The Voyage of Heroes Cast of Characters
The Gods
Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty, wife of Hephaestus; patron god of Vancuse
Ares: God of war, son of Hera and Zeus, patron god of Aryana
Artemis: Goddess of wild places and animals, patron god of Cedonia
Athena: Goddess of justice and battle, patron god of Athenos
Demeter: Goddess of grain and harvest, patron god of Demos
Dionysus: God of wine, patron god of Illamos Valley
Hades: God of the dead, oversees the Chasm
Hephaestus: God of volcanoes and metal working, husband to Aphrodite, patron god of Helena
Hera: Goddess of marriage and family, wife and sister to Zeus, patron god of Portaceae
Hermes: Messenger to the gods, patron god of Tillaceae
Poseidon: God of the seas, brother to Zeus and Hera, father of Pelias, patron god of Astoria
Zeus: The god of the gods, husband and brother of Hera, father of many bastard children
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Atlas: Brother to Prometheus, bearer of the skies, father of the nymphs who guard Hera’s garden
Prometheus: Friend to mortals, titan who gave mortals fire in their darkest times
Typhon: Son of Hera, father of the hydra, Nemean lion and the Chimera
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The Poli
Iolalus: Current Solon of Portaceae, cousin to Hercules
Maxinia: Head of the Herenes (priestesses of Hera)
Orpheus: Musician striving to be an engineer
Illamos Valley
Admes: Servant in the Palace of Salemnos
Aeson: Husband of Polymele, King of Illamos Valley, father of Jason
Jason: Prince of Illamos Valley, son of Aeson and Polymele, cousin to Odysseus
Odysseus: Son of Anticlea (sister of Polymele), commander of Illamosian vigiles, husband of Penelope
Polymele: Queen of Illamos Valley, granddaughter of Hermes, mother of Jason, aunt of Odysseus
Pelias: Bastard son of Poseidon and Tyro, half-brother to Aeson, commander of Arean vigiles, member of the Osteria Council
Paris: Son of Priam
Priam: President of Demos, elected after the coup that drove Athamas’s line from power, member of the Osteria Council
Castor: Son of Leda and Tyndareus, twin brother to Pollux, brother to Helen and Clytemnestra
Clytemnestra: Sister to Helen, Pollux and Castor; wife of Agamemnon
Helen: Betrothed to Jason, sister to Clytemnestra, Pollux and Castor
Pollux: Bastard son of Zeus and Leda, twin brother to Castor, brother to Helen and Clytemnestra
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The Kingdom of Colchis
Aby: Prince of Colchis, son of Aeetes, brother of Medea
Aeetes: King of Colchis, nephew to Nephele
Chalciope: Elder daughter of Aeetes, mother to Phrixus (younger), half-sister to Medea and Aby
Medea: Younger daughter of Aeetes, niece to the sorceress Circe
Phrixus (younger): Son of Phrixus (elder) and Chalciope, husband of Glauce
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The Tale of the Pelt
Athamas: King of Demos
Helle: Daughter of Nephele and Athamas
Ino: Current queen of Demos, wife to Athamas
Learches & Melicertes: Twin sons of Ino and Athamas, toddlers
Nephele: Former queen of Demos, ex-wife of Athamas, water nymph
Phrixus (elder): Son of Nephele and Athamas
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The Argoa
Perseus: Captain of the Argoa, born in the Astoria polis, raised in the Docklands, bastard son of Zeus
Other Crew: Agamemnon, Bellerophon, Hylas, Menelaus, Theseus
Acrisius: Member of the Osteria Council, grandfather of Perseus
Charon: Skeletal creature who rows people along the River Styx and into Hades’s Chasm
Chiron: Centaur, serves as teacher and mentor to high-born children
Circe: Sorceress, aunt of Medea
Hercules: Bastard son of Zeus,
Io: Lover of Zeus, mortal
Iole: Daughter of Hera, former Herene
Lena: Member of the Osteria Council
Orseis: Lover of Poseidon, nymph
Pasiphae: Member of the Osteria Council