
The Minor Arcana

In many ways, the aces through the tens of the minor arcana suits are the daily experiences we have. They show the way our day might play out, the habits we have created, and how we might feel about a certain situation or person. They give us tips and clues on what to look out for in the flow of the mundane. Everyday life may not seem like the most magical of concepts, but it is in the small, slow, boring aspects of the everyday that the magic of the major arcana cards play out.


The aces in the tarot mark the beginning of each suit. They allude to what each suit offers us as we make our way through the following cards. How we perceive that journey will be indicated in the direction of the cards, but that does not mean that right-side up is always better than upside down. Sometimes the reversed position may actually be the better way to approach the start of your journey, especially if the destination you have in mind is not the one that you are actually headed for. I guess you could say the reversed ace echoes the sentiment that there are your plans and then there are God’s plans. As we know, these two are seldom the same set of plans!

Ace of Cups


Although many of the cards in the tarot can be seen as religious, the Ace of Cups in the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition has a very deep and profound connection to Mother Mary. The Holy Grail or Holy Chalice has been the fodder of myths and legends for well over a thousand years, so it should come as no surprise that artist Pamela Colman Smith was so drawn to her love for the Divine Mother when she painted the Ace of Cups card for the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. If we see the cup as part of the Holy Grail legend, then when this card shows up as blocked, perhaps it is showing you how you have decided not to drink from the overflowing well of possibility, abundance, and life. The Divine Mother teaches us about love, self-acceptance, compassion, and receptivity. The self is the vessel, and in this aspect the self is blocked.


Monks of all religions have relied on alms. They have always believed that it is up to society to provide for them. When an alms bowl is turned upside down, it is done deliberately, with purpose and with intent. The same applies here in the protection aspect of the Ace of Cups. The upturned bowl or cup is a way for you to close off any unwanted contributors to your life-giving waters. Just as monks have refused to take alms from military groups or government organizations, you are deliberately being picky about who and what you will allow to fill your cup. This upturned cup is your way of having power and control over what you will and will not experience and over who and what you will allow to influence you.


If the Ace of Cups really is the Holy Grail, why have you brought it forth? The Holy Grail implies a quest, a journey, a need to seek something out in order to awaken or gain a more self-realized state of awareness, which means you have been asking for something in particular. Did it show up and you decided you were not ready to accept its challenge, so you turned it upside down? Or maybe you are still in the process of seeing if what this quest entails is really for you after all. Either way, the mirror aspect of the Ace of Cups is here to show you two things: the journey you seek and the gifts this journey could bring if you allow it to.


The Ace of Cups corresponds to the three water signs, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. All three of these signs can be guilty of holding a grudge or not knowing when to let go of past wounds and hurts. This energy is very much present in the Ace of Cups in the shadow aspect. If you have turned your cup upside down, you have trapped your emotions. With nowhere to go, your emotional energy will continue to build its own little vortex right under your cup, pulling its power from the sandy earth and grounding all your pent-up emotions into one murky-looking puddle of water. So ask yourself, what benefit is flowing your way from you creating this storm in a teacup?


If this card has shown up in the retrograde aspect, you are more than likely feeling a little emotionally overloaded, out of control, or just exhausted. If you are a woman, you will know the energy of this card as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, or menopause. If you are a man, it will show up in different ways. No gender escapes the retrograde cycle of this card, as all humans have emotions. They are part of our navigation system, and right now yours needs a rest. When the Ace of Cups shows up in the retrograde position, you need to take some downtime. Remove yourself from all emotional triggers for twenty-four hours and recharge your batteries.

Ace of Swords


The suit of swords happens almost exclusively inside our own heads, and it all starts with the ace. When the Ace of Swords shows up in the blocked aspect, we know this too is inside our heads. Thoughts are blocked, mental clarity is hard to achieve, and beliefs are challenged. I often think of the Ace of Swords in the blocked position when I am suffering from writer’s block. You know when you just can’t seem to form a single thought in your head and the sound of tumbleweeds echoes between your ears? The best way to deal with this is to go and do something else.


The Ace of Swords tends to represent an idea, belief, or way of thinking that is being offered up to us for our personal use. But what if these beliefs or ways of thinking could actually do you more harm than good? What if you needed that sword to cut through what is offered and rid yourself of an unwanted mindset? How, then, would you hold that sword? Would you swing it slow and low, or would you swing it highly and swiftly? These questions are all brought up because the card is in the protection aspect, and only you can answer them in regard to your current question or situation.


The mirror aspect of the Ace of Swords wants to show you how your idea may look from a different perspective. You may think that you have a wonderful idea on your hands, but what does it look like outside your head? When the Ace of Swords shows up in a reading, it asks you to explore other ways of looking at what is swimming around in your head. Ask friends, colleagues, and coworkers how they see this idea. Ask them how they would word it or perhaps change it. This level of diverse thinking is exactly what the mirrored aspect of the Ace of Swords is really all about.


Have you ever just wanted to tell someone how stupid they were? I mean, like, really let them have it because you just can’t take it anymore? Or maybe you have been on the receiving end of someone else who is always trying to undermine you or make you feel mentally inadequate. Either way, you are walking in the shadow aspect of the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords has a bit of an air about it, no pun intended. It does feel somewhat self-righteous, sort of higher-than or more actualized than other mere mortals. The problem is this is ego-based thinking, and the ego loves the shadow lands of the mind. When this card shows up in a reading or daily draw, just remember that here in the shadow aspect there is a level of accountability that needs to be adhered to so that no harm comes to you or others.


The Ace of Swords in the retrograde aspect asks you to think long and hard about whether or not your current idea or line of thinking has happened before. If so, what happened? Did you take action, and what were the consequences? If this card makes its way into your life via daily draw or in a spread ask yourself, where has this happened before. You may even feel a sense of déjà vu about it, which to be honest is perfectly understandable. Just keep in mind that it is not the same as it was last time it showed up.

Ace of Wands


A blocked Ace of Wands really does make for a very dull experience, for without fire how can we possibly see in the darkness of our own fear and doubt? We can’t, nor can we see the potential for hope or improvement. A blocked Ace of Wands can lead us into despair and give us a sense of hopelessness. When we don’t allow passion, desire, or fire in our lives, we shut out some of our most heightened sensory experiences. When the Ace of Wands is blocked, these essential elements of life can be missing. When this card shows up in your reading or daily draw in the blocked aspect, you may be feeling lost, disconnected, or detached from your own life.


If you know anything about Reiki, energy work, or the chakras, then you will probably understand why it is truly a good thing to have your Ace of Wands in the protection aspect. Let’s face it—sometimes we don’t need our center of fire blazing out of control. The third chakra, or solar plexus, in the energetic body is the center of fire. It is located just above the navel and it has two very distinct settings: reactive or active. Think of the Ace of Wands as being contained inside of your stomach. It just sits there giving off a beautiful warm glow. It never gets too hot, and it never overtakes or consumes you. That’s the Ace of Wands in the protection aspect. This nice, calm, protective energy lets us reset the body, allowing it to prepare for a new energy that is on its way.


The Ace of Wands in the upright position shows us the divine spark, the burning desire, or the fiery lust for a new conquest. In order to pursue any or all of these things, one must have two things: intention and will. In other words, you need a clear goal and the commitment to follow it through. The Ace of Wands in the mirror aspect gives you a bit of space to really mull things over and see if you are headed in the right direction. How often have you been really excited by something only to find it was actually just an interesting distraction from where your time and energy should have been placed?


When we first come across something that excites us and gets our blood pumping, we notice how it makes us feel. Usually, pretty darn spectacular. That feeling can become addictive. Addiction is the downside of high. Addiction is an attachment in one of its purest forms. The ace is the beginning; it is the spark that ignites the rest of the fire. In this case, desire. The spark itself is not the shadow part, nor is the fire. The shadow part of desire is the attachment. So when the Ace of Wands shows up in the shadow aspect, you are being asked to examine your level of attachment to things you desire.


Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, or months when you just didn’t feel like doing anything? And nothing in particular could spark your interest in anything? We all have. They come in cycles, those moments when we feel too tired and lack the energy and enthusiasm for just about everything. This, dear one, is the Ace of Wands in retrograde. Some people call it being in a funk, while others often describe this period as having a “blah” moment. It is one of those times when getting fired up about anything seems pointless. My advice is just ride it out. Don’t fight it. You obviously need this downtime. Embrace it and get aboard the funky train known as the Ace of Wands in retrograde.

Ace of Pentacles


The Ace of Pentacles offers you the opportunity to work hard and the chance to prove yourself. If you are seeing it in the blocked aspect, then you either don’t want to work hard or don’t feel ready for the work that comes with this divinely inspired gift. The Ace of Pentacles offers this gift to you not out of charity but out of the desire to match you with your heart’s desire. A blocked Ace of Pentacles could indicate that your pride and your ego are getting in the way of what you really want. Now might be a good time to examine all you have and count those blessings before you accept or deny what is being offered to you through the Ace of Pentacles.


In the protection aspect, the Ace of Pentacles alludes to the fact that now is not the time for this particular opportunity. Either the energy has yet to fully align, or things may not turn out the way you had initially hoped if you continue down this path. It could also indicate that a situation or opportunity will end up taking more than it is giving. In other words, be careful how much you put into an opportunity that may have just presented itself, as it may end up sucking up more of your time, energy, and money than it is really worth. Mindfulness is in order here, not fear. Don’t think the world is out to get you. Instead, practice the art of discernment.


The human body isn’t always thought of as a mirror, but that is exactly what it is. Our bodies show us in real time how we think about lack and abundance. What we eat, the clothes we wear, and our level of self-care are all tied into how we feel about the resources at our fingertips. You can just look at someone and see how these beliefs are being reflected into the world. What do you see when you look at yourself ? Do you see someone who knows they are loved looking back at you, or do you see someone who is tired, is sick, and feels there is never enough to go around? Your body tells an amazing story, and with the Ace of Pentacles in the mirror aspect, now is the time to start reading it.


The shadow side of the Ace of Pentacles can represent the deliberate shunning of a gift. It’s thinking that you are above handouts and that you can do better than what is currently offered. When the Ace of Pentacles shows up in the shadow aspect, you may be about to shoot yourself in the foot. You might be getting ready to overlook or pass over the very thing you need to bring you closer to your goal. When the Ace of Pentacles shows up in your reading or daily draw in the shadow aspect, it might be time to check your ego at the door. The illusion your ego is creating is to your own personal detriment. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by a false sense of entitled security. Things are not what they seem, and this new perspective is clouded and blurred.


The Ace of Pentacles is just like a wheel. It can roll. It can roll forward and backward, and it can fall flat on its face. In its upright position, we presume it would create forward movement with the opportunity it brings. Here in the retrograde aspect, it would be just as easy to presume that the card creates backward movement. But throwing things in reverse is not the only thing a retrograding Ace of Pentacles can represent. It might not be moving at all. The other cards around the retrograding ace will let you know what sort of movement, if any, is going on here.


The two in numerology is connected to duality, partnerships, balance, cooperation, perception, and decision-making. We see these reveal themselves in each of the two cards within the tarot suits. The Two of Cups shows the coming together of people. The Two of Swords illustrates the two different ways to resolve a problem or situation. The Two of Wands speaks of the coming together of two elements for the purpose of manifestation, and the Two of Pentacles depicts the constant juggling humans do between the material and the spiritual. The interesting thing about the twos is that no matter which way up they present themselves, the dual aspect and joining or the element of coming together that the number two vibrates to will always be present. A reversed two really gives us more of a clue to your personal level of resistance to working with others, asking for help, or making a decision.

Two of Cups


The Two of Cups shows us how we relate to new people in our lives, be they possible romantic partners, new friends, or blossoming work relationships. In the blocked aspect, this new energy is not just being resisted on a physical level, but it is also being rejected on an emotional level. When the Two of Cups is blocked, you have a serious barrier around the most feeling part of who you are—your heart. You can see people play this energy out in their physical bodies. They cross their arms over their chests when someone approaches them. There is a very repellent energy to the Two of Cups in the blocked aspect. You will need to take a closer look at what you really want in your life, because if it is not what you currently have, then you need to uncross your arms and start allowing your heart to open.


