Chapter 7


Road Trips


How long will you be gone?” Ethan’s eyes are sad, as I bent down in front of him.

I’ll be gone for about a week. But,” I pull him into my arms, hugging him tightly. “I’ll call you every day, and make sure that you’re doing well in your classes.”

He nods, sadly. I kiss his forehead, and tell him it’s time for bed. I watch him shuffle his little feet, to his room. Well, his half of the bedroom. I need to figure out a way to get Charity move out of this tiny apartment.

I sit down next to her on the couch, and curls into my side. “I think I’m as sad as he is that you’re leaving.” She says quietly.

Wow, took you long enough to tell me that.” I tease her.

Do you have to go right now?” She laces her fingers with mine.

No, not yet. Everything okay?” I ask carefully. One thing I don’t want to do is have her thinking too much. I had let the whole adoption issue go a couple of weeks ago, even though I still want to do it, I know that she’s not ready.

Yeah, there’s nothing wrong. I mean, I hate that Sara and Rachel are closing the practice but at least I know that I still have a job, right?”

Yep,” I kiss the top of her head.

I have a question for you. You don’t have to answer right away, but I’m curious on your response.” She sits up straight and looks right at me.

What’s the question?” I inquire peaking my interest in her question.

She stares at me for a moment, and I don’t think that she’s going to ask me. “Would you still love Ethan if we broke up, and you had children with someone else?” She rushes the question out, that I almost didn’t understand her.

Charity, nothing is going to happen to us. I mean,” I knew deep down I shouldn’t push it, but since she’s being so open; I should too. “We haven’t said ‘I love you’, nor have we had sex in a month,” I groan in frustration. “But I asked to adopt Ethan, because I can be the father he needs. And I love him.”

There I said it, and there’s no taking it back. I either opened open Pandora’s Box, or Charity will say the words that I long for her to say to me. I didn’t want to say them first because I want to know where she is in this relationship. I want her to tell me everything, but she doesn’t and I don’t know how to fix that situation.

She stands up, and goes down the hallway to the bedroom. I thought she wasn’t going to come back, but when she does she grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom. I almost lose my footing when she pushes me into the room, and shuts the door behind her.

I can see the seductive look in her eyes, and I’m not sure what to make of it. Until she takes one step towards me, pulling off her shirt, exposing her breast.

My breath catches, looking at her stunning body. The next step she takes, Charity tugs at my shirt, and takes it off, tossing it next to hers.

Charity?” My voice cracks and I’m not able to get out the rest of my question, which is to figure out what’s she’s doing.

She stands up on her toes, and gets close to my face. “We can’t be too loud, but Ethan’s asleep.” With those words, she undoes my belt, and the sound of the zipper fills the room. I let out the breath that I’m holding, as she pulls me out of my pants.

Charity drops to her knees in front of me, and I moan with each stroke of her hand. I almost gasp as she takes me in her mouth, and gently sucks on my tip. I pant each time she engulfs me, and I can’t keep a coherent thought when I dig my hands into her long dark hair. I guide her to speed up, and I say her name over and over as I tighten up, close to my release.

I jerk her head back, away from me, and pick her up by her arms. Her lips are swollen, and her cheeks red, because that’s the first time she’d ever done that to me, and I did want more from her.

I go to yank down her pants, but she stops me. She pulls out a condom from her pocket, biting her lips, she smiles at me, her eyes full of lust.

I growl in my sexual desire for her, and I finish removing her pants, and taking the condom from her hand. I study her body, as I roll it on, becoming harder than before. I can’t wait to be inside of her.

My craving took over my brain, again. I grab her wrist, and swing her around, and bend her over the sink. I can hear her breathing hitch as she lays over the counter.

It’s been a long wait.” I whisper in her ear.

I push into her, and she pushes back on me. We both sigh when we connect together. I hold her wrists in place on top of the counter, pounding harder into her. Her panting and moans increase and for a split second I remember Ethan’s in the room.

