Chapter 12




Rachel is standing outside of the judge’s chambers as we walk up. She held up our license. “A little red tape was cut for this.” She grins, before going into the office.

Well, hello Rachel,” the red head smiles.

Lisa, how are you?”

I’m okay, what can I do for you?” She looks between us all.

I’m wondering if Judge Howard has five minutes for me.” Rachel’s voice matching her bright smile.

He’s busy today.” Lisa eyes Marc.

Really? Such a shame,” Rachel tsk tsks. “Well, would he be busy if you had these?” She reaches into her bag, pulling out an envelope, handing it to her.

Four tickets to a Chicago Eagles meet and greet?” Lisa’s face is pure shock. “Rachel, bribing an officer of the court is illegal.” She narrows her eyes at her.

What? How could you say something like that Lisa?” Rachel uses her fake shocked voice. “I’m simply giving a friend some extra tickets.”

Lisa taps her long red fingernail on the envelope, before putting them in the drawer, and standing up. “Give me a second.”

Rachel,” I hiss at her. “You can’t do that.” I knew that there would be a lot of trouble if that was found out.

Rachel winks, with a small smile on her face. Lisa comes back out, and waves us in. We follow her into the chambers.

Rachel Silver, aren’t you a sight for an old man’s eyes?” The large man, stands, and slowly walks to her. He’s very old, with thick glasses, and a cane.

Judge Howard, you are too kind.” Rachel flirts back.

You know I have a grandson who would be perfect for you?” He wins at her.

Well, if I wasn’t taken,” she lightly pushes on his shoulder giggling.

The judge booms out a laugh. “How can I help you?”

I need a very tiny favor, that won’t take more than a minute of your precious time.” She points to us. “These are my friends, and they want to get married today. Now,” her face turns sad. “There’s a long wait list for the Justice of Peace, would you mind just doing it real fast here? I would owe you one.”

Rachel,” Judge Howard sits back down. “You’ve been coming in my court for a long time now, and I know you’re full of shit. Off the record, tell me the truth.”

She steps forward. “Child custody case, the biological father is trying to take the kid. They are getting married to establish stability.”

You two ever dated?” He looks confused.

Your Honor, they are committed to each other, been together for almost a year. They were going to get married later on, this just moved up the process.” Rachel answers.

The man looks between us both. “You two love each other?”

Yes.” Marc and I answer.

And this isn’t fraud?”

No,” we say together.

He looks down at the paper, and signs. “Congrats, you’re married, once you file this.” He hands it to Rachel.

You’re a good man Judge Howard.”

We all three rush out of the office, and into the hallway.

Charity,” Rachel hands me several papers. “Get this to the family court and file. Right now. Marc, come with me.” She grabs his arm and pulls me in the other direction.

I rush down two flights of stairs, to the clerk’s office. I stand in line, and I think about what just happened.

I’m married.

I’m Mrs. Marc Kane.

If I was ever going to have a panic attack this would be the moment. But, I didn’t feel nervous. I’m excited, and nervous.

I hand the papers to the clerk, and we go through the motions, and make sure everything is filed.

Once I have confirmations, and copies, I leave. Marc and Rachel are waiting for me.

Hey,” Marc grabs my hand, smiling brightly.

Where did you go?” I ask.

Oh, Marc needed to help me fulfill a favor.” Rachel says.

The lady who filed our licenses is an Eagles fan, and she wanted a picture with an autograph.” Marc clarifies. “And they needed a copy of my work visa.” I nod understanding now.

Well, I’m done here.” Rachel takes the copies from me, and leaves.

Marc chuckles. “Max’s right, she’s like a little tornado.” He turns, and kisses me. “Once this is all done, we’ll have a proper wedding.”

I nod, unable to say anything. We leave the courthouse, and Marc tells me that he won’t go to practice.

No, go,” I practically shout. “I mean, please go. I’m going to go to work, and we can celebrate tonight. Okay?”

You want me to go to practice with twenty sweaty guys, instead of making love to you all day, until our son comes home?” He questions

Um, well, yeah,” somehow that didn’t sound right.

Not happening.” Marc laughs, and pulls out his phone.

I look down at the ring on my finger. It dazzles in the sunlight, and I love it. I love Marc, and I don’t how I can ever repay him for doing this. I know he loves me back, I don’t doubt that at all.

When he’s done he grabs my hand, and we go to the car. The music from the radio keeps the noise flowing in the car, but Marc and I don’t say anything. He holds my hand tightly, as we head home.

We ride the elevator up, and head to our apartment.


There’s something I’m not sure I’ll be used to. I watch Marc unlock the door, and then I yelp, when he swiftly picks me up, and walks us over the threshold. I can’t help the giggle that escapes me, when he kicks the door shut.

