Tantric massage originated during a so-called golden age of India, in which the body was respected, meditative sex was enjoyed, pleasure in all its aspects was emphasized, and mankind was encouraged to cultivate art and contemplate beauty.

Tantra is intimately linked with the sacred consciousness. The sixty-four arts of the Kamasutra (“wisdom of desire”) show that the individual must master many topics, among which are the art of massage. Massage is considered to be one of the tantric arts and to be essential for the overall development of the individual.

Sex is also considered an art. Unfortunately, closed minds tend to misunderstand tantra and have ignorantly categorized it simply as sex.

Tantra is not only sex; rather, it is a complete and transformative lifestyle. It is a change of attitude and vision.


Tantra uses massage as a way for two people to experience primordial unity. It is from this union that the two complementary polarities are formed: Shakti, the Feminine, and Shiva, the Masculine. Both cosmic principles live in harmony within the body, as well as in the whole universe, and by conscientiously preserving such harmony we can manage to stay healthy.

Tantra is a path to awaken the potential of love (prema) and attach it to the innate intelligence (prajna) that everyone has within.

The principles of tantric massage are as follows:

•   Emphasis on unity, on the one hand, between the physical body and the universe and, on the other hand, between the individual soul and the universal soul, through the use of touch and all other senses.

•   Stimulation, sedation, or harmonization of each of the seven chakras in the body’s energy system.

•   Work on the chakras in the back, front, and feet.

•   Tantric massage awakens the senses through stimulation.

•   It can activate the psychosexual energy called kundalini, and make it move throughout the entire body, providing a wave of pleasure and connection.

For this, Tantric massage uses the following techniques:

•   Specially powerful cleansing breaths.

•   Visualization.

•   Special oils prepared for each chakra.

•   Harmonizing sounds (favorite music and mantras).

•   Using colors, gemstones, and crystals.

According to tantra, depression, stress, conflicts, and many diseases are rooted in an unfulfilled basic desire. So its aim is to create a healthy balance by paying close attention to the realization of desires for each individual. The physical body is looked after, venerated, and respected as the temple of the soul. The individual soul (jiva) needs to be in a strong, healthy, and flexible physical body, so that the universal soul (atman) can manifest itself creatively.

The tantra formula consists of bringing together awareness and energy. Tantric massage consciously seeks to distribute kundalini energy around the centers of life in each individual. By applying this massage, we explore the body in an effort to create a healthy emotional balance as well as unity with the divine within the male or female body, so as to transcend the mind into a state of silence.




Scientists refer to the beginning of creation as the Big Bang, the great explosion; the Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word.” Obviously a sound emerged from that word.

Personally, from a tantric point of view, I think the beginning was “an explosion of joy, an orgasm of the Divine, merging the Male and Female Principles.” And this explosion continues to expand; it did not end in seven days: creation happens every day, because it is alive.

The petals of a rose (female) and its stem (male), day and night, cold and heat . . . everything is in balance. Tantra encourages living in an orgasmic state; that is, happily, in ecstasy with the morning, midday sun, dusk, night, stars, moon, sea, earth, fire, and everything that happens creatively.

In tantric massage the therapist will guide energy and use it to create internal access to higher levels of festive, orgasmic pathways of perception.

Orgasm is not linked only to the sexual. When you listen to your favorite music, your hormones explode, your emotions get excited, you feel happy, you sing, you are one with life, you feel positive, you want to create, you feel enthusiasm.

So tantric massage is an invitation to experience a state explosion of light in your cells, a state of joy.

Scientifically, it has been shown that when someone feels well and happy, their glands produce happiness hormones, called endorphins. Through my tantric experience, I believe that humanity does not live happily because it fails to use its intelligence to look inward. We have fought over land ownership even though none of it belongs to any of us. We worry about events that have not happened yet and we do not know if they will ever happen. We critique instead of create. We give into fear instead of surrendering to love.

People need to live with tantra, enjoying everything without attachment, guiding their destiny to soar freely, understanding that life is a natural cycle with positive and negative phases, enjoyment, singing, and crying. Using everything God and Goddess have put in your life to make you happy.

Below, I describe different ways of working with massage in a tantric manner.


This massage will help the recipient feel these seven principles of life within them:

1. The Principle of the Body.

2. The Principle of Movement and Dance.

3. The Principle of Breathing.

4. The Principle of Fire and Arousal.

5. The Principle of Pleasure and Love.

6. The Principle of the Union between Shiva and Shakti.

7. The Principle of Silence, Ecstasy, and Unity.

For example, someone with a rigid personality, who values only their own opinion as truth, is a tense and stiff individual who is detached from the principle of dance and movement. Given that in life everything is moving, dancing, and playing with energy, this person “thinks” they know everything and is left deprived of life experience, which is precisely what is needed in tantra.

Each principle will try to awaken the natural wisdom that has fallen asleep, that is to say, whatever pushed him away from himself. These principles can be shared with your partner or with anyone, just remember these four points: respect, awareness, depersonalization, and silence of the mind.


The first principle consists in making conscious contact with the body. People with cerebral tendencies send their energy up to their head, forgetting the legs, spine, sacrum, and pelvis.

The Principle of the Body will bring us back to unity, starting at the first step.

To get started, the recipient is placed face down. First, rub their naked body with oil as you press with your fingers and your entire hand. You can use sandalwood, rose, jasmine, and lotus oils, or any combination I describe in chapter 4. Remember to emphasize the sense of touch so that the recipient’s senses begin to awaken.


Each technique shown below is to be repeated four to five times, on both sides.


