1st Lunar Regiment Dog Tags’ 78–81
absinthe’ 47–48
Absinthe Fairy Charm Bracelet’ 61–63
Absinthe Fairy Interlude’ 46–63
Absinthe Glass Charms’ 52–55
Adventurer’s Fob Watch’ 66–69
Adventurer’s Necklace’ 74–77
Aether Pirate Cravat Pin’ 38–41
alcohol inks’ 33’ 37’ 50’ 54’ 59’ 72’ 90’ 111
artists’ Steampunk’ 125
Atlantean Starlight Necklace’ 16–19
Atlantis’ 11–12’ 17’ 21
Atlantis Expedition’ 11–25
Azure Cog Earrings’ 20–23
Babbage’ Charles’ 8
bands’ Steampunk’ 125
baubles’ 12–15’ 30–33
beads’ 22’ 37’ 55’ 59’ 77’ 100–101
bezels’ 13’ 41’ 58’ 69’ 100–101
blowtorch’ for firing’ 26
books’ Steampunk’ 125
bottle caps’ 100
bracelets’ 24–27’ 61–65
brads’ decorative’ 95
brass plates’ 14’ 31
brass rings’ 72
brass wings’ 50–51
Brass Wings Necklace’ 48–51
brayers’ 106
bridge pieces’ 10
brooches’ 84–87. See also pins
burnishing’ 35
cabochons’ 41’ 100–101
chain’ 36’ 101
silver’ 19’ 91
charms’ 27’ 37’ 52–55’ 59’ 61–65’ 100–101
metal’ 90’ 97
chatelaine’ 88–91
chatons’ 41’ 44–45’ 69
choker’ 92–95. See also necklaces
clasps’ 15’ 37’ 51’ 63’ 102
lobster’ 19
toggle’ 91
clay. See also polymer clay
art clay’ 25–26
firing’ 26
metal and silver’ 25–26’ 103
polishing’ 26
Clockwork Hatpin’ 96–99
Clockwork Princess’s Chatelaine’ 88–91
Clockwork Tea Party’ 82–99
Cog Button Choker’ 92–95
cogs’ 13–14’ 17’ 22’ 25’ 31–33’ 44–45’ 49–51’ 68–69’ 94–95’ 109
colored pencils’ 54
cookie cutters’ 19’ 85
copier’ 35
crystals’ 14’ 19’ 41’ 51’ 100–101
cufflinks’ 56–60
cutters’ 104
dangles’ 59
dog tags’ 78–81
dolphins’ 17’ 19
drills’ 104
earring hooks’ 23
earrings’ 20–23
embossing ink’ 90
embossing powder’ 90
Empire Medal’ 70–73
end caps’ 98
memory wire’ 55
epoxy paste’ 44–45
epoxy resin’ 13’ 44’ 49’ 103
equipment’ 104–106
feathers’ 99
Ferro paint’ 50
Ferro rust texture’ 33
files’ 104
filigree pieces’ 18’ 62’ 76–77’ 90’
findings’ 101–102. See also clasps; earring hooks; headpins; jump rings; loops
fob watch’ 66–69
fossils’ 69
found objects’ 102
gears’ 109
gel medium’ 58
gemstones’ 62
Gibson’ William’ 8
glitter’ 13’ 45’ 49’ 102
Glossy Accents’ 58–59
gloves’ vinyl or latex’ 44
glues’ 102
gold powder’ 69’ 87
graphic novels’ 125
Green Fairy’ 47’ 53’ 57
Green Fairy Cufflinks’ 56–60
hatpins’ 96–100
headpins’ 15’ 41
heat gun’ 55’ 87’ 90
Heishi beads’ 77
image transfer’ 35–36
images’ vintage’ 58
inclusions’ 102
ink’ for distressing’ 33. See also alcohol inks
interior decorators’ Steampunk’ 125
iridescent powder’ 68’ 90
Jeter’ K. W.’ 8
jewelry techniques’ 112–115
jewelry tumbler’ for polishing’ 26
jump rings’ 15’ 27’ 37’ 41’ 51’ 59’ 63’77’ 81’ 91’ 114