This card is deeply connected to the heart center. It is, in essence, a heart chakra card, so think about how important it is when this card shows up in the protection position. It means you are protecting your heart. This is not the same as blocking it. It just means that right now your heart is in pain. It needs time to heal and for you to understand just how vulnerable you are. Because this card is a two, though, you won’t be able to do this healing on your own. It would be best to seek out someone who can assist you with this heart-healing journey. This may be an energy worker, coach, therapist, pastor, or guru. Who you pick is part of the healing process. Trust your heart; it knows who and what it needs to heal.


Two people, two cups, two mirrored aspects. The water inside the Two of Cups is reflective, which means you are showing up in someone else’s cup just as they are showing up in yours. How are you being seen by the person in front of you? The people around us are our best mirrors. They show us how we show up, even if we don’t like it. With the Two of Cups in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to see your reflection in another’s cup. See yourself as they see you. Don’t judge or blame. Just look. It is a lesson all its own.


Have you ever heard the term emotional manipulation? I am sure you have, and here in the shadow aspect of the Two of Cups, you may very well be guilty of it yourself. When this card shows up in the shadow aspect, you really do have to double-check your intentions. Are they truly in favor of all involved or just you? Are you allowing everyone to have a say and share ideas, or is this whole situation just about you, what you want and how you feel? It may take two to pull off a relationship, but it only takes one to ruin it.


With the Two of Cups in the retrograde aspect, there doesn’t seem to be as much pressure to get things right. Nope, here it is perfectly okay for things to fall apart, drift away, and spin out of each other’s orbit. It all seems a bit convenient. Perhaps this is exactly the way you want it.

Instead of doing what you can to bring someone into your life, you have been doing your best to cast them out. Well, congratulations, because here in the retrograde aspect we won’t be seeing these two coming together anytime soon. Quite the opposite, really. They will turn away from each other and go back to whence they came. Is that what you really want? Two heads are often far better than one. Up the right way or upside down, sometimes it’s just easier with two.

Two of Swords


Brain fog, anyone? Do you ever have those days when no matter how hard you try you just can’t hold a thought in your head? Or worse, if you are asked to come up with a solution to a problem, you will revert to old programming rather than wait for the fog to clear so you can truly see what the consequences of your answer may be? The Two of Swords in the blocked aspect can happen to anyone at any time. Be it exhaustion, fatigue, or even lack of sleep, no one is exempt from the situations that create this particular blockage. The good news is that seeing this card show up in a reading or daily draw is like seeing a huge flashing neon sign to not make a decision about anything right at this moment. In fact, if you do try to push on through while the Two of Swords is in the blocked aspect, you will only create more pressure behind the point of the blockage. I promise the world will not end, nor will it open up and swallow you for taking the time to clear your mind first.


So you have two possible options, ideas, or solutions. But which one do you pick? The good news is here in the protection aspect you don’t have to. Well, not yet, anyway. When the Two of Swords shows up in the protection aspect, it is letting you know that you actually have some time to think long and hard about what is being offered up. The Two of Swords in the protection aspect could be the best news you have had all week, or it could be the worst, especially if you were hoping for a quick and swift resolution to your current question, problem, or dilemma. Explore your swords and take all the time you need to make a decision that you won’t regret or second guess. You will get the clarity you’re seeking if you just slow down and take your time.


One has to wonder, what good is a mirror if you are unable to see it? This is a valid question here in the mirror aspect of the Two of Swords. The card itself alludes to not being able to use our eyes or at least to a lacking in the sense of visual sight. The Two of Swords, regardless of how you hold it, is not about the external world. It is about something deeper, more intense, possibly even spiritual in nature. If we follow this line of thinking through, then we can say that here in the mirrored aspect the reflection we are dealing with is the internal world or the inner self. Let’s face it—that’s the only thing we can see while we have a blindfold on.


The Two of Swords already has a bit of a dark side to it. The figure is in the dark, blindfolded, with two swords in her grasp. You really do get quite the goth vibe from this card. This card has long been associated with initiations and rites of passage. Secret clubs and societies smack of ego-based intent. In order to belong, you have to jump through some stupid hoops, like, say, sitting in the dark blindfolded, holding two massive swords. Don’t let that ache in your arms be a distraction! When this card makes its way into your reading, just be careful that you are not allowing yourself to be swayed by the ego. Check your intent and make sure it is really aligned with who you wish to be and not how you wish others to see you.


The Two of Swords has a connection to the Priestess, Justice, and Empress cards in the major arcana, which means not only is there a lot going on in this card, but there is also a lot to learn under the influence of this card. As you sit there in the dark, feeling the full weight of those swords in your arms, cast your mind back to the moment you thought all of this was a good idea. What was the exact moment, thought, idea, or feeling that set you on the path to this spot? Can you even remember? You may not remember why you need to make this decision, or even if the conditions that brought up this situation exist anymore, so cast your mind back and see if you can remember.

Two of Wands


In Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot, we see a man step up onto a ledge with a wand in one hand and a small globe in the other. The wand he holds has a flag on it, and one could see this as a possible prelude to war, takeover, or strategic grab for power. Others might see the image as someone who is thinking about the possibilities of what to do with what he already has. Or it might just be someone contemplating some sort of travel. If this card has shown up in the blocked aspect, the above-mentioned actions could now be stymied or somehow stalled. But I like to see it as someone who is not creating on purpose. A blocked Two of Wands could be an indication that you are not living an intention-based life. Instead, life just happens to you. Can you honestly say you are 100 percent engaged and strategic with your direction in life? Let’s face it—it is really hard to conquer anything if you don’t have a plan and aren’t willing to follow it through with unwavering commitment.


If you are in the middle of manifesting some big, grand life change, then you should be over the moon to see the Two of Wands in the protection aspect. You are not really creating with the intent and purpose you need to in order to bring your goal out of the vibrational world and into the physical. This is good news and one of the reasons the law of attraction has a buffer zone: so we can refine and fine-tune. When the Two of Wands pops up in the protection aspect, you will need to take a look and see if you have either been dragged off course and allowed yourself to get distracted, if you have taken your foot off the pedal of intentional creation, or if you have in fact just changed your mind about what it was you were trying to manifest.


The Two of Wands in the mirror aspect is very clearly a red flag, for if everything were all going in the right direction, you would not find this card in the mirror aspect. What is going on in your world right now that is stopping you from moving forward? Maybe your heart’s just not in it anymore. There is no shame in admitting that perhaps it’s not at all what you really want and you may have made a mistake. Take your time when this card shows up in the mirror position. It is here to help and get you pointed in the right direction, because apparently you are a little turned around.


The Two of Wands sees a young Mars showing off his talents, and just like a prideful adolescent, this card in the shadow aspect could indicate you are getting too big for your britches and no one wants to hear you yabber on about how great you are anymore. So you can set things on fire while standing on your head. Good for you. But without the support of others, all those wonderful plans of yours will go up in smoke. This card lets you know you have big ideas and a passion to match, but here’s the rub: you can’t pull it off on your own. If this card has shown up in your daily draw or reading, you may need to adjust your attitude and make sure you are not alienating those who can actually help you pull off your dreams, goals, and desires.


The Two of Wands is full of fire. It is a double dose of Mars and one part Aries, which means this card might actually be helpful in the retrograde aspect for those of you who are not used to dealing with that much power in such a concentrated manner. This card is a bit of an explosion card. It wants to burst forth as fast and furious as possible, but sometimes that isn’t always the best approach. If you have pulled this card in the retrograde aspect, then you know for sure you need to pull your foot off the accelerator for a bit. In fact, if you are seeing this card in the retrograde aspect, I suggest you take a look at what you have missed, overlooked, or just flat-out forgotten in your excitement to get to the finish line.

Two of Pentacles


When the Two of Pentacles shows up in the blocked aspect, there is a really good chance you feel taken for granted and stretched beyond your limits, and, to add insult to injury, no one else cares, even though you really think they should. But then again, maybe that’s the problem. Just who are you hanging on to those pentacles for, and what would happen if you let them fall? When this card shows up in a reading or daily draw, you might want to take a really honest look at where your time, money, and energy are going. Because somewhere along the road of life, you have offered up more than you are actually capable of giving. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it’s not. If you keep this up, the only person who will suffer will be you.


Now, I know it might seem bizarre to think about standing on your head and juggling balls (or, rather, coins) as somehow protective. But think about it this way: while you are busy standing upside down and trying your hardest not to drop anything, you are so hyperfocused that you have no time, energy, or even sight for anything other than what you are doing. This can sometimes be the best thing to ever happen. You can’t shift your gaze, not even for a second, which means everything in your life is being created from this one vortex—this vortex of such intense and deep focus that nothing and no one can sway you from your path.


Sometimes we look at our lives and know that we are really having a lot of fun. Sure, we might have a lot going on, and, yes, we might have a lot of balls in the air at any given time, but we are enjoying it. There is something to be said for setting yourself a challenge and then watching how you pull it all off. Here in the mirror aspect of the Two of Pentacles, you are getting that chance. You are getting to see the fun you have when you push yourself, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, and achieve more than you ever thought possible. Life doesn’t always have to be stressful and bad; sometimes it can be stressful and fun. Stress itself doesn’t know the difference. Only you do.


“Putting on a show” is a traditional interpretation of this card, and I am guessing that if you have this card in the shadow aspect, you, my friend, love to be the center of attention, just like our juggler. You know who you are. You’re the one who is always busy, even though you really are not. You look busy. You always have plans. Your workload is always something to groan about, and you can’t possibly help Cathy move this weekend. Yep, I have your number, baby, and so too does the Two of Pentacles in the shadow aspect. Now, let’s get something straight. I am not judging you. If anything, I am actually a little jealous of how you pull it all off. But let’s face it—you love to put on a show, and the more people who see the show the happier and more elaborate you become with your act.


Here in the Two of Pentacles, we see a joyous Jupiter returning to the hard-working sign of Capricorn, linking this card to the Wheel of Fortune. We also see other visual links to the Wheel of Fortune card with the infinite loop ribbon that seems to work as a pulley between the two pentacles. You could even say that the pentacles look like gears, ever turning in the hands of Jupiter. While the upright version of this card may actually show someone enjoying their new luck and talent, here in the retrograde aspect they are taking a break. Or, more to the point, they need to take a break. The game of gears needs to be put down for a while and serviced. Think about your car. You have to take it in every three to five thousand miles for an oil change, and you really should have it fully serviced around every ten to twelve thousand miles. Well, guess what? Your Two of Pentacles is due for a service. You can’t possibly expect your equipment or yourself to function properly if you don’t stop and get it all up to date.


The threes are one of the most frustrating numbers to deal with, mainly because they don’t have any middle ground. The threes operate in extremes. The threes even annoy other threes. But they are also a lot of fun and really do have a boundless magic about them. The three is the number of manifestation and has deep religious connections. I am sure you have heard of the Trinity and the power of three. These are just two of many power concepts you will find around the number three. People who have a three as a life-path number tend to be extremely lucky. They also tend to have extreme emotions. They are either over-the-top happy or the most doom-and-gloom person you will find.

Three of Cups


Here in the blocked aspect of the Three of Cups, things have not been going well on the social front. The joy that we see in this card has been somewhat turned on its head, and instead of being able to share your joy, you feel left out or perhaps just don’t have the support from your friendship circle that you currently require. This is actually becoming a very common problem in today’s world. When the Three of Cups in the blocked aspect shows up in your daily draw or weekly reading, you and you alone will know if this blockage has been put there on purpose or if this is really something that is affecting your well-being and happiness.


You might be wondering why on earth you would turn this card upside down by choice, blocking out your friends or even pinching the flow of joy and celebration in your life. But there are many reasons a person would put this energy to work in the protection aspect. One is that the timing is just off. Sure, you may have things to celebrate, but you also may not be at the end of the task at hand and you just can’t afford to divert your time and energy. I have so been there. I know what it’s like to have to deliberately delay celebrations. It will be worth it in the end. Just hang in there.


Of all the suits, the cups fit the mirror aspect like none other. The watery energy is the perfect reflective surface, and here in the Three of Cups, you are having your whole social life reflected—the good, the bad, and the nonexistent. When we look into the reflective pools of each of these cups, we can see the trinity of our current experience. You can break the trinity up any way you like. Body, mind, soul. Above, below, inside. Time, energy, money. The list really goes on and on. It is up to you to decide which areas you overindulge in and which areas really need your attention.


