
  4.1 S. A. Andrée

14.1 The International Polar Stations, 1882–1883

16.1 Adolphus Greely

16.2 Jens Edward, James Lockwood, and David Brainard leaving Fort Conger

23.1 Lachambre balloon factory in Paris

29.1 Fridtjof Nansen

31.1 Nansen and Hjalmer Johannessen leaving the Fram, March 14, 1895

34.1 The balloon house on Dane’s Island

34.2 Nils Eckholm, S. A. Andrée, and Nils Strindberg beside the balloon basket, 1896

38.1 Arctic routes taken by Andrée and Nansen

39.1 Gustav Svedenborg, Nils Strindberg, Knut Fraenkel, and S. A. Andrée (seated)

41.1 Andrée, Strindberg, and Fraenkel just before leaving

42.1 The Eagle headed across the harbor at Dane’s Island

60.1 Having landed

60.2 Andrée in a camp on the ice

61.1 Andrée, Strindberg, and Fraenkel forcing the boat through the ice

64.1 An ivory gull

64.2 Fraenkel and Andrée maneuvering the boat through a lead

68.1 Andrée standing over a bear he had killed