1. Stimulate the sole of the foot: Rub the entire bottom of the foot. In doing so you stimulate multiple bodily organs.


2. Toe presses: With the thumb and index finger, apply pressure to each of the toes.


3. Rub the ankle and instep: Vigorously rub the ankles, heel, and instep.


4. Knead the calf: Slide your palms over the calf and shin, kneading the area.


5. Knead the biceps femoris: With open hands, knead the back and upper leg.


6. Knead the buttocks: Tone the buttocks by kneading. This technique releases blocked kundalini energy. It is very common for the recipient to feel a wave of energy that rises to the head.


7. Opening of the sacrum: Place your hands as if they were spread eagle wings and open from the center sacral area to the sides. This movement has an effect that is similar to that of the prior technique.


8. Rub the spine: Placing your hands flat like a board, go up from the sacrum to the neck while generating heat.


9. Stimulate the back: Slide both hands across the entire surface of the back.


10. Release arm tension: Using both hands, knead the arms gently.


11. Gliding with the hands: This technique is very important because the hands are extremely sensitive. Gently glide your hand over the recipient’s hand while stimulating the fingers and nails. Feel their body language as their sensitivity begins to awaken. It is very common that recipients who lack affection will unconsciously hold your hand for a while.


12. Shoulder kneading: With the base of the hands, knead the deltoid area where a lot of tension tends to accumulate.


13. Gentle stimulation of the hair: Caress the head, kneading it gently. Then move their contracted energy so that they can let go of worries, and fill the void with relaxation. Finally, run your hands through the hair and then grab it to release any tension. This technique gives great pleasure and a feeling of surrender.

Face up


14. Gliding your hands across the whole face: Softly and delicately touch and glide your hands on the face without forgetting the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears.


15. Kneading the neck: Glide three fingers of each hand (index, ring, and middle) from the nape (seventh cervical vertebra) to the neck.


16. Open the chest: Make opening movements across the surface of the chest, and make circles around the breasts.


17. Relaxation of the abdomen: Draw very soft circles on the abdomen.


18. Gliding your hands along the hips: Glide your hands outward over the second chakra, reaching the hip, pubic area, and leg opening. It is very common for the recipient to experience sexual arousal during this movement, so it is important that you make them breathe deeply in order for this awakened energy to get distributed to the other chakras.


19. Gliding your hands along the leg: Run your hands over the legs, quadriceps, knee, tibia, and ankle.


20. Relax the body: Finally, caress and gently press on each area of the body for a few seconds. Start on the feet and end at the head. The recipient should lie on their back at all times.


Work on moving the body’s joints to release energy blockages.


1. Ankle move: With one hand on the ankle and one on the sole of the foot, move the entire foot in circles, in both directions, to release muscular tension. Then bend them forward and backward by grabbing the toes.


2. Knee move: Grab a foot with both hands and then flex the leg until it reaches the chest. Repeat several times, making sure that you handle the knee very gently.


3. Pelvic move: Use both hands to grab the pelvis below the sacrum and make circular movements from side to side.


4. Flex the spine: With hands on the back, lift the spine on an inhale and lower it on an exhale. This technique opens up the chest as it unlocks and flexes the vertebrae.


5. Wrist move: With one hand holding the recipient’s fingers and the other placed on the elbow, make circular movements with the wrist, first in one direction then the other.


6. Elbow move: Grab the shoulder with one hand and the forearm with the other to move the elbow joint.


7. Shoulder move: Hold their arm straight and loose, then lift it from the waist and stretch it as much as possible over the head at a 90° angle. This move decompresses the upper back and arms, which are generally very tense. According to tantra, tension prevents kundalini energy from flowing.


Throughout this principle, practice a series of breathing techniques that cleanse, energize, and relax.

Cleansing breathing

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale out the mouth as you empty out the lungs. Fill your lungs with fresh air to benefit the pulmonary alveoli, increase blood oxygenation, and improve the functions of your heart and brain.

Do this for four or five minutes and then be sure to stop and breathe gently through the nose, then repeat this process following any other cleansing techniques.

Energy breathing

This breathing technique is done in three stages: inhaling (puraka), holding (kumbaka) and exhaling (rechaka). Inhale through the nose for five to seven seconds, hold it in for five seconds, and finally exhale for nine or twelve seconds, depending on your lung capacity.




1. Slide upward: Place your hands on each ankle and gently go up the legs, chest, shoulders, and arms, until you reach the hands. Start cleansing breathing for three cycles of five minutes each, with intervals of abdominal breathing for relaxation. Continue with the same technique.

Adding the holding phase, this breathing helps to store qi energy or prana throughout the body. According to tantra: “Your thoughts can move energy wherever you want it or toward a particular activity.” You can guide energy to any particular chakra you want to strengthen, or take seven breaths (one for each chakra, starting at the bottom, moving up, and ending at the seventh). You can also visualize how the orange-colored energy rises from the sacrum to the top of the head, like a flame.

Relaxing breathing

Inhale and exhale as you inflate and deflate the abdomen. Also known as abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing.

The top of the lungs do not engage much since this breathing is done using the diaphragm.


2. Opening the chest and abdomen: Press gently, making opening movements over the chest and abdomen. Do seven breathing cycles.


3. Connect the chakras: Place one hand on the first chakra and the other at the top of the head, while doing abdominal breathing. Then place one hand on the second chakra and the other on the fifth; then finish by placing them on the third and fourth chakra. Stay on each chakra for one minute.


According to tantra, living energy in the body, kundalini, is a fiery energy. Just as air fuels fire, kundalini energizes us internally.

