) 68, 130

Haig, General Douglas 71

Haldane, Lord 102

Hamilton, Mary Agnes (historian) 29, 168

‘Hands off Russia’ (campaign) 89, 92

Hankey, Sir Maurice 87, 115

Hannington, Wal 46, 137, 141, 146, 147, 149-150; and Hunger March 153, 154, 155

Hardie, Kier 17, 26, 27, 28

Hargreaves, Leonard 52

Hayes, Jack 84

Henderson, Arthur 31, 56, 61, 86; as Home Secretary 106; defends Special Branch 109; visits Clydeside 50-51; visits Russia 58; warns of revolution 63

Herald (newspaper) 61, 68-69; see also Daily Herald

Hicks 118, 128, 133

Hikins, Harold (historian) 24

Hill, John 57

The History of the Ministry of Munitions (book) 42

History of Trade Unionism (book) 168

HMS Norfolk (ship) 143

Hodge, John MP 44

Hodges, Frank 96

Holman, General H C 91

Holton, Bob (historian) 21, 25

Hopkins, Harry 76-7

Horne, Sir Robert 68

Hull 20, 21

Hunger March 152-154

Hutt, Allen 123, 141-142, 148

Ilkeston 25

Independent Labour Party (ILP) 39, 51, 60

Industrial Unrest Committee 107

Inkpin, Albert 99

International Brigades 166

Invergordon Mutiny 142-44

Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union (ITGWU) 34

Jolly George (ship) 92

Jones, Tom 96

Jowett, Fred 102, 108

Joynson-Hicks, William 116-117, 119, 129

Justice (newspaper) 39

Kaplan, Philip 32

Kennedy, Thomas 39

Kilbride HMS (ship) 72

Killing No Murder! (book) 26

Kirkwood, David 47, 50, 73, 76, 77

Kolchak, Admiral Alexander 91

Labour Leader (newspaper) 17

Labour leaders and end of rail strike (1911) 28-29; fail to support miners (1926) 132; oppose intervention in Russia 93-94; accept Munitions Act 47; and defeat of General Strike 135; and Great Revolt 12-13; embrace life in office 102-105; role in pre-WWI unrest 38-39; response to strike wave (1911) 30-31; support war effort 42

Labour Supply and Regulation (book) 48

Labour Withholding Committee 45

Lanarkshire 49

Lansbury, George 68-69, 102, 136, 151, 155

Larkin, Jim 13, 34, 35-36

Law, Andrew Bonar 75, 88, 94

leaving certificate 47-48, 58

Lee, Jennie 125, 129

Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder (book) 68

Leicester 30

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 68

Lindsay, Lionel 15

Liverpool 54, 56, 151; dock strike (1911) 20, 21; police strike 84; unofficial rail strike (1911) 22-24

Liverpool Daily Post (newspaper) 23

Llanelli, South Wales 26, 27, 29

Llwynpia, South Wales 16

London 21, 25, 29, 49, 56, 147, 153, 172; dock strike (1912) 32; tailors’ strike (1912) 32-33; building trade lockout (1914) 36-37; in General Strike 123; police strike 84; soldiers’ strike (1919) 70; transport workers’ strikes (1918) 65-66

Luton 73

Macarthur, Mary 14, 54

MacDonald, Ramsay 28, 35, 38, 61, 156; and negotiated peace 55; at Soviet Convention, Leeds 60; deplores strikes 107; embraces life in office 101-105, 108-109; forms National Government 139; in power 135-136; on Red Friday 115; opposes intervention in Russia 93

Maclean, John 49, 51

MacManus, Arthur 51, 57

Macready, General Sir Nevil 16-17, 82, 88

Manchester 28, 56, 73, 130, 147; dock strike (1911) 20

Mann, Tom 20, 24, 33, 112, 143, 155

Marston, PC James 83

May Committee 138

May, Sir George 138

McShane, Harry 77

Meacham, Standish 31

Merseyside 55, 84

Meynell, Francis 61

Midlands 33

Millman, Brock (historian) 61

Milner, Lord Alfred 78

miners and Datum Line strike 95; and Red Friday 114-5; defeat (1920) 97; in Great Revolt 15-19; lockouts (1910) 15, (1926) 120, 131-134; strikes (1910) 15-16, (1912) 31, (1915) 46, 48, (1919) 80, (1935)169-170; use of Public Order Act on 165; see also Triple Alliance

