Chapter 11




When Charity slammed the door shut, I knew she needed to be alone. Everyone left, and I stayed on the couch, unsure of what to do.

I will do anything in my powers to protect Ethan and Charity. No matter the cost. If it means getting married, and giving up the apartment, then I will do it.

I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. None of us have eaten yet. Everything changed when I saw everyone appear on my doorstep.

I can’t understand how Trey found us, and then again anyone can use Goggle to get my address. It’s not as private as I want it to be.

Dad,” I see Ethan appear in the kitchen.

Hey,” I drop down to my knees. “Where’s your mom?”

She fell asleep. Can we have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” He gives me a smile, coming closer to me.

Of course,” I pick him up, and sit him on the counter. I watch as he reaches around, grabbing the bread. I get everything else that we need, and make up his favorite meal. I pour him a glass of milk, and I hop up on the counter next to him, eating with my son.

Was that mean man my real dad?” Ethan asks, taking a bite of his bread.

Yes,” I answer him. I know Charity should be telling him, but I would have wanted to know the answer to the question as a child.

He wants to take me away from Mommy?” Ethan’s voice cracks.

He does, but I’m not going to let that happen.” I firmly state.

I heard Miss Rachel say you have to marry Mom.”

She did say that.” I confirm.

He remains quiet after that, and never asks if we were going to do it. He only wants another sandwich. I smile, making it for him.

When Ethan’s all done, I help him down from the counter, and clean up the mess.

Dad, I’ll brush my teeth, then can we read Percy?” He looks up at me.

Of course.” I smile at him.

He rushes off to the bathroom, and I finish putting everything away, and go into the living room.

Ethan comes running back with his book, jumping into my lap. We get settled in, and he opens up to where we left off. He starts first, and I follow along, and help with a couple words that he didn’t know. After a full chapter, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Hi Mom,” Ethan smiles up at Charity. “Percy’s in trouble,” he holds up the book, to show her.

I see. Keep reading, baby.” She comes over, and snuggles up to us, and I put my arm around her.

Another chapter is done, and Charity tells Ethan that it’s time for bed. He gives her a sad smile, but doesn’t argue, only giving us each a kiss, and heads to his room.

I sit there, and hold her hand, saying nothing. I don’t know what to say. I’m there for her, and I will do whatever she wants to do.

I hate that Rachel’s right.” Charity’s voice is quiet.

What do you want to do?” I question.

She lays her head on my shoulder. “I want to go to bed, and forget this whole day. I don’t want to lose my son, and I don’t want you to do something rash, either.”

I kiss the top of her head. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

I want to go to bed, and have you hold me all night.” Charity sniffles.

I can do that.” I stand, taking her hand. We check on Ethan, and he’s rolled into a tight ball, fast asleep.

I lead her upstairs, and we change out of our clothes. I crawl in the bed, and Charity curls up along my side, laying on my chest.

We both drift off to sleep.



I wake up, alone, but I hear Ethan laughing downstairs. I stretch my arms, and head down the stairs. I stand around the corner from the kitchen, listening to their conversation.

So, we’re going to live here?” He probes.

We need to talk to Marc, first, however, do you want to live here?” I hear her moving around the kitchen.

I want to live with you and Dad.”

I know, baby,” she sighs.

Mom, if we stay here, you can eat all the time. Dad has tons of food, and you won’t have to sleep on the floor.” Ethan pleads with her. “And I’ll be good, so you can have all that.”

Oh, baby, you’re always good. You’re the best son in the whole world.” I hear Charity’s voice cracking.

I heard Miss Rachel say that you were going to marry Dad. Is that true?”

I don’t know. We need to discuss it.” She declares to him.

You should, because then we’ll always be together, and you won’t cry anymore.”

What do you mean Ethan?” She inquires.

I hear you cry at night, but since you’ve been with Dad you haven’t cried.”

Charity doesn’t say anything, and I hear the sizzling of the food.

Something smells good.” I announce coming into the kitchen.

Papa du matin,” Ethan smiles brightly at me, in his school uniform. I’m proud that he’s learning his French.