Fire has its own characteristic of joy, contentment, excitement, sexual energy, spiritual inner fervor, enlightenment, courage, and passion. This element helps people recover their ancestral power and their body and soul connection to the magic of nature. Be aware of energy and its awakening, keeping a conscious purpose without attachment.

Tantra sees each woman as Shakti in the female body, and each man as Shiva in the male body. For this technique, you need to practice mutual respect, intelligence, and consciousness. Do not let your mind block you with its own prejudices or temptations. Simply feel how life energy moves within you. Return to your natural state filled with peace as you contemplate being a creature of light.


1. Stimulation of the mouth: Slide two fingers (index and middle) gently along the contour of the lips.


2. Nipple stimulation: With those same two fingers, stimulate the nipples by delicately touching them and making circles around them. According to tantra, the nipples are the feminine polarity of the male body, while its masculine polarity is the penis. By contrast, the nipples are the masculine polarity of the female body, while its feminine polarity is the vagina. Therefore, during the sexual act both poles come together, above and below, producing spiritual light. Breathe deeply at all times, and stay present with excitement as you awaken your internal energy.


3. Circles around the navel: With the index and middle fingers, tap and glide along this area as you make gentle circles.


4. Looking for the jewel: Along with the previous technique, respectfully glide your hand over the pubic area, grazing the lingam (penis) or yoni (vagina) without even touching them. In so doing you will awaken the other energy polarity of the body. Breathe and stay conscious of the rising energy level. It helps to visualize an orange stripe that goes up from the first to the seventh chakra.


5. Touch the wrists and forearms: Gently glide your fingers on the wrists and forearms as though your fingers were feathers.


According to tantra, it is possible to learn through pleasure.

Religions have encouraged us to suffer, to think of suffering as a way to get into heaven. However, tantra goes hand in hand with pleasure (understood as nourishment for the body) and love (perceived as sublime, delicate, and conscious energy).

Resetting this principle of pleasure and love is of vital importance because too many people live constantly criticizing themselves, ashamed, repressed, and unable to receive the gifts and good fortune that life has to offer.



Delicate touch: Touch gently with your hands around the recipient’s body, more like a caress than a massage. Touching and giving affection helps do away with loneliness. Lovingly touching someone can completely change their attitude towards life. It is very common with this technique to see tears flow. Let it happen. Be sure to place your hands on every chakra, joint, and body part. Do this massage with the recipient first facing up and then down.


These two concepts are understood as Shiva, consciousness, and Shakti, energy, tantra’s driving force. The masculine and the feminine.

Any union, however small, represents the union of two principles: seed and earth, fire and air, sexual unity, petals and stem, electric plug receiving electricity, etc. And the Principle of the Union aims to balance both sides.

Shiva and Shakti are present in humans, each ruling a few functions and principles, as shown in the illustration. For women and men, the right side is male, while the left side is female. If a person is too active and not very contemplative or receptive, there will be increased activity on the right side of their body. By contrast, if they live too intellectually or passively, their left side will be most active.


It will also have an influence on body temperature: a person can feel that their extremities are very cold due to lack of activity, not doing sports, and neglecting their inner fire by not using their gifts or individual talents. But someone else may feel a rise in their body temperature if they live very aggressively, at an accelerated pace, with great stress or tension.

Shakti exists in the sexual region of the first chakra, and within it is the divine energy of kundalini, represented as a coiled serpent.

Shiva, meanwhile, is latent on the top of the head, in the seventh chakra.

The purpose of tantra is to balance and unite the cosmic couple that lives within. In doing so, Shakti will rise up to meet Shiva.

Electric and magnetic life vibrates between the two ends of the spine, which is where the two halves of the physical body unite.

Repeat the following techniques first with the recipient facing down, activating and meditating on the Shakti, activating and meditating on Shiva, and then place the recipient on their back, but this time without repeating the meditations.




1. Activate Shakti: Move your hands up along the left side of the body from the heel, leg, and buttock, up to the shoulder, down the arm, and finally to the hand. Do each movement warmly and uniformly without stopping. Repeat about twelve times while softly guiding the recipient along the following meditation.


Feel how your body is a sacred temple. Inside it is a golden goddess sleeping in the sacrum and she wakes up when you flow with life. With your consciousness, try to awaken the energy of Shakti, the Goddess. Feel how it climbs the left side of your body, feel how she is one with the moon, the sea, the flowers, the breeze, with the senses. Feel that you are vital and receptive energy. Visualize a wave of electricity going up your body. Breathe that energy.




2. Activate Shiva: Repeat the same sequence of the previous exercise, but this time do it on the right side of the body. Do this twelve times while softly guiding the recipient along with the following meditation.


Feel nature’s force, magnetism, and power. Imagine the sun within you as it rises up on the right side of your body. You are fire, you are a volcano, a hot vortex of energy. Feel the warmth and the enthusiasm for life burning in your cells. You generate light. You are a fiery comet, the center of a volcano, a passionate heart. You are love, passion, courage, and adventure. You are a dancer flowing with life. You embody action. Feel the magnetism dancing through your being.


The final principle aims to push the boundaries of the mind and expand consciousness, immersing the person into a space of peace and quiet, connecting with the natural state of life, the essence, and the raw material that makes up the universe. My teacher Osho said that “existence is made of a substance called delight.”



Relaxing with gemstones: As the recipient lies on their back, place a gemstone on each chakra, from the first to the seventh. Then cover them with a sheet or blanket so that their body does not cool off, although this will not be needed in the summer. The recipient will breathe freely and smoothly through the nose at an increasingly slower pace. Play faint background music, while repeating the Beatitudes as a tantric meditation, with a soft voice and at a slow pace. When finished, let him or her enjoy the moment for ten to fifteen minutes.


