Accountability: and early concept of coaching; need for; outcome measures and

Adaptive Coaching: The Art and Practice of a Client-Centered Approach to Performance Improvement (Bacon and Spear)

Adler, A.

Adult development, study of

The Adult Years (Hudson)

Anderson, M.

Argyris, C.

Aspirational goals

Awareness-building practices


Bacon, T.

Bar-On, R.

Behavioral goals

Bennett, J. L.

Berne, E.

Bernhardt, A.

Berry, D.

Body scans

Bordin, E.

Bostrom, R. P.

Boundary awareness domain, and self as coach

Bowen, M.

Boyatzis, R.


Center for Creative Leadership

Change: five-stage model of; in modern world; obstacles to; theory of

Checklists, for coach

CLEAR model

Client: commitment of; needs of; story of

Client rescue model

Client responsibility model

Client’s life: community system and; continuous learning and; core values and; couple system and; cycle of renewal and; family system and; finding purpose and; friends system and; life chapters and; life transitions and; perspective on; self system and; vision and; work system and

Clutterbuck, D.

Coach–client–client system, of supervision

Coach–client–coach supervisor system, of supervision

Coach–coach supervisor–supervision group system, of supervision

Coachability scale

Coaching, concepts of

Coaching culture: best practices for; definition of; development of; managers and; TaylorMade-adidas Golf Company and

Cocooning phase, in cycle of renewal

Commitment, of client

Community system


Consulting, key concepts in

Continuous learning, value of

Continuum of learning, and self as coach

Contract, for coaching

Cooperrider, D. L.

Coping strategies

Core values

Corporate Executive Board

Counseling, key concepts in


Couple system

Courage to challenge domain, and self as coach

Cycle of renewal

Cziksentmihalyi, M.


da Vinci, L.

Data collection

Davidson, R.

de Haan, E.

Defense mechanisms

Derrida, J.


Dewey, J.

DiClemente, C.


Doldrums phase, in cycle of renewal

Drake, D.

Dreyfus, H.

Dreyfus, S.


Edwards, L.

Effectiveness, of coaching

Egan, G.

Egan model

Ellinger, A. D.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional quotient (EQ) assessment

Empathic stance domain, and self as coach

Empowering behaviors, and managers

Empty nest, concept of

Engaging, as spot coaching skill

Erikson, E.


Evocative approach, and clients

The Evolving Self (Kegan)

External coaches


Facilitating behaviors, and managers

Family roles

Family system

Family systems theory

Five-stage model of change

Flaherty, J.

Florent-Treacy, E.

Fogel, A.

Follow-up, after coaching

“FoR” (frame of reference)

Freud, S.

Friends system


Gardner, J.

Garfield, C.

Gestalt theory

Getting ready phase, in cycle of renewal

Gilligan, C.

Go for it phase, in cycle of renewal

Goals, for coaching

Goldfried, M. R.

Goleman, D.

Google, and coaching

Group supervision

GROW model


Halpern, B. L.

Hanafin, J.

Hargrove, R.

Harrah, C.

Hawkins, P.

Hay, J.


Horney, K.

Howell, W. S.

Hudson, F.

Hudson model: and assessing present and future; awareness-building practices and; coaching contract and; commitment of client and; conclusion of coaching and; data collection in; effectiveness and; goals and; identifying strengths and; new behaviors and; obstacles to change and; overview of; planning and; precontracting stage and; readiness for coaching and; stakeholder check-ins and; whole person context and. See also Methodology


Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization (Kegan and Lahey)

In a Different Voice (Gilligan)

Individualized supervision

Ingham, H.

Interactional force field

Internal coaches


Johari window

Jung, C.

Just-in-time coaching. See Spot coaching


Kegan, R.

Kernberg, O.

Kets de Vries, M.

Kimsey-House, H.

King, Jr., M. L.

Kirkpatrick, D.

Kirkpatrick, J.

Korotov, K.


Ladder of inference

Ladyshewsky, R. K.

Lahey, L.

Landsberg, M.

Laske, O.

Leadership coaching, nature of

Leading from behind stance: force field analysis and; general considerations of; key concepts in; transactional analysis paradigm and

Learning, continuous, value of

Leonard, G.

Levinson, D.

Lewin, K.

Life chapters

Life transitions

LifeLaunch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (McLean and Hudson)

Lubar, K.

Luft, J.


Manager as coach: behaviors of; coaching culture and; Ladyshewsky study and; mind-set and; spot coaching and

“The Manager as Coach as a Driver of Organizational Development” (Ladyshewsky)

Mandela, N.

Market realities

Mastery: Cziksentmihalyi model and; Dreyfus model and; Howell model and; journey to; strategies for. See also Supervision

Mauer, R.

Mayer, J.

McHenry, B.

Megginson, D.


Methodology: change theory and; CLEAR model and; Egan model and; ethics and; GROW model and; need for; O’Neill systems model and; outcome measures and; Prochaska model and; for spot coaching; systems thinking and; working alliance and. See also Hudson model

Midlife crisis, concept of

Mind-set, for coaching

Mind-set, for managing

Minitransition, in cycle of renewal

Mink, B.

Mink, O.


Neugarten, B.

Nevis, E. C.

Norcross, J.


O’Neill, M. B.

O’Neill systems model

Outcome measures

Owen, K.


Peer supervision

Perceived weirdness index

Phillips, J.

Piaget, J.


Planning worksheet

Precontracting stage

Presence-Based Coaching: Cultivating Self-Generative Leaders Through Mind, Body and Heart (Silsbee)

Presence domain, and self as coach

Problem-based counseling approach

Prochaska, J.

Prochaska model

Provocative approach, and clients

Psychology, theories in

Purpose, concept of


Quinn, R.


Range of feelings domain, and self as coach

Readiness, for coaching

Reflection-in-action, concept of

Reflective practices, for self as coach

The Reflective Practitioner (Schön)

Return on investment (ROI), measurement tools and

Robinson-Walker, C.

Rogers, D. B.


Salovey, P.

Sandahl, P.

Satir, V.

Schön, D.

Scott, S.

The Seasons of a Man’s Life (Levinson)

The Seasons of a Woman’s Life (Levinson and Levinson)

Self as coach: A. Adler and; adult development study and; B. Neugarten and; boundary awareness domain and; C. Gilligan and; C. Jung and; challenges for; continuum of learning and; courage to challenge domain and; cultivation of; D. Levinson and; E. Erikson and; emotional intelligence and; empathic stance domain and; family systems theory and; general considerations of; gestalt theory and; Johari window and; origins of; presence domain and; R. Kegan and; range of feelings domain and; reflection-in-action and; reflective practices for; S. Freud and; somatic awareness domain and; transactional analysis and

Self-authoring mind

Self system

Self-transforming mind

Senge, P.

Seven conversations, concept of

Shohet, R.

Short, R.

Siegel, D.

Silsbee, D.

Skill-based competencies, resources for

Smith, N.

Socialized mind

Solo supervision

Somatic awareness domain, and self as coach

Spear, K.

Spot coaching

Spot supervision


Strengths, identification of

Strozzi-Heckler, R.

Supervision: general considerations of; models for; types of

Sustainability, and spot coaching

Systems thinking


TaylorMade-adidas Golf Company

Theories, need for agreement on

Tolbert, M.A.R.

Transactional analysis


Transition coaching, nature of



Vision, concept of


Whitmore, J.

Whitworth, L.

Whole person context

Winnicott, D.

Wolfe, B. E.

Work system

Working alliance

Worksheet, for planning