He kisses me, and my whole soul lights up with happiness, because I can feel all the love in it.

The banging on the door, breaks us apart. Marc opens the door, as Rachel and Sara pushes past him.

Big problem,” Rachel announces.

But we have a plan,” Sara tries to sound positive. “Congratulations, by the way.” She hugs me.

Here’s the issue, Trey’s having you inspected. Tomorrow.” Rachel puts her hands on her hips.

Tomorrow?” Marc looks puzzled.

Oh no,” I moan.

We need to turn this apartment into a home, and empty your place completely out. Today. Right now.” Rachel instructs.

We have a plan,” Sara repeats and sounds hopeful. Sara goes into details about moving the video machines out to the storage units where Rachel had Max’s stuff. She already called Lucas, and the whole team will be here after practice to help us both. They already called a U-Haul business, and have two trucks waiting for us.

We need to get to your apartment, and pack up everything.” Sara tells us.

Let me change,” I run upstairs, and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

When I get back downstairs, the whirlwind begins.



Seven hours.

It took everyone seven hours to empty my place, and Marc’s, and then turn it into our place. Marc picked up Ethan, like he promised, but took him to Brittani’s to watch him, while we finished.

The whole Chicago Eagles team, helped us, without one complaint. Lucas had ordered thirty pizzas, and I never witness people eating so fast, as they devoured them all.

Rachel, Sara, and I packed my apartment in record time. Actually, there wasn’t that much left there, because I did have a lot at Marc’s already, as did Ethan.

They helped me rearrange the closet in Marcs, well, our room, while the boys moved everything out of the apartment. When Marc’s office was cleared, we set it up as Ethan’s room. I can’t wait for him to see it.

Marc ran to a local furniture store, and purchased a dining room table, and the apartment came together quickly.

When it was done, I thanked every single one of them. I can’t believe how much my life has changed. I had no one but Ethan and Brittani, and now I have a huge family and friends. To top it off, I’m married, and battling Trey to keep my son.

Marc and I both collapse on the couch, when everyone’s gone. “I’m going to be responsible for the team losing tomorrow night.” I try to make it sound like a joke, but I’m sure it’s the truth.

It’ll be worth it. Trust me.” He leans, and kisses me. I can taste the saltiness on his lips, when another knock comes to our door.

I never believed my mom when she said married people don’t have sex.” Marc teases.

I laugh, watching him get up, and go to the door.

Dad,” Ethan yells, and I leap to my feet.

Are you okay?” I panic, feeling my heart pounding.

He’s fine,” Brittani walks in, handing me his backpack. “He missed you guys, and I figured you would be done by now.” She looks around the apartment. “Wow, this is a change.”

Ethan, go look at your room,” Marc puts him down, and he rushes to his room.

Holy cow,” he jumps up and down. “I have a room, and a place for my books.” We all laugh at that.

I want to say congrats to you both.” Brittani hugs me, and then Marc. “I’m really happy. Now, you two enjoy your night. Bye Ethan,” she yells.

He pops his head out. “Bye Aunt Bit,” and goes back to his room.

Marc walks her to the door, as I go to Ethan. I gaze from the doorway as he looks at all his books on the shelves. He carefully runs his fingers over the spines of them. I kneel down next to him, and he looks up at me.

Are you happy?” I ask him.

Yes,” Ethan says boldly.

We have something to tell you.” I stand taking his hand, and going back to the living room. Marc’s in the kitchen, but I nod my head over to the couch, and he comes over to us.

I put Ethan in between us, and we all sit on the couch. “Something big happened today, and we want you to know what’s happening, okay?”

He nods, looking a little scared.

Dad and I got married today, and we’re never going back to the old apartment.” I reveal to him.

Really? Ethan’s face grows as bright as a light bulb.

Yes,” Marc confirms.

We’re a family. For real.” He jumps up trying to hug us both, and we lean into his little arms. I hold tight to Marc and him, because we were a family.



Marc reads to Ethan, until he falls asleep. I’m already lying in bed, waiting for my husband.


That’s a word I need to get use to still.

Charity, you okay?” Marc asks, climbing into the bed.

Yes,” I curl up to him. “I’m just thinking about today, and tomorrow, and the hearing.”

I promise you it will be okay.” He lightly drags his hand up and down my side.

The silence fills the room, and I thought he’d fallen asleep. “Charity?”

Yes,” I whisper.

I promise to love Ethan and you forever.”

I look up at him. “I promise to love you forever.” I rise up and kiss him. I let him feel all my admiration for him in my lips.

