
Thanks to the indefatigable Amanda Lensing, my assistant for word processing, research, appointments, et cetera; Julia Cheiffetz, living proof that Barnard girls are the brainiest and cutest; Katie Salisbury, who works her butt off; Barbara Victor, who read proofs with me and lived through the crises; Bob Miller, who persuaded me with great enthusiasm; Amy Berkower, who thought Why not? and did the contract with you know who.

Kisses to my live-in lawyer, KDB. Every writer should sleep with a lawyer—especially in the age of Amazon, if not amazons.

And to my contributors: Hugs, kisses, and no more fear. Women who write about sex still get no respect—but we don’t give a damn!

—EMJ, March 2011, New York City, my hometown.

(I’d rather be in Rome.)