Under the petrified gaze of the Brunis, the Blackshirts approached the stable and tossed their torches into the hayloft which was packed with bales of straw. The fire spread in a matter of moments, shooting up a gigantic flame that crackled at the old wooden roof beams.
Certain that at this point not even a miracle could put out the fire, the arsonists got back into the 18 BL which was still running and drove off, singing and swearing.
The Brunis stood there for a while, stunned and practically paralyzed in the middle of the courtyard, faces reddened by the reflection of the fire and already feeling the heat of the blaze. The roar of the flames blended with the bellows of terror from the animals chained up inside the stable: ten cows and four pairs of monumental Modenese bulls, the family’s pride and joy at fair time and during the plowing season.
“The bulls!” shouted Checco. “We have to free them or they’ll burn alive.” He lurched forward into the blinding globe of fire and light.
Clerice, horrified, tried to stop him. “No, Checco, for the love of God! There’s nothing we can do for those poor animals. The stable will collapse on your head!” But her cries were completely useless: the idea of letting the animals burn alive was not even conceivable for someone who had spent his whole life working the land. Checco had already reached the drinking trough, broken the ice with a shovel, dunked his tabarro in the water and was wrapping it around his head and shoulders and rushing through the door of the burning building.
Checco’s fearless example roused his brothers who, after a moment’s hesitation, ran in after him while their mother, shaking, dropped to her knees in the middle of the courtyard, moaning: “For the love of God, for the love of God, Mother Mary, help them!”
The stable itself had not yet been damaged by the flames because they had been sucked upwards and were devouring the hayloft and the roof above it but licks of fire had already penetrated between the beams and the entire place was full of smoke. The bulls, crazed with terror, were pawing the ground and kicking, and bellowing desperately. Some were trying to free themselves, yanking at the chains that secured them in their stalls, but the ground under their feet was slippery with their own excrement. They slipped, got up and then stumbled to the ground again.
Fredo and Savino ran to open the back door to create a draft and disperse the smoke, then all the brothers rushed to the stalls to unchain the bulls. It was an almost impossible endeavor, because the animals were pulling back so hard that it was practically impossible to get the bar at the end of the chain through the iron ring so the chain could be freed. The bulls’ long horns slashed out right and left, with the risk of goring the men at any moment. But then, by dint of shouting at them and hitting them with sticks, the animals were pushed against the hayracks and then, acting swiftly and instinctively, the brothers were able to unloose the chains and set the bulls free.
They took off at a gallop, charging into the courtyard which was lit up bright as day by the fire, running furiously past the women who stared speechless as they shot off into the fields.
By this time, the roof beams over the hayloft had been burnt to a crisp and they gave way all at once, collapsing one after another into the raging fire, raising a red hot cloud of swirling sparks that rose up into the cold starry sky.
Clerice went to the door of the stable and began to cry out, calling her sons out of that inferno: “That’s enough! Enough, now! Get out of there, you’re all going to die!” Other animals galloped out as the last beams sank into the blaze, feeding the vortex that swelled up like a ball of fire and was then dispersed in a thousand flaming tongues against the dark of night.
Blackened and choking on the smoke, her sons stumbled out. Checco, who had been counting the animals they’d released, realized that one was still inside. “Nero! He’s still in there!” he shouted.
“No, no,” implored his mother, crying. “If you go back in, this time you’re dead!” Checco paused, disconcerted by his mother’s pleas, but Savino pulled the tabarro from his brother’s back, dipped it in the icy water again, dunked his own head and trunk into the trough, then wrapped the wet cloak over his head and shoulders and disappeared through the open stable door.
Nero was a magnificent ungelded specimen weighing over a ton with a very dark coat. He was taller than a man at the withers and endowed with incredible strength. When he was mounting a female, she had to be put in a trestle so his weight wouldn’t crush her. Now Nero was struggling in an inferno of smoke, flames and sparks. His rear legs were planted against the hayrack and he was pulling back with great yanks, making the whole wall shake. The chain was already halfway out of the wall but, by pulling so hard, the bull was strangling itself. Savino understood immediately that if he put his hands on that chain to try to extract the iron bar from the ring they would certainly be crushed or ripped to pieces.