Have you ever been around someone who only ever talks about themselves? The only news they ever share is their own, and no matter what the topic of conversation, they somehow always end up making it about themselves. Yep, we all know that person, and right now it is more than likely you. The Three of Cups in the shadow aspect lets us know that we are using our own self-importance to emotionally charge a situation toward your own personal interests. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having some me time. But when you are constantly doing it to the detriment of those around you, there is a real problem.


I don’t know why, but everyone seems to lose their common sense when Mercury goes retrograde. It’s like the sky is falling. Here in the Three of Cups, we get to see the other side of the Mercury retrograde coin: the hangover. Mercury likes to party. In fact, he will whoop it up with the best of them. He also doesn’t quite know when to stop, which is probably why at the end of this particular party he has ended up on his head. The Three of Cups in the retrograde aspect is letting you know that you really can have too much of a good thing. Or, more to the point, good things lose their goodness when we overindulge in them. Now is the time to stop, sit down, and be still, which is all you can do with that hangover anyway.

Three of Swords


The Three of Swords is linked to the planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet of limit and restriction. In the upright position, we could explore the limit of Saturn being expressed via grief or sorrow, but here we see it’s blocked. There is no way to release it from this position. You are locked in. You made your decision in the Two of Swords, and now you are stuck with that decision here in the blocked aspect. And guess what? It sucks! It is causing you all sorts of pain and anguish. But under Saturn’s cruel gaze, you are going to have to suck it up and just get on with it. Despite how much pain this is causing you right now, you have no choice but to see it through to the end.


I have often read that when the Three of Swords shows up in reverse, the time for healing is now upon you. Once we turn the heart upside down, the swords can slip out and leave the wounds ready to be tended to and repaired. This reading fits perfectly with the idea of the Three of Swords in the protection aspect, for it is best to prepare for healing sooner rather than later. Continued grief, pain, and agony will only weaken you in body, mind, and soul. This does not mean that your strength will be restored right away. In all honesty, you have a long way to go on your healing path. Repairing the heart chakra is one of the hardest journeys we can take as emotional beings, but starting now, it will protect you and not leave you open to more pain.


Have you ever had one of those days when you wish you just never turned on the TV, never opened the newspaper, or just stayed away from social media? The outside world seems to always have something awful to throw in our face, and our once-good moods go down in flames the moment we turn on any of our electronic devices. The Three of Swords in the mirror aspect lets you know that how you currently feel and think is more than likely a direct result of what you are allowing into your current experience. What we see and hear has a huge impact on our thoughts and our inner dialogue, so make it good.


The Three of Swords in the shadow aspect could very well be a warning card. This card could be telling you that you are responsible for someone else’s grief and misery. You may not have done this intentionally, though the shadow aspect does hint to some level of awareness on your behalf. We are all guilty of wishing someone ill, just as we are all guilty of saying things we know we really shouldn’t say. The point here is that this sort of negativity has a huge vortex of pain, misery, and grief around it. And if you are creating it, it will show up in your life as well. Remember, what goes out also comes in. The shadow aspect of this card is letting you know that you may be on the receiving end of your own intentional negativity.


Here in the retrograde aspect, we take another look at the power or, more to the point, the lessening of power Saturn has on our lives. Saturn reminds us of our limitations and plays havoc on the mind. It is no wonder it is linked to the Three of Swords. The Three of Swords in the retrograde aspect can signify an easing of the mind and a break from stress and anxiety. This is a good thing. Capitalize on it and use it to hasten the healing process and propel yourself from the weightiness of this card. Use this retrograde energy to start looking for more positive things in your experience. Only listen to uplifting and empowering words. Audiobooks and podcasts are wonderful for this.

Three of Wands


For me, the Three of Wands in the upright position has always represented the idea of “go big or go home.” I am sure it has something to do with the figure always peering off the top of a cliff wondering about what is beyond the horizon. If in the upright position it is the “go big or go home” card, then here in the blocked aspect, there is a good chance you’re still sitting on the couch freaking out about the whole concept of what “going big” actually means. This is what we call resistance to expansion. We all suffer it at certain times in our lives. Leaving what you know behind for what you don’t know can be scary, but it might also be the best adventure of your life.


Have you ever wanted to take a trip so badly that you just wanted to jump in the car and go, but for whatever reason you couldn’t? The timing was just off or the money had yet to show up. Or you had other commitments to fulfill before you could go anywhere. If you have experienced this, then you have also experienced the Three of Wands in the protection aspect. What I like about seeing this card in the protection aspect is that it lets you know you are on the right track. You are doing a fantastic job manifesting. It’s just not all complete yet. In other words, if you shoot the mark, you really could screw it all up, which is why these delays and blocks are showing up.


I want to continue the “go big or go home” theme here in the mirrored aspect of the Three of Wands, mainly because I have seen this come up for my clients again and again. Often we get excited and inspired by things we hear, read, or watch. This can sometimes be the catalyst we use to plan our next set of goals. When you write them, you think they are wonderful and grand and totally worthy of the divine essence that is you. But there is a problem. They really are not what you want at all. In your heart of hearts, you just don’t have it in you to be the person who could pull those grand plans off. Like it or not, you are not a vibrational match for what you said you wanted, and there is a good chance you will never be. Now, this is not because you are not a magnificent divine being. It is just that at the end of the day it’s really not what you want at a soul level.


There is no doubt that expansion is at hand in this card. No matter what way you look at it, there is a want, need, desire for more than what you currently have. But how is that driving you, pushing you, and dictating your actions? Like it or not, some people will be ruthless to get what they want. They don’t care who they hurt in the process or what sort of shady antics they have to pull off just as long as the end result is what they want. If this card has shown up in your daily draw or weekly spread, take a moment to think about the consequences of your current actions both big and small. Especially the small, as it is often the small, little, barely noticeable things that we do, say, feel, or think that give off the biggest and widest ripple effects.


The Three of Wands is connected to the sun, which we know doesn’t have a retrograde cycle. It does, however, have an eclipse cycle. A solar eclipse happens during a new moon when the sun and the moon are conjunct. This is when the moon moves between the earth and the sun, cutting off the light. New moons deal with new beginnings, as does the cardinal sign of this card, Aries, and this is exactly what we are looking for here in the Three of Wands in retrograde. In the upright position, it seems as if everything were already set as if by fate or intention, but here in the dark anything is possible. It is interesting that it is the absence of light that makes all things possible with this card. You could say that the Three of Wands in retrograde makes you rely on a totally different set of senses or instincts.

Three of Pentacles


When the Three of Pentacles makes its way into your reading, it means you have moved on from your juggling act in the Two of Pentacles. Congratulations, you finally figured out that you didn’t need to do it all yourself. But hang on—you still have a blocked card. What’s up with that? There are a couple of reasons you may be seeing this card in the blocked aspect even though you are aware that you can’t keep doing this alone. One is that the right people, places, and things are not available right this second. Another is that you may not be in a vibrational match with what you say you now want. Or maybe on a deep level you’re still not 100-percent convinced bringing others to help you is really the best-case scenario. Let’s face it—spreading the load around sure sounds good in theory, but you have been burned before. Just keep in mind that what has happened does not need to happen again.


We can look at the Three of Pentacles in the protection aspect a couple of ways. First off, it really could be that right now you need to keep things under wraps. Sharing them, asking for input, or even gathering up people to assist you is just not the best idea right now. You will feel this more on an intuitive level than a logical one. The second is that you don’t trust those around you. Yep, you are a loner, you can look after yourself, and you don’t need anyone else sticking their nose into your business. For right now, perhaps that’s a really good thing, so just go with it.


This card is shown with more than one person mainly to emphasize the coming-together component of this card. Collaboration, however, is not always physical. In the material world, we are always collaborating with vibrational energy to manifest. If we have an idea, we have to set an intention. Once we set the intention, we establish what part we will play. That part is normally our gift. The next step is to let vibrational energy fill the gap between the idea, our gift, and the end result. This is a fabulous way of thinking about the mirror aspect of this card. Instead of looking outward, we are indeed looking inward. Turn the gaze to the self and trust your inner gift, resolve, and faith to bring about what you wish to see in the physical world.


Have you ever been told you’re too big for your britches or that you think you’re all that and a bag of chips? If not, then there is a good chance you are not an American. I had never heard these sayings either until I moved to the States, but they do evoke the best image of the shadow aspect of the Three of Pentacles, which is someone who truly thinks they are bigger and better than anyone else around. Here in the shadow aspect of this card, there is a good chance you have let your ego get the better of you. You may think no one else has anything to offer you or that others are incapable of living up to your expectations, but there just does not seem to be any real hard evidence to support this fact. The only thing that this sort of behavior will get you is isolation. Pretty soon no one will want to employ you, seek your counsel, or consider your input valuable.


The Three of Pentacles is influenced heavily by the planet Mars, which gives this card the drive and determination it needs to see things through to their natural conclusions in the upright position. But when Mars is retrograde, all that fire, force, and sheer will tend to be lacking or difficult to conjure, hence why the Three of Pentacles reversed is often referred to as the lazy card. To be fair, this isn’t deliberate laziness on your end. There are circumstances that have bought your forward motion to a standstill or caused you to lose interest in what you were pursuing. Most likely you are just exhausted. Mars has the capacity to run us ragged. Take this downtime as a sign to slow down, to rest and focus on your health.


The four in numerology is not the most interesting of numbers. It doesn’t show a lot of action, and even in the tarot, the four cards have less than inspiring messages. Despite their lack of action, the four is the foundation number. Without the energy and principles of the four, everything else would collapse. This is good to know regardless of how you get the fours in your reading. Right-way up or upside down, the number fours are important cards. They are connected to the building energy of the Emperor, and they hold valuable lessons on creating a foundation on which to grow and expand.

Four of Cups


With the moon and Cancer playing big parts of the energy of this card, it is no wonder the Four of Cups in the upright position often speaks of being overwhelmed. Here in the blocked aspect, we are dealing less with the structure and mood of our current emotions. Instead, we are choosing to block them out and ignore them altogether. Let’s face it—you are just not that into emotions. You find them pointless and a complete distraction. Why bother wasting energy on feeling when you can just block it out completely? Being numb might be a short-term answer to your current circumstances, but eventually it will all come crashing down on you whether you like it or not.


This card is connected to the moon, which we know has cycles. The new moon or dark moon is considered a protective aspect of the moon cycle. It hides, keeps them safe, and offers protection from prying eyes, which is how we can see the Four of Cups as well. Here in the protection aspect, you are safe to linger alone with your feelings, uninterrupted. Here on the dark side of the moon, it matters not if you move forward, stay still, or run around screaming. No one can see you here. You are safe to express your emotions and free to feel any way you see fit.


The Four of Cups in The Raven’s Prophecy Tarot is almost identical upside down and right-side up, which makes it a fabulous image to illustrate the mirror aspect of this card: similar but different. The card depicts two ravens standing in water and pointing in the same direction as their reflections below. If you were to place a mirror next to this card, all four crows would be looking back at the others, as if looking into the past. It is as if their current emotional status is due to something behind them. Upright, they look to the future. Which is causing your emotional concerns, points of overwhelm, or moment of opportunity right now? The past or the future? The ravens wish to know.


Like it or not, there is a bit of drama-queen energy around this card, the whole “I’m going to be as emotionally difficult as possible and you’re all just going to have to deal with it” vibe. It is one thing to need some time to process your current emotional state. It is quite another to use it to be a prima donna and be deliberately difficult. If you have gotten this card in the shadow aspect, there is a good chance you are just going out of your way to piss people off. A word of warning: it will come back and bite you in the butt. Diva it up while you can because no one will want to be around you too long while you’re being this emotionally indulgent.


If you were to retrograde from this card to the card before it, you would end up right back at the Three of Cups. With the Four of Cups in the retrograde aspect, you may find yourself thinking back to happier, more carefree times, perhaps when you could just be. When you didn’t need to act, decide, or even consider what was next. By all means, allow the energy of the Three of Cups into your manifestation vortex, but use it to inspire yourself and get fired up about all the possibilities that are divinely for you and you alone.

Four of Swords


If you are seeing this card in the blocked aspect, then there is a very good chance you are dragging your heels about getting back to your life. Your reasoning doesn’t matter. You are resisting getting your mental energy flowing again. The brain, like your muscles, needs to be exercised regularly or it too can become flabby, dull, and sluggish. A dull mind is never a good thing, and keeping it blocked will only hinder you as you try too move forward.


