Self-control lacking,
There were no boundaries.
She slept anywhere and with any mate.
It was not because of money,
It was a mere bodily weakness.
Her body got battered like an old disused tin
And she went home almost not breathing
For how many chums took part
Will never be known,
Maybe, it’s only her who knows.
She recovered and was off again
To another escapade.
It was the rhythm of her life.
Those were school days
And many school hours were lost.
After poor graduation, the issue continued.
In marriage, that life never stopped.
No one truly knew the dads of her kids
For the pals were legion and
She didn’t have to know them well.
She had a younger sibling bro,
Who followed unto her footsteps
Except, he loved automobiles
And hooked female car owners
Who let him drive their cars.
Female car owners adored him,
For he was young and handsome
And he changed them like shirts.
But, due to his perennial absences
His nuclear family suffered greatly.
In the end, he got his match,
The virus that put him down
And surely, finished the job;
But, his sis, was left going strong
Like she had strange immunity.