Blessed are those who are positive, for they know the sublime side of life.

Blessed are those who do not criticize, for they will have creativity.

Blessed are those who are in love, for they are the only ones alive.

Blessed are those who enjoy the art of breathing, for they will have an abundant life.

Blessed are those who reach an orgasm, for That is the Big Bang in all its essence.

Blessed are those who practice meditation, for they will vanquish death.

Blessed are those who love and nourish their body, for it is the temple of the divine.

Blessed are those who have an open mind, for they are released from false morality and sin.

Blessed are the non-dogmatic mystics, for they know the ultimate freedom.

Blessed are the lonely, for they can join with others.

Blessed are those who are not swayed by beliefs, for they learn from experience.

Blessed are those with a healthy heart, for they will have innocence.

Blessed are those who understand what they feel, for they will be wise.

Blessed are those who act out of selfless interest, for their soul will be filled with joy.

Blessed are those who are like children, for playing is the law of life.

Blessed are those who fulfill their destiny, for they live in peace.

Blessed are those who touch, smell, see, hear, and enjoy, for they feel without repression.

Blessed are those who are not afraid, for they are protected by love.

Blessed are those who live without guilt, for their roads will open.

Blessed are those who make of their life a daily gift, for life will repay them twice.

Blessed are those who are simple and celebrate, those who love and sing.

Those who dance and create, those who live in the present, conscious seekers.

Those who do not adhere to the past nor fear the future, for they shall see God laughing eternally.


In another session, we will work on the first two chakras from the back and the remaining five from the front of the body. All techniques are to be done for ten to twelve times.

It is important that the recipient do soft cleansing breathing while being massaged. Here we will also add individual visualization exercises and, in some cases, the bija mantra (the “seed” of each chakra’s sound), which will be repeated mentally by the recipient.

Face down

First and second chakra



1. Fiery friction: With the basis of both hands, go up about six inches (fifteen centimeters) from the sacrum, while generating heat.


First chakra:

Lam, a red circle.

Second chakra:

Vam, an orange circle.



2. Circle of fire: With one hand over the other, make circles of four inches (ten centimeters) in diameter in the central area of the sacrum. Warm up the entire area. Remember that clockwise movements invigorate, while counterclockwise movements sedate.


3. Zigzag movements: With three fingers (index, middle, and ring), make zigzag movements from the sacrum to the waist, first in one direction and then the other.


4. Opening of the sacred: With both hands, open the surface of the sacrum outward and horizontally.


5. Knead the buttocks: Stimulate this area by circling the buttocks. This releases blocked kundalini energy.


6. Stimulate the back: Rest both hands across the surface of the back, and hold and press for about five seconds.

Face up

Third chakra



Ram, a yellow circle.


1. Opening the solar plexus: Place one hand over the other and gently knead the surface of the solar plexus, from the stomach up to the navel.


2. Circle of fire on the belly: Make vigorous circles with the base of the hand for two minutes, within four inches (ten centimeters) of the navel. This technique will allow the energy of fire to rise up.


3. Sustained pressure: Using the entire surface of your hands, stretch and press the stomach area by making opening movements. Go slowly as you hold the pressure.


4. Solar harmonization: Make circles on the solar plexus and on the coccygeal plexus (second and third chakra), as shown in the illustration. For women, first do it thirty-six times counterclockwise and then twenty-four times clockwise. For men, do it thirty-six times clockwise and then twenty-four times counterclockwise. Let the energy increase evenly.

Fourth chakra



Yam, a green circle.


1. Opening arc: With one hand after the other, open up the area that stretches from the center of the chest to the shoulders.


2. Taps: With the index and middle fingers of the right hand, vigorously tap on the center of the chest.


3. Arm extensions: Raise the recipient’s arms over their head. Then, with both hands, go over the center of the chest, the arms, and hands. These movements offer relaxation, as they cleanse and open the fourth chakra. Remember that you must sit at the head of the recipient so that you can better reach the entire treatment area.


4. Hand play: Lovingly slide your hands into the recipient’s hands so that their sensitivity awakens.


5. Fiery circle: With the heel of your hand, make energetic four-inch-wide (ten centimeters) circles in the center of the chest for two minutes. Fiery energy rises.

Fifth chakra



Ham, a blue circle.


1. Stretched neck: Oftentimes, guilt, inability to express oneself, and keeping in everything we want to say, feel, and think causes blockages in the throat and the fifth chakra. To ease this tension, glide three fingers (index, middle, and ring) along the neck, slightly raising the head.


2. Opening of the throat: With the same fingers used in the previous technique, make opening movements very softly over the throat.


3. To stimulate and relax: With your right hand, stimulate the sides of the neck.

Sixth chakra



Om, a white circle.


1. Eyebrow opening: With your thumbs, make a gentle and sustained opening movement towards the temples.


2. Taps: With your right index finger and right thumb, tap gently in the area between the eyebrows.


3. Circles: Make stimulating circles around the third eye, using three fingers (index, middle, and ring).


4. Feather step: Glide your thumbs very gently, as though they were feathers, from the point between the eyebrows to the hairline, always straight and upward.


5. Pressures: With the thumb and forefinger, gently press the entire area of the eyebrows.


6. The palm of peace: Place the palm of your right hand on the recipient’s forehead, with your fingers towards the face. Visualize a flame, a blue-violet circle, or a snow-white dot. Rest your hand there for one or two minutes.

Seventh chakra



Om, a violet circle.

Visualize a beautiful lotus flower with a thousand petals and a bright sun.


