Chapter Ten
Scam Alert – Good-to-Know Information
Everyone says to be careful when you get involved in online dating. Over the years I’ve found little “tidbits” which might have signaled to me that Eric might not be exactly who he said he was. Even so, all along my heart ruled my head so I looked past these things. According to, here are a few tips that “THEY MIGHT BE A SCAMMER IF…”
Reflections: If you can’t see the whites of their eyes, stay away! If I had seen this list before we started “dating”, I might have been a little more cautious. No one told me to be wary of online predators…no one told me that widows were targeted by scammers. Why would I EVER suspect that someone would not tell the truth? My pictures were real. My information was honest. Look out – naïve, trusting Pollyanna here!