He yelled as loudly as he could: “Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Good, Nero, good boy!” and tried to get closer. From the ceiling over the door a sinister crackling could be heard. Savino was about to run out the back door but right at that instant a figure stood out against the glow of the flames, holding a solid iron crowbar: “Move over. This is what you need.”
“Floti!” gasped Savino. “We have to get out of here, it’s going to all come down.” But Floti had already jumped onto Nero’s stall. He hooked the crowbar into the ring and with a hard yank pulled it out of the wall. Nero wrenched away with a last tug and took off at a gallop down the corridor. He came out bellowing, with the chain hanging from his neck between his legs and Savino close behind him. An instant later the whole building came crashing down, with a final eruption of flames, smoke and sparks that was seen by everyone for miles around.
Savino got to where his brothers were: “Where’s Floti?”
They shook their heads.
“Where is he?” he shouted more loudly. “He was in there with me a minute ago.”
“He must have gone out the back,” replied Fredo, and ran around to the other side to check, but he saw no one.
Clerice had started to sob.
“Mamma, don’t do that,” said Checco. “He’ll be back, you’ll see. He’s out there in the fields somewhere. He doesn’t want them to see him.” But in his heart, he feared that his brother was there, under that heap of beams and rubble burning like a huge bonfire.
“The Brunis are burning!” The first to see were the late-nighters on their way home from the Osteria della Bassa.
Their shouts got people out of bed and brought them to their windows: “Who’s burning?”
“The Brunis! Hurry, let’s give them a hand!”
But very few put their noses outside their doors: it was late and very cold out there, “and then,” many of them thought, “by the time we get there, the fire will have destroyed everything.” Fonso did hear the call and, even though he lived at quite a distance, hurried over as fast as his bicycle would carry him with a bucket in tow. But there was nothing he, or anyone, could do. The Brunis stood there in silence, still as statues in the courtyard, in the glow of the dying flames. The women wept, holding their trembling, frightened children close. From the fields rose the mournful lowing of the bulls wandering in the darkness.
Fonso noticed that besides himself, the only ones who had come were Iofa, Pio, and another eight, ten people. He dropped the bucket on the ground and said: “Don’t despair. They left you your house and your lives and you saved the bulls. For the rest, there’s always a remedy. Tomorrow I’ll be back, after work, to give you a hand. Be glad that you’re all still alive.”
“Floti’s missing,” said Savino. “He helped me free Nero and we haven’t seen him since.” He stared at the huge smoking heap of ashes.
“He’s not there,” said Fonso. “I don’t think he’s dead. He’s too smart and too fast. He’ll show up sooner or later. But not now.” He wrapped his tabarro tightly around him, got on his bicycle and rode off. Almost no one had come to help the Brunis, he thought, none of those who every Sunday in the summertime were there drinking and playing bocce, none of those who would loiter in the stable eating and sipping at that good red wine that foamed in your glass.
“Fonso’s right,” said Checco. “Floti’s far off by now, off in the countryside, hiding in the stubble of an alfalfa or maize field. Let’s go to sleep if we can, we’ll worry about it tomorrow.”
That night Fonso arrived home with a heavy heart and tears in his eyes: not just because Maria was still so far away, in Florence, and who knew when she’d ever come back, but also because Hotel Bruni had burned down. That stable as big as a church where so many poor people slept every winter; it was a miracle that no one had been there that night. That stable where he’d spent so many long hours telling fables, where he had fallen in love with Maria, and she with him. He felt that the destruction of Hotel Bruni marked the end of an age, poor but maybe happier, and that the town, its people and maybe the whole world would never be the same.