Unlike the blocked aspect of this card, here in the protection aspect you are being warned to not leave your healing state too soon. Your mind may be telling you there is so much to get done and you have rested long enough. The truth is you still need to give your body some more time, perhaps just another forty-eight hours, but it will be the difference between a full recovery and finding yourself knocked off your feet and laid up in bed yet again. Your mind may be ready to take on the world, but your body is just not there yet.


The original Four of Swords card is often referred to as an effigy, a figure created quite often in medieval times for knights and important rulers. The effigy was meant to roughly represent the person that was buried beneath it, sort of like a mirror. They are similar but different. The Four of Swords in the mirror aspect is letting you know that your life is not matching up to the image you have created inside your head. This may be making you complacent. Effigies were never meant to replace the real thing and were not always meant to last. Temporary is an important keyword for you right now.


Sometimes we feel stuck, torn, and immobilized with fear. Other times we just like to pretend we are unable to make choices for ourselves so that others will pull their own weight. Here in the shadow aspect, we know faking inability is playing a big part in your current situation. It can seem like a good idea to pretend to be disinterested or unable to deal with urgent decisions, but this sort of thing has a way of backfiring. Give away your power now and it may become hard to get it back when you feel your point has been made. Games have consequences, so be careful you don’t fall into your own trap.


During a retrograde cycle, planets go into a shadow phase. This is not the same as the shadow aspect of a card but is more an in-between phase. Here in the Four of Swords we see Jupiter coming out of his slumber and preparing for his newly awakened state. He has learned much during his retrograde vacation and is now preparing all his new information and knowledge so that he can leap forth once this shadow phase is complete. You may be feeling exactly the same way. Right now you are preparing and collecting all you have learned so you can hit the ground running once this in-between phase is over with.

Four of Wands


The Four of Wands in the upright position tends to show us a lovely supportive scene. There is strength in community and unity in a group. Here in the blocked aspect there is a chance you are rejecting this concept outright or are having trouble pulling all your wands together to form a tent, which is what this card often reminds me of—trying to put up a tent. The tent symbolizes order, structure, and getting things to work in harmony. Sometimes it works well and the poles—or in this case, wands—behave, and sometimes only one stands up and your tent looks like a pitiful mess. Oh, the joys of the blocked Four of Wands.


Four is a foundation number, the keystone to building something strong and stable. Here in the protection aspect of the Four of Wands, you don’t seem ready to hoist up your beams and allow the building process to begin. When the Four of Wands is in the protection aspect, there is a chance you are second-guessing your foundation. You may not feel stable or settled enough to start moving upward, even though you know you can’t delay movement forever. Instead, step back and give yourself some space to see what the real problem is. Correct it and allow yourself to erect your four wands on the new base you have laid for them.


Have you ever felt like something was standing between you and your goals, like some sort of invisible barrier that you just couldn’t seem to cross? This could very well be the Four of Wands in the mirror aspect. Fours are solid and built to withstand the odd beating, which explains why it seems so hard for you to break through to the other side of your current quest or problem. And perhaps that is the key. You are trying to break through. What if instead you go around? Just like an immovable mountain, the Four of Wands in the mirror aspect is asking you to consider another way of reaching the success and celebration you know are waiting for you.


Hasty action and shoddy craftsmanship are the traits of the Four of Wands in the shadow aspect. You are either doing something you lack the skill to do for an ego-based reward, or you have just lost your connection to a project you have been working on and now you don’t care if the end results stand up or not. The fire in your wands is not burning with creative energy. Instead, you have fueled your fires with ego-based desires, resulting in lazy, apathetic practices.


If the upright version of this card alludes to the courting dance of the Emperor and the Empress, then here in the retrograde aspect we see a time-out of the relationship altogether. As if sensing that now is not the time to begin something new, you are being asked to go back and reassess everything you know about your current situation. Take this time-out to explore what is really being offered here. Use all that detailed energy of the four to examine every tiny detail, for only then will you know if moving forward and courting a new person, idea, or position is a good use of your energy.

Four of Pentacles


When the Four of Pentacles shows up in the blocked aspect, it might be safe to say that you are allowing your paranoia to get the better of you. There is a miserly element to this card even in its upright position, but here in the blocked aspect you have allowed your fear to become ruler of your domain. Nothing good can come of that. There is no doubt that being prudent at times shows wisdom. But living such a short life as a miser will only bring you misery and heartache. Blocking the flow of your resources will stagnate and poison you mentally, spiritually, and physically.


I am sure you have heard the saying “living within your means.” Most people believe this involves some sort of lack or sacrifice, but in truth it can be a liberating experience. When you live within their means, you start to notice resources you never knew you had. Here in the protection aspect, the Four of Pentacles is showing you how abundant you truly are. You are in no way bound by limit or restriction. By living within your means, you allow yourself to tap into the miracle of each moment and lose focus on what you feel you lack.


If you were to hold up a mirror to your life, how much of the reflection would show mere things, possessions that won’t last and only temporarily calm the emotional issues? Here in the mirrored aspect of the Four of Pentacles, you are getting a chance to see if you like the balance you have created in your physical experience. If the reflection of your life shows nothing more than things, now is your chance to rectify the problem before it causes you permanent isolation, fear, and loathing.


Have you ever meet a shopaholic? Maybe you just know someone who can’t hold on to money. Try as they might, it just burns a hole in their pocket and they end up exactly where they started, with nothing. In many ways, this is the Four of Pentacles in the shadow aspect. Sure, it’s nice to let money flow. It is important to explore all our resources and not allow ourselves to be limited financially and physically, but always being late on your bills and rent or racking up debt is a clear sign that you have entered the danger zone of the Four of Pentacles in the shadow aspect.


The Four of Pentacles in the retrograde aspect wants you to relax. Here under the pranic healing energy of the sun you are encouraged to drop your shoulders and let all the tension of the physical world go. It is a reminder that stability is not just a perception; it is an illusion that often has undesired consequences. Instead of holding on so tightly, allow that which you have mastered to be given freely, just like the sun’s rays spread to all those who require it. You have proven you have the Midas touch. Now, share your gifts, time, and talents so all can prosper along with you.


Here’s all you need to know about the fives: very few people are happy about having them show up in their lives. No matter how you slice a five, it is always going to mean the same thing: change. When a five shows up, you can be assured that things are about to get interesting. Fives are neither good nor bad, but they are inevitable because life only guarantees us four things: birth, death, consequences, and change. Some people embrace the change the fives bring. The good news is that fives move quickly, and they don’t stick around. They have seriously short attention spans. This makes dealing with the energy of the five fast and furious. You can either hold on and let the five do all the hard work as you enjoy the ride, or you can go kicking and screaming.

Five of Cups


The Five of Cups in the blocked aspect shows an inability to move beyond your current emotional state. You have experienced a loss of sorts. But it is over and done with, and you need to get those waters flowing again. Here in the blocked aspect, the watery energy of the cups is amplifying your response to something that is no longer an option. It is a red flag to let you know you have lingered in this particular watering ground for far too long. Continue to stay at your own peril. Move or get swept up by the dangerous undercurrent.


Water can be very healing, but you have to allow it to wash away your pain. The Five of Cups in the protection aspect offers a space for healing. Here at the water’s edge, you can give all your misery away. Let it go and watch it flow away. The three cups that lie tipped over can be given to the river, while you fill the remaining two cups with the healing water and drink your fill. It’s time to take what you have left and move on. There is nothing left for you here. Wipe your last tear, hold your head up, and embrace what the change has left in its wake.


In Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot, the figure in the Five of Cups card seems to be peering into the river. What do you think they are looking at? The hooded figure has their back to us, making the scene a bit of a mystery. Perhaps this is exactly how others see you, as a bit of a mystery. There is a good chance that if you have this card in the mirror aspect, you are the unknown element, and that just like the two upright cups, no one is ever quite sure what to make of you and your emotional state of being.


Because Mars rears his head in this card, it is not a long stretch to believe he is quite enjoying the pain he is inflicting. Could you be playing Mars’s part in someone else’s life? People often find it easier to chastise others when they see them being foolish or emotionally overindulgent. They think nothing of adding to this misery and creating more suffering in someone’s life. With this card in the shadow aspect, just be mindful that you are not doing the same to someone in your current orbit.


Mars and Scorpio understand that cycles must end in order for new life to prevail. The loss is only a temporary state before rebirth. When the Five of Cups shows up in the retrograde aspect, you are being reminded that you are in a state of change, a state of rebirth and regeneration. It may even feel familiar, as if you have done this before—which you have. Keep in mind that this is a five, so the current gap won’t last long, even if it feels like it lingers.

Five of Swords


If you thought the suit of swords was mental before, wait till you take a walk through the blocked aspect of the Five of Swords. Does the phrase “cut your nose off to spite your face” mean anything to you? It is the expression gifted to people who seem to rush in, blow things up, and then wonder how it all went so wrong. You could also call it self-sabotage. This is what holding on to fear will do. It will make you impulsive and reckless, but not in a good way. Actions have consequences here in the Five of Swords, and you are about to find out what they are.


Have you ever thought for sure things were going to go your way, only to find the situation didn’t work out the way you thought at all? Welcome to the Five of Swords in the protection aspect. The thing that didn’t happen wasn’t mean to. It was not your path, and it was not the best outcome for you. It may not feel like it now, but in time you will see that this was all just a bump in the road along your journey to happier and more prosperous results.


I know it can get hard to imagine this card has a positive element to it. I mean, the card is known as the Lord of Defeat. But even defeat can serve you. Walking away, letting something go, and letting someone have the upper hand, if only for the time being, can protect your mental well-being. Conflict is not always the answer, and sometimes it is best to let the game play out with no resistance or control from you. Trust the process. What seems like a defeat will quickly turn into something positive if you can just walk away and not look back.


Have you ever just taken something from someone because you could? Maybe you thought you were just borrowing their idea, dulling their light, or putting it out there where it could do some good. But in reality you knew if you took action, you would get the glory. The human ego is very good at convincing us that all things that benefit us are good. The shadow aspect of this card lets you know that you acted with intention. You knew the consequences and you were thrilled by them. Someone else’s loss was your gain and you loved it.


In the retrograde aspect of the Five of Swords, we see Venus, the planet of love, struggle with the rebellious nature of Aquarius. Venus wants everyone to get along. The problem is Aquarius believes they are the only one that knows how that should be. Can you remember a time in your past when you thought you were the only one with a real solution? Think back to the last time you tried to tell someone how they should experience the world around them, or perhaps the last time someone told that to you. It more than likely didn’t work out well, and it won’t work this time either.

Five of Wands


Having five wands of magical power at your disposal sure would be handy, but if you don’t know how to use them properly, you could end up with more destruction than creation. When the Five of Wands shows up in the blocked aspect, your life could look more like a battlefield than a playground of organized chaos. There is a fine line between conflict and creative flow. Tension often offers possibilities to showcase gifts and talents we don’t normally use. Be warned, though: if you stay in this blocked energy, you will burn yourself out.


The Five of Wands in the protection aspect wants to know just how flexible you really are. When something needs you to stand strong and be its champion, do you have what it takes, or will you allow others to beat you down and bend you to their will? Sometimes you need to dig in your heels and stand your ground, even if it causes conflict with those around you. Just remember this has nothing to do with you being right and someone else being wrong. It is about your level of commitment to your actions and the consequences they bring.


So you’ve built a team. Each member has unique gifts and talents. There is only one problem: they have never worked together before. The Five of Wands in the mirror aspect shows us possibility. It also shows us what could happen if you can’t find a way to pull it all together. Working with a new team takes practice, time, and commitment. You want others to let you play to your strengths, and you need to allow others to do the same. It might take a little while to figure out how to fill the gaps, but stick with it. Together you can create something amazing.


Some people are team players. Some people are not. Maybe it’s you or maybe it’s someone you know, but if this card is showing up in the shadow aspect, you can be assured someone is stirring up trouble just because they can. Now don’t get me wrong—not everyone has to be a team player. But the Five of Wands does work much better when everyone is focusing on the same outcome. There is great potential when the energy of this card is channeled correctly, but all it takes is one person to not want the same result as everyone else and you have sabotage on your hands.


The Five of Wands brings Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, into the house of prideful Leo. When this card is in its upright position, you need to focus more on discipline and order. Here in the retrograde aspect, you are free to be more creative and playful. In this aspect, the Five of Wands becomes more like a playground. This is where you can practice your skills against other skilled players without consequence. Just like baby lion cubs learn to hunt by practicing with one another, you too will need to work with others in a more creative and inspired way to sharpen your skills and get your actions aligned with your outcome.