Jurassic Valley Exploration’ 64–81
kiln’ for firing’ 26
kilt pin’ 73
knives’ 104
lace’ 94’ 103
leather’ 73’ 94’ 102
letter punches’ metal’ 79–80
liver of sulphur’ 27
lockets’ 60’ 102
loops’ 112–113. See also wrapped loops
Martians’ 74
medal’ 70–73
mermaids’ 24
Mermaid Song Bracelet’ 24–27
metal donut’ 72
metal stamps’ 104
mica tiles’ 76–77
modeling tools’ 44’ 87’ 105
molds’ for clay’ 40’ 68–69’ 117
musicians’ Steampunk’ 125
necklaces’ 16–19’ 34–37’ 48–52’ 74–77’ 91. See also choker
needles’ 105
new items
coloring’ 33’ 37’ 111
distressing’ 33’ 37’ 50’ 59’ 111
Oceans Gate Key Device’ 12–15
organizations’ Steampunk’ 124–125
paints’ 103’ 111
acrylic’ 15’ 40’ 81
gold acrylic’ 99
lacquer’ 99
metal’ 50
oil’ 13
wiping off’ 15’ 69’ 81
pasta machines’ 75’ 105
patinas’ 27’ 111
pearls’ 15’ 22–23’ 27
Photoshop’ 58
pins’ 38–41. See also brooches
playing cards’ 25
pliers’ 18–19’ 62–63’ 69’ 76’ 105
Poe’ Edgar Allan’ 8
polymer clay’ 14’ 25–26’ 32–33’
35–36’ 40–41’ 75–76’ 85–86’ 98–99’ 103
baking’ 120
canes’ 61–62
conditioning’ 35’ 40’ 61’ 75’ 116
faux stone technique’ 14’ 19
glazing’ 87’ 99’ 121
liquid’ 41’ 69’ 86
marbled’ 14
millefiori canes’ 86’ 103
sanding’ 120
skinner blend’ 67’ 85–86’ 118–119
polymer clay techniques’ 116–121
pomander’ 91
porthole spacer’ 13
postcards’ vintage’ 35
printer’ ink-jet’ 35
regulators’ 109
resin. See epoxy resin
resources’ 124–125
ribbon ends’ 19’ 51’ 77’ 115
ribbons’ 73’ 103
rings’ 42–45
rivets’ 32–33’ 80–81
rollers’ 106
rubber stamps. See stamps
sanding pads’ for polishing’ 26
sandpaper’ 26’ 36’ 50’ 104
scissors’ fancy’ 54
sculptors’ Steampunk’ 125
sea glass’ 27
sheet mica’ 75–76
shrink plastic’ 54–55’ 103
silver chain’ 19
silver powder’ 15
silver wire’ 22
siren song’ 24
stamps’ 25’ 32–33’ 54’ 68’ 90’ 106
Steampunk’ 8’ 124–125
Sterling’ Bruce’ 8
stickpins’ 41
Storm Bringer Device’ 30–33
supplies’ 100–103’ 124
tea’ aging with’ 73’ 94
tea parties’ 83–84
Teapot Brooch’ 84–87
texture plates’ 14’ 33’ 106
textures’ 15’ 36’ 80’ 104
tissue blade’ 26’ 32’ 40’ 61–62’ 75’ 86
tools’ 104–106
trilobites’ 69
tumble chips’ 77
Verne’ Jules’ 8’ 60
vials’ glass’ 49–50’ 103
Victorian style’ 8
vintage items’ 59’ 107–110
cleaning’ 110
mending’ 110
cases’ 32’ 67–69
faces’ 109
parts’ 14’ 18’ 25’ 32–33’ 67’ 72–73’ 107–109
taking apart’ 67’ 107
Wells’ H. G.’ 8
wire’ 103
brass’ 36–37’ 50’ 55
silver’ 18–19’ 22’ 27
wrapped loops’ 15’ 19’ 22–23’ 27’ 37’ 55’ 59’ 91’ 113
Zeppelin Pirate Attack!’ 28–45
Zeppelin Pirate Necklace’ 34–37
Zeppelin Skull and Cogbones Ring’
zeppelins’ 29–30’ 34