
La révélation m’est venue d’Orient.

The revelation came to me from the Middle East.

—Henri Matisse, 1947

I am indebted to many individuals and institutions during the journey of writing this book.

In particular, I want to express my profound thankfulness to those who took the time to share with me their knowledge and insight regarding Kahlil Gibran:

The late Wahib Kayrouz, who served as the illustrious curator of the Gibran Museum in Bsharri, Lebanon, for many years.

Alexandre Najjar in Beirut, one of Lebanon’s award-winning novelists and a biographer of Kahlil Gibran.

Tania Sammons, a former curator at the Telfair Museums in Savannah, Georgia, and a scholar on Kahlil Gibran’s patron, Mary Haskell Minis.

The late Suheil Bushrui, eminent scholar of Kahlil Gibran and peacemaker, who concluded his distinguished academic career at the University of Maryland.

Fr. Samir Khalil Samir in Beirut, an Egyptian Jesuit priest, scholar of Islam, and special advisor to the Vatican on Christian-Muslim relations.

Hector Palhares Meza, curator of the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City, Mexico, which has one of the largest collections of Kahlil Gibran’s art and work.

The late Patricia Jacobs Barquet of the Archivo Inmigrantes Notables en Mexico Siglo XX in Mexico City, Mexico, who assisted the Mexican business magnate Carlos Slim in acquiring the Kahlil Gibran collection that is in his Soumaya Museum.

I also wish to express my deepest gratitude to:

Mazhar Mallouhi, noted Syrian writer, novelist, interfaith advocate, and the subject of my previous book, who hosted me so graciously in Lebanon during my visits there.

My literary agent, John Loudon, for his belief in this book.

Smithsonian American Art Museum, Telfair Museums, and Gibran National Committee for permission to use the images in this book, and to Penguin Random House for permission to quote from Kahlil Gibran’s writings that are not yet in the public domain.

My editor, Sarah Stanton, senior acquisitions editor at Rowman & Littlefield, with whom it is a joy to work again.

Amin Maalouf, the renowned Lebanese-born French author and novelist, for being a profound inspiration through his life, writings, and friendship. He is also the most effective East-West bridge builder I have known.

To my friends throughout the Middle East and North Africa, my heart’s home, for their endless, all-embracing welcome and hospitality.

Lastly, and most importantly, to my family, for all their assistance in myriad ways: coordinating travel, doing research, and their continual encouragement. This book could not have been written without their collaboration.

I am of course deeply indebted to many others, both in person or through their writings, but they would number too many to list. To all of them, “Un grand merci.