Morning, bonjour,” I kiss the top of his head.

I’m making breakfast.” Charity announces standing by the stove. She’s already dressed in a pair of brown trousers, and a purple top.

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, as she plates up our food, piling it high. I love sitting at the breakfast bar, as a family.

The knock on the door, made us all stop. Could it be Trey, again? I jump of the stool, and open it, seeing Rachel’s blonde hair whizz by me, and Max standing there, shaking his head. He slaps my bare shoulder as he follows her into the apartment.

Hi, Miss Rachel,” Ethan lights up at her.

Hey, buddy,” she throws her bag on the counter. “Ethan how would you like Mr. Max to take you to school today?”

He looked between Charity and I. “Yeah, that would be fun.” Charity smiles down at him.

Come on, Ethan, I have a way better car than your dad anyway.” Max nods his head to the door.

I’ll pick you up after school.” I reassure him, standing next to Max.

He doesn’t say anything, only climbs down the stool. Max takes his hand, as I hand him his jacket, and backpack.

Don’t worry, I got him.” Max turns to Charity letting her know not to worry.

She gives him a small smile, but I can see the worried look on her face.

When the door closes, I sit next to Charity. Rachel pulls out a red folder from her bag, and opens it.

I was woken up this morning, not by my hot boyfriend, but by a messenger.” Rachel hands Charity a piece of paper. “Mr. Stone must have friends.”

Oh my God,” she breathes out, as I look over shoulder.

What is it?”

It’s a court date. In three days.” Charity explains.

Three days?” I exclaim.

When I called Uncle George this morning, it’s apparent that Trey wants Ethan before Christmas.” Rachel informs us.

What?” Charity’s breathing got heavier, and a tear escapes her eyes.

Okay, look, have you talked about my suggestion last night?” Rachel looks between.

We didn’t,” I shook my head, rubbing Charity’s back to keep her calm.

You two need to understand this,” she fluffs her blonde hair. “Charity you’re an amazing mom, and Marc I know how much you love them both, but that doesn’t mean that you,” she points to Charity. “Don’t live in a crappy apartment, with no food. Now,” she pulls out more paperwork from the folder. “I need to file these at the courthouse, and I have a few favors down there that could get you into the Justice of Peace today. If you want?” She eyes us both.

Neither of us says anything.

What if I sent them to Canada?” I ask.

No, you can’t,” Rachel shakes her head. “This is a legal proceeding. Charity could face criminal charges if she flees the country. I know you both love each other very much. I know you both would do anything for Ethan. I’ve seen it. But, Charity I know that you’ve seen a judge hand kids back to their fathers, and I hate to push this issue, but I think it’s the best way.” She shoves everything back into the red folder, and into her bag. “Call me and let me know.”

When Rachel is gone, Charity heads to the bedroom. I’ve never felt so helpless, as I do at this moment. How do I fix all of this? I head up to her, and make sure she’s okay.

Do you love me?” Her voice is small as I walk into the room.

With all my heart,” I sit next to her.

I can’t ask you to do this, but I know Rachel’s right. Since Sara and I’ve been working with the shelters, I’ve seen it. The judges hand back the children to the fathers, because of their bank accounts, or big houses.” She swipes at her cheeks.

I get up from the bed, and go to my closet. I open my safe, and pull out the small green velvet box. I love Charity, and I know I would have asked her later, but there’s no time like the present.

I stand in front of her, and take her hand placing it in her palm. “I love you Charity. I have since our first kiss. I have loved Ethan since the moment he smiled at me. You’re my family, and I’ll do anything for my family. Will you marry me?” I open the box, and in it is my mother’s engagement ring. It’s a simple solitaire diamond, and I know that Charity would love it.

Marc, would you have asked me if this didn’t happen?” Her hazel eyes are sad.

Yes, I promise you I would have.” I take the ring out, and slide it on her hand. It’s a little big, but will do for now.

I promise you I would have said yes.” Charity tries to give me a smile, but her lips quiver.

I know.” I kiss her lips. “I love you, and we’re a family.”