Instantly, I let go of her wrists, and cover up her mouth with my hand, continuing my thrust into her. My hand actually vibrates from the noises from her mouth. My release is close, but I knew that Charity isn’t close yet, but I knew what to do.

I lean close to her ear, and her smell of lavender overtakes me. The scent kicks me into overdrive, as I reach down, and begin to rub her clit. She drives herself back into me, and I know she’s close. Faster I rub her, and she scream into my hand, when I bite down on her shoulder, suppressing my moans.

When I feel all her wetness, I shove myself into her one more time, before I groan loudly releasing the tension held up in my body.

I remove my hand from between her legs, and around her mouth. Our panting fills the room, and a thin layer of sweat covers Charity’s back. I pull out of her and she hisses.

Sorry, I lost myself again.” I kiss her shoulder where my teeth impression lays against her skin.

Slowly she turns and faces me. “It’s worth it.”

Her smile makes my heart skip a beat.

We both clean up, and we’re about to leave the bathroom, but I put my hand on the door, stopping her from opening it.

Why tonight? Why haven’t we had sex for a month?” the questions leave me, and I want to know the answers.

She gradually turns back to me. Her hazel eyes drink me in, and I feel another twitch in my pants just by her looking me. “You want the truth?”


Charity gets close to my lips, looking me straight in my eyes. “We haven’t had sex because I’ve been scared, and tonight I realized that I missed you, and I don’t need to think about anything but us and Ethan.” She closes the gap, and her soft lips kissing mine. When she breaks our kiss, I lick my lips one more time, to taste her sweet lip gloss again. I realize that she didn’t really answer the question.

The answer is yes.” Her soft voice says, breaking me from basking in her taste.

What?” I look at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

If you promise to always put Ethan first, no matter what happens to us, then the answer is yes.” Her tone is serious. It hits me as if I’m being hit in the head with a puck.

I promise to take care of our son.” I say back with all the honesty in my heart. I notice tears on the brim of her eyes. I kiss her again, and hold her tightly to me.

I don’t know how long we stood in the bathroom holding each other, but it’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever had. I had Charity, and now a son. I don’t know if it could get any better than this moment.

Even winning the Cup didn’t mean this much to me. Don’t get me wrong it meant a lot, but this is a level I can’t even fathom.

When you come back, we’ll tell Ethan, together. But, I swear to everything that is holy, if you hurt him, there won’t be enough hockey pads to save you.” She points her finger right in my face, and I know that she means it.

I give you my word, Charity.” I reassure her.



The next morning, as I board the plane, a smile hasn’t left my face since I left Charity’s apartment last night. Ethan’s going to be my son, and even though I was so close to telling Charity my feelings, I held back again. Man, I need to stop watching so much Dr. Phil.

Well, somebody looks chipper this morning?” Max teases as I take my seat next to him.

I had a good night.” I say without giving any details.

You got laid, eh?” Max smirks at me.

I roll my eyes at him, and open my bag to pull out my book.

Um, Percy Jackson?” Lucas looks over from the aisle.

Ethan and I are reading the series, and I don’t want to get behind.” I inform him, opening my book.

Okay, is it me, or are you having way too fun much playing house?” Max smarts off.

I cut him a look. How dare he think that I’m joking around? I don’t say anything as I grab my bag, and head to the back of the plane. I don’t want to sit, or be anywhere around him. I take the last seat, in the very back. No one ever sits back here, and it’s quiet for me to read.

The plane takes off, and I’m still reading, when Max and Lucas come back to me. Max sits next to me, and Lucas kneels in the seats in front of me, facing us.

Marc, I’m sorry if I said anything to upset you. I was joking.” Max apologizes.

I sigh. “I’m not playing ‘house’. I love Charity, and I’m adopting Ethan. They’re my family. If I made fun of Rachel and your relationship, you’d punch me. Am I wrong?”

Whoa, wait, did I hear you right?” Lucas puts his hand up.

Yes.” I know what he’s referring too, and I know they’re going to try and talk me out of it.

