• Which Are Not Debatable and Not Amendable

Adjourn (when privileged; 21)

Amend an amendment to an undebatable motion (12)

Appeal, if it: (a) relates to indecorum or a transgression of the rules of speaking; (b) relates to the priority of business; or (c) is made when an undebatable question is immediately pending or involved in the appeal (24)

Authorize a motion outside society’s object (10:26(2))

Blank in an undebatable motion, proposals for filling (12:92–113)

Call for a Division of the Assembly (29)

Call for separate vote(s) on one or more of a series of unrelated resolutions which have been offered by a single motion (10:25, 27:10), or on one or more of a series of amendments on which the chair has stated the question in gross (12:14, 27:11, 51:48(b), 52:13, 52:23)

Call for the Orders of the Day (18)

Call up a motion to Reconsider, or a motion to Reconsider and Enter on the Minutes (37)

Calling a member to order (61:11)

Dispense with reading of the minutes (48:11)

Grant permission to continue speaking after indecorum (61:11)

Lay on the Table (17)

Objection to the Consideration of a Question (26)

Parliamentary Inquiry (33:3–5)

Point of Order (except one referred to assembly by chair on which appeal would be debatable, or one where debate is permitted at chair’s discretion by way of explanation; 23)

Previous Question (16)

Raise a Question of Privilege (19)

Receive a report (51:28)

Reconsider an undebatable motion (37)

Request for Information (33:6–10)

Request for Permission to Modify a Motion (33:11–13, 33:19)

Requests or motions to grant requests, in these cases:

For Permission to Withdraw a Motion (33:11–18)

For Permission to Read Papers (33:20–21)

For Any Other Privilege (33:22)

Rise, or Rise and Report, in a committee of the whole (52:4ff.)

Suspend the Rules (25)

Take from the Table (34)

Take up a question out of its proper order (14:11; 25; 41:37–39)

Take up minutes after their reading has been dispensed with (48:11)

• Which Are Not Debatable but Are Amendable

Amend an undebatable motion (12)

Arrange order of consideration of bylaw amendments (57:6)

Consider by Paragraph or Seriatim (28)

Division of a Question (27)

Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn (when privileged; 22)

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate (15)

Motions relating to methods of voting and the polls (30)

Motions relating to nominations (31)

Recess (when privileged; 20)

Take measures to obtain a quorum (when privileged; 40)

• Which Are Not Amendable but Are Debatable

Amend an amendment to a debatable motion (12)

Appeal, in all cases except those listed at the top of the facing page as undebatable (24)

Blank in a debatable motion, proposals for filling (12:92–113)

Nominations, to make (46)

Postpone Indefinitely (11)

Question of Order, when it has been referred to the assembly by the chair and an appeal on the same point would be debatable (see above, and 23)

Reconsider a debatable motion (37)

• On Which Debate Can Go into Merits of the Main Question or the Question Which Is the Subject of the Proposed Action

Amend Something Previously Adopted (35)

Discharge a Committee (36)

Fix the time at which a motion shall take effect (10; 12; 57:15–17)

Postpone Indefinitely (11)

Ratify (10:54–57)

Reconsider a debatable motion (37)

Rescind (35)