
The Court Cards

There are many ways to engage with the ideas, lessons, and steps the major arcana give us. We can seek someone in the tarot court for guidance and assistance. We can find out who we are amongst the court cards. Or perhaps the court cards can show us who we need to be, whose shoes we need to step into, to fully realize the lesson, wisdom, and guidance of the major arcana cards.


When we walk into the world, we have to start from the beginning. We have to learn skills, social structures, rules, ideas and ways of being. Even movement needs to be learned. We wriggle, sit up, crawl, bend, and finally walk. Once we find our legs, the world needs to be relearned all over again. Learning to navigate the world once we find our legs is where the pages of the tarot come in. They are the beginning of the independent self, the self that has movement and the self that craves freedom. The pages show us what the first hooks of desire look like and how they can and do trap us. The pages teach us that freedom, independence, and identity come at a price and are not always easily maintained or given. The pages remind us that all of us, every single one of us, has to start somewhere. Even if we are upside down.

Page of Cups


When the Page of Cups is blocked, his fish becomes trapped. No longer can he find flowing water in which to set his fish free. Imagine that the fish is your creative energy. Here in the blocked position, your creative energy is unable to find traction and flow. Any creative project you are working on or creative idea that has been passing through your energy will find its progress abruptly stopped. This could very well cause frustration and depression for our young page. This is temporary, and soon enough you will have your little fish swimming downstream once again.


Pages lack the experience and the knowledge to pull off the big dreams they so often have, which is why receiving this card in the protection aspect is the best luck you have had all week. Whatever you are currently trying to create is not in the state it needs to be so that it can fully fulfill the dream you have for it. Instead seek help, guidance, and assistance from someone who has already done what you are trying to do. This card will not move back into the upright position until you seek the knowledge or experience you need.


Given the right conditions, water can act just like a mirror. So what does this young page see inside of his cup other than his fish? What image or images are being reflected as he gazes past the fish and deeply into the cup? In order to truly see, he is going to have to not allow himself to be distracted by what is on the surface. This is a hint for you as well. Look past the fish and go deeper. Don’t allow yourself to be tricked into believing that what you first see is all there is to see.


Cups can be a moody suit, and this little page is more than capable of having emotional angst. If you have received this card in the shadow aspect, then you are letting your emotions get the better of you and your current situation. In fact, there is a good chance that you are letting them block the answers or solutions you are trying so desperately to find. In the shadow position, you may even be using this blockage to play victim. Remember, allowing yourself to be pulled under by your emotions helps no one. Instead, it leaves you feeling alone, confused, and even more overwhelmed than ever.


What happens when water flows backward? This is an interesting question because water doesn’t flow upstream, only down. If your watery energy is flowing the wrong way, you are going against the natural current of your experience. When the Page of Cups shows up in the retrograde aspect, you may feel like you are working too hard to get where you feel you need to be. The page recommends letting go and surrendering. Nothing you want is in the direction you are forcing yourself to go. So stop and ride the current to the shore.

Page of Swords


The Page of Swords in the blocked aspect is similar to a writer with writer’s block. You are doing all you can to create a fabulous story and a wonderful narrative, but all you get is tumbleweeds blowing between your ears. There is nothing worse than trying to get your brain to engage when it is feeling blocked. The best thing to do when this card comes up is to go find something else to do. Take yourself for a walk, do some cooking, clean your house—anything other than trying to force your idea into being.


In training, young squires use wooden swords. In fact, they are not allowed to use real swords until they are well on their way to becoming knights. If you have received this card in the protection aspect, you too are swinging a practice sword rather than a real one. I just want to tell you that this is a good thing. It means that right now you can’t hurt anyone, including yourself. Sure, you might get sore arms if you keep swinging it around, but might I suggest that while you have this time you use it to sharpen your skills instead of your blade?


Let’s imagine that the sword this page has in his or her hands is actually a metaphor for your mind. Your mind in the hands of the page feels uncontrolled and difficult to handle. It might even be hard to hold a thought in your head. Don’t worry. Now is not the time to fight your mind but instead to relax into it. Give it space and see what it offers up while you are learning new habits and skills. Instead of trying to control it, just observe. Before you know it, you will be upgrading the pretend sword for a real one.


Regardless of whether they are sharp or blunt, swords are designed to hurt. In inexperienced hands, you have to be careful what sort of harm your page can do. The problem with young, rebellious energy is that it often goes off half-cocked, and here in the shadow aspect, you don’t really seem to care who gets hurt. Just remember that a sword can do just as much harm to the person wielding it as it can to the intended target. So be very careful when this card shows up in the shadow aspect of your reading or daily draw.