Marc, I’m happy for you, but you’ve only known Charity for a few months. I mean, this is way too fast.” Max says the words, that I have thought of too.

I know that it seems sudden, but you can’t say anything I haven’t thought about. I want to adopt Ethan. He needs a dad, and I’m the one to do it.” I announce to them both.

I know that you didn’t have a dad, and I didn’t either, but is that the only reason you’re adopting him. To be his dad, and nothing else?” Lucas asks, with a sad look in his eyes.

No, I love him. I already feel like his dad, and I know that a piece of paper won’t change the way I feel. However, it will ensure that he’s taken care of, and give him a sense of security.” I don’t want to argue about this with them. They are my friends and they should support me because this is what I want.

Then I’m happy for you.” Lucas extends his hand, and I shake it.

Thank you.”

Well, shit, now we have a problem.” Max throws his hands up in the air.

What are you talking about?” I look at him confused on his dramatic gesture.

Because you’re going to teach Ethan to be a goalie, but I think he’s better suited to be defensemen.” Max’s expression is full of concern.

All three of us burst into laughter, and I’m thankful for my friends.



A week away from Charity, and Ethan was hard on me. Even though I talked to them every night, it’s not the same. I never noticed how much hockey keeps me away from my life. As I drive to my apartment, I think about Mom. It’s been almost a year since she’s gone, and I never thought there would be anyone else in my life. I didn’t think I would have a family.

If she was here I know that she would love Ethan. Of course, she would have him speaking French in no time, because that’s how she was.

I haven’t talked to my dad since our last fight when I was sixteen. I didn’t even call him when Mom died. He didn’t deserve to shed a tear over her.

My phone begins to ring, and I hit the key on a steering wheel to answer.

Bonjour,” I answer in my native tongue.

Marc, where are you?” Lucas asks quickly, like he’s out of breath.

Heading home, what’s up?” I ask wondering why he sounds so panicked.

Get to Chicago General, right now.”

My heart stops. “Why?”

It’s Charity.”

My world stops, as I slam on the brakes, and quickly do a U-turn. I almost side swipe two cars, but I don’t care.

I get to the hospital as fast I can. I pass cars, blow red lights, and it still feel like an eternity to get there, but I make it. Lucas sent me a text and said they’re on the sixth floor. I don’t even wait for the elevator. I race for the stairs, taking most of them two at a time, until I see the number six, and I almost bust through the door.

Marc,” its Ethan I hear first, as he bounds for me, wrapping his arms around my hips.

A small wave of relief comes over me seeing his green eyes looking up at me. I bend down, and wrap my arms around his little body.

Where’s Charity? What happened?” I rush the questions out because I need to know the answers.

It’s Brittani that answers me. “She passed out. The doctor say she dehydrated from lack of eating.”

What? Charity eats when she’s with me, all the time.” I tell them. I’ve seen her eat. I know that she does. I stand up, still holding Ethan’s hand. “Well, what are they going to do?”

I look at Sara and Lucas. Sara’s face is filled with worry, but she answers, “give her fluids, and feed her.”

Something isn’t right about this, I can feel it. I look down at the tiny hand I’m holding, and notice that he isn’t saying anything, only looking at the ground. Ethan’s not usually quiet.

I bend down, to his level, and pull up his chin. “Do you know something about why your Mom is sick?”

She’ll be mad.” He shakes his head back and forth.

Ethan,” Brittani bends down. “She won’t be mad. I swear it.”

He looks up at her, and then looks at me. I know that look. I had the same as a child, when I held secrets about my dad and mom.

He sighs, staring right into my eyes. “Mom doesn’t eat at home a lot. She makes me eat everything, but sometimes she just sits there, and watches me.”

Why?” I know he knows the answer.

Because Mom doesn’t have money,” a single tear leaves his eye, and rolls down his cheek.

Wait, what?” This time it’s Sara that bends down. “Ethan what do you mean?”

He shakes his head, letting go of my hand, he fiddles with the hem of his shirt.

Ethan, Buddy,” I pull him closer to me. “Tell me what you mean, please?”

