My heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped me with this book: my perceptive first reader, my wife Adriane, and my agent, Gail Hochman. I had great assistance at Grand Central from my publisher/editor, Ben Sevier, and Elizabeth Kulhanek, who gave this book that rarity in today’s publishing world, a patient line editing. Although they are often unsung heroes, I want to thank the copy editor, Rick Ball, and the senior production editor, Mari Okuda, who, as they have before, once again scrutinized every word and did their best to respect my idiosyncratic style. Deep thanks also to other early readers, including my daughter, Eve Turow-Paul, and my stepdaughter, Lily Homer, who tried to help me get Pinky right, and to Julian Solotorovsky.

Despite the great efforts of all the people mentioned above, a lot of mistakes of all kinds will probably be discovered by alert readers. The blame for any remaining errors belongs entirely on me.