1. Zigzag movement: Make a vibrating zigzag motion with three fingers (index, middle, and ring), so as to stimulate the entire upper head area. It is important that the stimulus be continuous from the forehead to the temples, at least for one minute.


2. Pressing: Using your thumb, press the points that are in the middle of the skull for about five seconds, as shown in the illustration.


3. Circles: Make stimulating circles on top of the head using three of your fingers (index, middle, and ring).


4. Washing the head: With the fingers of both hands wide open, stimulate the skull.


5. Angel hands: Place your hands gently above the crown chakra and keep them there briefly. Breathe softly while visualizing that a cylinder of light floods and bathes the recipient’s chakras with divine energy. Then lift your hands and for ten or fifteen minutes to let the recipient enjoy a state of deep peace, harmonization, and inner balance.


•   Breathing is very important to the success of tantric massages on the chakras. Be sure to guide the recipient by pacing the rhythm of their cleansing breathing, alternating it with gentle breaths. The mind is usually very lazy and tends to forget its connection with conscious breathing.

•   Do not let the recipient talk at any time, unless it is to share visions of symbols, images, unknown places, new sensations; everything will be recorded after the session to compare with later sessions. Many facets of the past, current life, or even a previous life can be manifested. Although tantra has no interest in psychoanalysis, we will simply make observations without any judgment.

•   It is natural that the person needs more time to “return” to normal waking consciousness. Do not worry, let the recipient take all the time necessary but guide them toward feeling their physical body again.

•   Always cleanse any gemstones you use with water and rock salt, or sea water. Then charge them with energy from the sun and the moon. Likewise, rinse your body before the massage.

•   Pay attention to any contraindications in performing tantric massage (listed on page 39). Remember, this massage is very strong and powerful since you will be working with the person’s consciousness.

•   Never stop halfway. If there is catharsis at a certain chakra, guide the recipient out of it through soft breathing, and let them know that their soul is purging something that is no longer needed. Just as the sun comes out after the storm, calm and peace follows any catharsis. Use your voice, your support, and self-control at all times.

•   Allow yourself to enjoy everything your recipients share with you about the tantric massage. The benefits and changes they experience will make your soul rejoice.


In general, though more and more people have access to different spiritual paths, most do not know how to relax and meditate. Obviously, if we lived in complete harmony with nature there would be no traumas, muscle contractions, or energy blockages, but we have forgotten to appreciate sunsets, the moon, the stars, the sun, and the body, in our pursuit of material goods, excessive eating, personal pride, excessive sex outside of sacred consciousness, and all the obstacles that slow the soul: greed, selfishness, deceit, etc.

Tantra is an honest, direct, simple, and profound way to return to our roots. Just as the roots of a tree need care, we also need to understand how to care for our own roots: our feet.


And the seven chakras can also be stimulated, healed, activated, or sedated by applying tantric techniques to the foot.

This is profound, transformative, and delicate work because you can break barriers, remove blockages, and access alternative states of expanded consciousness. As a result, when people get this tantric massage, oftentimes they feel as though they are “floating” in air. Because the physical body is not the main focus, the energetic body and the other bodies play a more important role in the receiver’s awareness.

This is when images can appear along with symbols, sensation of floating or being on the astral plane, memories, premonitions, fears, joys, etc., a whole array of new feelings to fuel the soul’s journey may appear.

Basically, at the end of this technique, lightness and peace remains, but it is a journey; a journey into the depths of the unconscious, a cleansing journey. Repressions, blockages, fears, negative attitudes, unresolved conflicts, and multiple barriers to impede the individual’s growth can resurface.

Every technique that uses energy, such as massage, is ultimately a shortcut to accelerate personal evolution and inner growth. Therefore, it is extremely valuable as a healing tool.

Although you are working with the feet, this massage is not reflexology, and it is not related to reflexology. However, tantra knows the ancient map of the human body given that spiritual journeys begin from the body and its functions.

It is not recommended that you start tantric stimulus from the feet, but start first with some other type of massage. Reflexology, which is explored in the next chapter, is a good prelude to then focus on the tantric massage from the feet.

The chakra massage is beneficial for people with blockages, fears, traumas, and also for those who wish to reach another state of consciousness. For all, tantric massage will be a relief, a source of joy, a gift to the body, and a bright song for the soul.


It will be a gateway to a meditative state, as never experienced before. This happens because the body is a tide of electric and magnetic circuits, and within it there is a very extensive network of meridians and bioenergetic points.

By pressing points on the feet, we activate the stream of life flowing through these circuits. From thought to action, there is an impact in the different areas of an individual—muscular, skeletal, nervous, organic, emotional, and cerebral—that affects them physically and spiritually.


All points may show signs; for example, become red, itchy, painful, stiff, crystal. Work on them for several sessions until these symptoms disappear.

All visualizations are to be done for five to seven minutes since this is the amount of time needed to stimulate each energy center.


Once the recipient is facing up and fully relaxed, guide them through cleansing breathing while placing gemstones on each of their chakras. Then apply oil to the chakra on which you will be working.

Using your thumbs, stimulate each chakra (shown in the illustrations), making circular movements, ladder motions, pressure, and kneading. Similarly, guide the recipient through the specific visualization corresponding to the chakra that is being stimulated.

Between massaging one chakra and massaging the next, make complete movements around the entire foot so that the connection between the centers of energy is not lost.

First chakra

Muladhara is the root chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Economic security.

•   State of abundance.

•   Survival.

•   Material desire for comfort and purchasing power.

•   Primary instincts.

•   Roots in the Earth (tangible property, contact with nature).

•   Rationale, solid human foundations, convictions, personal destiny, using talents and vocation.