He shuffles his feet from side to side, and I know that he doesn’t want to tell, but he finally does. “Mom cries a lot. She sold all her rings, and gave a lot of her clothes to this lady for money. I heard the school calling, and she told them she was getting the money.” He swipes the tears from his eyes.

I hug him tightly against me. Charity is selling everything to keep him in school.

I didn’t let me go until, Lucas told me the doctor was here. I stood, with Ethan in my arms, and shook his hand. He told us that Charity is resting, and he didn’t want her to be disturbed.

Even though I want to tell that doctor that I didn’t care what he thought, I agreed. Plus, it gave me more time to figure out why Charity isn’t eating, and what’s really going on.

Marc,” Ethan’s voice sounded small against my neck, holding me tightly.

Yes, buddy?” I rub his back.

Mom’s going to be okay, right?” I can feel the wetness from his tears.

I promise you she’ll be okay.”

He nods.

I go to the small waiting room, and sit down with Ethan, as Brittani, Sara, and Lucas follow me.

Hey, may I ask you some more questions?” I ask Ethan.

He looks up at me.

Does Mom cry a lot?”

Sometimes at night I hear her, and then when she’s at the table, and the papers are spread out.” Ethan practically whispers.

Papers? What papers?” Brittani inquires.

From the mail,” He clarifies.

You’re talking about the bills?” Sara pipes in.

He nods again.

None of us say anything. We realize that someone we love had been hiding a secret from us, and it practically killed her.

Brittani, I need your key to their apartment.” An idea pops in my head. I love Charity, and Ethan, and I refuse for anything to happen to either of them. “Ethan, I need you to do me a big favor, okay?”

Okay,” his voice is still small.

I want you to be on your best behavior for Aunt Bit and Miss Sara. I need to leave for a little while, but I’ll be back.”

I will.” He promises.

I stand up, and sit him down in the chair. Brittani hands me her key, and I thank her. I tell Lucas and Sara to call me if anything changes, and I leave.

I’m a bucket of emotions as I head to Charity’s apartment. I’m mad, hurt, and scared, and it’s making me on the brink of tears. The anger came from the fact she never asked for my help. She never trusted me enough. The ache of sadness that I feel is mainly to my pride, because I thought we were making progress in our relationship.

Above all I’m terrified that I could lose her. Even with those other emotions, I love her, and I don’t want her going anywhere.

As I walk into her apartment, the familiar smell of lavender hits me. I shut the door and lean against it, taking in the essence that is Charity. I know deep down this is a huge invasion of privacy, but I’ll deal with that later.

I push off the door, and look around. The first thing I need to figure out is how to get her to move in with me, or get her a new place. I know that task is going to be huge, and I will need to work on it later.

Right now, I need to find out how bad this situation really is. I head to her bedroom. When I open the closet, it’s only Ethan’s clothes, and school uniforms.

I see the dresser, and assume that’s hers. I open the first drawer, and it’s her under garments. The next one held her red t-shirt, a Chicago Eagles shirt, three blouses, and I figure those are for work. When I open the next drawer, there’s a pair of jeans, a pair of black pants, and a gray pair, and a black skirt. That’s all there was, and that didn’t count what she wore that day. I shake my head as I slam the drawer shut.

When I look on top of the dresser, I notice a jewelry box. Upon opening it, all I saw is a pair of earrings. Charity didn’t wear a lot of rings, or necklaces, but she did have a couple pieces.

Next, I walk into the bathroom. I found her makeup, which is almost all gone. Then in the living room, I didn’t see the TV. I sigh loudly in frustration, as I go to the kitchen.

The fridge holds a half gallon of milk, and that’s it. I search the few cabinets, and found three cans of soup. There’s nothing else, but those few cans.

Now, I’m madder than anything. I bet anything that she’s only eating when I bring food over, or I take them out. Why didn’t I pay better attention? I could have fixed this. It wouldn’t have gotten this far.

On the tiny kitchen table, I saw the bills. Everything’s past due, but the one letter that caught my eye the most is the one from Ethan’s school.

