—and that d——d Trimble, just because he’s a brevet major, always tried to lord it over me; Theller saw through him! And because he abandoned from the command at White Bird Cañon and I never said a word, he can’t stand me. I would have let him alone: JESUS; nearly everyone else funked! But he means to bring me down. Well, that don’t scare me. I ought to call him out some night when we get back to Lapwai. We can settle it with fists. But if he wants to be a shit and testify against me, I’ll show him daylight. I’m watching him. He’d better not go courting Chapman. Chapman’s the one that fired on Joseph before I gave the order. Then he turned tail. He was yellow at White Bird, yellow at the Clearwater, and from what Mason tells me he was no d——d different out there by Weippe. No wonder I saw him with Trimble. They’re the same kind. Actually, Chapman’s worse. He ought to be gelded and locked up at Leavenworth. He’s influencing the general against me. He’s poisoning this campaign. He killed Theller, and he knows it. If I told the general about that Blackfoot squaw he knocked up right here in Kamiah who miscarried, maybe on purpose when he went back to his Umatilla bitch, that would sure make his nigger-loving Christian eyes pop out! Soon as we get back to Lapwai I’m going to look up Mr. Pambrun, because he’s seen her come whining to Chapman, wanting money. He’ll be my witness. Maggie, that’s her name. Why any white man would fuck her is beyond me. She stinks, like all reds and niggers. And that other Umatilla cunt that pooped out five of his brats—JESUS CHRIST!—if I lined her and Maggie right up before the general, that would be one hilarious day, especially once my wife got wind, GODd——n her because she’s the reason I’ll never see Delia untying her snow-white bonnet.
Hey, you, Chapman.
What do you want, colonel?
How’s Maggie? You going to show her off to the general? I’ll bet he’d enjoy learning why two squaws are better than one.
I’ll get you, colonel.
Why don’t you?
—his vision of vengeance as fine as a young Nez Perce woman leading a decorated horse.