And then I let my husband make love to me.



I stand in the middle of the living room, as I watch the woman go through every room of our house. She checks the fridge, the kitchen, the bathroom, and inspects every part of Ethan’s room. I feel uneasy when she checks our room, but she didn’t stay in there too long.

She took a lot of notes, and pictures. When she comes back down the stairs, she gives me a small smile.

I’ll send my report to your attorney,” and leaves.

That’s it?

That’s all she has to say.

My whole life hangs in the balance and that sentence is all she says.

I know Marc is panicking about what happened, and he wanted to be here, but I didn’t want him to miss another practice, and the game tonight.

I call Rachel first and let her know that she left, and then I call Marc. It went to voicemail, so I assume he’s working out or still practicing.

We’re going to the hearing in less than forty eight hours, and I don’t know if my nerves will be able to take much more.

I check my watch, and I know I need to get Ethan from school. I’m thankful that Sara didn’t really need me this week, so I don’t have that to worry about.

The traffic around the school is heavy, but I wait in line until I see Ethan. He comes running to the car, his backpack bouncing around. It never fails that small boy can bring a smile to my face.

He opens the back door, and climbs in, buckling into the seat. Before I can get ‘hi’ out, he goes into telling me about going to the library, and a new series he wants to read with Marc.

We head back to the apartment, and Ethan bolts from the car, because he knows Marc is there.

Dad, Dad,” he hollers running through the door. He can barely get out about his new books, because he’s so excited. Once he finishes he asks, “If we have any extra money on payday can we get the first book?”

I hang my head. I felt so ashamed. No other six year old would ask that.

I promise you on payday, we’ll get them. Now go change, we need to go get something to eat, and get to the game.” Marc instructs.

Ethan picks up his bag, and runs to his room.

I’m the worst mother,” I shift against, the wall.

Nope, you’re the best mother. Now,” he kisses me. “Tell me what happened today.”

I told him everything that the female inspector and I even told me that I’m losing my mind with worry.

Stop thinking about it, and let’s go enjoy a game tonight, with our son.” He cups my face, and slips his tongue in my mouth. “And then we need to come home and have some more alone time.” He wags his one eyebrow at me.

The blush colors my cheeks, as Ethan squeezes in between us, hugging my hips. “What are you doing, Ethan?”

I’m happy.” He says with glee in his voice.

I ruffle his hair. “I’m glad.”

But, I’m also hungry.” Ethan declares.

Let us change, and then we’ll go.” I kiss the top of his head, and Marc, and I head upstairs to get ready.



I’m thankful that the Eagles didn’t lose because I knew it would have been because of me. I’m able to keep my mind busy yesterday, but today I’m a wreck. Marc’s with me, and I thank the Hockey Gods, that he’s home this week.

We walk into the courthouse, and meet up with Rachel outside the room where our hearing will take place. I’m shaking as if I’m about to face a firing squad.

The bailiff calls us in, and it’s the first time I notice Trey and his uncle on the bench. We all walk in, and Rachel guided us to our seats.

I’m Judge Kerr,” the middle-aged man, announces when he comes into the room. “You may be seated. Ms. Silver, nice to see you again,” he nods to Rachel. “Mr. Stone, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. Welcome to my courtroom.”

Thank you, Your Honor.” Mr. Stone says.

Great, now that we’re all introduced, let’s get down to business.” He opens the file on his desk. “This is for Mr. Trey Stone to have full, established custody of the minor child, Ethan Drake.” He states for the record. “I’ve read everything that has been filed, and I have some questions. Ms. Drake, excuse me, Mrs. Kane,” he looks at me over his wire rimmed glasses.

Yes, sir,” I answer back.

Has the child remained in your custody since birth?”


Any child protective issues?”


The child goes to school at Chicago Prep?”


He picks up a paper from the file. “It seems you were behind in some payments, but Mr. Kane has taken care of that, correct?”

Yes,” I’m trying to focus on his questions but all I want to do is scream ‘don’t take my son’.

The judge flips through more papers. “You’ve been behind in a lot of situations. Why is that?” He stares me down.

I have no family to help, and I did the best I could with the income I have coming in.” I divulge to him.

He nods, not saying anything.

Mr. Kane,” he opens up another folder. “You’re Canadian?”

Yes, I’m here on an O-1 Visa.” Marc’s voice is firm. He knew the judge would already be aware that it’s a special Visa for professional sport players.

I see that,” he pulls up a copy of the paperwork. “You’re a hockey player, right?”

Yes, I’m the goalie for Chicago Eagles.”

Judge Kerr nods. “Your contract states that you’ll be here for at least the next five years?”

Yes,” he confirms.