If the Page of Swords has shown up in the retrograde aspect, then you are being asked to go back to a time when you tried to create a new habit or belief. The page represents a new start or the first step on a new path. The mind is the tool that needs to be sharpened the most when getting into the groove of a new manifestation vortex. But you have been here before. You have tried and failed or tried and given up. Don’t make the same mistakes twice. Instead, search your mind for the triggers. You know the ones—fear, doubt, and confusion—and strengthen your resolve so that this time you can succeed.

Page of Wands


The young Page of Wands is full of unadulterated energy. He is just bursting at the seams to get moving, so imagine his frustration when he is told he has to sit down and not move at all. This is what it feels like when the Page of Wands shows up in the blocked aspect. You may have your engine running, but your wheels have been stolen and you’re not going anywhere. This card is an indication that things aren’t quite what they seem, so don’t let this current situation derail you. Just find your wheels and get your car back on the road.


Sometimes we all need to stop and reassess what direction we are headed, especially when we are still learning new habits, behaviors, and ways of self-expression. Here in the protection aspect our young Page of Wands is learning how to stop and take another look at what is working and what is not working in his or her life. If you have drawn this card in the protection position, you too are being asked to stop and reassess what is currently working and not working in your present situation or problem. You won’t be able to proceed until you do.


Scrying with fire is an ancient divination technique. Shamans, priestess, and witches have all used fire to see the future and make predictions. If this card has shown up in your reading or daily draw, then you too are being asked to look more closely at the flames of your current problem or circumstances. It is what you see when you look into this wild, untamed energy that is going to help you and give you the guidance you seek. It may not be easy at first, but as the saying goes, try and try again.


The Page of Wands is often associated with adolescence, and everyone knows that this stage in the human cycle is not always the most pleasant. It can be rude, aggressive, and disrespectful, and if you have gotten this card in the shadow aspect, either you or someone you know is riding the adolescent vibe all the way to Angstville. The problem is this energy isn’t productive. It is only going to cause you grief with one problem after the other. The advice from the page is to get a grip on your current mood and reign in your fire.


When a small fire is built in the path of another fire so that the two meet in the middle, it is called back burning. This limits the fuel for the other fire and the distance it can travel, and the technique is utilized to restrict the damage a wildfire can cause. Think of this card the same way. The Page of Wands is inexperienced and doesn’t really have control over his magic. But with a little back burning to create a nice barrier around you, the page, and all you are working to create, you have space to make mistakes. Even if things do go amiss, your damage will be minimal. This card will stay in the retrograde aspect as long as it takes for you to learn the skills required at this phase of your new journey.

Page of Pentacles


The young Page of Pentacles is on his or her way to learning how the material world really works, and just as things are about to get interesting, the page gets blocked. All of a sudden nothing is manifesting, nothing is moving, and, most importantly, everything feels heavy and slow. You may very well be feeling weighed down at the moment, and to be honest this is perfectly normal when you are starting a new journey, project, or adventure. It is not uncommon for things to slow down or even for you to feel like you have lost all traction when you are just starting out. The trick is not to dwell, and before you know it, this young page will be upright and ready to move on to the next lesson.


Do you remember feeling like a king when you won all the money playing Monopoly as a kid? Even though you knew it was pretend, that feeling of abundance seemed real. While the Page of Pentacles is in the protection aspect, you might want to start playing the abundance game once again. Now is not the time to be using your real material resources. Instead, play, pretend, or, as the saying goes, fake it till you make it. Pull out your Monopoly money and start creating that abundant feeling, and before you know it, real abundance will start flowing again.


When the Page of Pentacles shows up in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to take a good look at all the resources you currently have at your disposal. Now is the time to do an inventory, and I don’t just mean of your money, though knowing exactly what is coming in and going out sure wouldn’t hurt. But you also need to take stock of your health, connections, relationships, and social networks. There is a good chance you aren’t seeing everything you have at your disposal. Just keep in mind that you are collecting data only, not taking action.


When the Page of Pentacles is in the shadow aspect, you are more likely vibrating to envy than abundance. Right now you could be jealous of someone else’s money, health, or relationship. Or perhaps seeing someone else getting all the lucky breaks makes you feel they should have been yours. Either way, your energy is repelling what you want rather than drawing it to you. In order to reverse this energy, you need to shift into a state of gratitude. See everything as a blessing upon you and thank all of it.


