Rosy is no longer here,

Jeanette is no longer here,

Corry is no longer here,

Penny is no longer here.

Wedlock has taken them all.


Our commune is empty

Our village is gloomy

Our locale is empty

Our surround is gloomy

Our environ is empty

Our area is gloomy.


Marie is no longer here,

Terry is no longer here,

Zara is no longer here,

Donna is no longer here.

Wedlock has taken them all.


Our commune is empty

Our village is gloomy

Our locale is empty

Our surround is gloomy

Our environ is empty

Our area is gloomy.


They can’t be replaced for

The young ones are still too young

And their growth can’t be enhanced.

Some life has to stand still or slow down

For incoming ones aren’t promised.


Our commune is empty

Our village is gloomy

Our locale is empty

Our surround is gloomy

Our environ is empty

Our area is gloomy.