People who have not solved the principles above are in conflict with life and have problems in the first chakra. They constantly think of money, self-improvement, buying a home, and watching where to direct the creative energy that God has given them through individual talent; from cooking artistically to carpentry, car repair, writing books, or any way they may be gifted.



Therefore, this chakra will be harmonized through stimulation. Consciousness will focus on abundance, without causing worry. “First seek the Kingdom of Heaven and then everything else will come to you,” Jesus said.

Guide the recipient towards abundance through the following meditation:

Envision a cornfield, fruits, flowers, mature trees, mountains, and among these, your flexible and healthy physical body walking toward your dream house. See yourself cheerful, carefree, and barefoot, touching the warm soil of the earth. Give thanks internally for the entire life of your physical body, for what it has endured and what it has enjoyed. You can have all the riches of the world, having the wealth of feeling as one with God, the Creator of all the worlds.

Second chakra

Swadisthana is the sacral chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Sensuality.

•   Sensitivity.

•   Mobility.

•   Sexuality.

•   Pleasure stimulus.

People who have not solved the principles above cannot accept joy and pleasure in feeling that they do well in life, and so they have blockages in this chakra.

People who fear or run away from sexuality as a natural part of life repress the element of this center: water. It is known that when water does not flow, it stagnates.

This chakra is linked with feelings and pleasure. There will also be blockages in those who do not accept their sensitivity or who act with rigid patterns of conduct or ethics.

Feed your pleasure whether it is related to food or sex, listen to your favorite music, paint, sing, dance, take baths, light candles, enjoy, laugh, and celebrate. This is the ultimate tantric chakra; use what God has given you to raise your consciousness.


Guide the recipient toward sensitivity through the following meditation:

Let yourself feel that your pleasures are being fully realized. How does it feel? Who is preventing you from feeling your body’s impulses? Let your imagination dance to the image of love with your lover or beloved, allow yourself to indulge your fantasies, feel the joy of letting pleasure nourish each of your cells.

Consciously wash away any blockages that may have been left behind in your sexual awareness from a bad experience. Life is change, acceptance, transformation. Be reborn. You are designed for pleasure. Now it is your moment of pleasure, your mind bathes in pleasure of your own choosing. You are free to do so at this time.

Third chakra

Manipura is the solar chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Personal power.

•   Self-esteem.

•   Eating.

•   Spiritual fire.

•   Willingness.

•   Sense of humor.


This center needs harmonization for those who have not solved the principles above or are in conflict because they do not use their personal power, whether that is due to having been brought up to obey, to submit to a superior, to not make their own decisions, to not feel capable of being successful in the world, etc. If the solar chakra is active, the person develops a willful behavior with good humor, joy of living, and personal power due to high self-esteem.

This chakra holds onto doubts, worries, fears, anger, and inertia.

Guide the recipient toward a ring of fire through the following meditation:

See yourself running with vitality around this circle of fire. You can see an ancient tribe performing powerful rituals with the fire. See yourself singing, dancing, moving the body, causing combustion; you are fire.

You are a flame, you are light. Feel the power and heat of this element in your body.

Your will and the Divine Will are one and the same. Burn your personality, your character, your habits, and your moral ideas, burn everything that weighs you down, whatever prevents your flames from reaching heaven. Let the transformation happen. You are energy and light, you are fire.

Fourth chakra

Anahatta is the heart chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Love.

•   Affection and tenderness.

•   Compassion.

•   Unity.

•   Solidarity.

•   Personal relationships.

•   Breathing.

People who have not solved the principles above, or are unable to express their love and creative energy, need to work more with this chakra.

If you do not show what you feel, what are you? Where do your feelings and emotions go when you repress them?

Guilt is the worst enemy of this chakra, and unfortunately some religions have instilled guilt three times in this area: the person who feels guilty cannot enjoy, love, feel, or be worthy of being loved.

There are two ways of living: by the heart or by the head. If you let your head block your heart, you become desensitized, lose contact with the divine, and begin to feel isolated.


But if the heart and head—hat is to say feelings and thoughts—work together, you can wisely connect love with intelligence.

Guide the recipient on an eagle’s flight through the following meditation:

Feel as your wings spread and fly. Observe the vastness and openness of the sky, breathe freely and joyously.

Love all the earth, feel how a ray of light comes down from your eagle chest to the earth and is then projected through the cosmos.

You are flight. You are love. Allow yourself to float in your inner sky.

Dive into the sensation of feeling your living heart beating. Your own heart is part of the larger Heart of Life. Give into, join, and become one with everything you feel. Let your heart feel freedom, conscience, and loving unity with God.

Fifth chakra

Vishudda is the throat chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Creativity.

•   Expression.

•   Communication.

•   Sounds.


People who have not solved the principles above are unable to express their creativity, their gift, their talent. They will benefit from working on this chakra, the throat center.

If you are told to shut up, hold your position and express yourself clearly and decisively. If you do not spend time doing artistic activities, it is time that you start doing so.

Singing, music, and mantras will help the principle of speech and sound come to light.

Guide the recipient toward the silence of the origins, to nothing, to the immaculate, through this meditation:

Let your mind be filled with silence as you empty it of thoughts. Allow for a few minutes of silence. Then sing the sound of sounds, the Word of Creation: Om. Say it mentally and let it spread out.

Let the healing sound penetrate over and over again. Feel how the creation of the universe occurs; suns, stars, planets. See how it feels to inhabit a spirit that seeks to make itself known. Let creativity come to you from the depths of your soul. Inspire creation.

Sixth chakra

Ajna chakra is the frontal chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Imagination.

•   Intuition.