Have you ever made a nice chunk of money only to see it all flow straight back out the door to pay bills? It slipped through your fingers before you even got to enjoy it. This is the Page of Pentacles in retrograde. You never quite get to enjoy what you have created through hard work, be it a drop in weight by sticking to your diet or maybe just seeing your bank account with actual money in it. The good news is that, like all retrograde cycles, this won’t last. Just hang in there, because eventually you and the page will get a handle on this new gift you have been given.


In all honesty, the knights of the tarot really could have their own book. They encompass hundreds of years of duty, honor, and integrity. The knights’ code is complex, and we really could spend hours upon hours debating how each of the tarot knights represents the many different facets of the knightly code. These four cards merge history, myth, and legend. They share a story of what it means to be of service. They teach us about devotion and commitment. The knights know that a long life is not guaranteed and that nothing should be taken for granted. These lessons can be much harder to learn when one is upside down and back to front.

Knight of Cups


The Knight of Cups is often associated with quests inspired by big dreams. He is moved to action not by how he thinks but by what he feels, for if he feels deeply enough about something, he will be spurred into action. But here in the blocked aspect, his emotions are causing things to grind to a halt. Instead of moving toward his dream, he is caught up in his own fears and doubts. If you have drawn this card, then you too are finding yourself stuck in a cycle of fear and allowing your doubts to derail you.


When the Knight of Cups shows up in the protection aspect, it is letting you know that it is not the time to set out toward your dream or goal. If you were to move now, your path would be fraught with trouble. Let’s face it—no one wants to head off into known trouble. Think of this card as a blessing, as it is giving you time to get yourself more aligned with conditions that will bring ease, grace, and opportunity. Which is how all dreams should unfurl.


Let’s imagine the knight’s cup is filled with water, and let’s imagine that knight uses the water in his cup to tell him where he needs to go. What would happen if the images being reflected were no longer clear or complete? Here in the mirror aspect, the path the knight needs to follow is out of focus and unclear, meaning that you might want to stop what you are doing and wait for the water in your cup to clear. The reflective nature of the cup is always better when its waters are calm and settled.


Water signs don’t like to admit this, but they are moody by nature. It comes with being linked to the phases of the moon and the comings and goings of the tides. Here in the shadow aspect, your knight is having a major pity party. His waters are not flowing, and he is stomping around with gray storm clouds above his head. This sort of energy is all ego driven and is never productive. Feeling sorry for yourself only disempowers you, and it never aligns you to the energy of inspiration. So pick your lip up off the floor and get on with it.


The Knight of Cups is ruled by the moon, which does not retrograde like the other planets. Instead, here in the retrograde aspect of the Knight of Cups, we have phases: dark moon phases and full moon phases. When the moon is dark, you are pulled into the inner landscape of your emotions. The full moon shows you how these emotions are showing up and dictating the terms of our outer experience. So which phase are you in, the dark or the light? Are you being called to examine or to observe? Only you will know which direction your knight is headed.

Knight of Swords


The Knight of Swords is the first one to put his or her hand up for an adventure. Riding off to face a challenge is what this knight is all about. Unless, of course, he is having a bad day. Here in the blocked aspect, we find our knight a little confused over what direction he is headed and what he should do when he gets there, which is unusual for this particular knight. Confusion is not a natural state for him, so take your time and ride out the mind fog.


The Knight of Swords is driven by knowledge. He wants to dive headfirst into all the information offered on the journey he has undertaken. But here in the protection aspect, the knight is learning that some knowledge is sacred and it is not to be conquered. Instead, it is to be protected. If this card has made its way into your daily draw or reading, you are being asked to protect your thoughts right now. Don’t share your ideas. Instead, see them as sacred seeds that need space and time to grow.


The Knight of Swords is a mental adventurer. He thrives on adventure and mental expansion, which means he is always hungry for information. But here in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to think about what sort of information diet your knight is on. Thoughts create things, and the Knight of Swords is on a fast track to creating whatever he is feeding his mind. What is he consuming? I am a big believer in feeding my mind only things I want it to create, which gives my knight a clear path to explore and journey on. Can you say the same?


The suit of swords is all mental, and by that I mean it very much lives inside your head. What goes on inside your head creates the landscape you navigate in the outside world, and here in the shadow aspect, you have created your monsters well. Negative, stress-filled, fear-based thoughts are the perfect fertilizer for demons and monsters. These thoughts can make you paranoid, delusional, and irrational, even if you don’t mean them to be. Right now your Knight of Swords is dueling with the monsters inside your head. To make him stop you will need to start thinking differently.


