The Mother Directive

It was late in the day, but that didn’t stop my mother from completely transforming our cottage.

Her first considered action was to inspect Diotima. For this I was told to stand outside and make sure no one entered. We had a murder to solve, but I didn’t even think about disobeying. Mother emerged some time later to announce that Diotima’s pregnancy was in fine condition, and very close to the end. My wife looked mildly embarrassed but, she had to admit, relieved to know that an expert on childbirth was with us.

The next thing Mother did was place statues of Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, around the room. Most men know nothing about her, but because I was the son of a midwife I was more knowledgeable than most. Mother then made offerings at each of these statues and recited prayers beseeching Eileithyia to assist both mother and child.

Mother put her hands on her hips and inspected her handiwork with approval.

“This is where the birth will take place, if Diotima doesn’t make it back to Athens in time. We’ve done everything we can to gain divine assistance. At least here on Delos Diotima has the most chance of intervention from Eileithyia.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because Eileithyia came to us from Hyperborea,” my mother said.

My jaw dropped for the second time that day. “Say that again?”

“Hera, the mother of the gods, sent Eileithyia all the way from faraway Hyperborea to Delos, to assist with the birth of the gods Apollo and Artemis. Everyone knows that, my son.”

“Everyone who is a midwife knows that,” I said. I wondered what my mother would say if I told her I could introduce her to some real live Hyperboreans. But this wasn’t the time to mention it.

I had to admit the arrival of my mother relieved the fears of both Diotima and myself. We left her to continue turning the cottage into the perfect birthing chamber while we went out to solve a murder.