Chapter Seventy-Eight

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Luke awoke, fearing for his life, darting up to a sitting position in bed.

“You okay, babe?” Kate mumbled next to him.

“Yeah. Go back to sleep.”

The tables had turned. Since the day he’d got the big bump on his head—although he didn’t recall much of it—he’d started having nightmares. At first, he kept reliving the discovery of his mom, passed out on the couch. But lately, his mom’s role had somehow been recast, through whatever subconscious trick his mind liked to play. The same scenario unfolded in his head, but Kate was the one on the couch, passed out.

Or perhaps dead.

He always woke up before he could check her pulse.

If the past few weeks had taught him anything, it was that life was too short. Too short for playing around. Too short for not daring to go for what he wanted. Too short for not doing his best at being truly happy.

“Kate? Are you awake?”

She mumbled, then opened her eyes and rubbed her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Just nightmares.”

She rubbed her arm against his back. “You know that hypnotherapist?”


“I think it helped. I don’t have as many nightmares these days. Maybe it can help you, too.”

“Maybe. But there’s something else that can help. And a lot more.”

Her eyelids kept drooping, sleep trying to take over once more. But he needed her to stay awake and have this conversation now.

Luke pulled the cord on his nightstand lamp.

“Whoa! What’s that for? What did I ever do to you?” she asked.

He turned to look at her. She was blinking, her elbow raised, her hand up to block some of the light.

But he knew—well, he hoped—she’d soon forgive him for his impulsivity and rude awakening. Opening the drawer of his nightstand, he retrieved the tiny box he’d purchased two weeks ago. He did his best to hide it in his large hand.

He hopped over her, placing his knees on the outside of her stretched out legs before pecking a kiss on her lips. He leaned back and grinned at her.

“What’s going on?” Kate asked. Confusion spread over her face as her eyes went from the alarm clock to Luke’s expression.

“Kate, you are a hell of an amazing woman. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be part of your life. I don’t know how I’d live without you. You left my life once when we were teenagers, and I’m still amazed that our paths somehow crossed again. I love you so much. Much more than you’ll ever know.”

Kate brought a hand over her heart, her face twisting into that weird sad-happy expression he knew too well. “I love you too, Luko—”

“Wait, there’s more.”

Luke’s heart bounced in his chest, its beat increasing by the second. He brought forward the closed fist that held the precious box worth five months of his wages, and flipped it open. “Kate Murphy…” His glance left the ring to meet her wide-open green eyes. Sleep had fully dissipated now. Her mouth was agape.

Luke hoped her surprised look was a good indication. “Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”

She inhaled a ragged breath then wrapped her arms around him.

“Hell, yes!”