The Knight of Swords is primarily ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, news, and information. Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that a lot of people freak out when Mercury goes retrograde, but in reality, there is no need to fear this retrograde cycle. In fact, your Knight of Swords can actually speed up replies, move you along your path faster, and show you a better way to communicate your thoughts and feelings during these cycles. As long as you stay focused and keep your intentions pure, this aspect of the Knight of Swords could be your best ally.

Knight of Wands


The Knight of Wands is a true explorer. He is full of adventure and energy and has a serious case of ants in his pants. Well, that is, when he is not blocked and standing on his head. Here in the blocked aspect, all that energy, drive, and enthusiasm are spinning their wheels and getting nowhere fast, which in turn is causing frustration and possibly even bouts of anger. Fire doesn’t like to be stifled and moving energy doesn’t like to be blocked. What you need at this moment is to stop trying to move and to instead sit still, wait for this feeling to pass, and try again.


Have you ever been willing, able, and ready to go, only to find your plans have been delayed or canceled? What is always interesting about this sort of delay or need to reschedule is that it usually saves you from something that you could not see through your eagerness. Whether you like to admit it or not, the universe, father/mother/god, has your back. They love you and only want you to have a happy, joyful journey. So if you have received this card in the protection aspect, it is for a very good reason.


Fire, like water, can be used for scrying. This means it has a reflective quality. So what is the Knight of Wands in the mirror aspect showing you that no one else can see? The cards around this knight may hold the answer, or maybe you need to place another card on top of the mirrored knight. Let this card be the reflection you seek, and pay close attention to the image it projects, as this is where you need to focus your knight’s energy, power, and creative force.


Burning everything in your wake as you tear around without any real direction or purpose won’t get you to the resolution or goal you are working so hard to achieve. It will, however, create a nightmare scene of ruin and chaos. The Knight of Wands in the shadow aspect is lighting fires everywhere he goes and leaving devastation in his wake. What he needs more than ever is to ground all that energy and direct it with purpose and intent, and so do you. Otherwise, you will forever be running around in the charred remains of what could have been.


Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is the primary ruler of the Knight of Wands. It is said that while Jupiter is in retrograde, money can be tight and opportunities can seem to dry up. But there is a disclaimer to this that I feel applies to the Knight of Wands in the retrograde position: if you have set the wheels turning before Jupiter turns retrograde, you will start to see the benefits of your hard work show up during the retrograde cycle. So, what harvest now presents itself to you, and is it what you were hoping for?

Knight of Pentacles


The Knight of Pentacles has learned many skills regarding resources. He understands the flow of material things and is much better now at manifesting things he needs. Which is why this blocked energy is playing havoc with our knight’s confidence. There is nothing worse than having your manifestation mojo come to a screaming halt for no apparent reason. The problem may very well be that your belief in your abilities has yet to catch up to what you are working so hard to create. Hence this blocked, shut-out feeling. Clear the blocks around your current set of beliefs and your mojo will be flowing once again.


The Knight of Pentacles is not like the other three knights. This knight is slower and more methodical in his approach to life. His slow pace can cause frustration for those who are used to speed and constant movement, which is why you more than likely got this knight in the protection aspect—to slow you down. This doesn’t mean you have stopped, but it does mean that your current pace is actually a problem. Lean into the Knight of Pentacles and let him show you how to savor each step and find rewards with each breath.


The Knight of Pentacles doesn’t like to stray too far from home. In fact, he is much more comfortable in the confines of familiar territory. This is a key element to this card in the mirror aspect, for it lets you know that what you need is right within your grasp. You won’t have to travel to find it, nor will you need to move beyond your comfort zone. You will, however, need to broaden your level of awareness so you can see it. Expand and extend your peripheral vision and you will see what you have been seeking.


Knowing everything you do and do not have at your disposal can be both liberating and binding. Yes, it is good to know where your resources come from and where they go, but obsessing over it constantly isn’t going to help you at all. Here in the shadow aspect, the demons of lack have come knocking at your door. Will you let them in? Remember, the Knight of Pentacles is not comfortable in the shadow lands because it is in his nature to be abundant, just as it is yours. So what are you going to do? Open the door or stop obsessing and find something more positive to focus on?


The Knight of Pentacles, like the Knight of Swords, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and news. Yet unlike the Knight of Swords, who likes to live inside his head, the Knight of Pentacles likes to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground. It is this grounding energy that allows the Knight of Pentacles to keep moving forward even when everything else looks like it is going backward. Mercury may like swiftness, but the slower, almost still pace of the retrograde cycle suits the Knight of Pentacles just fine, and if you stop fighting it, it will benefit you too.