He went to bed late and had a hard time falling asleep, especially because Maria hadn’t written him for a long while, not even a postcard, and he was afraid that she had forgotten him. Who knows, some smooth-talking young man from the city, with a Tuscan accent and elegant, fashionable clothes, might have turned Maria’s head. But then he remembered the last time they’d made love, up in the branches of the old elm tree and how they’d sworn they would always be faithful to each other. She couldn’t have forgotten him. Especially without saying a word, not two lines, not a hint of anything wrong. He tried to imagine what could have happened but couldn’t come up with an answer. He tossed and turned, sighing, before falling into a light, agitated sleep.
If the atmosphere of the night, the blinding glare of the flames, the dramatic escape of the galloping bulls, the shouting, the weeping and the bellowing of the animals had created the perception of a nightmare and thus of an unreal event, the gray, opaque dawn that followed, with the black, smoking ruin of the stable that wounded the gaze of the first who dared to wander out into the courtyard with such harsh violence, obliged them to face the bleak reality.
The church bells sounded the Angelus and Clerice, who had not slept a moment all night, joined her sons in the courtyard and looked each one of them in the eye.
“On your knees,” she ordered. Most hesitated.
“On your knees,” she repeated, setting the example herself.
One after another, the Brunis knelt, and she prayed: “Lord, you were born in a stable with a bull and a donkey to warm you and protect you from the cold. Look with compassion on us poor souls who have lost our own stable because of the cruelty of unjust men. Look upon the ruins of these walls that once welcomed the poor and the derelict. We shall forgive those wretches for they know not what they do, but you help us, give us the strength to begin again, show us that you are on the side of the weak and the offended. Do not abandon us. Amen.”
“Amen,” responded some. Others said nothing.
“I’m not forgiving anyone,” said Savino.
“Me either,” a second voice echoed.
“Floti!” shouted Clerice.
Floti walked towards the ruins of the stable and looked at the crumbled walls as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He felt the weight of disgrace and the responsibility for what had happened. He turned towards his brothers. “It’s my fault,” he said. “If I could, I would repay you for everything you’ve lost. Unfortunately, what’s done is done. Forgive me, if you can. I did what I did in good faith . . . ”
At that moment another figure emerged from the fog: “Floti . . . ”
“You damned son of a bitch, you traitor!” screamed Savino, hurling himself at the man.
“Stop,” said Floti.
Savino drew up short just inches away from Nello’s face and shot him an unbowed look of challenge. Nello was pale and had dark circles under his eyes; he seemed worn out and demoralized.
“What nerve you have showing up here! And to think I thought of you as my friend. Get the hell out of here, and don’t ever come back.”
“Let him talk!” said Floti. “He must have come here for a reason.”
“If they didn’t burn down the house it’s because of me,” said Nello, “because I made sure I came with them, but don’t tempt fate, Floti. I’m talking to you. I’m here to tell you that they’ve sworn to get you. Your life is in danger. Get out of here, go someplace else. If the situation gets any better I’ll find you and tell you. If you leave, your family will stand to gain. They’ll be able to rest easy. I did all I could do, Savino,” he said, turning to his friend. “I couldn’t do any better. Don’t call me a traitor. I’ve always kept my word. Goodbye. I hope we’ll meet up in better times.”
He disappeared.
“Maybe what he says is true,” said Clerice, “He was the one who came to our defense, remember? If it hadn’t been for him they would have set the house on fire. But did you hear what he had to say, Floti? He says they’ve vowed to kill you. He says your life is in danger. You have to leave this house or you’ll meet a terrible end. I don’t want to lose another son.” Tears poured down her face as she spoke.
“If you all want me to go, I will,” replied Floti, looking into his brothers’ faces. “But I don’t know if I can do it, just like that. I don’t have a place to go and I don’t know how I’d survive with no work and no house. I don’t think it’ll be so easy for them to kill me: I’m no sheep, they’ll have to catch me first. I’m asking you if I can stay until I find someplace else and then I promise I’ll leave this house and you’ll never see me again.”
Savino stepped up and Checco joined him: “Floti, they’re after you because you’re the only man who’s had the guts to stand against them, and none of us can fault you for having that kind of courage. As far as we’re concerned, you can stay here as long as you want and you can count on us for anything you need.”