•   Intellect.

•   Design, visualization.

People who have not solved the principles above are too cerebral, use imagination negatively (seeing things that are not there, taking them as real), have no creative life projects, or they are led only by reason. These types of individuals will get the most out of working with this chakra.


Stimulate the tip of the toes. The inner eye, the Egyptian eye of Horus, the third eye, is the eye of consciousness, the center of balance. Focus your mind on that point: the point where your soul exits the physical body. Then guide the recipient toward the Real using the following meditation:

Envision everything that happens within you as though it was a movie and you were a mere observer, without having any involvement. See how your thoughts go by and evaporate. No judgments, no notions, no words. Observe. Clearly contemplate your inner eye full of light.

Seventh chakra

Sahasrara is the crown chakra and it reflects the following aspects:

•   Illumination.

•   Transcendence.

•   Free spirituality.

•   Connecting with the Cosmos.

•   Crown of light that unites heaven and earth through human beings.

People who have not solved the principles above or are in conflict with the (non-religious) spiritual connection with life and the universe will get a lot of benefits from working with this chakra.


The seventh chakra is asleep when there isn’t a strong connection with life, and instead there is a feeling of disconnect, loneliness, selfishness, and helplessness.

Early in the morning, we should be thankful that we have another day to live, another gift, and let in gratitude, devotion, love for the magic of creation.

We will open the chakra of the temples so that the divine energy of Shiva can enter and descend to join in love with Shakti, the kundalini energy that rises from the first chakra, earth, toward heaven. It unites heaven and earth, Shiva and Shakti, male and female.

Through the following meditation, guide the recipient toward devotion, cosmic love, and everything that exists without a name.

Repeat these words as a sublime eco: “I am one with the Tao.”

Dive into an ocean of bliss. Feel the small cells, then feel love as an infinite field of consciousness. You are divine consciousness.

You are wonder manifested.

You are the love that always exists.

You are eternal.


Then let the recipient breathe gently and enjoy this state for ten minutes. Meanwhile, lovingly rub, knead, and soften the entire surface of their feet, instep, and ankle. This is a loving massage. Then remove the gemstones one by one, from the bottom up, and cleanse them in water with coarse salt. They will likely take longer to come back to waking consciousness. If this should happen, then press harder on their feet.


•   Be sure to guide their breathing.

•   Between one chakra and the next, be sure to stimulate the entire foot, soles, ankles, and toes to prevent them from cooling off.

•   Do not forget that this is a deep massage and it will work on hidden aspects of their consciousness.

•   At all times stay centered on your connection with the divine.

•   Use the techniques described: circular movements, applying pressure, and kneading.

•   Each chakra massage should be done in one session, without mixing them.

•   Write down everything that the recipient visualizes and how they feel in each chakra, etc.

•   Do not do this massage every day. Let at least twenty-four hours go by where physical and spiritual waste can be eliminated. For massage, apply each chakra’s corresponding oil.

•   Do not let the recipient talk during guided meditations, unless what they have to say is very important or if they feel unwell.

•   Work with love and dedication, with connection and unity.


There are many tantra techniques that can help strengthen relationships. These range from lovemaking techniques, stimulation of the chakras, culinary arts, breathing, to the art of meditation and massage. In this book I do not intend to list each and every practical use of tantra, but the reader should be aware that its practice is deep and varied.

Tantric massage for couples aims to create an important exchange of energy. Energy is what nourishes any function of life. Just as an entrepreneur uses mental energy to succeed in business, so too can lovers use energy to make their relationship succeed.

Obviously, tantra energy is different because it involves sexual attraction, as well as the energy of love, tenderness, and meditation. The couple will nourish their relationship by learning how to manage this energy.

Kundalini energy requires control: mindful consciousness. When sexual desire arises, it is very common that you forget to massage. Massage can end up as a sexual act if you both want it, but handling it intelligently means that energy feeds the chakra system and raises awareness, perception, and the inner world.

Couples that have been together for a long time and feel as though they lost some passion and eroticism can also learn the secrets of tantric energy.

First, respect some factors:

•   Do not hurry.

•   Awaken the sense of touch, using a wordless language to reveal the soul’s feelings.

•   Move with an unencumbered mind.

•   Be one with the body, let it be free.

•   Do not look at the time.

•   Prepare the place for this occasion.

•   See it as a game, have fun, enjoy, and be aware of what is happening inside.

•   If there is sexual arousal, breathe, stop, and let it run through your cells, organs, and skin. Then return to the massage.

It is important that you both feel energy awakening and that you direct it with your consciousness. “Energy responds to consciousness.” Excitement, attraction of the poles is one of the most natural laws that exist on earth, and it is perhaps the most sacred. Therefore, human beings must understand that attraction is the ultimate desire to form “one” by joining two.

The intelligent point is for this energy to lead directly to oneness and connectedness with the universe.

The techniques I offer below are specific to the couple’s energy, but all the techniques described in previous chapters can also be used.


Decorate the room for this occasion. Light some candles, serve a little food and drink, light incense, and play soft music. You can also use a special oil. I recommend sandalwood, musk, and jasmine.

It is very important to breathe deeply through your nose. Breathing is the thread through which energy will reach all corners of the body.

I also recommend that you sit fully nude with your back as straight, yet flexible, as possible.



1. Touching the roots: Spread oil on your partner’s feet and massage, apply pressure, and rub the entire foot. After two or three minutes, switch to the other foot.


2. Releasing fatigue: Knead the calf gently using all fingers.


3. Traveling to your secrets: With both hands, press up over the inner thigh to the groin.


4. Turning to the sun: With one hand, open the third solar plexus chakra, and with the other hand open up the back area. Make circular movements.