We live in an age when gender politics is very much front and center in most conversations about representation. Although the energy, lessons, and challenges of the queens (and the kings, for that matter) are not restricted to gender, I do not wish to do these ladies of history a disservice by making them completely gender neutral. The queens of the tarot are representations of female pioneers. They are the retelling of women of history, the very real women of history. Women who have a right to have their stories told. This is why you will find that most of the information in this section is written as if the queens are gendered female. Female voices have been silenced long enough, and the queens of the tarot demand to be heard, even if they are upside down, shadowed, and flipped slightly off kilter. It is probably just as well that women in general have learned throughout human history to be flexible.

Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups is a heart-centered leader who uses her intuitive powers to govern her choices, which is why you can excuse her for being a little frustrated here in the blocked aspect. Right now she can’t seem to find her way, and her visions are cloudy and uncertain. When the Queen of Cups can’t tap into her intuitive powers, life seems heavy, overwhelming, and confusing. Water needs to flow, and here in the blocked aspect, the queen is almost at her breaking point. Meditation will help you unblock your queen and get back in the flow.


Sometimes we are not meant to see what is coming. Sometimes we are meant to just allow things to show up and unfold in their own way in their own time. If you have received the Queen of Cups in the protection aspect, then there is a good chance you are experiencing one of these times. Right now you are not meant to be able to tap into your third-eye sight or feel your way around what’s coming. Instead, you are being asked to trust that the universe has heard you and is answering your request.


What can you see inside the queen’s cup? What vision is she showing you? Now is not the time to question but instead to receive, for when the Queen of Cups shows up in the mirror aspect, she has something important to show you. All you have to do is take her cup and look. Watch as the sensations brush against your emotions and dance across the intuitive screen of your third eye. Start paying closer attention to your dreams and consider keeping a dream journal, for they offer up important pieces of information.


The Queen of Cups can be a selfish, self-centered bitch when she wants to be, and here in the shadow aspect, she is letting her cat claws out. This queen is moody like the ocean and as unpredictable as the rip current. Any false moves and she will pull you under and watch you drown. Emotional manipulation is one of this royal’s greatest weapons, and if you have drawn this card, you are either on the receiving end of this queen’s wrath or you are the one throwing your emotional weight around. Just ask yourself if this is the best way to get what you want and if you are willing to live with the karmic consequences of your actions.


The Queen of Cups moves in cycles like her planet, the moon. She has times when she is bright, vibrant, and out for the whole world to see. Then there are times when she is quiet, introverted, and secluded in deep meditation. When the Queen of Cups shows up in the retrograde aspect, the other cards around her will let you know if you should be quiet and still or living life loud and proud. They will be the only way you will know what part of her cycle she is in.

Queen of Swords


The Queen of Swords is usually clear and levelheaded. She is known for her logical and rational ways, except of course when she is in the blocked aspect. Here she can’t seem to find the answer she seeks or carve out the logical steps she knows she needs to take. Instead, her head is a bit of a mess and she is having a hard time stringing two thoughts together. This can be frustrating for someone in a leadership role, but it does happen. The best thing to do is to just deal with what is in front of you and leave the rest alone for now.


There is something to be said for guarding your thoughts, for being watchful and mindful of the way words, statements, and declarations move through your mind. Not all inner scripts are helpful and productive. Some are just downright destructive, which is why here in the protection position, the Queen is asking you to be mindful of how you think, speak, and listen. Choose your words wisely. Don’t get caught up with inner chatter, and make sure you are listening to only positive and empowering people. Your mind is your best weapon. Keep it protected.


The Queen of Swords reminds us of the Justice card in the major arcana. Her word is not only law but also a binding agreement. Here in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to look at all the agreements that currently bind you. Who truly benefits from them? Do they serve your highest good? We make agreements with ourselves and others all the time about happiness, wealth, relationships, and even health. If you find any of these agreements have outlived their usefulness, allow the queen to use her sword and free you from them once and for all.


The Queen of Swords is known for her quick wit, smart mouth, and razor-sharp jabs, and here in the shadow aspect, she is coming for you fully loaded. If you have received this card in the shadow aspect, then you are either at the end of someone’s acid tongue or you are using your words as daggers at someone else’s dreams. Words hurt. Cruel words do damage. Verbal abuse is still abuse, and it leaves a very distinct mark. Decide today to use your words for good and to stop allowing others to eviscerate you.


