AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AICRPE All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology
AIT Automated Identification Technology
ASU Ayurveda, Siddha, or Unani
AZ Azadirachtin
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CDER Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research
CDRI Central Drug Research Institute
CDSCO Central Drugs Standards Control Organization
CER comparative effectiveness research
CIMAP Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
CPI conservation priority index
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
DL Digital Library
DNTI drugs from nature targeting inflammation
EBKDL Ethnobotanical Knowledge Digital Library
EMA European Medicine Agency
EOLLS Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
ESTs expressed sequence tags
Fic informant consensus factor
FL fidelity level
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
GAPs good agricultural practices
GC gas chromatography
GCP good clinical practice
GLP good laboratory practices
GMP good manufacturing practice
HTS high throughput screening
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISMs Indian Systems of Medicine
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
LC liquid chromatography
LCPI local conservation priority index
LH luteinizing hormone
MS mass spectrometry
NBA National Biodiversity Authority
NBRI National Botanical Research Institute
NCL National Chemical Laboratory
NGS next generation sequencing
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NPM non-pesticidal management
PIC prior informed consent
PTGs particularly vulnerable tribal groups
RCT randomized clinical trials
RFC relative frequency of citation
RRL Regional Research Laboratories
SK scientific knowledge
ST scheduled tribals
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration
TK traditional knowledge
TKDL Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
TKS traditional knowledge systems
UTs Union Territories
UV use value
WHO World Health Organization