The others mumbled something, but no one else was forthcoming and so Floti, who didn’t want any trouble, moved to a room next to the cellar, from where he could run straight out into the fields if he had to, without anyone seeing him. As soon as the weather got better he’d think about leaving. Moving out of his bedroom meant that a double room would be freed up and someone could certainly get good use out of it, so he imagined there wouldn’t be too much grumbling.
Later that evening Fonso came by. His tabarro was drawn all the way up to his eyes but he was in a good humor, in keeping with his natural disposition. He had come to ask what they intended to do. “Are you thinking of rebuilding the stable? I’ll bet you that some of the walls are still good and you can find used beams at a good price, or new ones for that matter.” It seemed that he’d come to encourage them to roll up their sleeves and not fall prey to discouragement, but the reaction to his words was quite lukewarm. Each man for himself and God for all, is what the Brunis seemed to be thinking after that catastrophe. Maybe some of them already had an idea, or even the concrete possibility of working on their own, independently. Maybe the only one still interested in keeping the family together was Armando—given his gregarious nature and his lack of inclination towards hard work. His wife would be having their first child soon.
That spring, it was announced that the Barzini heirs had sold the property and this too was seen as the hand of fate. The new owner was called Bastoni; he was a livestock dealer, a coarse, presumptuous type who had always been full of himself. It didn’t take much to imagine what he’d be like now that he’d become a landowner and could give orders and make people obey them. Floti had completely abdicated his position as administrator except for dividing up the common funds they had deposited in the bank. Clerice was too downhearted over recent events and worried about the future to stand up to Bastoni. Unlike Barzini, who used to come by maybe once or twice a year, the new owner was there all the time because, he said, you have to keep an eye on farmers or they’ll steal everything from under your nose, they’ll hide the wheat and sell chickens and eggs on the sly. The Brunis knew it was better not to say anything, if they didn’t want a fight. The man would often complain: “There are too many of you! Too many mouths to feed! You’re having kids left and right and I’m the one who has to support everybody!” Once Fredo found him making a pass at his wife and it was all he could do not to stick the pitchfork in his rear end. In short, the situation had become unbearable.
Nello showed up at the beginning of the summer to tell Savino that Floti was in danger again: they’d found out that he was still at home and wanted to teach him a lesson. That’s when the fugitive moved to a toolshed in the countryside and then even started to sleep out in the open, on a bed of straw, in the middle of the cornstalks. Not that he ever slept, because he knew he couldn’t let his guard down, and he had become thin and pale, with deep rings around his eyes that looked frightening. And so Clerice would remain outdoors with him, awake all night with his head in her lap so he could sleep. Every time she heard a noise, a flutter of wings in the darkness, the hooting of an owl, she had to force herself not to cry out or jump up. She didn’t want to wake him.
At dawn, at first light, Floti would wake up and get to his feet. He would look at his mother and she would look at him, in silence, and then they would part. She returned home to sleep a few hours and he wandered through the fields like a soul in torment. Adding to his worries, Clerice had told him that for the last couple of months she hadn’t heard from Maria, if not through her sister Rosina, and this bothered him tremendously; were they hiding something?
One day Fonso brought Clerice a book so she could give it to Floti. It was called The Brothers Karamazov, and it was by a Russian writer. Floti always carried it around with him, on those long summer afternoons, and he’d stop to read it in the shade of an oak or along the bank of the hemp-steeping pond, under a poplar tree. When he finished he gave it back to his mother, along with a few lines written in pencil on a wrinkled sheet of paper, addressed to the person who had lent it to him.
Dear Fonso,
I haven’t written many letters in my lifetime, but I wanted to write you this one to say that I’m sorry that I sent Maria to Florence. She hasn’t written us in three months, although her sister sends us letters, and this means that there’s something they don’t want us to know. If something bad happened to her I could never forgive myself. Because I’ve hurt both you and her, with the intention of doing the right thing. Your book wasn’t easy but I read the whole thing. The part where its talks about God and evil in the world I’ll never forget. Almost everything depends on fate, our life is a mystery.