And you two were married a few days ago?”

My clients,” Rachel cuts in. “Had planned to marry later, but they decided to move up the date.”

Interesting,” he eyes Rachel, but she doesn’t back down.

Mr. Trey Stone, you work for an advertising firm?” Judge Kerr directs his look to the other table.

Yes, been there three years.”

You have a house in Cicero, four cars, a cabin in Wisconsin, and a very large savings account.”

Your Honor,” Trey’s uncles interjects. “Those winnings came from a Las Vegas trip last month. Typically, he wouldn’t have that.”

Vegas?” He purses his lips, nodding. “Mrs. Kane have you been to Vegas?”

I shake my head. “No, sir.”

Intriguing,” he flips through more papers. “So, Mr. Stone you’re claiming that Mrs. Kane is an unfit mother, due to living condition, and her mental and physical health, correct?”

Yes,” Trey’s voice cracks slightly.

Mrs. Kane, you have recently been hospitalized due to dehydration and lack of eating, true?” He pins me with his look.

Mrs. Kane wasn’t eating to hide the fact that she didn’t have the financial means to feed her son, and herself.” Rachel speaks for me.

The judge scratches his head, and looks at all of us. “Where is Ethan now?”

The child’s at school.” Rachel answers.

Have him here in an hour; I want to speak with him.” He shuts the file. “We’re dismissed until then.” He stands, as we do, and walks back into the other room.

The one thing I didn’t want to happen is about too. Ethan’s going to have to talk to the judge.

Charity, call the school, and tell them Max is going to get Ethan.” Rachel instructs when we get into the hall. I nod, pulling out my phone.

For the next forty-five minutes, I pace the hall, waiting for Max to bring Ethan. Rachel’s sitting on the bench answering emails, and Marc is watching every move I make. I know that he’s as nervous as I am.

Mom, Dad,” Ethan’s runs to us, like he always does, with a large smile. “I got to leave early, isn’t that cool?”

The tears are at the edge of my eyes, and I can’t speak.

That’s really cool, buddy.” Marc answers, picking him up.

I see Rachel go over to the secretary, letting her know that Ethan’s here. Right away, the bailiff calls us all into the room.

The judge is standing in the middle of the room when we walk in. He strolls right over to Marc, who’s still holding Ethan.

Hey, little man,” He smiles at him. “My name is Judge Kerr, what’s yours?”

Ethan tilts his head a little, studying him, before saying, “Ethan Drake.”

It’s nice to meet. How about you and I talk for a little bit, and let your parents step outside, okay?” I watch Ethan shrink closer to Marc, unsure of what to say. “Ms. Silver, will still be in here, and Mr. Stone, alright?” Judge Kerr says in a more comforting voice.

Miss Rachel will be here?” Ethan’s voice sounds scared.

Yes, I promise she will be. May we talk? I want to ask you a few questions.”

Finally, Ethan nods.

Good, parents out in the hall, attorneys you may stay.”

Marc sits Ethan down, and I slide off his back pack, while Marc fixes his tie, and jacket.

Come on Ethan,” Judge Kerr sticks out his hand.

He looks back at me and I smile, and nod, showing him that it’s okay. Ethan’s tiny hand clasps the larger hand, and they go further into the courtroom.

It’ll be fine,” Rachel assures us, as we head back to the hallway.

I collapse on the bench, when the door is shut and Ethan’s in there alone with the judge. I cling to his bag, as if it’ll bring me the comfort that I’m seeking.

I feel like I’m in a dream and I can’t save anyone. My son is everything to me, and I can’t see any part of my life without him.

Rachel won’t let anything happen to him, Charity.” Max says sitting next to me.

Yeah, she’ll kick him in the nuts.” Marc chuckles, trying to make me feel better.

I give him a fake smile, before laying my head on his shoulder.

Time has stopped. Each second is like an eternity, and I don’t think they’ll ever come out of the room. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so helpless.

Almost an hour later, the door opens, and Ethan’s laugh carries through the hall. Marc and I jump up, racing to him.

Oh, my baby,” I kneel holding him tight.

It’s okay, Mom, he’s a nice guy.” Ethan informs us.

Alright, Ethan, you stay out here with Mr. Max, and then we’ll be back in just a little bit.” Rachel tells him.

Okay,” he hugs us both, before taking his backpack, and climbing on the bench next to Max.

We follow Rachel back into the courtroom, and Judge Kerr is sitting making notes, and talking to his clerk. We sit in silence, until he looks up.

I’m going to say a few things, and I have a few questions, and then I’ll be able to make my ruling today.” He gives us a tight smile. He hands a couple papers to the girl sitting next to him, and points at something. She nods, and takes it from him.

