Her gut had been wrong.
Kate stewed in silence as she watched Rosebud address Father Matthews. “You’re in the clear. Sorry about the confusion, Father. Hope you won’t hold it against us. We were just following our leads, trying our best to catch our killer.”
“I appreciate your working hard to catch this evil, evil man. But I can assure you that I am not him. A man of faith doesn’t kill in the name of God!”
Kate was nothing short of flabbergasted. Had he really said that?
“I’ll drive you back to the cathedral, Father,” Rosebud said, sending an evil eye toward Kate.
She clenched her fist and exhaled loudly. Rosebud knew her too well. But she had managed to keep her mouth shut, to not tell the father that most religions, Christianity included, had collectively been responsible for countless deaths since the beginning of mankind.
As Kate watched them walk away, she racked her brain. Where had they gone wrong? If not Father Matthews? Then who?
The security footage in the Pattersons’ apartment building, and Mr. Patterson’s admittance to the hospital, had given him a bulletproof alibi.
But they still had a few leads out there… The mysterious Danny neighbor. Still unaccounted for, but they had his full name, and confirmation that he was not in Vegas. Or at least not checked in under his name at any hotel in the city.
And they still had that anonymous tip from California. Those New Bedford detectives would hopefully share some useful tidbits with Chainey.