Enhance Your Book Club

  1. One of the first things that Hamish and Celestria bond over is their shared love for The Count of Monte Cristo. Try to find one shared love with each member of your reading group. Whether it is a favorite song, book, ice cream flavor, or old cartoon, try to uncover the common links you all share.
  2. Learn more about Puglia. Read the Travel & Leisure article that features the real-life Il Convento di Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, Santa Montefiore’s inspiration for Federica and Gaitano’s bed and breakfast in Sea of Lost Love. http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/puglia-rustica.
  3. When Celestria and Gaitano discover that they share a love of book discussion Celestria reveals her “‘grandfather called it “pecking the flesh” of a good novel.’” Try to come up with other phrases for what you and your book club members do when you’re discussing a great book.
  4. Learn more about Santa Montefiore’s husband, Simon Sebag Montefiore, and his writing by visiting his website at http://www.simonsebagmontefiore.com/.