Words are powerful, and when the Queen of Swords is in her upright position, she tends to infuse her words with the energy of her ruling planet, Venus. But here in the retrograde aspect, she has more fire and less love to go around. If you have received this card in the retrograde position, you need to start being mindful of your self-talk. If you notice you are spending a lot of time beating yourself up or constantly using negative tones, stop. Reframe your self-talk and inner dialogue before you cut yourself too deeply with the queen’s sword.

Queen of Wands


The Queen of Wands is normally a vibrant and charismatic ruler. She is socially engaged and is known to charm her way around a room. But not today. Instead, she is withdrawn and lacking her usual, seductive spark. Here in the blocked aspect, the queen’s fire is not getting enough oxygen, so instead of burning constant and bright, it is struggling to even flicker. You might experience this feeling in your life as lack of energy or enthusiasm or as not being able to connect to something with passion. The key is to stop striving and keep still, for just like the Queen of Wands, your spark will eventually ignite and rise all on its own.


There are many times fire is used to protect rather than destroy. Controlled burning is one of those times, and here in the protection aspect, the Queen of Wands is asking you to be active and prepare for your own controlled-burning season. Controlled burning destroys anything that could accidentally ignite into a life-threatening fire. You could say it clears the way for more productive and life-giving energy. So what do you need to get rid of ? What areas of your life need to be cleared so they don’t become areas of devastation?


The Queen of Wands loves to be the center of attention. She likes to be the one everyone else is watching. In doing so, she has a front-row seat to see how others perceive her. For when all eyes are on her, she has everyone’s undivided attention, and how she is presenting herself is being reflected back to her. When this card shows up in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to become more aware of how others perceive you. Fully engage with people who show interest in you and see just what it is about you that they themselves wish to reflect. Don’t make any judgments; just observe and record your findings. You will need them once this card turns back to its upright position.


The Queen of Wands is known for her temper. You could say she has a habit of getting fired up, and today you have come across her in one of those days. The shadow aspect of this card knows no mercy and takes no prisoners. If you have gotten on the wrong side of this queen, prepare to pay the price. When this card shows up in a reading or daily draw, tempers are high, and more than likely nothing will be resolved until after the shouting has finished.


There is a time to push through and use all of your energy to move you across the finish line and then there is a time to rest and rejuvenate. If you have received the Queen of Wands in the retrograde aspect, now is not the time to dig deep and keep on pushing. You are running on empty and need to replenish. Self-care and self-love are needed right now, or you may very well run the risk of complete and utter burnout.

Queen of Pentacles


The Queen of Pentacles is a magical manifestor. She is known for her abundance and the way she can bring ideas to life. This makes her a shrewd businesswoman. But here in the blocked aspect, she is starting to doubt the strength of her abilities. If you have drawn this card in the blocked aspect, there is a chance you are on the receiving end of a setback or you still have not been able to manifest what you truly dream of. You are making progress even if you can’t see it, so don’t let those doubts stop your queen’s manifestation magic.


It might be hard to believe that being cut off from your divine supply could be for your own protection, but that is exactly what is going on right now. You are being frozen out because you are not completely in alignment with what you seek, and if you had the means to pull it off, it would all end very badly. In order to get the queen back in abundance mode, you are going to have to turn your attention inward and make sure your whole self is focused on receiving the dream you are working so hard to create.


Let’s imagine you look into the mirror and see a reflection of your garden of abundance. What exactly do you see? What is growing and what is dying? Do you have more weeds or other things that can stunt or strangle the growth of your dreams and goals? The Queen of Pentacles in the mirror aspect offers you a meditative space to clear out and clean up your abundance garden, but you are going to have to be willing to really look at it. Don’t turn your gaze. Face it and you will reap the rewards later.


Have you ever deliberately kept your resources to yourself, not willing to share your blessing with others even though they really need it? When the Queen of Pentacles is in the shadow aspect, there is a strong vibration of greed around her, and nothing she seems to have, create, or receive will be enough. This is the queen in her most lacking state. Even though it may seem like she is still able to manifest well enough, the hollow, empty desire she is burning with can never, ever be quenched. Instead, it will keep her in a constant state of hoarding and need.


The weighty energy of the Queen of Pentacles is no stranger to stillness. Quiet moments lost in meditation are normal to this queen of the earth, for they keep her connected to the rhythm and cycle of the planet. This stillness is the energy you will need now that this card is in the retrograde aspect. This is not the time to create or manifest but instead to stop and reconnect to the heartbeat of mother Gaia. She has blessed you, and now it is time for you to stand still and honor her kindness.