According to the letter, Charity is on a payment plan and she missed last on the last one. The letter states that if she didn’t pay within the next week then Ethan would be kicked out.

I refuse to let this happen. I check my watch, and I know I can make it to school in time to pay this.

I gathered all the bills, and locked up the apartment. Driving to the school, I thought about my mom, and all the sacrifices she made for me. The difference was we had good money coming in, but Mom’s spare time was always running me around. Even though she never complained about it, and told me it was worth every moment, I still wonder.

I pull up to the school, and was buzzed in. I walk to the office, and I asked where I could pay Ethan’s bill. She sent me down the hall to the financial department.

As I enter the office there is an older female staring back at me.

Hello,” she greets me. “May I help you?”

I turn on my charm. “Hello, I’m Marc Kane and I need to pay my son’s bill.”

Of course,” she turns to her computer. “Who is your son?”

Ethan Drake.” This time the smile is real, because soon he will be my son.

Oh,” her face turns sad. “Ms. Drake is behind. I sent out a letter today that she can’t be on our payment plan anymore. It has to be paid in full, for as long as Ethan’s in school here.” She informs me.

That’s not a problem now. I would like to pay for this year, and could you have the bills sent to me from now on.” I pull out my wallet. “Credit card okay?”

That’s fine.”

I hand her the card, as she tells me how much the remainder of the bill is. I was a little sticker shocked that Charity pays so much, but she had told me before this was the best school in the area.

After filling out a few forms, and guaranteeing that I would take over the payments, everything is changed and Ethan will still be attending school there.

Once, I’m done with the school, I sit in my car, and take care of the rest of her bills. Everything’s back to zero. The only thing I can’t figure out is who she sold her jewelry to, or her clothes.

Lucas sent me a text saying that Ethan keeps asking about me. I decided that it’s time to get back to my son. When Charity gets out of the hospital, I’m taking her on a serious shopping spree, and I will make sure she replaces everything she sold.

When I reach the hospital all I thought about is holding Charity and Ethan. I stop at the gift shop, and purchase flowers, and a small ‘get well’ bear. I took the elevator, but my legs were itching to get to her and my arms around her.

Stepping into the waiting room, I hear the greatest sound; Ethan’s laugh. It brings a smile to my face, as I come around the corner, seeing him sitting there.

Marc,” Ethan tosses his book down, and runs to me.

I bend down and hug him. “Hey, buddy.”

I did all my homework with Miss Sara and Aunt Bit’s help.” He announces proudly to me.

Well, I’m glad.”

Marc,” Sara pulls my attention around from Ethan. “Brittani and I saw Charity, she’s waiting for you.”

If you want I can take Ethan back to my place?” Brittani asks.

But I want to stay with you.” He whines.

I know, but why don’t you go home with Aunt Bit, and I’ll come get you later, okay?” I smile looking at him.

Do you promise to get me tonight?” His tone is serious.

I promise. I’ll get you after dinner, and we’ll go back to my place.”

Ethan smiles big. “Okay.”

Brittani tells Ethan that they’ll stop and grab some hot dogs before they head home. That seems to really cheer him up, as he packs his bag. He gives us all a hug, then leaves.

Where’s Lucas?” I ask Sara, once Ethan is gone.

I sent him home. I wanted to talk to you before you went back to see Charity.” She points to the chairs, and we sit.

I want to go see her, Sara. Can this be quick?” I instruct.

It will be. Charity asked me to help with the adoption for Ethan. But,” she sighs. “I need to ask you one question.”

I’m confused on what she needs or what she wants to ask, but I nod.

Why?” She whispers.

Because I love her, and he’s really my son. In my heart.” I say with all the love and honesty I have for them both.

That’s all I needed to know. She’s down the hall, last door on the left.” Sara pats my hand. “I’ll get the paperwork started on the adoption.”

She gets up to leave, but I stop her. “If there are any fees, or whatever you want to charge, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

Sara smiles. “Let’s just consider this a friend helping out a friend.”