Miners’ Federation of Great Britain (MFGB) 19, 46, 80, 81, 82, 95, 120, 128, 131

The Miners’ Next Step (book) 19, 113

The Mineworker (newspaper) 112

Minimum Wage Act (1912) 31

Ministry of Labour 44, 57

Mold 25

Mond-Turner talks 134

Morgan, Jane (historian) 74

Mosley, Oswald 158-159, 161, 164

Munitions Act (1915) 47-48, 51

munitions workers 47, 50, 53-4, 56, 62-63

Munro, Robert 77

Murphy, Jack 51, 52, 53, 56, 93

Murphy, William Martin 34, 36

National Council for Civil Liberties 156

National Federation of Women Workers (NFWW) 14-15, 29, 53-54

National Government 140-141, 144, 147, 148, 155, 159, 166

National Industrial Conference 79

National Minority Movement (NMM) 111-113

National Unemployed Workers’ Movement (NUWM) 141, 144-146; 147, 148-9, 157-158; leadership imprisoned 151; leadership removed 155-156; and Hunger March 152-153

National Sailors’ and Firemen’s Union (NSFU) 20

national shop stewards’ movement 62; conferences August (1917) 57, Manchester (1917) 56, London (1917) 56

National Transport Workers’ Federation (NTWF) 20

National Union of Police and Prison Officers (NUPPO) 64, 82-83

National Union of Railwaymen (NUR) 54, 65, 85, 87, 95

nationalisation 19, 82

navy see armed forces

New Propellor (rank and file paper) 170

Newcastle 54

News of the World (newspaper) 121

Northampton 49

Nottinghamshire 80, 122, 133, 165

O’Grady, James 59

Olympic (ship) 20

Order of the British Empire (OBE) 59

Ordinance Corps 71

Organisation for the Maintenance of Supplies (OMS) 117

Out of Work (newspaper) 144

The Painter (ship) 21

Palme Dutt, Rajani 118

Papworth, Bert 171, 172, 173

Parmoor, Lord 102

Partridge, William 34

Paterson, Frank 143

Pilsudski, Marshal Josef 92

Poland 92

police and ex-servicemen 74; and Great Revolt 12-13; and miners’ strike (1910) 15-18; and rail strike (1911) 22-23, 26; assault on Dublin Lockout (1913) 34; clash with building workers (1914) 36; clash with unemployed 147, 148-151, 152, 153; deployed in strike 108; harrassment of Communist Party 99; in 40-hours strike 76-77; (1919) 83-85; in General Strike 126-127, 132; protection of fascists 161, 162, 163; strike (1917) 64

Pollitt, Harry 89, 94, 99, 112, 119

Postgate, Raymond (historian) 36 power workers’ strike (1924) 107-108

press 37, 68-69; and 1911 rail strike 29; and miners’ strike (1919) 80; and rail strike (1919) 86; support for BUF 159-60; witch-hunt strike leaders 108

Priestly, Frank 143

print workers 122

prison officers 84

Public Order Act (1936) 164-165

Pugh, Arthur 134

Pugh, Martin (historian) 117, 159

Purcell, Alf 118, 127, 128, 133

rail workers in 1919 unrest 85-87; in General Strike 123-125, 129-130; solidarity with police 84; strike (1911) 22-29; support Dublin Lockout (1913) 35; see also Triple Alliance

Railway Clerks’ Association 123, 130

Rank and File Movement (RFM) 171-174

Rawlinson, General Henry 66

The Red Flag (song) 51, 72, 87, 103

Red Friday 113-115

Rent and Mortgage Interest (War Restriction) Act 1915 50

rent strike 48-50

Renton, David 164

Rhondda, South Wales 15

Robson, R W 131

Rochdale 55-56

Rocker, Rudolf 32

Rothermere, Lord 159, 160

Royal Air Force (RAF) 72

Royal Commission (Sankey) 81-82

Royal Navy 92, 142

Russia British intervention in 89-94; influence on CP 162; and Spanish Civil War 166-7

Russian Revolution 57, 58; (1917) 54

Rust, Bill 143

Saklatvala, Shapurji 131

Salford 20, 51

Samuel, Herbert 24

Sankey, Mr Justice 81

Saville, John (historian) 82

scabs 30, 169; dock strike (1919) 21; rail strike (1911) 25, (1919) 86; in Dublin Lockout 35; in General Strike 124-126

Scanlon, John 104, 136, 137

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) 76

seamen 20; see also Invergordon Mutiny

Sexton, James 13

Sheffield 51-3, 56, 157

Shepherd, Bill 143

Shinwell, Manny 55, 76, 78

ship workers 49, 75, 128

Shipping Federation 20

shop stewards 45, 52

shop stewards’ movement 43, 51; see also Clyde Workers’ Committee and national shop stewards’ movement

Shortt, Edward 78

Sitwell, Osbert 125

Smillie, Robert 48, 80

Snowden, Philip 35, 38, 61, 89, 102, 113, 139, 141; at Soviet Convention, Leeds 60; on unrest under Labour government 105; opposes intervention in Russia 93

Social Democratic Party (SDP) 39

Socialist Labour Party 39, 89

Soldiers’ Union 70

solidarity in General Strike 122; in Glasgow rent strike 49; in Great Revolt 12, 14; of French coal miners 132; rail workers with police 84; with dock strike (1911) 21; transport workers for miners (1920) 96; with rail strike (1911) 22; with Dublin workers (1913) 34

