Motions marked † may also be adopted by a vote of a majority of the entire membership, even if previous notice has not been given.

Adopt agenda or program at a session already having an order of business, if it contains special orders or conflicts with the existing order of business (10, 41)

Adopt parliamentary authority in an organized society if the bylaws do not designate one, previous notice also being required (2:14–22; 10)

Adopt parliamentary standing rules in a convention (10; 59:27ff.)

Adopt special rules of order, previous notice also being required (2:14–22; 10)

Amend an adopted agenda or program (35; 41; 59:59)

Amend or Rescind adopted constitution or bylaws containing no provision for own amendment, previous notice also being required (35, 57)

Amend or Rescind adopted nonparliamentary standing rule in a convention, if notice has not been given on at least the preceding day (35; 59:27ff.)

Amend or Rescind adopted parliamentary standing rule in a convention (35; 59:27ff.)

Amend or Rescind adopted special rules of order (2:22; 35), previous notice also being required

Amend or Rescind Something Previously Adopted (general case, including ordinary standing rules), when previous notice has not been given (35)

Amend or Rescind Something Previously Adopted, in a committee when someone who voted for the motion to be rescinded or amended is absent and has not been notified of the motion to Amend or Rescind (35)

Authorize a motion outside society’s object (10:26(2))

Close nominations (31)

Close the polls (30)

Discharge a Committee, if previous notice, or a partial report, has not been given (36)

Expel from membership, notice and a trial being also required unless the offense is committed in a meeting of the assembly (61)

Extend time for consideration of pending question (18), or time until scheduled adjournment or recess (20, 21)

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate (15)

Make a special order (14, 41)

Objection to the Consideration of a Question (26) (two-thirds against consideration sustains the objection)

Order the reading of a subordinate board’s minutes, when previous notice has not been given (49:17–19)

Previous Question (16)

Reconsider in committee, when someone who voted with the prevailing side is absent and has not been notified that the reconsideration will be moved (37:35)

Refuse to proceed to the orders of the day (18)

Remove from office where trial is not required (see 62:16), and previous notice has not been given

Suspend the Rules (25)

Take up a question out of its proper order, or take up an order of the day before the time for which it has been set (14:11; 25; 41)