In the chart on the two following pages, the privileged, subsidiary, and main motions are listed in order of rank, the motion at the top taking precedence over all the others, and each of the remaining ones taking precedence over all those below it. A main motion is in order only when no other motion is pending.
When a given one of the motions listed is immediately pending, then: (a) any other motion appearing above it in the list is in order, unless a condition stated opposite the other motion causes that motion to be out of order; and (b) motions listed below the given motion which are not already pending are out of order (except for the application of Amend or the Previous Question to certain motions ranking above them as noted in the next paragraph; see also Standard Characteristic 2, 12:7(2) and 16:5(2)).
With respect to arrowed lines in the chart, () indicates applicability of all of the subsidiary motions to the main motion; (
), applicability of Amend to certain other motions in the order of precedence; (
), applicability of Limit or Extend Limits of Debate to debatable motions in the order of precedence; and (
), applicability of the Previous Question to the motions that are debatable or amendable.