If the pages of the tarot show us where we begin, then the kings show us where we end. The four kings of the tarot are the last stop of each suit. You could say the buck stops with them. There comes a point in life when we stop looking at others for help and assistance, and instead they look to us. We all end up becoming experts at something in life, especially if we make it to our senior years. The kings offer the sort of wisdom and insight one can only get from living a long life. They have taken the long path, experienced the journey in all of its glory, and now get to wear the crown. That is not to say that this phase is easy. Oh no, there are many challenges and challengers to face when one steps into the shoes of the king. Lucky for us we have the tarot kings to guide us through the ups and downs and inside-outs of this, the last stop along the suits of the minor arcana.

King of Cups


The King of Cups is in his domain when he is “feeling” his way through his day. It is in his nature to flow with the energy around him and allow himself to be guided from one task to another. Here in the blocked aspect, however, something or someone has put a kink in his hose, and nothing is going quite as planned. When this card shows up in a reading, rest assured you too will be feeling disconnected from your natural flow. You may even feel like you are emotionally blocked or lacking vision for your daily life.


If you could learn how to master your emotions so you could protect them, would you? The King of Cups is a master of his emotional being. He knows when to show his feelings, when to keep them guarded, and when to lock them up so they cannot be used against him in a time of crisis or war. Here in the protection aspect of the King of Cups, he is willing to show you how to do the same. Your emotions can be your secret weapon if you learn how to control them.


The King of Cups has the ability to show you exactly how to take your dreams and make them real. He is more than willing to tap you in to the greater web of intuition if you will let him. All you have to do is ask and be willing to peer deeply into his watery chalice. There is only one catch: you have to control your emotions. No matter what you see reflected, you have to stay in alignment with the dream or goal you say you want to create. Hold that feeling and watch as the images in the water change and shift with your emotional state of being.


Emotional manipulation is one of the king’s less desirable talents. When he feels cornered or out of power, it is not beneath him to use his mastery of emotional energy against those around him. When the shadow aspect of the King of Cups is present, expect to be played in the worst possible way. Be mindful of how people are using your emotions against you at this time and also be mindful of how you are honoring others’ feelings. Remember, manipulation works both ways. For every passive-aggressive remark is a strategically placed emotional attack.


The King of Cups is connected to both Scorpio and the planet Pluto, and this connection may signify an ending in your current experience. During a retrograde cycle, things can and do come to an end. The retrograde cycle itself often speeds up this process. This is a good thing, as in order for new energy to flow into our lives, old energy must be released, and the King of Cups knows all too well how to use the element of water to clear, cleanse, and release. Trust the process that is now unfolding and rest assured something new is on the horizon.

King of Swords


The King of Swords leads with his mind. He trusts the decisions he makes, knowing only too well that he has the best interest of all involved at the forefront of his mind. Normally, doubt is not something he rents out space to in his head, but here in the blocked aspect, doubt has moved in and now questions are being asked. If you have received this card in the blocked aspect, you might be having second thoughts about a recent decision or wondering if you are even capable of making the right choice at this point in time. Just know it is human to question, but it is ego that wallows and paralyzes you.


Sometimes it is not good to share our thoughts and plans with those around us, and a good leader knows when to keep his cards close to his chest, especially when his plans aren’t fully formed or yet organized. This is the King of Swords in the protection aspect. Your plans are not fully formed, and the details have yet to be fully sorted out, which means now is not the time to be spreading your thoughts about. Keep quiet and hold the mental space required for these thoughts, ideas, and plans.


As the king moves his sword around, every so often it catches the light, reflecting its rays and shining them onto unsuspecting objects just out of the sun’s reach. This helps illuminate things that perhaps were hidden. If you have received this card in the mirror aspect, there is a chance you have not seen the answers to your questions until now. Now might be the time to take a closer look at the cards surrounding the king, as his light will be shining on them as well. What is the king’s sword highlighting in your current experience?


Have you ever said something out of anger or in the heat of the moment that you wish you could just stuff right back into your mouth? Yeah, we all have. We have watched as our words cut through another person and stood as the damage we inflicted tears them apart. This is the King of Swords in his shadow aspect, sharp, cold, calculated, and ready to draw blood. Mastery of your words is the same as mastery of the sword in the king’s hand, and when we are not aware of where and how we are flinging them around, we will inevitably hurt someone.


