WANT IT ALL                  





Egoism and merit bore animosity    

And no one was to be seen or heard, but her.


Those who sang her songs and praises

Were dotted on to the letter

While those who stood aloof

Were concocted to distraction.


Tales were born and issues were raised

Where there was no grain of flour

In order to destroy credibility and create ire

For independent souls, that desired peace.


If one was not spotted at a gathering,

She claimed one had gone to hide

In the city far away, yet one was surely

Having obligations to fulfill there

With no knowledge of any calamity.


Commands were her directions and all

Were to run, walk, jump, move or anything

And utter no word of objection or but, but

Otherwise, one’s loyalty was in question.


In a conversation, mentioning someone

Else other than her, was futile

For one crossed the line

And had to be dealt with accordingly.


If one did a good deed

And she came to know about it,

She had to double the deed

To nullify or belittle one’s deed.


If she telephoned someone

And that someone was absent

She wouldn't leave a message

Because talking on one to one

Without notice, gave her the upper hand

To bully the other to commit to something

Or humiliate them to instant submission.