Five of Pentacles


As I mentioned in the beginning of this section, fives don’t have goodness or badness built into them. It really is all about how you perceive the change the fives have swept into your life. This could not be more evident in the blocked Five of Pentacles. You could say you have tunnel vision and are only able to see one outcome to one pressing problem. The reality is that everywhere you turn there are multiple solutions and possibilities. This card reminds us that life doesn’t have to be difficult, but it will be if we choose for it to be.


The Five of Pentacles can often show a time of disconnection. In the upright position this may very well have been unintended or even unwanted, but here in the protection aspect it is actually done deliberately. The card is the closest we can get in the tarot to showing how to step outside the boundaries of social convention. Think of it as getting off the conveyor belt of life just long enough to reboot, reset, and possibly find other ways of experiencing your physical journey. Not everything about our modern world is helpful or enriching. Oftentimes the world can be restricting, cruel, and dehumanizing. Use the Five of Pentacles in the protection aspect as a respite, not a permanent solution.


The more I work with the fives, the more I realize they have a wicked sense of humor, and by that I mean they tend to show up in the most humorous of ways. Though, if you aren’t comfortable with change, you may not get the joke. Being homeless out in the snow may not seem very amusing at first glance, but laughing at uncomfortable circumstances could be the key to changing how you are perceiving your place in the world. You might feel locked out, abandoned and hopelessly adrift. But that may not be the worst thing that could happen to you. In fact, it might be exactly what is needed to snap you out of a busyness daze and get you refocused on the impermanence of the world around you.


Have you ever heard the term crying poor? This term is often used to describe someone who always has their hand out, always asking but never giving. These people believe the world and everyone in it owe them something, even though they have more than enough to take care of their own needs. The shadow aspect of the Five of Pentacles shines a light on the parts of ourselves that take but never give back. We all do it in one form or another. We all try to get as much as we can for as little as possible. If this card is showing up in the mirror aspect, the universe is calling you out and letting you know it is time to start giving.


This card has links to the Hierophant, meaning that each time we see it during a retrograde cycle it has a deeper lesson for us, more than likely one about our level of attachment to the material world, which in turn brings suffering. The Five of Pentacles in the retrograde aspect gives you the opportunity to count your blessings, to see the earthly plane for what it is—temporary—and to learn that all suffering is caused by attachment. These lessons are hard, but then again so is this card.


We first met the sixes in the Lovers card. It is there that we got a glimpse of the challenges and positive attributes of the number six. Here in the minor arcana, we see how those traits play out in everyday life. Our commitment to ourselves and others will be tested, rewarded, and challenged on a much more practical and daily way. Whether we get stuck, find ourselves needing to move, or allowing ourselves some success will depend on how the sixes show up on your cards. Relationships are part of our expansion: they test us and ground us. Here in the sixes, we see just how much.

Six of Cups


The Six of Cups has a very childlike energy to it regardless of it is orientation. Here in the blocked aspect you could be missing out on all the childlike fun life has to offer you. Sometimes we need to put on our grownup pants, and other times we need to capture that childlike wonder that says nothing is impossible. If this card has shown up in your reading as blocked, you may be missing the magic of your current situation. Shift your perception and look at it through the lens of a child who doesn’t believe in the word no.


There are times when our childhood memories can serve us, especially if they keep us from harm. By sensing a sound, smell, or feeling, your childhood instincts are now playing a huge part in keeping you safe and sound. It may seem dramatic, but it’s not. Trust your inner child right now, as it knows what needs to be done and what direction you need to go. It also knows when to act, when to be still, and how to feel. Cups are the emotional barometer of the tarot, and how you feel is key.


The Six of Cups in the mirror aspect reminds me ever so slightly of the Page of Cups in the upright position, as they both offer up a space for healing, particularly inner-child healing. Inner-child work is at the heart of most healing paths, as this is where most of us developed our sense of self-worth and learned how to have or not have relationships. In the mirror aspect of the Six of Cups, you get to take a closer look at just how your inner child’s programming is aligned or misaligned with the needs of your grown-up self. Like all children, your inner child will need time, space, and patience to deal with the healing and clearing work that this card brings with it. Don’t rush it.


The Six of Cups even in the upright position can have an uneasy feel to it. The larger boy could be seen as trying to intimidate the smaller girl. Oftentimes this aspect of the card is overlooked. Not here in the shadow aspect. Here we are looking to see how someone is being emotionally played or manipulated. Sixes are about relationships and the power struggles these relationships represent. In the shadow aspect of the Six of Cups you are being asked to explore the power plays in your own relationships. Are you the one who likes to be in control, or do you feel like someone is always trying to bring you down and use your emotions against you? Not everything is as it seems when the Six of Cups shows up in the shadow aspect.


Let’s face it. If you have gotten the Six of Cups in the retrograde aspect, you are allowing yourself to live in the emotional waters of the past. Scorpio loves to indulge in past pleasures, but it is not the best place to have your head, especially when you are trying to move forward. The good news is that if you have received this card in the retrograde aspect, you are meant to be looking for lessons. Not just any lessons, either—lessons on love, forgiveness, and fidelity, all lit by this card’s ruling planet, the sun. Relationships are complicated, and sometimes good ones get away. Seek what you need in the past, but only bring back what will assist you in the present.

Six of Swords


The Six of Swords is about movement. It lets you know a shift is coming. Unless, of course, you block it. I have always found it interesting that this card is often depicted as physical movement, like a journey, yet the swords are mental, which means this journey (you know, the one you’re blocking) is all in your head. For whatever reason, you just can’t seem to wrap your head around leaving behind what no longer serves you and moving on. Right now you are just not willing to change your mind or your beliefs about your current situation. Well, that is, until it serves you to do so.


Have you ever been stuck at the departure gate at the airport or worse, on the tarmac? If you have, you know exactly how this card feels when it is in the protection position. You are all set and ready to fly away, move on, and get going, but instead—nothing. You just sit there. No movement whatsoever. Complete bummer. Most of the time you find out why after the fact, which is more than likely the case with this card as well. Knowing why it is in the protection aspect won’t serve you in any way. If anything, it will only aggravate you. But later, after you have arrived at your destination, hindsight will be a beautiful thing.


This card holds special meaning for me, as it played a very large role in my own personal healing journey. I am a domestic violence survivor, and while I was healing my many emotional and mental scars, this card would pop up a lot in the mirror position. This is the card of escape but with mental baggage. The problem with any abuse is that it lingers. It conditions us to think, feel, and react in very specific ways. Holding on to this unwanted mental baggage is a choice, and letting it go takes time and consistent effort. The Six of Swords in the mirror aspect shows us where we are in that letting-go journey: heading away from the past and into an unknown future.


The Six of Swords card is often referred to as the card that makes the crossing through the underworld, or, to put it another way, the journey of the dead. What in your life is now dead? Perhaps a relationship is done with. Maybe your idea or goal is better sent far, far away. Or maybe you are the one hanging on to something that is desperate to get away! In the shadow aspect of this card, you are being asked to explore your resistance to a current situation, problem, or conflict. Why are you dragging it out, and what reason do you have to stop the natural flow of beginnings and endings?


The Six of Swords shows Mercury and Aquarius coming together for some future thinking, yet here in the retrograde aspect, Mercury’s wires might be getting a little crossed and causing confusion. Not all journeys run smoothly, and not everyone makes it to the other side unscathed. If the Six of Swords has shown up in the retrograde aspect, you may need to slow down and do your daily tasks one at a time. Break up your larger goals so that you can stay focused on shorter deadlines, and keep checking to make sure that you aren’t actually going backward!

Six of Wands


Most people overlook the mundane successes. They don’t stop to count their small blessings, never quite seem satisfied with what they have created, and instead focus on what is missing. If you have received the Six of Wands in the blocked aspect, you are missing the small miracles of everyday life. When you have the Six of Wands blocked, try a simple exercise to keep you focused on your everyday blessings. Each day list five things that made your day joyful, productive, and abundant. These won’t be big things; they will be small, like seeds just waiting to grow.


It may not seem like a positive thing to have the card of victory show up in the protection aspect, but it really is. When we are beginning a new cycle or project, sometimes it is best to keep things to ourselves. Even the good bits. Oftentimes it is to keep others from contaminating the energetic vortex we are creating, and other times it is because we are in the process of rebuilding our own reserves of self-esteem. If this card has shown up in the protection aspect, it is reminding you to not stop, not give up, and keep building on all the breakthroughs. Each step brings you closer to your dreams or goals.


Are you someone who just doesn’t know how to take a compliment? Maybe you just don’t know how to deal with people talking you up and showering you with praise. Believe it or not, most truly successful people don’t know how to take praise. They just shrug it off and keep on moving. If you are seeing the Six of Wands in the mirror aspect, then it is time for you to learn two very simple words: thank you. The next time someone compliments you or wants to sing your praises, just say thank you. That’s it, that’s all. Just two words. You can do it.


Here in the shadow aspect of the Six of Wands, we see the ego at its very best. The normal flow of success and small blessings is blown out of proportion once the ego gets in the driver’s seat. The ego loves to be praised and needs to be seen. It sounds a bit like a social media drama queen, which is probably an apt depiction of the Six of Wands in the shadow aspect. If this card has shown up in your reading, you might want to ask yourself why you have turned your life into a reality TV show. Why do you need constant praise, and how much adoration will make you happy?


Here in the retrograde aspect, we see Jupiter and Leo lighting the path to victory. But it’s only the path. This is important to remember. As Jupiter retrogrades, you will need Leo’s fire to burn brightly as you put in the time, energy, and effort to bring yourself into the vortex of success. When this card shows up in your reading, just know that you are not there yet. You are close, but you are missing something. Maybe you have not managed to get all your wands working together, or perhaps your foundation is not as strong as it needs to be to support your growth. Whatever it is, correct the issue and then watch the blessings of the upright and direct Jupiter come to pass.

Six of Pentacles


The Six of Pentacles is a card of giving and receiving, yet somehow you have landed this card in the blocked aspect. What’s up with that? When this card shows up in the blocked aspect, you can be sure you have a block in your abundance hose. Nothing is getting through. The worst part is you really need it to be flowing right now. What are you more committed to, your needs or how you think those needs should be met? There is a difference, and that difference is your worst enemy right now.


Sometimes what you need is what you already have. When this card shows up in the protection aspect, the universe may be telling you to dig deeper. It may seem like you need outside assistance, but the truth is you don’t. More to the point, you’re not in the right position to accept. Think of it like this: you want to ask the bank for a loan but you don’t have all your paperwork in order or you still have some outstanding debts that could cause your loan application to be tanked. This means you need to do more work. You have to put yourself in order before asking for more.


Sometimes success doesn’t look the way we thought it would, and because of this, we may actually miss it when it shows up. With the Six of Pentacles in the mirror aspect, you are being asked to take another look and see if you missed something. Something important. A milestone, a personal win. Success is an intangible thing, and it rarely shows up with fireworks to announce itself. If you’re not paying attention or don’t pay closer attention, you may very well miss it.


One of the more interesting visual interpretations of this card is a man holding scales and dishing out coins. Yet who decides who gets the coins and how much? The shadow aspect of this card hints that you might be the one in a place of judgment here. Perhaps you think you know who deserves more time, energy, love, and focus and who doesn’t. In many respects, we see a very manipulative energy in the shadow aspect of this card. Keep in mind that we all get judged at some point, and as you sit and decide on what you give and to whom, someone else is doing the exact same thing to you.


In the Six of Pentacles, we see Taurus shine under the glowing light of the moon, yet in the retrograde aspect, the moon is dark. Under a dark moon, it is harder to see what is being offered and which path is going to be the one that holds the best rewards. In fact, when the Six of Pentacles shows up in the retrograde aspect, it might be wise to settle in for a bit and wait till you can get a clearer picture of what’s in front of you before you decide what you need or don’t need. Taurus is a very practical sign when it is in power, but in the retrograde aspect, it could find itself on the defensive with its horns up. Just stop, take a breath, and wait for things to settle.


