I don’t have to look like you in trends:

I can’t stand slings women stash breasts in

For they compress me to faint however loose.

I don’t mind my bust moving up and down

Or swinging sideways like pendulums

As I feel free and breathe effortlessly.


Thanks to personal freedom

And freedom of choice

I am what I am without them all.


Mid rift ropes that hug waistlines

Like a human strapped ready for electrocution

Appeal not, as I’m not ready to lie down and die.

They interfere with my digestion and relaxation

For they separate me in two and kill my oneness

And I become a stranger in my own body.


Thanks to personal freedom

And freedom of choice

I am what I am without them all.


Hosiery that keeps you warm

And make you look like a countess or baroness

Make me itchy and stuffed like I’m in a sack.

Ill-fitting shoes and specs on the nose bridge

Are no pleasures either, as my feet cry foul

And my nose twitches with a heavy load on.


Thanks to personal freedom

And freedom of choice

I am what I am without them all.


Oh, dental structures gripping gums and teeth

And contact lenses poking eyeballs;

Oh, a tie that says-‘I am strangling you now’

And a turtleneck top sheathing like a python;

They drive me nuts till I feel like I am invisible.

I have a phobia and I’m rescuing myself.

Thanks to personal freedom

And freedom of choice

I am what I am without them all.