5. Opening the temple door: Apply the same technique but in the fourth chakra, the center of affection, love, feeling, and the united consciousness.


6. Taking turns: One partner will massage the entire surface of the other partner’s arm. It is important to consciously do and not do (wu-wei) and simply relax.


7. Spreading your wings: With both hands, knead the upper back, from the shoulder blades to the neck. This allows the body to take off into a state of lightness, ease, and relaxation.


8. The love boat: Sit facing each other with your legs spread open, glide your hands over your partner’s arms, while you both gently rock forward and backward.


9. The floating trunk: One partner will assume the shavasana position (relaxation of the body) and will the other partner massages the head with both hands open to release stress and tension in that area.


10. Wave of pleasure: Place both hands below the navel and move them up along the solar plexus and heart, branching toward the shoulders and ending at the arms and hands. Hand contact is very important. This technique is performed at all times as if it were an ocean wave. Both partners must breathe deeply, exhaling through the mouth and letting out a sound.


11. The dance of Shiva and Shakti: Go up along the left side of your partner’s body, from the ankles to the pelvis, ending at the arm and hand (which will be stretched over your partner’s head). Do this very slowly, three times on each side. Remember that the slower the breathing and the technique, the quieter the mind will get.


12. Chakra kiss: Sitting with your backs resting against each other, rock your bodies very softly, feeling the beautiful and exhilarating heat in the whole spinal area.


13. Friction of the gods: Stand with your backs against one another and with your eyes closed, and gently create friction with your bodies. Then glide your hands all over the body, feeling how energy moves from one partner to the other.


14. Light rod: One partner will lie face down and the other will rub their hands and spine, from the sacrum to the neck, up and down. This will generate a lot of heat and soft energy around the chakras.



Final relaxation: After the session, both partners will stretch together while holding hands. Their breathing will soften and slow down. If the experience is deepened, after a few minutes both partners will feel their hands become one, losing all sense of separation and division between their bodies. After fifteen minutes, begin to move again, then dance, make love, or do whatever you feel like doing at that moment.


The following test will help you understand the person who will receive the tantric massage so that you can apply the most suitable type of massage for each chakra. It would also be very useful for you to learn the characteristics of each chakra (see box in page 21).

In any case, this massage presents no risks or problems except for those listed as contraindications in chapter 2 (see page 39).

Answers can be:

•   Good (G)

•   Regular (R)

•   Bad (B)


First chakra

1. How are your finances?

2. What is your relationship with the land and nature? Do you get out often?

3. Are you satisfied with your work?

Second chakra

1. How would you rate your sexual relations?

2. Do you tend to drink plenty of water during the day?

3. How is your level of sensitivity?

Third chakra

1. How is your self-esteem and personal power?

2. How is your eating and digestion?

3. How well do you express strong emotions (fear, anger, anxiety)?

Fourth chakra

1. How much do you love yourself?

2. How is your ability to give and receive love? And relate to others?

3. How is your happiness level?

Fifth chakra

1. How is your creativity level? Do you use it often?

2. How is your voice?

3. How is your artistic life (from cooking to writing)? Do you do something creative every day?

Sixth chakra

1. Do you think you have a high level of perception and intuition?

2. Do you use your imagination often?

3. How well do you remember what you dream?

Seventh chakra

1. Do you meditate daily?

2. How is your spiritual level of oneness with life?

3. How is your openness to magic? Do you see the miraculous side of nature?


For your answers, add 3 points for every G; 1 point for each R; and none for B.

If your total is 9 points: the chakra in question is working well for you. You just need a little upkeep.

If your total is between 3 and 7 points: your chakra is working regular. You need to tone and balance it.

If your total is between 0 and 3 points: your chakra is working poorly. You need to work on raising your energy level, do breathing exercises, and use gemstones, colors, and massage.


Below, you will find a short list of pressure points on the meridians for each chakra. But above all, remember:

•   Just as with shiatsu, each point is worked on by applying pressure.

•   These points are directly related to each chakra.

•   Do not mix methods for the chakras: use a single technique for at least a couple of sessions, then switch.

Muladhara chakra

FRONT: SP 12, SP 13; ST 42; IG 4.

BACK: GV 1, GV 2, GV 3, GV 8; GB 31; CV 1; SP 4.

Swadisthana chakra

FRONT: GV 2, GV 7; GB 28, GB 29; C 6; SP 6, SP 10, SP 11; KI 11.

BACK: BL 22, BL 23, BL 31, BL 34, BL 36, BL 46, BL 55, BL 57, BL 62, BL 67; GV 4; KI 3, KI 6.

Manipura chakra

FRONT: GB 16; KI 17, KI 19; LI 14; CV 10, CV 11, CV 12, CV 13; LU 14; HT 4; ST 19, ST 25, ST 36.

BACK: GV 5, GV 6, GV 7, GV 8, GV 9.

Anahatta chakra

FRONT: GV 22; KI 25, KI 26, KI 27; CV 17, CV 22; LU 1, LU 2, LU 9; GB 22; HT 7, HT 9; CS 3.

BACK: SI 10; GV 10 GV 13.

Vishudda chakra

FRONT: ST 9, ST 10, ST 11; CV 22.

BACK: BL 10; GB 12, GB 20; GV 20, GV 21; SI 10; TH 5, TH 15; LI 14.

Ajna chakra

FRONT: GB 1, GB 14; BL 1, BL 2; TH 23.

Sahasrara chakra

FRONT: GV 16, GV 17, GV 18, GV 19, GV 20, GV 24, GV 25; GB 5.