South Wales 46, 48, 65, 80, 112, 131, 156, 169-170; in Great Revolt 15-19

South Wales Miners’ Federation (SWMF) 15, 18

South Yorkshire 132

Spackman, PC William 83

Spain 165-167

Spencer Union 133

Spiers, Harold 27

Springhall, Dave 131

Standstill Act 157, 158

Stanley, Beryl 54, 64, 65

Steel-Maitland, Arthur 134

Stewart, Bob 99, 131

strike numbers 11, 31, 33, 42, 74; (1914) 37; (1917) 63-64

strikebreakers in Great Revolt 12; in miners’ strike (1910) 17-19; see also scabs

Strikes (Exceptional Measures) Bill 80

Stuart, Major Brownlow 26

Sunday Express (newspaper) 121

Sunday Times (newspaper) 121

Swales 118, 128, 133

Swindon 73, 123

tailors 32

Thomas, J H 35, 65, 119, 122; and 1920 miners’ strike 96-97; and General Strike 120, 123, 129; and rail workers 85, 87; and unemployment 137; embraces life in office 102-103, 104, 106; opposes intervention in Russia 93; praise for strikebreakers 124-125; sues The Communist 97, 99

Thomson, Basil 74

Thomson, C B 102

Thorne, Will 59

Thorpe, Andrew (historian) 132-133

Thring, Lily 144

Tillet, Ben 31-2, 36, 39, 44-45

The Times (newspaper) 65, 158

Todd, Selina (historian) 13

Tonypandy, South Wales 16

trade union membership 12, 24, 30, 33, 43, 66, 74, 98

trade union leadership accept dilution 46; accept Munitions Act 47; and rail action (1911) 24-25; and miners’ strike (1920) 96; and 40-hours strike 76, 78-79; and building dispute (1914) 37; and Dublin Lockout 34, 35; and Great Revolt 11-12, 13; avoid militancy 43; betray miners 98; comdemn British Empire Exhibition strike 108; discredited 67; forced into General Strike 120, 122; interests of 18, 19; oppose intervention in Russia 93-94; shop floor mistrust of 57; strengthened by government (1917) 56; surrender rail strike (1911) 28; support war effort 42; use of Triple Alliance 38

Trades Disputes Act (1927) 133-134

Trades Union Congress (TUC) 82; and CP attitude to 113; and Red Friday 114-115; control of General Strike 122; oppose cut in dole 138-139; recognize loss of trust in leadership 57-8; Scarborough Conference (1925) 118-119; special Dublin congress 35

Trades Union Congress General Council 121; fear repression 127-128; surrender General Strike 128-129

tram workers 34; strikes (1915) 46, (1918) 65-66; victimised after General Strike 130

Transport and General (TGWU) 171

transport workers 172-174; women’s militancy 54; see also Triple Alliance and individual sectors

Transport Workers’ Federation (TWF) 95

Treasury Agreement 46-47

Trenchard, Sir Hugh 88

Triple Alliance 38, 75, 79, 80-81, 86; and Black Friday 96; and Datum Line strike 95; and miners 1920, 95

tube workers’ strike (1918) 66

Turner, Ben 59

Tweedales and Smalley 55-56

unemployment 136, 137-138; (1908) 14; (1920) 95; struggles against 144-147

Unemployment Act (1934) 156, 158 Unemployment Assistance Board 156

United Pointsmen’s and Signalmen’s Society (UPSS) 24

United States 169

United Turkey Red (UTR) 30

United Vehicle Workers’ solidarity with miners (1920) 96

Unofficial Reform Committee 18

USSR see Russia

Vale of Leven 30

Vickers Ltd 52

victimisation 22; in General Strike 129-130, 134; of seamen 142-143

violence in 40-hours strike 76-77; in Great Revolt 12-3; in miners’ strike (1910) 16-8; in 1911 rail strike 25-7; in unemployed protests 147, 148-151, 152, 153

Watkins, Charlie 22

Webb, Beatrice 38, 63, 132; on British troops in Russia 89-90; on MacDonald in office 104, 106

Webb, Syndey 38, 168

Weir Group Plc 45

Wembley British Empire Exhibition strike (1924) 108

Wheatley, John 102, 108

Wilkinson, W T 143

Wilson, General Sir Henry 70, 87

Wilson, Joseph Havelock 20

women chainmakers 14-5; during WWI 53-54; increase in workforce 43; in General Strike 131-132; munitions workers’ strike (1916) 54; transport workers’ strikes (1918) 65-66; union membership 53; walk out (1911) 29-30

Woolwich rent strike 49

Woolwich Arsenal walkout 38

The Worker (newspaper) 51

Workers’ Socialist Federation (WSF) 89

Workers’ Union 34, 53

Workers’ Weekly (newspaper) 109, 118, 133

Wrangel, General Pyotr 92

Zinkin, Peter 170-171

Zinoviev letter 109-110