The sevens are a very interesting group of cards. In numerology, seven is often referred to as the master/student number as well as the rest and retreat number. A lot of people don’t think of seven as much of an action number, but the truth is the seven is all about the process of movement. It teaches us when to move, when to be still, when to retreat, and when to inspire action via leadership. As we saw in the chariot, for a so-called passive number the seven sure has a lot to teach us about action, momentum, direction, and distraction. Sevens are naturally quieter than other numbers, but don’t let that fool you. Quiet consistency is what moves mountains. A seven may not need to be flashy to get a result, but that doesn’t mean the results aren’t fabulous. The biggest challenge for the seven is lacking intellectual stimulation. Being a very cerebral number by nature, a seven can get bored easily, which means it gets distracted easily and often. When a seven wanders into your life, you will need to be mindful of staying on task and all the little things that can pull you off course.

Seven of Cups


The Seven of Cups is challenging enough in the upright position, but here in the blocked aspect it only gets worse. It is good to have ideas, dreams, and wishes, but when we do nothing but stay inside our heads, we lose touch with the grounding action that is needed to bring all those wondrous images in our heads into the physical world. If you have received this card in the blocked aspect, you will find it very hard indeed to manifest anything right now, as you have deactivated the action part of the seven energy. Thoughts, feelings, and actions create tangible things. You need all the ingredients.


Sometimes it can be a good thing to be overwhelmed. Why? Because it immobilizes you. This means you literally can’t get in your own way. And when you are unable to get in your own way, wonderful things can happen. Think about one time in your life when your head was so full and so busy you just didn’t have room, energy, or time for fear, doubt, or worry. This is the Seven of Cups in the protection aspect. Sometimes it pays to just let things move on their own without any guidance or assistance from you. When this card shows up in the protective aspect, just relax. Everything is happening for your higher good.


The Seven of Cups in the mirror aspect is a great teacher, for it reflects all that you have created, all that you wish to create, and all that can stop you from creating. This card is not so much about choice as it is about being able to read and negotiate your feelings. You are doomed to make choices, but how you feel about those choices is a different matter altogether. When the Seven of Cups shows up in the mirror aspect, be ready to accept the lesson. Take notes and really research how you feel about the way you manifest and how you utilize opportunities when they show up.


The Seven of Cups in the shadow aspect can be a trap, especially if it keeps showing up. Visualizing and fantasizing certainly has its place in the manifestation process, but it is not a place we are meant to permanently live in. I have seen many people get so caught up in their fantasy worlds that they become totally disconnected from their actual lives. They become untethered and find it hard to ground and function in their daily lives. In many ways, this card has a way of seducing you into the shadows of your mind and holding you hostage. Be careful when this card shows up that you are not allowing your fantasy world to pull you off the path to the life you actually want to live.


If you ever wanted to know why this card is so attractive, look no further than its planetary influence, Venus. Venus, which is connected to the Empress, wants to make all her children happy, so she shows them all that is possible. But like all good parents, she doesn’t walk the path for you. No, that part is all you. If this card has shown up in the retrograde aspect, you may be feeling abandoned or alone on your quest for success, happiness, and fulfillment, but the truth is you have not been forsaken. Quite the opposite. You probably just missed the open door left by the Divine Mother for you to walk through. Retrace your steps or look at the cards before this one to see clues you overlooked in your haste to get to the end result.

Seven of Swords


The Seven of Swords is really a card about perception. Is this card about taking action without a plan? Deception? Getting even? Being able to think quickly on your feet in order to get what you need in the moment you need it? Regardless of how you perceive the actions of this card, if it is in the blocked aspect, you won’t be taking action on any of the above. Instead, you will be taking the time to ponder the situation. Your actions will be blocked at every turn as you struggle to find a way to justify what needs to be done. Getting another perspective right now may actually be just what you need.


Have you ever had someone talk you out of doing something you knew you would eventually regret? If so, then you have experienced the Seven of Swords in the protection aspect in real life. In the upright position there tends to be a bit of an implosive energy to this card; it’s action without thinking about the long-term consequences. Here in the protection aspect, the reality of the future beyond the action looms large. Karmically speaking, when we take from others or deal with others with a vibration of ill intent, then that energy comes back and bites us in the ass. Having this card in the protection aspect is a blessing to your future self.


Here in the mirror aspect of the Seven of Swords, we get a chance to stop, slow down, and think about all those swords dancing around in our heads. Think of each sword as an idea, thought, or belief. In Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot, we see that two swords get left behind. Could this be deliberate? If so, does that mean that after some consideration, not all ideas, thoughts, and beliefs are needed after all? What you leave behind may be more important than what you decided to take with you.


Do you know what a “taker” is? Someone who takes and takes and takes yet never seems to ever give anything in return. We have all played that role at some point in our lives, whether we wish to acknowledge it or not. Just remember that in order for abundance in all of its glorious forms to flow, there has to be a constant balance between giving and taking. When there is too much of one and not enough of the other, our abundance flow loses momentum and we begin to operate out of fear. This leads to poor decisions, spiteful actions, and disrespect for those who have what you do not.


Just to add to the ambiguity of this card, it is associated with the mysterious, moody, constantly shifting moon. If this card has shown up in the retrograde aspect, you may want to check in with the current moon phases, as each phase has specific lessons, blessings, and challenges. These lessons and blessings may be unexpected, as the planet Uranus is all about surprises. Whether they are good or bad will depend on you.

Seven of Wands


Regardless of the orientation of this card, the Seven of Wands is a call to action. Whether you see it as taking a lone stand against others or a leader preparing followers for action, there is an element of strategy and forward movement about this card. Unless, of course, it’s blocked, in which case you have a bit of a problem, because this card does mean action. When this card is blocked, you can bet the energy is going to show up as anger and resentment somewhere else down the track. Keep that in mind if you continue to resist the movement this card brings.


Sometimes we need to focus on one thing and one thing only. When the Seven of Wands shows up in the protection aspect, you might need to think about your immediate needs as opposed to your global vision. It’s great to want to leave your mark on the world and take a firm stand for your beliefs, but right now you need to focus on the I and not the we. The energy of the wands burns quickly and fiercely, and you are the one who needs that intense energy.


As you look at this card from the mirror aspect, you may find you need to justify your current call to arms. Something has you all riled up, but why? Oftentimes we find ourselves reacting instead of observing and making informed decisions that will not only benefit ourselves but those around us. While you have this highly charged card in the mirror aspect, perhaps you can take this opportunity to see if you are acting on behalf of your greater good or if your reactive ego has gotten the better of you.


There really is a difference between tenacity, stupidity, and being a bully. Sure, they all share the never-give-up, never-surrender attitude, but that’s where the similarity ends. If this card has shown up in the shadow aspect, you are walking a thin line between being stupid and being a bully. You are making waves just because you can and bringing confrontation everywhere you go. The real question is, why? Even if standing your ground and being stubborn has just become a survival habit, right now in this position it is not serving you and is only making things worse. Put down your wand and find an alternative before it’s too late.


If anyone is happy about Mars being retrograde in this card, it’s Leo. Leo is a sign that can go one of two ways. It can be a true heart-centered sign, or it can be a full-on ego-based sign. Without Mars fanning the flames of Leo’s stubborn pride, Venus can come in and open the heart-based energy that Leo loves to spread. When the Seven of Wands shows up in the retrograde aspect, it is a sign that more love needs to be expressed. It may not feel like it, but that is exactly what is required. Gentle, loving action will get you far better results right now than rushing in and bellowing a war cry.

Seven of Pentacles


Unfortunately, I am very intimately connected to the Seven of Pentacles in its upright position. It seems I am forever in some sort of holding pattern. I have also fallen victim to this card in its blocked aspect. I have tried to force something into being, tried to create a result that was just not possible and wasted time, money, and energy on things that brought me no joy, success, or happiness. No action is the best action when the Seven of Pentacles is roaming freely in your reading. Stop trying to figure things out. Stop throwing money, time, and energy into a bottomless pit and sit this cycle out.


You are in a holding pattern. Things aren’t ready, ripe, or completely manifest. It is around about this time that a lot of people go and start digging up the seeds in their manifestation garden to see why they are still not fully grown yet. A good gardener knows that weeding, watering, and feeding your plants is the best way to get the best result from them. Don’t dig them up and check the roots day after day and expect the plant to be healthy and happy. If you have received this card in the protective aspect, you are being told to stop. Put your shovel down. Trust in the process and just keep your wishes, dreams, and manifestations healthy.


The Seven of Pentacles in the mirror aspect reflects our level of attachment to our material world. If you are impatient, forceful, and controlling, this card will be uncomfortable regardless of its orientation. If you are inflexible and deeply attached to the outside world, then patience is not going to be your strongest asset. But if you can learn to understand the growth cycles of the physical world, you will understand when it is time to leave something be and walk away. Now is the time to focus your attention elsewhere and start another project, as this current one is now able to take care of itself.


It is here in the shadows that all our fears, doubts, and insecurities tend to get the better of us. The Seven of Pentacles can be seen as the harvest card, and here in the shadow lands of the subconscious what you are seeing may be adding to your stress and anxiety. There is a tendency here in the shadow aspect to wrap one’s personal sense of self-worth with the result seen in the physical world. This is a trick of your ego. Know that what you see can always be built upon. The Seven of Pentacles is not the end result—it is merely a glimpse of what could be.


In the upright position, we see the full impact of Saturn’s direct power influencing the energy of this card. Here in the retrograde aspect Saturn’s grip has been loosened and things don’t seem as restricted as they once did. This can have both a positive and negative impact on the results you are seeking. When Saturn is away, there is a tendency to slack off and throw discipline out the window. This can allow us to drag our feet and forget that we reap what we sow. On the flip side, without Saturn’s controlling energy dictating our every move, we are free to explore more creative ways to expand, grow, and capitalize on what we are growing and manifesting.


If ever there were a number for expansion, it would be the eight. Eights love the material world and finding their place in it. An eight has the courage and tenacity to achieve things others would never dream of. If there is one thing an eight likes, it’s a challenge, and it is needing to constantly push the boundaries that can be the eights’ downfall. Eights can forget to ask when enough is enough. An eight’s strength is also its weakness, for it is both a blessing and curse to be expanding, growing, trying new things, and seeking personal and spiritual value all the time.

Eight of Cups


When is it time to walk away, and when is it time to stay? When is it time to turn our backs on all that we have felt, believed, and experienced, and when is it time to turn around and embrace them? If you have received this card in the blocked aspect, there is a possibility that you can’t seem to find an answer to the above questions or, more to the point, can’t find an answer to your current question or situation that feels right. When the Eight of Cups is blocked, you won’t be able to navigate all the emotions that are now presenting themselves to you. It might seem like the best action is to just walk away, but the problem is you have no idea where you would go.


There is a time to shed unwanted emotions and feelings, and there is a time to face them head on. Now is that time. Under the bright spotlight of the moon, all that you have been ignoring or trying to move away from is now demanding you pay some attention. In order to make a clean break and wipe the slate clean, you first need to face what you wish to leave behind. When this card shows up in your reading, it wants to protect the future you by making sure you don’t build your new manifestation vortex with old, toxic emotions from the past.


If you put an actual mirror next to the Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot version of this card, the figure is walking toward him or herself. I can’t help but wonder if this is a reminder that no matter where you go, you always take yourself with you. This is an interesting point of meditation for this card. In vibrational terms you never go anywhere, yet it doesn’t seem to stop any of us from seeking something else, something more, or something better. Where exactly are you trying to go, what are you hoping to find when you get there, and how are you expecting to feel once you arrive?


I know you have heard the term self-sabotage. Here in the shadow aspect of the Eight of Cups we can see another example of your inability to follow through on yet another goal, dream, or even relationship. This card is also called the Lord of Abandoned Success, not so much because the venture could not be made successful, but because it was given up on before it could bear results. If this card has come up in your reading or daily draw, stop and see if you are repeating a pattern of self-sabotaging behavior, one that tends to constantly leave you feeling unfulfilled, bored, and dissatisfied.


For a planet that usually likes structure, discipline, and order, Saturn is really showing its sloppy side in the Eight of Cups. That could be because it is rubbing up against the dreamy, fantasy side of Pisces, or it could be that this whole experience has just not inspired it one little bit. If you have gotten this card in its retrograde aspect, you will need to retrace your steps to find the exact point you lost interest in this particular attempt at expansion. Somewhere along the line you missed the gift and the lesson of this experience. Go back and find it, and then you can move on clean and clear.