The rebellious side of the King of Swords is often at the forefront when the king’s ruling planet of Uranus is retrograding. This normally forward-thinking king who, generally speaking, has his mind on the greater good is currently more concerned with rocking the boat and doing things for shock value. In many respects, the retrograde aspect has him acting more like his counterpart, the Fool, than his normal regal self. Careless and foolhardy, you might find a small amount of liberation from this retrograde energy. I mean, it is nice not to take everything so darn seriously for a change.

King of Wands


The King of Wands is a man of action, daring, and risk. He knows only too well the consequences of making the kind of decisions others are too afraid to make. He has built his kingdom on the excuses and failings of others. But here in the blocked aspect, he is not feeling as certain and self-assured as he normally does. This energy means you might be doubting your current path, questioning your decisions, and not willing to take action when you know you should. Inaction and doubt are the keywords of this card in the blocked aspect.


There are times to take action and then there are times to just sit still, shut up, listen, and watch. This may be one of those times. The Kings of Wands in the protection aspect is putting you on ice, freezing you out and making it almost impossible to spark your inner fire. That’s because you have a lesson to learn, notes to take, and awareness to expand. All leaders have moments when they have to seek council, and it is time you do the same. Ask for more information and listen with open ears.


The king’s wand creates what he can envision. It is connected to his imagination. In other words, the limits of his power are within the limits of his creative vision. The King of Wands knows that what he sees through his inner eyes will be reflected through his outer eyes. What have you created? Your outer world is the mirror to your imagination. You have either created from it or you have created in fear of it. Only you will be able to see which of these things is being reflected from the physical world.


The King of Wands isn’t known just for his creative flare; he is also known for his temper and his ability to destroy all that no longer feeds his inner fire. The bigger problem is that what no longer feeds his soul may be what you yourself have created. The King of Wands in the shadow aspect doesn’t care who he upsets or who or what he has to destroy to get his way. All he knows is how to get what he wants when he wants it. We call this ego-based desire, a fire that can never be quenched. A blaze that can never be controlled is a danger to him and others and an energy that you now find yourself in.


The pride of Leo rings loud and proud in the King of Wands, meaning that he can be extremely loyal and overly protective. If you have received this card in the retrograde aspect, then your loyalties are being questioned. The sun is illuminating all those you serve, all those you protect, and all those who love and support you. These relationships are asking to be evaluated and new boundaries are asking to be set. Let the energy of Leo and the healing power of the sun guide you at this time as you reassess who is your best ally and who is weighing you down.

King of Pentacles


The King of Pentacles is normally a stable and predictable leader. He typically takes his time and plans his moves methodically. This is only enhanced by his fixed and stable sign of Taurus. Here in the blocked aspect, this rational, grounded leader is feeling less stable and more caged in, and we know what happens when a bull feels trapped. If you have received this card in a reading or daily draw, your frustration is due to the fact that you are having trouble grounding your energy, which means things don’t feel as stable in your world as they normally do.


The King of Pentacles knows that slow, steady progress is what really manifests a dream from imagination to reality. He knows that each step must be taken in turn, and there is no such thing as skipping ahead. If you have received this card in the protection aspect, the king is slowing you down on purpose. You are moving too fast and not paying enough attention to the step you are currently on. More than likely you are struggling with boredom, but this too is a necessary part of creating your dreams. So what’s more important to you, creating your vision in all its divine glory or getting to the finish line first?


The King of Pentacles knows that his outer world is a reflection of his inner landscape. He knows that what he sees, feels, touches, tastes, and smells first starts as a seed somewhere deep within him. When he looks at all that he has created, he sees a reflection of his imagination, belief, and hard work. But what do you see reflected back at you? Is your outer world showing you what you want to see? How are your health, your finances, your relationships, and your career? Are they exactly the way you want to see them, or do you still have more inner work to do?


When the King of Pentacles is in power, he is a giving leader, but here in the shadow aspect, the worst elements of his personality—greed, paranoia, and unquenchable desire for power—are at the forefront. If you have drawn this card in the shadow aspect, then you too are showing signs of being out of power with your abundant flow. Find where you are feeling lack and do your best to work with gratitude to reverse this energy. Check in and count your blessings. You already have all that you require.


The planet of Venus is the reason the King of Pentacles is often known for sharing his blessings. At his core, he believes that what you love and bless multiplies. Here in the retrograde aspect, the king is asking you if you are giving enough love to all that you currently have. Do you bless what you have but also spread those blessings around? Are you able to bless others if they receive something you did not, or do you allow your own ego’s sense of jealously to prevail?

With Venus in retrograde, you are being tested. Whether you pass or not will depend on how deeply you love and how widely you bless.