First, Mrs. Kane, you should be very proud of your son. He’s smart, funny, and very healthy. I commend you on that. With that being said, he’s a talkative child, and informed me of a few things.”

I suck in my breath, as Marc holds my hand tight.

Ethan explained that you were in the hospital because you give him all the food. He told me how you sold your clothes and jewelry to make sure he stayed in his school. So, Mr. Stone your part of the petition of Mrs. Kane’s well-being is false. She’s a mother, and she was doing all she could for her son. Now, Mr. Kane,” he looks down at his notes. “Ethan told me about how you read to him every night, even on the computer.”

Yes,” Marc nods.

He loves to read.” Judge Kerr chuckles, as we did too.

Yes he does,” Marc adds.

Ethan thinks very highly of you, and he’s very proud to call you dad.” He tells Marc.

I’m very honored for that title.” Marc says, and his voice cracks.

I looked over the child services report, and the Kane’s house is in good living conditions. Ethan has his own room, it’s a safe building, and I don’t see any problems with the living conditions. So,” he tosses the paper to the side. “This brings us to child support and visitation.”

I hear Trey’s harsh whispers to Mr. Stone, and look over. His face is red.

Is there a problem, Mr. Stone?” The judge looks at him.

You said ‘child support’, right?”

Yes, you have a duty to financially care for your child, Mr. Stone.”

But she’s married to Marc Kane.” He points over to me, gritting his teeth.

It doesn’t matter if she’s married to Bill Gates; your duty is to the child.” He growls back at him. “Now,” he reaches out his hand out, and the clerk hands him a folder. “These are just rough numbers, but with all of Mr. Stone’s assets, and savings,”

What?” Trey exclaims, cutting of the judge.

I don’t appreciate your out bursts.” Judge Kerr narrows his eyes.

That’s my stuff.” He tells him.

And for the past, almost, seven years, your child hasn’t seen a dime of it. Now you owe it to him, or you can go to jail.”

Jail?” Trey’s voice cracks. “Why…why would I go to jail?”

Because in the State of Illinois if you don’t pay child support, you go to jail,” He explains.

Your Honor,” Rachel stands so fast, it makes me jump. “We have a solution.”

Judge Kerr takes a deep breath. “And what is that, Ms. Silver?”

If Mr. Stone will sign over all his parental right to Mrs. Kane so Mr. Kane could legally adopt him, we would plead with the court to not press charges for the back child support?”

I turn and look at Marc, and his eyes are as wide as mine.

I’ll do that,” Trey yells.

Mr. Stone, you do understand that mean you have no legal ties to Ethan, correct?” Judge Kerr questions.

Fine, whatever, just don’t take my stuff, or put me in jail.” Trey whines.

Ms. Silver, I’m going to play a hunch that you have something already written up. Am I right?” He smirks at her.

You’re correct, Your Honor.” Rachel pulls out two sets of papers. She hands one to Mr. Stone, and the other to the judge. Rachel winks at us, when she comes back to the table.

Everyone looks over the papers, and my ears are ringing from the sounds of paper shuffling.

Mr. Stone, what do you say?” Judge Kerr asks.

We agree.” Mr. Stone nods.

Go ahead, everyone and sign the papers.”

Rachel hands me a pen, and points at the line, and does the same for Marc. We do that three more times, until everyone had finished.

Mr. Stone, as of this moment, you no longer have any ties to Ethan Drake.” Judge Kerr turns to us. “Mr. and Mrs. Kane congrats, it’s a boy.” He jokes, slamming his gavel.

I’m sure that I’m about to pass out, as my head hits the table, and the tears escape me. Marc pulls me to him, and I feel the wetness on my neck.

Let’s go, you two,” Rachel pulls on our arms, and we break apart. We race to get to Ethan, and I can’t wait to tell him the news.

His big green eyes connect with mine, and I can’t believe that I don’t have to worry about us ever again. I scoop him into my arms, clinging to him like a life line.

Now,” Rachel pats my shoulder getting my attention. “I need to go file these, and it’ll be a month or two before the adoption is official.”

We both nod.

Miss Rachel, are we all going to the Pizza Palace?” Ethan turns in my arms and asks.

Yep and your dad’s buying.” She winks before leaving with Max to head to the clerk’s office.

Ethan, we have good news.” Marc says, guiding me to sit down. “The judge said that you’re staying with us, and that I can be dad all the time.”

Yea,” Ethan jumps up and down on my knees. “That’s great. We’re really a family.”

We circle ourselves into a hug, and the love pours around us.

My life had been nothing, but shattered pieces, until now.

Now, I have everything