Eight of Swords


The Eight of Swords is a card that a lot of people have trouble with regardless of its orientation. Is the woman bound and blocked already? Is she being a typical eight and just setting herself an even greater challenge to overcome? I always see this card as a bit of an extreme challenge card, which means here in the blocked aspect you might be wondering if maybe this time you have totally screwed yourself over with this new endeavor. Yet doesn’t there have to be some sort of breakdown, some sense of doubt before we have that point of revelation? Feelings of overwhelm and mental fatigue may be present when this card shows up in the blocked aspect, but trust the process all the same.


It really is hard to picture this card ever giving off the energy of protection, yet for me this card hints at the same need for surrender we find in the Hanged Man: the need to block the physical sense so that other aspects of your inner knowing can be heard and acknowledged. Just like the Hanged Man, the image seems extreme, yet don’t we always wait till something extreme happens to stop looking outside of ourselves to find the answers and solutions that are right inside us? Here in the protection aspect the Eight of Swords wants you to disengage from the physical world, to put yourself at odds with the senses and seek the inner divine knowledge that gets lost under the constant bellowing of the ego.


Let’s say for a second that the scene we are looking at on this card has been inflicted upon the woman. Someone else has placed her in the position against her will. Follow this through to its logical conclusion. If this is the case, why is she still there? There is obviously no one there to stop her from leaving. The swords themselves don’t block her, and her ropes don’t seem too tight. Why does she stay? As a point of reflection, consider this: Why do you stay in situations and conditions that bind you? For here in the mirror aspect, she is reflecting something present in your life. How does this illusion of being stuck serve you?


I know I can’t be the only person who looks at this card and sees it as sexual, evoking thoughts about S&M. I have actually contemplated what the safe word for this card would be. I can never look at this card and see someone who has had their power taken away. Quite the opposite—I see a woman on a quest for her power. Digging deep into her beliefs about what power means and how to experience control. Being tied up and restricted is not always a sign of being powerless. In fact, it can be very liberating, for when you are tied up, you don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to be anywhere, and just for once you are not obligated to give anyone anything. It can be totally about you and your experience. You may even find it pleasurable.


One could argue that the upright version of this card is actually the retrograde aspect of its ruling planet, Jupiter. When Jupiter is retrograde, it is much harder to find the traction to expand and grow, which means that when you flip this card in the reverse aspect, you actually free Jupiter and return it to its direct position. This may or may not be a good thing. It really does depend on what cards land before this one in your reading. If you can see that you have been spinning your wheels, desperate to find firmer ground, then this is a positive position for the Eight of Swords. If, however, you find dreamy, distracting cards in front of this card, maybe you want to keep Jupiter bound just a little longer.

Eight of Wands


In the upright position, this card offers a clear path, a burning desire to move forward unobstructed. Here in the blocked aspect, there is a hint that fear might be holding you back or, more to the point, rendering you paralyzed and unable to move at all. Eights by nature need to expand. They crave growth. If these two things become stifled, then you can expect to see anger, resentment, and jealousy raise their nasty little heads. It would serve you well to unblock this energy as quickly as possible because forcing yourself to not act will do more damage than if you just stepped through the fear and embraced the path you yourself manifested.


Unlike in the blocked aspect of this card, in which you are choosing not to take action, in the protected aspect of the Eight of Wands, the universe is stepping in to deny your forward movement. More than likely if this card has shown up in the protection aspect, you don’t have things perfectly aligned for the result you wish to create. This might be needing to find a new direction, getting yourself out of the way, or correcting your inner game. Either way, the universe has sidelined you for a reason. Surrender and let it take care of the things that for now you are unable to do yourself.


What’s stopping you from living your life full of purpose, passion, and power? It’s okay if you can’t answer that question right off the cuff. It really is a difficult question to answer. If you have the Eight of Wands in the mirror aspect, this is a question you need to sit and meditate on. These eight wands are full of power, passion, and purpose, yet they aren’t headed in the direction they should be. In fact, in the mirror aspect, they are headed back to the sender. What do you think will happen if you allow your desires to fly out into the world? Perhaps this question is easier to answer, for it is in answering this that you will find the real reason you are not living your life the way you truly want to.


One of the interesting features about the Eight of Wands card is that it is often depicted without any people in it, which seems to make it somewhat ambiguous. Regardless of its orientation, how can you tell if the flying wands are friendly fire or an enemy attack? This is why in the shadow aspect the Eight of Wands might put you on the defensive. Rather than seeing this card as a sign to forge ahead unobstructed, you may instead feel like you are under fire. If this card has shown up in your reading or daily draw, check in and see how it makes you feel, because there is a good chance this may tap into your fight-or-flight response.


It should not be surprising that Mercury, the planet of messages, and fiery Sagittarius, the archer, play a big part in the energy of this card. But remember, archers don’t always hit their mark, and Mercury likes to do the backward slide at least three times a year. There is a lot of energy that could be misdirected or misinterpreted in this card, so don’t be surprised if while it is in its retrograde aspect you are confused and uncertain about what you are thinking, feeling, and doing. The blessings of this card are in its Golden Dawn title, Lord of Swiftness, for the energy of this card moves quickly. Whatever challenges these eight wands have brought into your current experience won’t last long.

Eight of Pentacles


All work and no play makes you a workaholic! I have always thought that the reversed aspect of this card is someone who has allowed their work to be the one and only focus of their lives or needs to be the best at their work. Here in the blocked aspect I think we can take this even further and say that right now work has become your way of denying what else is going on in your life. Remember, eights like to expand. They like to grow and roam free with force and purpose, and when one area of their life feels restricted and uncomfortable, it is very easy for the eight to find another area to throw itself into. Avoidance and denial never make anything better; they merely put off the inevitable.


If this card has shown up in the protection aspect you may be feeling frustrated with your job, career, or health right now. Frustration is a sure sign that you are pushing something that either should not be pushed or is not ready to expand, change, or shift. I understand the need to see results. However, timing is everything, and very rarely does the physical world work at our human speed. Instead, use this time to take a break and distance yourself from what you are working to create. This will create space or a gap that will be of more benefit to you than if you keep on pushing.


Do you admire people who work hard, or do you pity them? Here in the mirror aspect any and all beliefs you have about hard work, discipline, and success are being reflected at you. They are doing so to make sure that your beliefs are matching up with your actions. Any inconsistencies or misalignments will show up the moment you look at both sides of your eight coins. If you believe hard work is for schmucks, then there is a good chance you are half-assing your goals and your results are disappointing, to say the least. If you admire hard work and hold it up as a beacon of virtue, then you might be allowing your need for perfection to stifle you. For now, step back and see what is being reflected and adjust accordingly.


Whether we like to admit it or not, there is an insidious side to “busyness.” It makes us unattainable, disconnects us from people, places, and things we don’t want to deal with, and removes us from responsibilities outside our busy work. But at the end of the day, busyness is an excuse—one that deliberately stops you from engaging with others and taking responsibility for the state of your relationships and your current life energy. You may be using this excuse to shut people out, block movement, and keep them at arm’s length. When this card shows up in the shadow aspect, make sure you are not using it as a weapon to inflict pain on those around you and yourself.


The Eight of Pentacles is ruled by the sun. As we know, the sun doesn’t have a retrograde cycle, nor does it go backward in any way, shape, or form. It does, however, eclipse, flare up, and change its intensity with the seasons. It also disappears at night, meaning it allows for rest. If you have received the Eight of Pentacles in the retrograde aspect, it may be time to take a break. Stop burning and blazing for a moment and rest. Turn out the lights and let the darkness embrace you as you allow your body to regenerate before the sun comes up once again.


In numerology, nine is the last number, the end of a cycle and a sign of completion, which seems a little out of whack in the minor arcana, considering we technically have one more card to move through. But when we start looking at the cards, it is easy to see that the nines do represent the completion of or the need to let go of cycles, experiences, people, places, and things. You will also see that the lessons of the nine don’t come easily, and just for an extra dose of fun we are going to flip those lessons and throw them in reverse.

Nine of Cups


The Nine of Cups has in recent times become the card of wishes or wishes fulfilled. The card that shows you that all your guilty pleasures can and will be within reach. But here in the blocked aspect, you could say that your wish is blocked or that what you want to happen could have consequences that will damage your integrity. This may feel unfair, but in reality the universe is actually conspiring in your favor. It may just take some time for you to see how out of alignment your wants and needs really are.


Sometimes having what you want is not the same as having what you need. Most material things only offer momentary pleasure and are a lousy substitute for true inner peace and happiness. With the Nine of Cups in the protection aspect, you are getting the opportunity to see what it is you really need right now. Take this time to see if you have been putting too much emphasis on material things and ego gains rather than deeper, more spiritual happiness and joy.


Do you allow yourself to experience pleasure? Is pleasure something you schedule into your life and expect to show up? Most people don’t actually allow real pleasure into their lives, mainly because they are too full of other emotions to completely engage in the experience. But here in the mirror aspect of the Nine of Cups, you are being given another chance. Another opportunity to seek pleasure at a deeper, more spiritual level. In the words of Pema Chödrön, just “lean into” yourself.


When you are abundant and joyful, do you share these blessings with those around you, or do you horde them away in fear of someone taking what you think you have? The giver understands that everything is temporary and that this current wave isn’t meant to last forever, so why not share the good vibes and give openly and freely? The hoarder, however, tries to hold on to experiences as permanent states of being. Perhaps that is why we often see this card with plenty of drinks to go around.


Jupiter’s handiwork is very evident in this card, especially in its upright position. When Jupiter goes on hiatus, where there was once cause for celebration there are now moments to cry in your cup. Jupiter is a helper, and when your trusty planet of expansion and holder of doors goes on vacation, you can start to feel alone, helpless, and abandoned. Getting this card in the retrograde aspect is a sign that things go in cycles. There is a time to celebrate, there is a time to let go, and there is a time to reassess and start again.

Nine of Swords


I don’t think I have ever seen anyone happy to see the Nine of Swords, yet this card, like the Devil, offers clues to divine liberation. Unfortunately, if you have this card in the blocked aspect, you are too attached to your suffering to see the healing power this card holds. That may seem harsh, but the truth is your stress serves you. Whatever is keeping you up at night is not something you are ready to relinquish. You aren’t even interested in listening to other possible solutions. The question you need to ask yourself is, why? What’s in it for you if you continue to suffer?


I have suffered insomnia long enough to know it can have a positive side. Being up at night allows you time to sit in silence, to shut out the noise of the day and really find the things that have a deeper meaning. Nine times out of ten the stress we accumulate is obtained from things that aren’t overly important, yet in the dark of the night the ego is easy to hear. In fact, its fear and panic will come in loud and clear, which is a good thing. When you can identify the triggers of your ego, you can protect your decision-making process when the light of day returns.


The Nine of Swords in the mirror aspect reminds me of the legendary dark mirror artifact that shows people their greatest fear. Maybe it should be said that it shows them the truth about the human experience, that we are nothing but rotting flesh that eventually will decompose, leaving nothing but bare bones. This in-your-face reminder of impermanence is enough to tailspin most people into a sudden victim state. But the truth is accepting one’s temporary nature is the only way to release the grip of suffering and find true inner peace. You could say that receiving the Nine of Swords in the mirror aspect is the next step along your path of enlightenment.


How we think about other people says a lot about how we think of ourselves. Here in the shadow aspect of the Nine of Swords, you are being asked to examine what sort of thoughts you are thinking about yourself. You may think that having these thoughts inside your head doesn’t hurt anyone, but you could not be more wrong. If you are shooting them daggers in your mind, you may need to consider the karma that is inevitably going to be returned to you tenfold.


Here in the Nine of Swords, we see Mars playing games with the Gemini mind. The good news is that when Mars is retrograde, Venus brings her loving energy to the forefront. This is exactly what Gemini needs right now as Mars tries to sabotage all the good work you have done and all the success you have achieved. Luckily for you, Mars’s grip is not so tight, and despite the hiccups, you are on track. Don’t let small niggling doubts derail you.

Nine of Wands


You could argue that this card is blocked in its upright position, which could actually be true. The Nine of Wands does show a certain amount of tension. The man doesn’t want to let down his guard or give up any ground. In this aspect, you could be digging in your heels, almost to the point of being totally inflexible. When a negative energy is amplified, it never ends well, not for you and not for any other people who may be involved. Just do yourself a favor and don’t act in anger. Take a moment or two to breathe. It will do more good than you could possibly imagine.


Sometimes it is easier to surrender than it is to keep fighting. Especially when taking such a hard line is draining you of your life-force energy. Being defiant and stubborn can be exhausting, and when you start to fray at the edges, it is a sign to put your weapons down and think about another approach to your current issues or problems. When this card shows up in the protection aspect, the universe is nudging you toward self-preservation. Heed the warning and start thinking about other ways to move forward.


The Nine of Wands image from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, which shows a figure on bended knee as if he were paying homage to the hard, rough journey that got him to where he now stands, reminds me of the Stoic saying “the obstacle is the way.” In other words, it is what defeats you, knocks you down, and causes a failure that is the real blessing. The more we hear “no,” the closer we get to “yes.” Each time we fail we got closer to success. Here in the mirror aspect, your resolve is being tested. Can and will you continue to pick yourself up and keep going? Or will you, like the image on the card, kneel down and surrender?


There is an aspect of the warrior in this card but not necessarily the victorious one. Here in the shadow aspect of the Nine of Wands you might be allowing yourself to be defined by how you have “overcome” rather than by all the blessings you have received. It is easy to overlook the more positive aspects of one’s experience when they seem so overshadowed by the negative. Yet you have to ask yourself, do you always want to be known as someone who gets bashed around, or as someone who seeks higher ground and is not attached to revenge or retribution?


Sagittarius is no stranger to fire and has no problem taking aim, either. With the moon in its waning cycle under this card’s retrograde aspect, the power you hold in your hands is available for all to see. How will you use this power? What happened last time this power was at your disposal? Check the cards that came before this one to see what clues and guidance are being offered to you in this moment.

Nine of Pentacles


This may sound silly, but there is a part of you that is blocking your own independence. If the upside-down Nine of Pentacles has shown up in your reading or daily draw, then it is an indicator that you are relying heavily on others and not enough on your own potential. This could bring with it a feeling of helplessness, but the fact is you are not helpless at all—you are just blocked. All you need to do to turn this energy around is be disciplined. Restate your goals and reinforce the boundaries around your intentions. Then and only then will this block shift, and things will start flowing once again.


This card has always had an ambiguous feel to it. I mean, are we inside the garden or are we outside? If we are outside of the garden, then who or what is being protected with the nine pentacles? This question becomes even more relevant in this aspect, as you are feeling the need to protect your resources or garden of abundance. Now may not be the time to give all your secrets away or share your resources. Instead, keep them somewhere safe and sound. Like behind a heavily locked Nine of Pentacles gate.


Sometimes all that glitters is not gold. If we look more closely at the Nine of Pentacles through the lens of the mirror, can you see where the glamour ends and where the real picture begins? There is a part of this card that does make you wonder if it’s all for show. Is this lovely scene of safety and security nothing more than an image for the outside world to see? It is easy to judge a scene like this one and claim that the woman obviously has it all, yet being too quick to judge this snapshot in time may very well be the lesson you need to learn.


At the beginning of this section, I discussed how the nine in numerology is the end of a cycle. The Nine of Coins of The Raven’s Prophecy Tarot features only a fully bloomed rose and could not capture this energy any more perfectly. But what happens next? Once something has bloomed, it has nowhere else to go. The growing is done, and the only thing left is to be transformed by death. This is a very real fear for a lot of people; if they allow themselves success or happiness or even love, once it is obtained, there will be nothing left but to die. This fear can be so strong that it acts as the biggest self-destruct button you have ever created! Be mindful when this card shows up in the shadow aspect.


In the upright version of this card, we get to see Venus strut her stuff in the garden of abundance. Yet here in the retrograde aspect with her influence waning, it is not uncommon to question the results you see before you. The clue to how you really feel about all your hard work lies in the cards that came before this one. If they seem upbeat and positive, then congratulations, you have allowed yourself some success. If, however, they have a heaviness and denser energy about them, then perhaps the path you took to get to your garden wasn’t the best choice.


In traditional numerology, ten is reduced to its single number value, one, but in modern times the ten is starting to get a lot more attention. One in numerology is the beginning of a cycle, and the zero is the possibility of what is to come. Here in the minor arcana the ten marks the end of the road, the last card on the paths of the four suits. The tens show what you have achieved and what is possible as you continue to move forward. They are the connecting link between the past and the future. They let you know what you are or are not taking with you as you enter a new cycle, which means that even though they mark the ending of the suits, they also mark the beginning of a new adventure.

Ten of Cups


The upright position of this card often has an element of community or family to it. But here in the blocked aspect, you are not inclined to be a team player. All of that “tribe” nonsense means nothing to you. You can do it all by yourself. Who needs a community, right? Well, here’s the thing, while you are busy blocking the shortest possible way to your dreams, you are also making yourself miserable. We all need people. Like it or not, you will have to join the rest of the world eventually.


Even if you don’t feel like being part of the group or contributing to the larger community right this second, it doesn’t mean that you are alone. None of us walks through this world alone. Whether we like to admit it or not, someone somewhere has our backs. If you have received this card in the protection aspect, remember that you are not alone. Even if you are trying really hard to be.


Have you ever been to someone’s house and the walls were lined with pictures of what appears to be the perfect family, only you found out later it’s all for show? That is what I often think of when I see the Ten of Cups in the mirror aspect; the outer image is not even close to aligning with the real situation. If you have this card in the mirror aspect, you might be creating a false image of who you really are. This sort of disingenuous projection will never hold up, so be forewarned that someone will eventually see through all the smoke and mirrors.


In the guidebook for my own tarot deck, The Animal Totem Tarot, I talk about this card as a form of community or, more to the point, being part of a community. Here in the shadow, aspect you have some real fears and concerns about being a part of something, almost as if you don’t trust anyone but yourself. This lack of trust and disengagement from the world around you has caused you to become isolated. This sort of separation will only reinforce your disgust in those around you. In order to get this card back in the light, you are going to have to hold a space where you are at least willing to feel warmth and compassion for yourself and those who can make your life happier, healthier, and whole.


If ever there were a dreamer, it would be the sign of Pieces, and here, with the coaxing influence of Mars, it is understandable that you are only seeing what you wish to see and not what is truly there. Denial does not create a reality worth living, and here with the Ten of Cups retrograde you might be repeating an old self-sabotaging cycle. Do yourself a favor and really check in and see that your dream has not disengaged you from what actually needs to take place in your life to bring about happiness and joy. Only then will you be able to turn this card around.

Ten of Swords


When I first started reading cards, I worked as a psychic on one of those 1-800 lines. To say it was an eye-opener is an understatement, but it was during this time that I learned the real meaning of the Ten of Swords in the blocked aspect. This card means it is over. Done, finished, never to be repeated. No matter how many times I explained this to some people, they just wouldn’t accept it or let go. There is something in your life that is done. It is over, and it is meant to be over and stay over. But you won’t let it be done, which means you are also blocking what is waiting to come to you once you drop the dead weight of the Ten of Swords.


If the upright version of this card sees the swords being driven into the body, perhaps here in the protection aspect we can see the swords as falling out of the body. A temporary reprieve from the inevitable. Well, the inevitable if you continue down your current path. Remember, this is an ending card. You can put an end to the pain once and for all if you just let go. Perhaps that is why you have a moment of reprieve here in the protection aspect—so you can decide once and for all what cause of action you will take moving forward.


Intentionally self-inflicted pain is more common than you might think, and very often we do it so someone else won’t be hurt. If you have received this card in the mirror position, there is a good chance you have decided to take on more than your fair share of the pain recently. This may be because you are at the beginning of a healing cycle, or it may be that you have decided to be the human shield for someone close to you. Either way, neither of these positions can be maintained for long.


I like to think of the Ten of Swords in the shadow aspect as the “death of the ego” card, the end of the constant chatter of the monkey mind as one is finally liberated into a more enlightened state. This, however, can be scary. Who are we when the ego-self is no longer in charge of telling us who we are? If this card has come up in a reading, it is time to think about how much the ego has defined who you are and what you have become. Perhaps even do some journal work about the you that could be created once the ego stops labeling you and making you fit into an uncomfortable box.


It would not be unreasonable to question how the sun is playing its part in this particular card. Normally, when the sun shows up, it does so to brighten things up. Nothing about this card looks illuminating, yet looks can be deceiving. In the stillness of this card, we get the feeling that the sun is doing its thing on the inside. You may be down, but you are not out. As the saying goes, the path to success means failing fast and failing often. This one didn’t work. Fabulous, brush yourself off and move on to the next.

Ten of Wands


One of the things I notice the most about the Ten of Wands from Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot is that the wands are blooming. Even though right now you may not see their potential, that doesn’t mean that you won’t. Let’s face it—you won’t be able to keep that fiery energy blocked, bound, and bundled forever. I mean, you do have ten matchsticks ready to spark at any second. Think of it this way: the more you suppress your energy the bigger the explosion you will create.


There are those who have no idea that they are dragging their past around with them, and then there are those who know only too well the energy they carry. Here in the protection aspect of the Ten of Wands, you are very much aware of how the weight of your past is affecting your current situation, but you also know that in this moment it serves you. Just make sure you also know when this burden stops serving you. In order to keep expanding your awareness you must let go when it is time, and you will know when the time is right.


Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders day after day? If so, then seeing the Ten of Wands in the mirrored aspect may be liberating for you. With some distance between you and your load, you can examine what weight is no longer required and what you can give back to others to sort out for themselves. Use this time to view your burdens with some separation and some space. It will benefit you in the long run.


In The Raven’s Prophecy Tarot, the Ten of Wands card shows a stag with ten glowing balls of light on it horns. I like to think of this as fiery energy lighting your way to a better path. It’s as if the stag is a guide, a totem wanting to lead you through the shadow lands. It is quite liberating to think of this card as a liberator and not a bearer of more burdens. Use the light and guidance of this card to find your next phase, next cycle, and next new path out of the heavy, weighty shadow lands you currently seem to find yourself in.


In the Ten of Wands, it looks like the defensive fence or blockade in the Nine of Wands has been finally demolished and is being carried away. It’s as if you have decided to take your bat and ball and go home, which kind of makes sense, seeing as Saturn is retrograde in this card. The Lord of Giving a Crap is on vacation and no longer cares. If you have this card in the retrograde aspect, you could consider walking away from something that you have been fighting for. Gather up your energy and take it somewhere more productive.

Ten of Pentacles


The Ten of Pentacles in Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot shows hints of the Fool, his dog, the Magician, and his wand. Could it be that in the upright position we are finally able to accept that we create our own magic and that each journey brings its own rewards? If this is the case, then here in the blocked aspect, you are still struggling to allow your gifts to benefit you—or anyone else, for that matter. All you have to do is stop resisting your gifts and talents and allow yourself to be blessed with that which is yours by divine right.


The first lesson of building wealth is making sure you have enough savings for yourself and any emergencies that may pop up. The Ten of Pentacles in the protection aspect is a reminder to be mindful of your physical resources. This does not mean you need to panic or stress. Merely raise your awareness about what you have and where you have it. This way you won’t feel burdened if the unforeseen happens.


The Ten of Pentacles is often referred to as the legacy card, but what if you don’t know what you want your legacy to be or even if you want to leave one? We are often asked to think about what sort of mark we wish to leave on the world or how we wish to be remembered when we are gone. It always surprises me that there never seems to be room for people who really don’t care about legacy, which is one way to think about the Ten of Pentacles in the mirror aspect. The other, of course, is to say that it is time to get your head straight about what sort of legacy you wish to create.


I know it’s hard to believe that there could possibly be a downside to this card, but there is a lot of fear that surrounds having it all or reaching your ultimate goal. Sometimes we don’t know what happens next or even if there is something that comes after what we have just achieved. These sorts of questions can become like a built-in sabotaging trigger that stops you from ever truly reaching the finish line of the Ten of Pentacles. If this card has come up for you, now is the time for contemplation and finding a way to work through this fear.


When things aren’t going well, everyone wants to blame Mercury retrograde, even if it’s not a Mercury retrograde cycle. Well, guess what? This time you do get to blame Mercury. In this aspect, we see Mercury mixing its signals when it comes to money, health, and resources. This can prove deeply frustrating, especially when you seem to fall short of your expectations, but just like every Mercury retrograde cycle, this reversal of the Ten of Pentacles won’t last long. Soon you will see that this shortfall was actually a blessing.
